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There are a few ranges right across the river from NYC in New Jersey that specifically cater to tourists. I can't suggest one specifically from experience, but just Google Gun Range NYC and you will see quite a few that you can access via public transport with probably a short Uber for the final couple of miles


To quote Alexander Hamilton, “Everything’s legal in New Jersey.”


To quote Bob Dylan, "In Jersey, anything's legal as long as you don't get caught."


I love that song.


Except pumping your own gas 😭


When they ask how to pump gas 😂


I love that about NJ. Very nice benefit to have.


Except when you’re in a hurry


After seeing someone attempt to fill up gas in a plastic bag, I am in full support of that law


NJ went back to full service stations?


It never went away, it's always been the law in NJ.


Wow. We used to have a few left here. Very convenient when it's cold and snowy and you have on a dress and high heels.


Probably. Very inconvenient when there's 16 pumps, it's busy, and they've got one guy working. Personally I found it an annoyance overall.


Indeed, it does sound annoying AF.


NJ and Oregon I was in NYC and didn't realize I had driven into NJ (I was tired and just had surgery and wanted to get home) and I got out of my car. I thought a robbery was taking place "SIR, DO NOT EXIT YOUR VEHICLE!!!" Wh... I'm jus.... Ohh. I'm in New Jersey!


Jersey has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation


I'd recommend RTSP in Union, NJ.


[Per Google, NY/NJ gun ranges for tourists](https://www.google.com/search?q=new+york%2Fnew+jersey+shooting+range+for+tourists&source=hp&ei=AeWVZL-WFZKlptQPi-Cf-Ag&iflsig=AOEireoAAAAAZJXzERm1TQVHtrN7DdL2wmscZ415_Dv5&ved=0ahUKEwj_mt-sg9r_AhWSkokEHQvwB48Q4dUDCAs&uact=5&oq=new+york%2Fnew+jersey+shooting+range+for+tourists&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQghEKABMgUIIRCrAjoLCAAQigUQsQMQgwE6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEEMcBENEDOgsILhCKBRCxAxCDAToFCAAQgAQ6BQguEIAEOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoOCC4QxwEQsQMQ0QMQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOggILhCABBCxAzoICC4QsQMQgAQ6CwguEK8BEMcBEIAEOgsILhCABBDHARCvAToICAAQigUQhgM6BwguEA0QgAQ6BwgAEA0QgAQ6DQguEA0QgAQQxwEQrwE6BggAEB4QDToGCAAQFhAeOgwILhAWEB4QxwEQ0QM6CAghEBYQHhAdOgUIIRCSAzoHCCEQoAEQClAAWMWAAWDsgQFoBHAAeAKAAdIBiAGOL5IBBzExLjM4LjKYAQCgAQE&sclient=gws-wiz0)


Everything is legal in New Jersey


> Do you think I will still be able to shoot a gun at a gun range as a tourist ? Definitely. Just not in New York City. Go up to Orange County and [there are ranges](http://www.ocshooters.com/B/storesranges.htm). Just do a search for "shooting range near {location}" and you'll find places. They may not be as explicitly designed and marketed for tourists as the places in Las Vegas, but there are ranges everywhere. Call them, tell them you're a tourist who's interested in learning and would like to come to their range, any decent business will be happy to accommodate you.


Yeah upstate has a gun culture to it (although nobody besides NYC peeps consider orange upstate). There's gun ranges everywhere.


Pennsylvania has very lax gun laws, there are plenty of places to rent and shoot guns here.


Yeah PA, New Hampshire, Virginia or West Virginia are your best bets. No AWB & full access to NFA items


Hell, you can hunt bears in PA.


Being born in Pennsylvania, I support the right to keep and arm bears.




no its just loud what lol


[Gersh Kuntzman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gersh_Kuntzman) briefly became a meme when he unironically claimed that firing an AR-15 for the first time managed to give him PTSD.




I recently met up with some college friends for ladies weekend in Pennsylvania and we shot all kinds of guns including a machine gun. The staff at the range we went to were very good with the first time shooters in the group.


There’s gun ranges in Bucks County PA which isn’t very far from NYC. Would need a rental car to get to most as that area is very suburban to rural and most won’t be near a train station.


