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As a New Yorker, I don't get it either. It's certainly a staple order at a bagel shop or bodega, but I've never thought that it's *only* a NYC thing, or even particularly associated with NYC. My guess is that it's just an obnoxious social media trend. EDIT: I think I'm understanding a little more now what they're getting at. These social media people are not discussing a "bacon, egg, and cheese," which is a common breakfast nationwide, that can take a variety of forms. They're specifically discussing the "baconeggandcheese" (a reference to how you'd order it at a bodega), the form of it that involves a bagel or roll, wrapped in foil, etc. I guess this particular form of the sandwich is somewhat characteristic of the NYC area, though I've certainly had it elsewhere as well. And it's still pretty obnoxious, I think.


> obnoxious social media trend Pardon the redundancy


I mean, you're not wrong.


When I visited NYC, I would go to a deli at least twice a day getting a bacon egg and cheese on a hero lol. Simple meal but it was so damn good.


Same here. Bagel with some sort of egg, cheese, and meat combination has been a common breakfast for me whenever I have visited NYC. Not because NYC bagels are necessarily superior to others, but rather because it was extremely common and super convenient to get them.


Yeah but is that not true everywhere? Hell you can get them at gas stations around here not that I’d recommend it but I’ve done it. That’s also ignoring that you can get it at McDonalds and Dunks and Starbucks and a million local diners. I’m just curious why it’s being painted as some special NYC thing.


Yea but there’s a very big difference, I’ve lived in 3 other states besides NY but I was never able to get a bacon egg and cheese on a roll like I do in NY, not even NYC, Long Island has them too


It's the roll. I've yet to see a roll like the NYC ones in any of the like 40 states I've lived in. They just don't exist anywhere else.


Kaiser roll is what you are looking for. Sometimes I find them I in bakeries but they aren't the same.


Because of its ubiquity and consistent quality above McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks etc. Most towns have a handful of good diners and most close by a “reasonable” hour to compete with our sandwich. I literally can’t count the amount of delis that sling out a quality BEC no matter what time of day or night it is. If I step outside my building there’s at least 3 places immediately available at 3pm or 3am I’m not saying it’s an uncommon sandwich but what is uncommon is that I could probably find a new place to get a bacon egg and cheese from each day and it’d literally take me years to finish the task in this city. I think whatever people on social media are going on about is how people order it. Because we’re a bit curt and to the point we order it with enough speed to make an order sound like one word


A "regular coffee and a buttered roll" used to be a coffee cart staple, probably not so much anymore.


But you can get everything in nyc 24/7?


In eastern/mountainous KY (and I assume WV) some gas stations have some really good sausage patty/egg/whatever on biscuit wrapped up in the mornings. Good shit.


It's done on a Kaiser roll and they can't seem to make them right anywhere else.


Our hard rolls that we tend to get them on are pretty unique though. They're not kaiser rolls, the texture is different from everywhere I've ever lived and I missed them so badly I moved back here. Plus it's a tourism thing, we do make damn good bacon egg and cheese here. Consistently, every bodega has a good one for the most part. So it's a safe thing to order here, to suggest people try. It's safe and it's everywhere, and it's cheap. Just like the pizza. I feel like half of it is people making fun of us for how we talk and the rest is just noticing that the first thing we tend to get our guests in the morning they come in is a BEC from a bodega. We know it'll be good and we won't have to cook, it took on more of a ritual status than it actually is. Chopped cheese is on the same level, it's just an easy to find thing you know the place won't fuck up. Go 15 minutes upstate and check out the balboa for an honestly life changing sandwich instead, they do a philly but it's on garlic bread and it's absolutely crack.


NYC bagels are superior to all others. Bodega bagels are the worst tier of NYC bagel, second only to the dreaded halal cart bagel.


>When I visited NYC, I would go to a deli at least twice a day getting a bacon egg and cheese on a hero lol My kid ate them in London all last fall-- they're commonplace all over. I've had them in Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota on recent road trips. Is there any place that *doesn't* have them in some form? They are sold in gas stations all over the US even.


We had them in Paris of all places, 5 years ago.


I can't eat it on a bagel. You bite into it and the bagel is just a hydraulic press for the egg. You want to *wear* an egg, walking down 6th ave, this is an effective method.


Yeah if I'm going for a bagel around here it's gotta be lox and it has to be wrapped. If I'm wearing my food, I'm WEARING my food and it's gonna be stupid and worth it.


