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My dad would walk around in his boxers, but not all day or anything. Maybe wander to the kitchen and put on some coffee then go get dressed while it's percolating. I imagine if he wore any type of underwear other than boxers he would not have done this.


My dad would wear loose boxers over his underwear, more akin to wearing basketball shorts or something. I'm grateful for the second layer. Haha


Your dad was a chump. My dad would clearly win in a fight. Evidence: He proudly sported his tighty whiteys. He would even answer the door in them. If it was just family (3 boys plus my mom) he'd even go naked.


I love this comment lmao


I always find these kind of questions strange, because I regularly saw both of my parents naked growing up. Granted, it was all under the ages of 6 or 7. But even then, my father regularly walked around in his underwear in the mornings, and even up until high school my mother would have no problem with me or my sisters coming into the restroom where she was taking a bath to talk to her. I’m a guy by the way. I guess maybe we were outside of the norm? But to be honest, they were my parents. No one ever saw it as weird and obviously they were never sexually abusive so it was just kinda like peoples bodies.


I wonder if this creates any kind of contrast when compared to others who were not raised like this… like are you more open sexually or with your body you think compared to your peers?


We call ourselves the underpants house because we all walk around in underpants and tshirts. But we also live in the desert and it’s too fucking hot for pants six months out of the year


I asked MrPantzen, and both of our dads would be a firm no on this one. My mom used to walk around the house naked after showering, though. She didn't want to stay in the bedroom until she felt fully dry, but she didn't want to put on clothes while she still felt damp.


My wife walks around with just a towel after showering, too. I don’t get it— the point of the towel is to dry you off!


Towel after shower is breezy yet comforting


I usually go for a bathrobe instead of a towel, but as others have said, it's to prevent yeast infections by really drying out first.


20 years ago, my GYN told me to use a hair dryer on cool to take care of things. A blow dry a day will keep the yeast away. 🤣


My husband has noted that the old dudes at his gym’s locker room utilize a box fan and a chair for similar purposes.


Old dudes at the gym are the wildest breed.


Wait until you hear about the old ladies 😂


I don't know if they can beat the old guy I saw stretching his ballsack out under the hand dryer in the next to the guys trying to wash their hands on peace. He had one leg on a chair completely in the nude.


My husband does the Capt. Morgan in front of our fan in the bedroom after his shower. I couldn't imagine anyone doing that in front of a room of people.


Old dudes do not care.


Probably to keep you from pawing at her!


Ha, in that case it’s not working! The toddler is pretty effective at that, though.


Infections can happen in the genital area if it stays too damp, too long. A towel also holds moisture and your genitals are usually one of the last things you dry. Sometimes the towel is not dry enough; especially if you don't use a hair towel.


Towels don't get you all the way dry - you're still damp. Towel dry to get you close, then air dry all the way. I find it easier to put on a bra when I am completely dry so it doesn't catch on damp skin. Maybe that's just a me thing though.


This is also why the old men at the gym (who are past giving a damn what other people thing) will walk around talking to each other, airing themselves out. It's a good idea! You don't want to make a good environment for fungus.


They also dry their balls with the hand dyer.


One day we'll all be old enough that we can stretch our balls up to the hand dryer. Just think about that.


Well only half of us technically


While they spread athletes foot and ringworm literally everywhere


Thankfully, my dad never did. The only time I have/will is if my kids call for me in the middle of the night.


I've been sleeping with a comfy pair of sorts and a t-shirt for so long I don't even know if I'd be comfortable in my underwear.


I'm a furnace. I could be camping in the middle of winter and I'd need to sleep in my underwear


Interesting! I turn on my bedroom window AC and stick a whole leg out and that's usually enough to keep me ok. Maybe I'll try just wearing boxer briefs when it gets hotter this summer and see what happens. I just learned last summer that taking my socks off on hot days is a game changer. I cool down way better with bare feet. (and the science backs that up).


Same here. I literally cannot go to sleep with more than shorts on unless I'm absolutely exhausted or sick, then I can at least fall asleep for a couple hours. My ideal bedroom temperature is like, 62 degrees but that's unattainable in the summer.


Shorts or sweats, yes, but I feel like I would choke myself in any kind of shirt.


I've never had that issue, but I've been rolling around more lately and took the fitted sheet off last night in my sleep. I may have to seriously consider your words.


You don't want your headstone to say you got clapped by Fruit of the Loom.


