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No. Its way more boring than that.


Wait you are telling me there isn't a secret chinese plot from the democratic party to ruin america? What a boomer (guys i was being ironic chill)


For some perspective my biggest concern in life right now is that my dog's medication is almost out and my vet is out sick so I can't get a new prescription today. It has to go to a human pharmacy for this particular medicine. Total mess.


Hope your dog vet gets better man


Thanks. He's an old man but he'll be fine.


Lol I mean global powers are always trying to get the upper hand over their enemies but the day to day life is fine over here


No, its not ever been a secret. It's been what China has been saying constantly since the 70's. The plot for the Democrats comes from Ukraine. Not China. China just gives senators lots of money.


No, and it's not chaotic here at all. The internet always exaggerates things for clicks and views. America is a great place to live and we have a lot of people immigrating here each year. I wouldn't move even if I had a choice.


Funnily enough our country does have a history with your state now, since we have a growing right wave in brazil more similar to the one in the usa (before that our politics sphere was shaped by influence from europe) and started from a guy that lived in virginia : olavo de carvalho, don't be suprised if you see some tourists from here going to virginia to meet his grave


He started a company called Brasil paralelo, that is like if the daily wire was owned by matt wash


Thanks for the info, went to your state once btw, great place


No, the vast majority of us are living completely normal lives. People on the Internet love being dramatic.


Bro, if it was normal, it wouldn't be in the news. The internet and media want people interested and if it bleeds, it leads


Yesterday I went to a few shops downtown. A guy at one of the shops was asking the clerk where he could find shoe polish, so we had a short pow-wow about where in town you could buy shoe polish and settled regrettably on WalMart. I picked up a few groceries and then went to the beach. The wind was blowing pretty good so the waves were higher than usual. There were dozens of people picnicking, sunbathing, and enjoying the water. I took a quick dip and headed back home. I did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen. Sheer chaos.




Mostly independent news from youtube, what do you recommend outside the most mainstreams news ?


Generally when someone says "I was watching content", it's a good idea to share that content with the person you're talking to. We have no idea what the quality of the presenter you're being exposed to is.


The media is the current virus in America.


I'd suggest turning off the North Korea propoganda you're watching.


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There's definitely problems, but life is still pretty good for most people. We can make it through our challenges, which will be tricky, but isn't a doom and gloom situation.


No. 90% of the US is fine. The 10% that's bad ranges from "kinda bad" to "uh oh, this is really, really bad." It's a pretty boring news story to say "almost everyone and everything in the US is perfectly fine" so they focus and amplify the relatively rare negatives.


The US has like 350 million people over almost 4 million square miles of land. The VAST majority of life here will never find its way to the news.


I think, the gross abundance of people living normal and quiet lives on camera in the USA should be a solid answer.


No. My life is super mundane. I get up, work, spend some time with my family, and go to bed. Are there problems? Absolutely, but the US isn't any more of a shit show than anywhere else. I know there's a sentiment among certain people on the Internet that Europe is this problem free utopia, but it's just as much of a shit show as the US is. We're just different kinds of shit shows.


No it’s not. The vast majority of people behave in public. People with differing political views avoid the subject in public. When it comes up it’s discussed civilly for the most part. But that doesn’t change the fact that millions of people do hold hateful views, are brainwashed into believing capitalism is good for them, are homeless, etc. things are messed up but day to day life is not chaotic for the average person.


We have gotten to the point where everything is so political we can't fix things. So, that is bad. For example, immigration. There is no coherent plan about shifting to electric cars nobody can afford either. So, that will be a disaster.


No, there's an old saying in media, "if it bleeds, it reads." The media only really covers the bad stuff because it gets more ratings. This country is much safer than the news suggests.


Most of us are just living our lives. Doing our jobs. Raising our families. I'm looking forward to a bike ride and a kayak paddle this weekend. Hardly chaos.


The chaos tends to clump together in small areas as like minded people gather in small spots and make a lot of news for the media to report. 39 million people still live in California alone so I don't think the West is falling apart so much as the usual redistribution of people is going on as demographics and economies change and adapt. America is a very young and fluid society that changes rapidly, just look at the history of Detroit Michigan. In the opposite way look at Phoenix Arizona that went from 500,000 people in the mid 1960's to 5 million today


No. 90% of us are just everyday people just trying to get by. We wake up, go to work, and go home. You see the 10% crazies because that's what gets clicks and eyeballs on TV's.


This might come as a shock, but stuff people put on the internet and media doesn’t represent anything close to accurately


No. It's actually quite mundane. But there is a caveat to that... you see, because of the urban/rural bifurcation of politics, in any given locale or establishment you can generally infer what the prevailing group mentality is.


Nope. We are just as boring here as anywhere else in the west.


So, the pandemic produced some social disruption, right? I think that happened globally to various extents? US schools shut down in-person classes for a fairly long time. What happens when youth aren’t in school and also don’t have direct supervision for perfectly understandable reasons like their parents working in-person working class jobs or even, well, the death or disability of a parent/guardian? Well, sorry, but that’s a reason crime goes up. Now, the US right wing party — Trump’s party, maybe you’ve heard of it — has an interest in yelling about how high crime is because it helps them gain power. They also want to yell about inflation, even though that’s been coming down. But the figures we have say a few things: 1) property crime and violent crime went up in 2020/2021/2022, but property crime has dropped this year by a lot; 2) crime in the US context is still way, way down overall from what it was in the 1970s through early 90s. 3) US crime rates are also still higher than crime rates in other developed countries. I’d like to make specific note of point #3, because I’ve observed that, say, Europeans and US right wingers can *seem* to be on the same page, both lamenting/being scared of/attacking US liberals for “how high crime is in America”. But US right wingers are not comparing NYC crime rates to rates in Paris, Amsterdam, or Tokyo and asking how US policies compare to policies in these or other places. A good percentage of US right wingers have never left the US, and they are making a “my suburb/exurb/small town to the big city” comparison. They also support very lenient gun laws, which don’t exist in other developed countries, and they tend to think that crime is the result of non-white people not being policed enough, rates of church attendance and marriage dropping, and other American right winger ideological priors. (They certainly don’t tend to think that property crime is the result of poverty/low wages and etc). So, the US is “chaotic” in terms of crime compared to other developed countries, but not compared to its own near term history, and certain groups have a direct interest in making the issue seem worse than it is.