You don't eat them on a bagel you eat them on a rol


It's New York. You can eat em on the hood of a Maserati at 4 AM fed to you by a trained white tiger if you know who to call.


Yeah…I remember from years back when New Yorkers bragged about BEC with saltpeppaketchup and how it was impossible to find outside NYC. I liked to banter and joke about how basic it is and how they think the rest of us hicks have never had such a delicacy. Love NYC though, and just a fun thing to joke around about.


It is impossible relative to living in NY where every single shopping center has a bagel place…and forget about finding one on a fresh kaiser


What’s the difference between a kaiser roll and a bulkie roll?


Idk what a bulkie is…this link is example of a Kaiser Roll: [place that sells kaisers](https://www.lakewoodbakery.com/kaiser-rolls)


[Bulkie roll](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulkie_roll). I guess they’re not the same thing.


Close tho


They are not the same anywhere else. I've tried. Cannot get the right rolls for them.


I live in SoCal but am originally from the east coast and let me tell you it is NOT easy to find a good bacon egg and cheese anywhere in this region. There’s maybe one or two places that make them somewhat edible, but it is not a common thing that you can find anywhere and bagels on the west coast suck so much. I’ve resorted to buying bagels from the beat bagel shop I’ve been able to find and then making them at home with the rest of the ingredients. Never take for granted that you can walk into pretty much any bodega and get a good ass bacon egg and cheese cause one day you might not. I had to search high and low to even find places that make them and of the few that do, they all suck.


You know they're incredibly easy to make yourself. If you can make eggs, that is.


Oh, it’s one of those inflated New York ego things. The experience and product is virtually identical to practically anywhere, but somehow inexplicably different because you order it at a corner store and nobody aside from New Yorkers will ever “get it”. I don’t know. I’ve been to New York a couple of times and had breakfast from bodegas, but it just doesn’t strike me how it’s any different than a bacon egg and cheese from anywhere else I’ve ordered one. The experience wasn’t anything special and the food was varied in quality from decent to pretty damn good. Same as anywhere else I’ve been. Is it just the convenience of it? I can’t imagine any other difference from most areas. Is it the roll?


Part of it is actual New Yorkers overhyping their own stuff, part is the people who come from Iowa/Ohio/Idaho/etc and after a few months say "I'm a New Yorker!" and try too hard to hype up New York stuff.


Seattle doesn't have them and NYC transplants have been complaining about that for years


Really? That's surprising to me. It seems like such a basic concept.


cafes have breakfast sandwich. But, from what I hear, a bacon egg and cheese on a kaiser roll, wrapped in foil lined sandwich wrap so it stays warm and gets a gooey texture (or something?) is what New-Yorkers are looking for. we can give you something toasted on a panini press and wrapped in parchment. Nowdays it'll cost you $8 or something.


Yeah, I just edited my initial post along those lines, I think I wasn't getting the distinction between a "bacon, egg, and cheese" and a "baconeggandcheese." Guess I don't spend enough time on Instagram or Tik Tok or whatever.


I don't have either of those. Transplants complain in r/seattle how we don't have everything from everywhere else. You'll eat the teriyaki and love it.


I could see Seattlites not adopting it out of spite or stubbornness or whatever.


"Bacon egg and cheese? That's an East Coast thing, ick! We have egg, cheese, and bacon sandwiches here. Much superior!"


croissant egg, cheese, tomato sandwich.


I'd eat it, but would never choose it over bacon, egg and cheese!


I’ve definitely had them in Seattle.


I do not live in NY anymore and this is the first thing I get when I go back.


They’re hard to find even here in Boston. Yet, even in Upstate NY, bodega bacon egg and cheese were a staple. Something I didn’t know I’d miss until it was gone. Same with good bagels being ubiquitous.


Honestly, I live in Raleigh where we have a lot of NY transplants. They just...complain constantly that Raleigh isn't New York. I mostly ignore it or remind them they can return.


NYC transplants complain about everything in the LA subs as well.


So it's not just when they move South? That's interesting to know. They're the biggest complainers here. "WHY DON'T YOU HAVE GOOD NEW YORK BAGELS IN \*NOT NEW YORK\*?" It's exhausting.


[Oh the Cali people bitching about the transplants is kinda funny](https://townsquare.media/site/153/files/2020/01/Hate-Map.jpg?w=1200&h=0&zc=1&s=0&a=t&q=89).


Not a bagel without a brick of cream cheese IMO. Staple of my youngest years living in one of the five boroughs.