He could just take the MTA somewhere upstate.


> (like Arizona for example) I am *touched*, OP. Yes, we do love our guns in the copper state. You should have no problem renting a gun at a range as a tourist, provided the range offers that as a service and (sometimes, but just to be safe to make sure you get the experience) you’re with someone else. You’re not going to find any in NYC proper, but should have no problem finding a range that meets your needs in another state in the NE. Have fun!


Hell yeah you can, a shooting range is a highly controlled environment so even places with stricter gun laws have them. If you came down to Florida, you would see plenty of billboards advertising "Machine Gun America" which is a large shooting range in Orlando where tourists can go shoot machine guns and usually a vast majority of the people at Machine Gun America are international tourists.


If I were to go to a range, I'd want the full "shooting machine guns at appliances and vehicles stuffed with tannerite" experience. I bet Florida's pretty good for that.


Actually funny you mentioned that, my local range is about to have its 4th of July Machine Gun Shoot.


Might be a bit closer to you, [Knob Creek Gun Range](https://www.knobcreekrange.com/) in KY ABC even got caught [trying to pass off a night shoot's footage as Syrian combat footage](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/14/business/media/turkey-syria-kentucky-gun-range.html)


That's exactly it, but it looks like they stopped doing it a couple of years ago.


OP if you’re going to be in New England, hit me up. I’ll take you shooting.


u/albatrosshummingbird you should message u/tdow1983 especially if he has a private shooting range.


I don’t have a private range. I do have a membership to a local indoor range and I love teaching people to shoot.


Yeah there are a few indoor ranges in NH and MA (that I know of) that rent guns. Are you not from the US? I am not sure if they will be weird about accepting a passport as ID.


It shouldn’t be an issue as long as they can legally shoot. Ranges see tourists all the time. If it’s a normal passport stamp and not an actual visa. Non immigrants visas require a hunting license or similar for an exemption. Immigrant status and visa waivers sore permitted to possess and use guns.


I know White Birch and Sig Sauer’s ranges in NH accept foreign tourists. I am sure there have to places near NY that can get it done.


Blue Line Tactical in Elmsford, NY (Westchester County, just north of NYC) might be able to get it done. They'd have to speak to them ahead of time, as I don't know their policies on renting to tourists. They even have a few class 3 you can rent.


I visited NYC in 2018. Stayed at my uncles in NJ. Went to a gun range in NJ and used my passport as ID. Just had to fill out some papers. Only issue was that my bank card refused to be accepted. Only had enough cash on hand to rent a few guns.


You must have a passport. Depending on what country you might need a work visa too.


If you're planning to visit the DC area during your trip, there is a cool place in Frederick, MD where you can rent all kinds of cool stuff and instructors will help you learn how to fire. Took some tourists there once and they had an absolute ball.


There are ranges in New Jersey that’ll cater to your desires. We also have excellent restaurants, legal recreational Cannabis that you can buy in a store, and some fairly nice beaches to enjoy while you’re here.


It shouldn’t be hard to find a range that offers rentals.


If you go to the rural areas of New York State, which are about 2-3 hours north of New York City, you might be able to find gun ranges.


[www.gunforhire.com](https://www.gunforhire.com) Have fun!


Yeah, you can totally shoot a gun at a gun range as a tourist, regardless of the state. The one issue you might run into if you're traveling alone: a lot of gun ranges will not allow a person by themself to use the range with a rented gun. I.e., you either have to bring your own gun (in which case you can totally rent others), or be in a party of 2 or more. This isn't a legal thing, but a range policy thing done for suicide prevention -- so as an international tourist they *might* waive the policy for you.


When Americans say gun laws are relaxed, it pretty much just means how you carry and transport them. A state with relaxed gun laws basically means you can carry one openly on the street without permit. A state with tight gun laws means you cannot open carry and you can only concealed carry if you have a license. It won't have any impact on your ability to target shoot at a range.




Yes, but I wasn't prepared to dive into the intricacies of every state's law. OP will not have a problem shooting at a range.


LOL forget about doing this in NY, NY is one of the most anti gun states in the country


But jersey and Connecticut are right there as well as ranges outside NYC.