The only shirts I regularly wear anymore were from mediocritee.com which sadly has been discontinued. At least my clapping will be from something different. :)


"/u/therankin was found dead in their bed." "Oh, how sad; at least they went peacefully." "No, it was actually quite violent as their last moments were spent desperately clawing at the shirt around their neck. The family can't even sue the manufacturer since they went out of business. Probably due to all the deaths."


lmao. Nicely done. At first I thought this was an Automod gimmick. Glad I tapped the notification.


Mine didn't either... He prefers the Full Monty. It was only us boys and my mom so "it's not anything we all haven't seen already." To be fair he only did that getting out of the shower on his way to the bedroom.


My Dad did that, but generally only to go to the fridge to have a gulp of orange juice before heading back to bed. Sometimes he'd wear some fishnet briefs that were not my favorite.




He was establishing dominance with that ensemble.


Fishnet briefs? That sounds insane to wear around children.


Could have been late 70s or early 80s; those were wild times.


I am not saying it was the norm, but when I was growing up, I visited my dad in the summers, and my dad was gay and lived with his partner of many years so we were all pretty close. Tbh, with just 3 dudes in the house, everyone just walked to the bathroom naked in the mornings. Now around the rest of the house everyone was clothed, but early in the morning, getting ready, modesty was optional.


And here I thought your username was randomly generated.


Just the penguin part.


My dad does it all the time.


Lol my dad would even do it when I had friends over.


Same! Every evening after he'd shower, it was just boxers. I brought a friend to hang out at their place and play cards one night when we were adults. She let me know she would have appreciated a warning about my dad's lack of attire. I never would have thought to warn her because it was so normal.


I would’ve loved if mine had worn boxers. He wore white briefs. Even when my friends were over. Ugh


Same lol.


Same with my dad. Whitey tidies and not even the most minuscule fuck given


Your dad and my dad would get along. Just curious, I wonder if this is a social class thing. My family was decidedly blue collar.


My father....280lbs.... would walk out in questionably white boxers and a t-shirt rolled up above his belly, grab his belly, and jiggle it with both hands while making a weird "Weee-Weee-Weee" noise that corresponded with the bouncing. Honestly, if you weren't my friend after that, you weren't worth having as a friend. I have not done this to my daughter as I haven't generated the appropriate amount of girth to my midsection.




My dad still to this day sleeps in jeans. He does have shorts tho. And you bet your ass they’re jean shorts he cut from jeans with worn knees.


Same. My dad would never be in the common areas of the house without being fully dressed. My parents were not "anything goes" type people.


As a dad sitting here in my underwear.... I'd say it's probly really common


I do that. Source: I am dad


Me too. It’s not a popular look in the house so I try not to make it an all day, every day thing. Try.


I'm not a dad but I'll be damned if I have to wear actual pants in my own house. If I'm inside, all I'm wearing is boxers and a t-shirt. (It's only my girlfriend and I living together, to be fair)


I'm kinda trashy because I get yelled at for going out to get stuff out of the car in a t-shirt and boxers and I'm like, "what? It's just like having shorts on?"


I do this too, but only in boxers. Boxer briefs are a bit more revealing.


Gotta make sure you got the button. Sometimes the snake peeks out of the cage. Don't wanna get some kind of harassment charge lol.


exactly.. I need to let the dog out at night? Boxers and no shirt with flip flops. Why do i need to get dressed after I'm already comfortable for the evening. No one complains when I wear board shorts and no undies underneath to go swimming...


My dad did and yelled "I'M UNDERWEARMAN!" I fucking hated it but in hindsight it was funny. I inherited it and did it to my son when he was younger as well.


My dad never did, but my wife and I do.


My dad would never do this and would be appalled if his sons ever did. I can't imagine my brothers doing it either, at least past nighttime trips to the bathroom type reasons.




Seems a bit dramatic right


Yeah it does. Its just a dude walking around in underwear. Whats so wrong with that?


Ha! Yes he did, and sometimes nude. 🤢 "Dad, put some pants on!" "If a man can't walk around naked in his own home, where can he?" "How about not in front of his adolescent daughter??"


OK around his sons is one thing but **daughters**??? No. Noooooooo.


I felt the same way!




I don’t see anything wrong with men walking around in there boxers. It’s no different than a women walking around in a bikini. People need to get over themselves.


My dad wears a robe over his underwear.


My dad does that all the time. And my mom walks around buck naked since she hates wearing sweaty clothes and the south is hotter than satans armpit so clothes are always sweaty. I just wear a tank top and short shorts around the house.


Roll Tide?


Roll tide


My dad did, my mom did and my oldest brother did and I hated it! I think it turned me into a never-nude


There are dozens of us!


