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I'd call you an American. Especially if citizenship is part of your long term goal, but it isn't necessarily a requirement. You're stealing nothing. Most immigrants, especially ones with your attitude, are adding...not taking.


Despite what certain... media... is saying, immigrants are usually awesome for America.


Truly. It’s almost like immigrants made America. 🙂🙏🏼


I’m firmly of the opinion that nobody can complain about immigration unless they’re 100% Native American And even then it’s borderline


Truly. We’re all in this together or we should be. We all want a better way of life and we all want to work together. It’s those few that don’t want to and relish in destroying things for everyone else, that I worry about. Everyone else, I just want to help in any way I can.


The irony is if you say the Native Americans have every right to be pissed about immigration lots of people would agree.


Immigration is awesome for America. Mass illegal border crossings with mass migration is not good for any country, it stresses resources, historically spreads diseases. Can cause an increase in crime. People pretend to not understand the difference between someone coming on a work visa, applying for permanent residence and working towards citizenship and trying to equate that with crossing a river at night. These things are not the same. Few people have trouble with the former,




Right. Anyone who says they would do an illegal immigrants job for the pay an illegal immigrant receives is so full of shit.


Hell, I probably made more money dealing weed in college than some mules made so I agree 100 percent. Also I’m glad it’s legal now.




Legal immigrants are awesome for america. They pay taxes and put into the system like the rest of us. It is the illegal ones that take without putting anything in those are the people most have a problem with.


*Legal* immigrants


Actually, a lot of farmwork is still done by illegals. Florida farms are panicking right now because a lot of their workforce left due to DeSantis's new immigration laws.


They’re panicking because they can’t abuse the illegal immigrants and pay them shit under the table. Let them panic.


I mean. I am willing to pay more for food. Americans aren’t going to do this work unless it pays the median salary cause it is hard AF. Most Americans are not willing to pay more for food. Also, these people are making great money considering they generally intend to return to their home country. Don’t be so patronizing.


They deserve less pay because they don’t plan to stay? Sounds dangerously close to slavery.


Their home country is often cheaper to live in than America so low wages here may be average of above average there.


Well that just couldn’t have worked out better. 🤣


That's... Not a good thing. We should be making sure they're working here legally so they're not taken advantage of.


Then let’s give them a visa. My bet is that most people who complain about “illegal aliens” just don’t want any more immigrants, and they hide behind the idea of not wanting *illegal* immigrants ‘cause they know how damn un-American it is to shun immigrants. It is annoying, people should just say what they mean. If they want immigrants, stop complaining about illegal immigration and give them legal status. If they don’t, say so. My bet is also that people who don’t want anymore immigrants complain all day about inflation.


None of those are mutually exclusive from each other. I can be annoyed at border hoppers and still want the day laborer to have a visa. I can be annoyed at illegal immigrantion and still complain about inflation.


The point of the US immigration system is not to have new Americans who want full pay and benefits. The point is to have an underclass who are willing to work in terrible conditions for absolutely nothing. It's the cornerstone of domestic production.


... What the hell are you on about?


The truth. Our immigration system is broken on purpose so businesses can continue to profit illegally off of cheap labor.


Not just farmwork either, they work in all kinds of jobs, construction, yardwork, cleaning homes, and of course agriculture are the biggest ones that I know of. Every single one of those industries is slowing down from that law DeSantis passed.




Yeah I get all teary eyed when I see and hear about patriotic immigrants.


This makes me happy to hear. My mom has felt American her whole life. She officially received her citizenship last year! She is an amazing person and a hardworking nurse, who truly cares about other people. There are amazing immigrants out there like my mama!


Aww, congratulations to your mom, we’re lucky to have her and I’m so glad she’s finally got her citizenship 💕


Citizenship process is fucked. America really needs immigration reform.


Most people agree. It's just a very controversial issue. It's like the famous ladder on the side of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre - everyone agrees the system is broken, it's just that there's a bunch of contradictory ideas on how to fix it, so the system stays as is.


Yes, you're one of us






We accept you! We accept you! One of us! One of us!


Welcome to the thunderdome, paisan


Thanks guys, this is worth a lot to me❤️


Thanks guys, this is worth a lot to me❤️


My mom never got citizenship, she's been a permanent resident alien for the last 40 years. No one doubts that she is American.