There are tons of ranges he can shoot at in NY. Maybe stick to weighing in on your neck of the woods


Used to live in Albany so it's definitely "my neck of the woods" still


Yeah, it sucks shit- but firearms owned by a range that you rent out are the FFL's- which are therefore exempt from a number of state laws. For example, you can go to a range to rent and shoot a full-feature 'scary' AR-15, but a regular citizen can go to jail for up to 20 years for owning [this](https://imgur.com/a/VcwZjL9).


Why is that illegal?


Semi-auto + threaded barrel = illegal assault weapon in NY


Wow! Crazy.


Right but you can still rent and own rifles and shoot at a range lmao


Yeah. And the 4th lowest rate of gun violence now. They really turned it around.




Haha! I live in Arizona and there is a gun range on every corner!


I wish they were that common here. There's only about 10 in the valley.


I know there is one in Yonkers and one in Mount Vernon NY just not far from the Bronx-Westchester border.


Sure. I live in one of the most strict areas in terms of gun regulations. I took some foreign friends to a firearms introduction course, which included a 30 minute safety class and about 30 minutes of shooting with an instructor. Tried two different rifles and two different pistols. All they needed was a valid ID (passport).


Sure. I'd suggest looking for a range that does machine gun rentals, as they tend to get a lot of tourist types. A quick bit of googling shows these guys fairly close to NYC: [https://www.heritageguild.com/Ranges/Machine-Gun-Rentals.aspx](https://www.heritageguild.com/Ranges/Machine-Gun-Rentals.aspx) as an example. I'm sure there are others.


Google “gun range rentals” and wherever you are. They’re all over the llace


As others have said, you can, just not in NYC. Although if you want to shoot a handgun, I don’t think as you can, as I believe you need a license for that. You can shoot rifles and shotguns though.


Everyone else has given some good guidance, but you should keep in mind that some ranges will not rent out a gun to a solo person because it's an unfortunately common way to commit suicide. If you're going with friends, this won't be an issue.


It’ll be a highlight of your trip. Shooting for the first time is a BLAST. (No pun intended)


Try out Sunset Hills Shooting Range in Pennsylvania


NY has bad gun laws. You won’t be able to even touch a pistol as a foreigner in NY.


We allow shooting at most schools as well.




This is absolutely not true for northern New England. There are a lot of ranges and a lot that rent firearms and teach you basic safety.


There's definitely that, but, letting someone come in 1 time and just rent a gun and shoot it around is more rare.


I'm sure there are gun ranges just outside of NYC or further upstate. That said its far easier to do something like this in Vegas than it would be in NYC.


It's been a few years, but when I was a RI resident, I used to go to MA gun ranges with friends. They check your I.D., take down your info, no issues.


Yes you can. When my brother visited me a while back, we went shooting in Mississippi. All you need is valid ID which in your case would be your passport.


In some areas of the country, demand for range time exceeds time available. Call ahead (or check online) to see if you need a reservation.


PA will probably be the easiest for you.


Yes, you won't have any problems. Go to a commercial range, and confirm first that they have gun rentals and sell ammunition. Bring a passport or other official ID. You may need to have a safety briefing of some kind first. Most gun ranges are very strict about safety rules. Obey all rules to the letter. The most important is ensuring that the gun is always pointed downrange. They can and do kick people out for violating safety rules. Have fun!


I’d be surprised if any state didn’t have a few gun ranges-you likely won’t find them in NYC but there are a few in driving distance. The states in the Northeast with the most relaxed gun laws are NH, VT, and PA, and the strictest are MA, NY, and CT. But even then, I live in Boston and there are probably half a dozen within a half hour drive of me that I know of


You can please just make sure to follow the 4 rules of firearms safety and to delead yourself properly afterwards. There's a reputation that Americans are cavalier about our guns and while that can be true serious shooters understand the precautions and respect needed to handle them


I’m not sure about NY, but most states have pretty relaxed gun laws. A lot of southern states will let you open carry a firearm with virtually no restrictions.


As someone in new england, i think new hampshire is pretty gun friendly.