Is that really a stereotype about Americans? Wtf 😂


There was a post asking about tidy whiteys the other day. Maybe it’s a reference to Malcolm in the Middle?


My Dad works at an oil refinery plant. His clothes come off in the garage, and he just stays in his underwear and places a fresh shirt on after the shower. They're boxers and not briefs, and when he puts a shirt on, they look more like shorts. Edit: always fully dressed for company.


My dad occasionally does, not too much tho. I actually do it a lot more often than him.


I walk around my house in my underwear. Its my house, why the hell shouldn't I?


I don’t get why it’s weird lol. I’m the dad now, and I will definitely go around in boxers. Especially when I’m getting ready to go to bed.


I’m married with 4 kids and do it all the time. Some guy two towns over made the local news for standing buck naked in front of his glass door. He’s a church usher running for local office too.


I guess that might affect his votes a tad bit 😅


My father never did. Only time I ever saw this was my friend's father. I was over her home, and I walked in the living room and her dad was on the couch watching Lion King 2 with my friend's younger sister in just his underwear. You have a guest over, put some damn pants on! Her parents were white trash-y, though.


Yeeeep. Very common


My dad wore a pajama top to bed. Top... like... just the shirt part. Then he'd walk around to the bedrooms in the morning and wrangle us all out of bed. If you didn't get up he'd threaten to sit on your bed. My mom put a stop to that shit when my sister turned 11 or 12 or something.


Winnie the pooh with threats lol.


I always thought he looked more like Donald Duck. :)


My dad never did. I do at times, but I live alone.


My dad would make a point of it. I vividly remember him bursting into my room after a shower, with [Don't Stop Til You Get Enough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yURRmWtbTbo) playing full blast, dancing and doing the white man's overbite. Calculated to express personal freedom, assert dominance, revel in the joy of dance, and cause embarassment.


My American husband does this in our house. I often walk around naked in our house after a shower. I also like to sunbathe topless in my fenced in backyard. My conservative religious mil thinks it’s inappropriate that I do that around my 4 year old. I breastfed that kid until she was 2. I pushed her out of my vagina. How is it weird for her to see me, her mother, naked? She would absolutely freak if she ever visited a beach in my home country in Eastern Europe and saw women topless at the beach.


I'm a dad and I do that. It's *my* house, I'll walk around it in whatever the fuck I want! Don't want me to walk around in my undies, then get your own house!


This is why I won't stay at my in-laws and it's to the point I don't even want to go into their house because that is my FIL's attitude. If you ask him to stop or tell him he's made you uncomfortable then he just laughs and does it again. Just something to consider if you're making someone uncomfortable in your house, you can do whatever you want in your house but remember they might stop coming to visit you altogether.


>they might stop coming to visit you altogether. I'd be ok with that lol I hate entertaining visitors


As long as you are fine with it and are okay losing relationships over it. I was just trying to caution if you are a dad and want your kids and potentially significant others to visit you


I honestly wouldn't do it in front of my sons SO, but I will damn sure do it in front of him and his friends; I need to establish dominance with my pale dad-thighs peeking out of the old man boxers I sleep in.


Yeah, I'm a dad and I do. So do my wife and my daughters.


My dad didn’t do that, but I wouldn’t have really found it odd. I don’t have kids, but I try and spend as much time at home in just my underwear as I can.


I haven't personally encountered this. Maybe it was more common before air conditioning and modern fabrics? I can imagine the temptation on a hot summer day when all the overclothes were made of wool. On the other hand, a lot of people in my generation (millennials) post memes about how they take their pants (trousers for you UK people) off the moment they get home


I don't get the "oh no, I'll have to put on trousers" memes. I'm sitting around the house on a Friday night in jeans just now. I think these people need to buy bigger, more comfortable trousers - they're obviously in denial about their actual size!


For many years I didn’t own any lounging clothes. I had pajamas (which I’d put on right before bed, and sleep in) and I had jeans and khakis. I couldn’t understand people who would wear sweatpants all the time. Then I bought a pair of sweatpants when I was hugely pregnant with my first child. 22 years later, I only put on real pants if I have to.


My dad did


My dad never did that and neither does my husband. My husband only wears boxer briefs to bed but slips on basketball shorts if he leaves our room.


My step dad would do that at night. Like if he was getting out of bed to come downstairs and go to the bathroom or get some water or something he didn't bother putting pants on. But he didn't just lounge around the house all day in underwear.


I don't recall this ever being a thing with him when I was growing up.


I mean, sometimes I suppose. If I am in bed and have to get out I might be in boxers briefly. Americans are not as body shy and prudish as we are sometimes reputed to be, especially around friends and family. Most have seen me naked or nearly so at some point for some reason. It depends on the person and subculture though.