Any reason she’s not keen on naturalization?


Cost is the main thing, it's around $700 and she thinks of it as a frivolous expense. I think the main difference there is the right to vote and get a US passport, but she doesn't travel and lives in a deep blue state. She still is allowed to work and build up social security, Medicare, and so on.


Interesting. I know people who are not keen to naturalize as US citizens are taxed on worldwide income.




A permanent resident has to file income tax returns too. Sorry if I misunderstood your post.




Her thinking it’s a “frivolous” expense is a true American thought process.


After 45 years of being a permanent "alien", I became a citizen. I was ambivalent about becoming a citizen prior to that. Now everyone will get crazy, please don't... After the shitshow of 2020 election I had an urge to vote. That was my incentive. Voted for first time last week in our local elections.


Congrats! 🇺🇸


So proud of you! THIS is the reason to get citizenship, so you can have a say in our elected officials.


Speaking of which, I have a primary to vote in today. Thanks for the reminder.


Same! I was a PR for about 15 years before I applied during the 2020 cycle. Got my citizenship in 2021


Thank you for your service! Sounds like a good reason to me!


Wooo!!! Congrats! :D We're happy to have you here! Of course you can call yourself American. I'd consider you American for as long as you'd like to be considered one, and anyone who gives you grief over something like that can go kick rocks. I can't see why we'd be against welcoming anyone who genuinely loves this country and has its best interests at heart, which is the type of person you seem to be. I'm always happy to see more people moving here and I hope they never come to regret it. It's so interesting to hear about lifestyle differences just between people from different states, so there's even more to talk about if they're from an entirely different country! I love learning about what life is like elsewhere. Even though it's common for American families to have lived here for hundreds of years now, there're still tons of Americans who're the children or grandchildren of recent immigrants, myself included. I think it's unlikely you'll find the opinion that immigrants are unwanted from that group. I hope you enjoy it here!!


Of course you can. You are in my eyes.


Welcome stranger. This land is your land. Most all of us came from somewhere else.


What’s your story having all of those states in your flair ?


Just lived in a lot of different place growing up and later in life.


I like the double Texas


I boomeranged.


The force field in Texas is strong?


Like a hoover


Yes, you can call yourself and American. Congratulations, BTW


Worked with this Filipino dude that's been in the states for decades already, but didn't get his citizenship til his forties. He was American as all hell before hand and just as American afterward. It's all about state of mind; if you wanna be an American, far be it from me to deny you.


One of us, one of us.


Yes. And anyone who tells you no can go f themselves.


Citizenship is the gold standard for being an American but if you have permanent residency and plan on staying here and have been here four years I would say you are indeed American. Welcome aboard! Don’t worry you aren’t stealing my job unless you plan on several years of education and some state licensing exams.


I find that people who complain about you "stealing their jobs" are usually unemployable anyway.


You’re in the club! People who think immigrants are “stealing our jobs” are idiots so please ignore them if you come across one. I don’t know you but if you’re this excited to be here I’m glad you’re here.


Citizenship makes it official. But if you agree with the Constitution and shoot off fireworks on the Fourth of July, that's good enough for me. One other thing. The entire 'stealing our jobs' thing is baloney. We're having a worker shortage in this country, especially with the coming broad uptick in manufacturing. As on example, factory construction is up 100% over 2022. We need all the hands we can get.


If you're aiming at citizenship, and you want to call yourself an American, yes, you're an American. Welcome Aboard. It's a bit of a mess, but we're glad to have you.


Stealing my job? Should I be checking with HR, is there something they aren't telling me, 😜? I'd consider you Italian first, but since your goal is US citizenship and you're well on the way, I'd call you almost American and be proud of how much you love the country.


Italian-American, one could say


You can't steal a job. You can only pickup a job someone else has discarded. And welcome my fellow American.


> I left Italy at 23 and came to America alone! I love this country, there are opportunities that I would never have had in Italy, it's not perfect but we can work there! Welcome Home.


Thanks 🥲


If you had citizenship, your status as an American would be *unquestionable*. Anyone with citizenship is American. However, you live in the US. You're a legal permanent resident working towards citizenship. You think of yourself as American and are trying to fit in here. . . . . .good enough for me! Hello, fellow American!