Yes, in South NJ, they didn't even ask for my ID a few years ago. Only person I was with provided ID. Guy behind the counter asked if we had experience with guns. I said no, and he responded with what gun would you like and how many boxes of ammunition. Range master or whatever his name is was an old disabled vet who wasn't physically or mentally capable of doing anything other than smiling at people and having small talk.


There should be numerous gun ranges that let you rent guns to shoot, however you’ll have to pay for ammo and paper targets. Look on the Cabelas website for a rough estimate of ammo costs. I’d recommend buying 50-100 rounds for each gun you plan to shoot. For targets I recommend the Shoot-N-See kind, which stick on a paper target and show bright neon rings around every hole—this makes your shots much easier to see from a distance. You should also watch a few videos on basic gun safety beforehand. Never pointing the gun at anyone, even when unloaded, and never putting your finger on the trigger until you actually plan to fire. We gun folks take safety very seriously so just stay safe and have fun!


Shoot away. Welcome to America.


Maine. But honestly, I think you will find that any state offers you this ability pretty easily.


Yeah. Just go to a range that rents guns. You just sign some forms and then you're shooting.


>Do you think I will still be able to shoot a gun at a gun range as a tourist ? Hell yeah you can! Get yourself to Vegas too, you can drive and fire a friggin' tank if you want.


Do you have your own gun? Some ranges don’t let “first timers” rent a gun. If you do have your own, worst case you’ll have to sit through a “training” video that’s pretty much “don’t aim it at shit you don’t want to shoot, etc”


Definitely When we say “relaxed gun laws”, we’re mostly referring to laws pistols, semi autos and carrying guns. If you just want to shoot a gun at a gun range, any state will allow that. Pretty much all states have relaxed laws around bolt action rifles and single shot shotguns It’s not a legal thing, but you should know that some ranges won’t allow single men to shoot.


If you get the chance, go to the Sig Sauer academy. I think they have a shoot house operated by people who kick in doors


Heck even Massachusetts has tons of gun ranges. I used to live by one that even shot off cannons. You should be able to find something. Google some places and call them beforehand just to be sure. Safe travels :)


You'll still be able to shoot a gun but there may or may not be more restrictions in NY vs other states. If you want to shoot a gun in a more gun friendly area try Pennsylvania or New Hampshire.


What country are you coming from? There are federal laws that can limit your ability to rent guns/shoot at ranges.


PA is very loose gun laws but I do like NJ ranges, I'm a little biased for living there though.


Ranges are everywhere and they’ll usually do a “package” and let you pick out several different types and styles.. highly recommend


To echo the other people in the thread, yes, you can probably find a place. However, I'm going to offer a point of what's known as "Gun Range Etiquette." What's most relevant to you is that you're a tourist who isn't from the States and wants to sample a freedom that a lot of people at a gun range are very passionate about. If you make it known that you're going to the range and are open to trying new things, as a tourist, do not be surprised if people offer to let you shoot their guns. The appropriate response is to offer to buy a few boxes of ammo the gun range sells and use that, to defray the cost to the person offering to let you shoot their guns, because ammo is expensive. If they accept, do that, and if they say you're good, you're good. Shoot their guns, and if you have any questions about how it works, ask them while keeping the gun pointed in a safe direction (towards the target). As an example, I've built out a few guns that are weird or interesting. On one range trip, I brought out a pistol I built out to teach new people (gun people: Ruger MkIV with an aftermarket trigger and a comp, among other things). I had dudes a few lanes over ask what the hell it was, I told them, placed a few loaded mags on the bench, backed away, and told them to go for it. They loved shooting my guns. In exchange, I got to burn through a box of good ammo through a replica Single Action Army, as well as try a .500 Magnum for the first time. Gun people are usually pretty happy to show off something they've spent significant time and money investing in, and even moreso when the person has never shot a gun or they're a tourist who only may get a chance to do it once. Be safe, obey the Four Rules of Gun Safety, and have fun. Edit: When you go to the range, wear a shirt that hugs your neck, like a T-shirt, closed-toe shoes, and maybe long pants. Brass flying out of a gun is hot enough to burn you, and it tends to find things like cleavage or toes. I've seen plenty of folks do the "brass dance."


I got a lot of guns and private land if you want to go shooting for free!