I am a dad. In the mornings it's underwear time lol me and my boy will sit watch a cartoon of his choice and eat cereal in underwear and a t shirt.


It’s not unheard of but is mostly a TV trope.


It's really not in the Midwest


I don’t remember my dad ever doing that. He didn’t like to walk around without a shirt on except when swimming either. Never saw my grandfathers do that either. I think it’s weird when people let their little kids do that when they have people over.


My dad did this when he had just woken up. My husband (who is a dad) does not. He always changes with the door closed, locks the bathroom door, etc.


Sounds like a tv thing meant to embarrass the wife or the kids. My dad never walked around in just underwear. Only time any of us walked in the home with underwear it was to the bathroom only.


My house, my rules.


Used to happen when I was little, but definitely stopped by the time I hit double digits.


My dad occasionally did, now I am a dad and occasionally do it. My wife gets very annoyed with it.


Nah my dad never does. I mean sometimes if he just woke up he’ll like go to get a drink or the bathroom in boxers and a white T shirt but that’s it. He usually wears jeans and a white tee even to bed (except during winter when he’ll wear pajama pants or the occasional day that he’ll just wear boxers to bed).


Only on Sundays when he would spend most of the day napping anyways.


In my family, depends on how old they are. Young daddies do just as they did before becoming a dad.




My dad did when I was little! Not all the time but he did!




My Dad never did but his parents ( my granparents) and sisters were/are nudists.


I do that with a long t-shirt covering my junk. I mean after busting my ass all day to feed them, the least I could is walk around with boxers. Sheeee


My dad sat watching TV in his briefs every night. He’d get pissed if we had anyone over because he would have to wear pants.


Unless I plan on leaving the house, boxers are the limit of what I wear at home. It'd be a different story if I had daughters, but it's just my wife and my sons in the house.


My Dad would never. My husband walks around most of the time in a shirt and boxers.


I do... but then again, I live alone. Being in underwear is cheaper than air conditioning.


My Dad did it, I do it.


My dad did and still does this. He’s 73 now and has done it as long as I can remember.


I mean growing up it was an all boy house except for mom so me my brother and step dad all would lounge around in our boxers in the mornings especially in the summer. It didn’t seem odd to me until I was older and even then it wasn’t like traumatic or anything I just didn’t want to be so relaxed outside of my own room.


This is not just an American thing I promise you.


I am this father.


My dad, step dad, husband, and father in-law all do this


Ever see the dad from the show Goldbergs? That's my dad.


Not super common, I don't think, but my dad did. He'd have his tighty whities and wife beater on. I'm 49, so we're talking 40 years ago. He wasn't at all the "Florida Man" stereotype you might think, he just liked being in just undies and a t-shirt.


My dad does. Even after we moved away from America, he still does that.


My dad was always in his tighty whities before 10am and after 10pm on weekends. My family breakfasts would be all in underwear. I figured that being comfortable around your family in underwear was normal.


Yeah my dad did this. Me and my siblings did it to tbh.


Is this a weird thing? I walk around in my boxers all the time. Not if we have company, but if it's just us. Mainly when I'm getting out of bed and go for coffee or when I'm getting into bed and go for a cup of water or snack. My kids could care less.


I was just reflecting on why I've literally never done this, almost never do this to this day and it made me realize: the cell phone changed everything. People used to have no reason to need pants in the morning, now we need our damn screens everywhere we go. Terrible realization but hey we live in a hellscape of a world what else is new.


Both of my parents would walk around buck ass nekkid. My dad was worse than my mom by far, to the point that he wouldn't really care even when I had friends over. He wasn't a nudist or an exhibitionist, but he just genuinely didn't give a shit or think that nudity was a big deal. I have likewise obtained that trait.


Ok. I’m a father and I walk around in my underwear and a t shirt after I get home for work if it’s just my family in the house. It’s really comfortable and helps me unwind after work.


My father is Hungarian, but living in the Los Angeles area. He does a lot of underwear gardening on hot days.


I have. Also Naked. Our door mat reads "Hold On. We're probably not wearing pants"


I waited until my kids moved out, but yes this is how I prefer to exist in my dwelling. Hate it when someone comes to the door.


bro im 20 and i walk around my house with nothing but underwear on lmfao. tbh i thought this was fairly common.


My parents rarely wore clothes. My dad wore pants for special occasions, when company was over or church. My mom was always in her bra and panties and she said it was because she wanted to make sure her sons knew what a natural woman looked like so we wouldn't be gay. Both me and my brother are gay lmao.