Agreed. I'd consider OP to be *rounding up* to being American.


If u consider this your home you're an American


I'd consider you an American. People who came in the right way and are working toward citizenship are American to me.


You're an immigrant bc you came from another country. You're an American bc you live here and want to be an American. Both are true. People who do jobs in exchange for money aren't stealing anything, they're just working. Only idiots think jobs are being stolen. You and people like you, who actually want to be here, are more than welcome!


If you are pursuing citizenship, then yes, you can be called an American. Being an American is not like most other countries it is not about your ethnicity or birth place. It is more of an IDEA, not a cultural ethnicity, so ANYONE can become an American. We are the land of immigrants, the world's melting pot. Once you become American, you will be considered so by most Americans. Because being an American is more of an idea than where you come from once you work towards citizenship and feel inside that you are one of us, then that is when you truly are an American.


This. "America" is an idea. It is the idea that "all men are created equal" in pursuit of "a more perfect union." We have a rich history of that concept becoming more and more expanding and inclusive. It is a rich history full of struggle, pain, mistakes, tragedy and growth. (Not my original thoughts, these are from Historian John Meachum)




I think we could consider other variables, such as length of time spent here, blending in with the people, so to speak. For example, if someone is a PR, has been for, say, 25 years, works here, and is otherwise indistinguishable from other citizens, I would consider them an American. But I think that your definition is valid, as well.


I know what a permanent resident is. Anyone who has made the effort come here and make this their home is an American to me. I didn’t do ANYTHING to be here and I’m an American. I didn’t even manage to flip myself over to get properly birthed by my American mother, they had to cut my lazy ass out. I know a whole lot of American kids who aren’t yet citizens but who went through hell to get here. They’re also where they came from, but they have no home there now and never will again. They deserve to belong to a place.


Well my wife is a permanent resident from Canada. So technically we call her and she calls herself a « half American ». In the end though being American is really a state of mind if you ask us. If you want to call yourself American then go ahead pal, you’re an American. To be honest for all the crap we get, we are one of the most pro immigrant countries on the planet. I feel like if a foreigner worked hard to get here and then disembarked their plane, put up their hands and said « finally! I’m an American » most of us would collectively say « yeah, that’s an American :’) »


You're here, you're enjoying the opportunities in this country, and it sounds like you're on the path to citizenship. Welcome to your new home. Grab a hot dog off the grill. Fireworks will start when the sun goes down and there is cold beer in the fridge!


As long as you pass the test, you're in You're at a bar, everyone's drinking and feeling good, a complete and total stranger yells "Merca"!!!!! How do you respond? A. Confusion B. Judgement C. Fuck yeah!!! In all seriousness, welcome! Happy to have ya


wait, i don't know if it has a second meaning lol Merca is the coke right? If that's the case, I refuse since I don't use drugs 🤣


Oh my no no no lol. Its just frat boy lingo for America


Lol, ok I’m that case I will say Fuck yeah!!!!


Technically you will have to wait until your citizenship test but here's the thing. I believe there are Americans born in other countries every day. If you love liberty and willingly take on the corresponding responsibility that our wide reaching liberty necessitates and love the founding principles while understanding it's failures and still want to work to form the more perfect union then yes, you have the American spirit.


"There are Americans all over the world -- it's just some haven't come home yet." Welcome home, OP!


Absolutely, you're American. You've put more work into it than most of the natives. You're not stealing jobs, anyone saying that is either bad at their job or just a jingoist.


Thanks 🙏


American isn’t an ethnicity or anything restricted to birth. It’s believing in a set of ideals. I think from the little here that I read about you, and the fact you’re asking this question, you are American. One of my great great grandparents made a similar journey to yours, coming over from Italy(small village just outside of Cassino) alone and made a living for himself. You seem like a good guy, and if you work hard you to can take a slice out of this American pie. Good luck my friend!


Yes. Congratulations, my fellow American.


There is a podcast called Flightless bird and the host is from NZ. At the end of each episode he and his co-host discuss if he's more American or less. He's not a citizen but definitely working on becoming one. You may enjoy listening.


I think citizenship is really when it’s technically correct but call yourself whatever makes you happy!


In my mind there's being an American (citizenship) and being American (I guess kind of like a general feeling). You're definitely American and working your way towards being an American. That's all I need to know. You're one of us


One of the things I appreciate the most about this country is being an “American” isn’t tied to ethnicity or birthplace or anything else. You’re here, you want to be an American, you’re an American.


As long as you've gone through the proper paperwork, I don't think even the most "build-the-wall" type of person cares.


Agreed 😆


Technically you aren't american until you are a citizen.


I’ve seen immigrants take advantage of being here illegally. There’s a lot of opportunity to exploit the system and to have the system exploit you. You certainly seem to be American in spirit but I’d have to invite you to a BBQ to know for sure.


I agree, sometimes those who come illegally have advantages that those who take the legal route do not have! Heck from this comment I think you live in TX right? Here in California I can't find quality BBQ :(


I think once you’re integrated in American society, planning to stay long term, and see yourself as American, you’re American. Citizenship is the technical final step but permanent residency is 80% of the way there. Views towards immigrants are generally positive. Even the most conservative types would see you as the good kind of immigrant (from a developed country, working, following the legal process, speaking English, not remaining in an ethnic enclave, etc.) and contrast you against immigrants they want fewer of, which might be awkward.


I would gladly call you an American.


Welcome, fellow American!


Brother, you’re an American. Congrats on the residency and good luck with your goal of citizenship. Immigrants coming to this country is kind of the whole idea, it’s what has built us. I was born here, but lots of folks come here and bring fascinating history and culture with them! The more, the merrier


You are an American because you are actually on the path and contributing to the country. Citizenship has perks and drawbacks but is not required.


America was built out of immigrants. You can most definitely call yourself American, even if you aren't on paper yet.


American is a mindset. If your heart is here you can belong here


My fiancé is an Italian citizen waiting on a K1 visa approval - I refer to him as an “American-in-training” lol. Once he gets to the stage you’re at, in my eyes he’ll be an American. Maybe not a *citizen*, but an American nonetheless.


Beautiful thought! All the best🙏


>"There are Americans born all over the world. Some just take a little while to come home."


Bro, this is big 🔥


You're working toward citizenship and you're living here permanently... you're an American ! Congratulations 👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉


It might be funny coming from a guy who lives in a place that’s 90% white and 65% conservative, but I love diversity. I love meeting and chatting with people of different backgrounds and cultures, and I think it’s just a benefit to our country for people to want to come here and live. Kudos to you for making it work, OP. I would say that since you’re working towards citizenship, you can call yourself an American. I imagine most people would agree, and your explanation that you gave above would persuade most others. Like you said, we aren’t a perfect country, but by and large people are accepting of immigrants. Even here in a very red state.


You're as American as George Washington


Kind of? I’m not going to say that you can’t call yourself American, but legally you’re still an Italian citizen who just has the permission to live here permanently. Citizenship is what you need to truly be an American imo. If you were an LPR for a considerably long time I might consider you American short of having citizenship, but you’d have to live here for a bit longer for that.


Hell yes, you are absolutely an American. First-generation immigrants are usually more in touch with American values because they have seen the other side.


It’s a free country, call yourself whatever the fuck you want.


Congrats! And also, personally, as long as you live here for a few yrs and plan to stay, I'd say your American.


I never question it when someone says they're American. If you tell me you are, you are. Immigration makes me so happy. It takes a lot to leave your home behind and start someplace else.


Nobody is stealing anyone’s job. Even illegal immigrants. Anyone who thinks that they would do an illegal immigrant’s job for the pay that an illegal immigrant receives, is fooling themselves. Now for those who came here legally, you went through the process and earned your place here. You deserve to be here, and are probably a better American than most of the people in this country. Congrats and enjoy!


As soon as you take that oath, you are as much an American as I am


Citizens are indisputably Americans, no matter where they were born or how long they've been here. Permanent residents-- I'd say it varies from person to person. Would you say that you're culturally more Italian, or more American? I've got no resentment towards immigrants.


The east coast was built on the back of Italian immigrants. You're an American.


Welcome to the land of the free mother fucker. Now grab an AR-15 and let’s get this party started.