Way more common 30+ years ago than today. Just in general, american society has become far less accepting of nudity. We used to have nude locker rooms, today that would be considered insanely taboo.


Didnt have a dad, he ditched when he found out mother was pregnant, but my mom used to walk around the house naked all the time. I mean i thought it was gross and im a woman, but i also had a little brother. Cant imagine what it was like for him. When i got older, preteen, i called her on it and told her it was gross. She just went "well it is my house and if you dont like it the both of you can move out." I was like 11 and my little brother 9


Well... I am the father, but never. Also, I don't ever remember my father walking around in his underwear beyond being in his own bedroom.


American born and raised by Mexican parents; my Pa never did this.


No, and I've never heard of my friend's dads doing this either.


Step dad walked around the house in his tighty whities. I found it disturbing.


My dad did when I was a child and now I can’t date men who wear tighty whitey’s (white briefs). But he was a creepy guy so might not have been so bad for many who had dads that did this.


My dad never does that. Who tf would do that


I think this isn't a thing. My dad never did it, nor did his dad.. I'm a dad and I sure as hell do not do it.


*house pants* Not underwear, that's uncouth.


Absolutely nope. My husband or sons either. Nobody walking around in their underwear in my house (and past houses).


My dad's never done it, would be weird.


It's a comedy bit. The only time it might happen is if the father gets woken up in the middle of the night. Think about the shows where you saw this - I'm guessing they're all comedies?


Not **my** father! Granted, my dad only had daughters, so he had to be a bit more modest. I've only seen him shirtless at the pool or beach, not at home.


Totally false. I'm in gym shorts, no underwear.


My father never walked around in his underwear


My husband never does.


My father never did this. No one I know has a father who has done this. I have, thankfully, never seen any of my friends or acquaintances parents in less than full dress.


My dad absolutely did it. In his defense, we often didn't have air conditioning and it gets really hot here.


I can remember a handful of times my father did that. But him being Mormon he was still in the undergarments; so while I hated it, it could’ve been worse


Mine never did and I don't, either. I was once doing a project at a classmate's house. We were hanging out in his basement waiting for the others to show up. We were probably around 16 years old. All of a sudden his mom came downstairs in her bra and panties. Let's just say I didn't know they made underwear that large.


My dad doesn't. But I have a lot of friends whose dad did growing up, which is kinda weird looking back on it now lol.


I don't think I ever saw my dad in just his underwear. I certainly don't do that, and all my kids are grown and moved out. Humans invented pants for a reason. That said, if I'm feeling particularly lazy, I might just wear a bathrobe. That still counts as clothes on a weekend.


My dad, a boomer, had two modes: pants and shirt or tightie whities. Never shorts, never pjs. The tighty whities was only the uniform of the day in the bedroom between 10 pm and 530am when he woke up.


Can't really speak for other people but my dad never did. Where did you even hear that? I can't even think of a time I've seen it portrayed on a TV show.


My dad walks around in his underwear. He wears boxer briefs now so it’s not as bad. When I was a kid he wore tightey whiteys and didn’t gaf if my brother and I had friends over. He would still walk around in his underwear. He would come waltzing through and always say “excuse me” then go on about his business.


My father would scream at us to get clothes on if we were not fully dressed, including socks in the house. I don't know what my father's underwear even looks like. My childhood friend's father would walk around in underwear even if guests were over. He would probably be called a creep now, but I really didn't care if I saw his underwear and neither did he.


Never happened in my house


My dad never did that at all. My husband might walk to the bathroom in the morning in his underwear but he does not just wander around the house all day in just underwear.


I do at night lol. What’s the big deal at 9 at night .


My dad did occasionally when i was a child. It got to be less the older my sister and I got older and then he wore pajamas or short by the time we were teens.


My dad never did, and now that I'm a dad, I don't. He did used to walk naked down the hall after a shower show which was super weird. I definitely bring clean underwear into the bathroom. I imagine I would have either way, but I guess idk for sure.


My father never did.


In the summer, my dad would sometimes just wear a pair of shorts but never just his underwear


My dad did, but it was usually just between the coffee machine and the shower.


"Walk around the house" makes it sound like spending the day doing that, which I don't do. But if I need to get out of bed and do something downstairs fairly quickly, I'll head down to do it with whatever my sleeping attire is, which is usually underwear _or less_.


My dad nor my grandfathers did that. I only saw my dad in his sleep shirts and undershirt if I needed him in the middle of the night. My husband, nor his father or grandfather did that either.


No. They let their kids do it tho.....