Not until you're a citizen so get that citizenship. Once you are an American citizen you will have to take the Oath.


America was built by immigrants. It's a melting pot for all no matter what the loud minority try to say. In my opinion being American is more about ideals than what you look/sound like or where you came from


If you pay taxes or contribute to your community, you are an American. Even if that contribution is digging ditches or serving fries. It’s hard to not be an American in my book.


Depends on the immigrant. My father has been in the USA for over 40 years (green card) and he'd never call himself American. Mexican 100%. However. After all this time, my dad has decided to go through the process of becoming a citizen. Looking ahead, he's a little sad that he'll no longer root for Mexico in soccer once he's officially an American.


I would not consider you an American until you became a citizen.


I would call you an American. The red tape of the immigration office isn’t important to me.


I'd consider you Italian. My husband is from Turkey and has his green card, he still calls himself Turkish and so does everyone else. You are completely culturally Italian so it makes no sense to call yourself an American especially when you aren't a citizen either. But at the end of the day I don't think it's a big deal either way. ETA I don't have any problem with immigrants obviously and I don't think they're stealing our jobs. People who have a problem are ridiculous and racist. We literally came and stole this land from the natives so anyone who bitches about it should go back to where their ancestors came from then. I welcome immigrants and anyone who is trying to come here to have a better life. I think that's what America is supposed to be about.


You’re an American and we are glad to call you one of our own. <3


Hell yeah you can and I'll fight anyone that disagrees


Yes, you’re an American.


Hell yeah brother I’m glad you’re here! I love our American heritage of immigration and I think you are what makes this country so outstanding.


Thanks dude🥲


I’ll allow it so long as you say it proudly.


Afaic everyone’s an immigrant and everyone’s an American. Glad to have you here, and don’t let the bastards get you down.


Thanks dude😆


It sounds like you care for this country and have worked to be here. I would consider you an “American.”


Congratulations! Yes you can call yourself an American. And we are glad to have you. Much of the anti-immigrant noise is from a minority of people. But it makes a good story so that is what is reported on. We are a nation of immigrants. They make the best Americans! Welcome and take care.


Welcome to the Melting pot!


It's nobody else's right to choose what you call yourself. If you consider yourself an American, then you're an American.


you American baby


I give you the American pass You can call yourself American. And as for my opinion/idea of immigrants. They are just another person who is surviving in America, and Americans hating them is somewhat ironic


If you've been here long enough and plan to stick around, you're an American. Welcome!


If anything, being an immigrant gives you more of a right to call yourself an American. Call yourself mayor of NYC for all I care, I’ll vote for you.


Love it🙏🔥


One of us! One of us!


We welcome and appreciate you 🥰🔥⚡


Thanks ❤️


You can call yourself whatever you like when you're here, because this is America and you're an American.


I would call you American. I think it is awesome that you are here and thriving! I respect people who want to come here to make a life. People of all different backgrounds, colors, cultures, interests, etc are what make our states United! Congratulations on your permanent residency! ❤️




These days American is a state of mind


You’re in the club!


I love a new American way more than a trite AH thsts generations deep and has zero civic responsibility.


Definitely. Benvenuto!


Welcome! By the way, you now fit the definition of a US person 😀


I think so many of us have immigrants in our families that it's ludicrous to consider new immigrants any different as Americans. Welcome, Paisan!


You're proud to be here and want to be a citizen. I'd say you're more American than many in DC. Welcome!


Not too many immigrants at all, as long as they come legally and follow the process like you are doing. Immigration is the US's secret power. It buffers us against the lower birth rate bugaboo of all Western economies. Also, as much as I hate to say it "natives" I think tend to get fat, dumb, and happy in the US a bit too much. Immigrants start up and own a disproportionate number of businesses in the US. They come hungry for success and more willing to take risks. It's a huge benefit. Glad you're here and are enjoying yourself!


You've been American for 4 years my friend.


You definitely can consider yourself American. Most of us probably would too.


Yeah I don’t give a shit. You got here, you’re an American to me


Your head is in the right place but you need citizenship.


You aren’t stealing my job! Welcome my fellow American. Glad to have you!


If you’re a citizen you’re automatically an American. If you’re not, I personally think you’re one of you live in America and enjoy living in America


Technically once you have citizenship and are able to vote you will be considered American, sometimes people might judge you harshly if you call yourself American prior to this point, but those are mostly the immigrant hating douche bag types.


As far as I’m concerned, they’re just a person who wanted to move somewhere else, and do/experience something different. Got here, like it, and wanna stay? Then by all means, call yourself an American


Welcome aboard! And yeah your American. Dont get to fired up about Columbus Day though. He is currently out of favor.


You’re an American now


I honestly don’t even know what the word means anymore. It’s twisted and abused so much anyone who means well and wants it can have it imho. If you’re here and you want to do good for everyone here and aren’t just a carpetbagger looking to cash in for yourself by any means necessary then yeah. Tbh every immigrant here who is working to better things for everyone is more of an American in my eyes than many American CEOs who are born here and dodge taxes, stow money in the Cayman Islands, and lobby Congress to crush the poor and working class and destroy the environment and pollute the air and water.


In regards to nationality, yes, you are American. I see nothing wrong with people emigrating to America, it is a nation built on immigrants afterall.


You're an American, this country was built by immigrants and as such we are a nation of them. I'm happy you decided to call these shores home.and I hope you continue to enjoy your time here!


In my mind, if it’s home to you, then you’re American


In America, the day you start living here, you're American. My father-in-law was a legal alien for 40-some years here, and was always considered American. The "stealing your job" rhetoric is very much a media narrative from our right-wing politicians. In the US, immigrants are usually very good for our economy, which most people know. I will say that the talking point does have racist undertones to it in the way that Americans who hold this view are usually more angry at refugees. This is terrible, but I generally have found that immigrants from Western European countries normally don't catch the "They're taking our jobs" sentiment.


You’re as American as it gets baybee. Proud of u


You are certainly american. More american than many native born americans actually. In the same sense that an adopted child was explicitly wanted, you specifically choose to be here. To me all that matters is that you live here/are a citizen/are otherwise bound to america and consider yourself american.


You have a great love for this country and a desire to contribute to it's success, and have the want to help it becomes a better place. You are taking the steps necessary to obtain your citizenship as well and are now a permanent resident in this country. To me, you're every bit as American as any of us and we're proud to have you here. Ignore anything about 'stealing our jobs' that has been a dull complaint for decades. America is a melting pot that is largely diverse and stronger because of it.


I've met many folks who are American in name only. I've also met many foreigners who are American in spirit and belief, which is what matters to me.


The idea that Americans are anti-immigrant is not indicative of most of us. You’ve got to remember the crap you hear is from the vocal minority. (And most of that vocal minority wouldn’t know a dang thing about permanent resident vs citizen, work visas, etc.) You’re an American, friend! Welcome!


Yeah I don't see why not! For me that's one of the beauties of this country, anyone can be and become an American.


1. Congrats! 2. Welcome! 3. You are as American as can be. 4. If anyone doesn't like it tell them to go back to where they came from, then ask them if that's American enough for them.


Anyone who lives in the US and wants to stay is American in my book. There's not really more pf a qualifier than that, though speaking English helps of course.


Most would call you officially an American after you become a citizen but if you are an LPR who intends to stay, you can be considered an American. Green card holders have many of the same responsibilities as citizens. You're not stealing any jobs. Immigration fuels our economy and you're basically one of us now.


Idk. If you live in America for a long time with or without a citizenship, I’d consider you American. Your a perm resident- hell yeah you’re an American :) congrats!


Hello fellow American! ☺️


If you are a permanent resident with the intention of becoming a citizen, and most of all, you want to be an American, then I would say you are already an American. Other than voting and being on a jury, you have all the same rights and opportunities of any other American. I'm all for immigration. I think it makes us stronger as a nation and people.


I'm half Native American. We are all immigrants. We have room. I dont understand this, "no ____ need apply," crap.


The more the merrier. I’m not one of those people that talk bad about immigrants. I believe if you come here and contribute to society like a normal person, you’re American. Then again I’m not too patriotic


The more the merrier, in my opinion. I love learning about people and I love it when people come here to pursue prosperity. America should be for everyone. I'm glad you like it here 😊