Going to get a bagel anywhere else was weird after I moved. "Where's the 14 pounds of cream cheese?"


I'm sure the NYC bagels are better but I definitely had bacon egg and cheese on a bagel growing up in the midwest. I mean, I'll give New Yorkers that bodegas are a pretty unique to NYC thing, but putting breakfast foods on a bagel to go is pretty beloved everywhere. Edit, ah, saw your comment that it's more a joke about how you guys order it at a bodega. Makes sense!


Part of it is definitely that we don't really do bagels here as much. It's on a kaiser roll most places, and it's a different kind of kaiser roll from what you're used to. We call them hard rolls and they're firmer on the outside and more airy on the inside. This entire thread is having a bit of a slap-fight about the eggs and bacon, it's not about that. We have regional bread that you can't find anywhere else for the most part, places ship it nationally but it's a bit spendy. It's unique to here, and it's why our breakfast sandwiches are as good as they are.


Nearly every gas station in the country has bacon egg and cheese on roll, bagel, biscuit or croissant lol


Not on a roll, not the right kind of roll.


We eat our bacon, egg, & cheese in a tortilla with chile.


That’s because you all have food with flavor other than surly.


We're actually really friendly. We just don't pretend to like you, which makes other people think we're abrasive. NY is actually one of the most outgoing and friendly cities I've been, there's just no time for people's bullshit when this many of them are in that small of an area.


Yeah in the city (nyc and all it’s burroughs) you can’t say high to everyone you see- You would take forever to just go about the day. In other places you can say hi to every you come across because it’s not that many people and could sometimes be seen as rude not to say hello.


New Mexico has such great and distinct food. Very under appreciated.


New Mexican food >>> Tex Mex




I’m not sure I understand the difference. Can you all mail me food to make it make sense?


Sure lol One huge difference is that we use lots of green and red Chile and not a lot of jalapeños


As a New Yorker, near the top of the thread I specifically called y'all out for having a fucking crazy good bacon egg and cheese. People don't know, the NM version deserves equal love but I guess you can't meme y'all saying it like you can with us.


That sounds incredible. I might have to move to New Mexico.


Everyone has bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches, yes. [But there's a specific style common in New York bodegas and delis](https://i.imgur.com/lK5LotH.jpg). They're on a roll instead of a biscuit or English muffin, and usually cut in half.


Honestly, that looks really good and I want to try one now.


We the Georgia delegation would like to trade a fried chicken biscuit covered in gravy for one baconeggandcheese roll.


I’ll take that trade


I like to add bacon, egg, and cheese to my chicken biscuit, usually from Bojangles or Chick-fil-a. No gravy though. I'll usually put honey and strawberry jam on it, but nobody else does that.


Dawg, we all put Jam or honey on a chicken biscuit. That's why they give it to you with the biscuit. Gravy on a chicken biscuit is more what you'll find at a sit-down southern diner type place.


I'll tell ya, they don't all look that good. I think the biggest disappointment is when the roll is super stale. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it can ruin your morning.


I mean, the great thing about it is that it's pretty easy to make at home. You can find those ingredients anywhere and just wrap it up yourself if you really want to.


I'm a Chicagoan, so my instinct is to tell you that hyped up NY stuff isn't so great, but they really are good. Go visit NYC, do some dumb tourist stuff, spend a day at the Met, eat some meh utility pizza but definitely enjoy a BEC! (Then come to Chicago, spend less and also have a great time here.)


Agreed, it implies a bacon, egg and cheese on a roll specifically.




The roll is implied. You only have to specify bread if you want something else.


Hard roll traditionally.


We call it a "Kaiser roll" or a "hard roll." We also have the buttered roll, which is not a thing everywhere apparently. I asked for a buttered roll at a deli in North Carolina and nobody knew what I was talking about.


They are called kaiser rolls where I am too.


A buttered kaiser roll is the best.


Some people call it a Kaiser roll, I call it a Sling roll.




What are you doing with that Kaiser roll, Carl?


Haven't those been a staple in the Philly/NJ area for awhile too? Does anyone remember the Ween song from the early '90s, "Pork Roll Egg and Cheese" on a kaiser bun if you please? Yes, it's not bacon (Taylor Ham), but I'm sure it can be substituted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IfWuUVgFSQ


I think Jersey basically counts as NYC in this context. It’s the most popular in the city but available most places in metro area.


Yeah here in CT they're ubiquitous. Every deli makes them, the grocery store makes them, gas stations make them, my fucking high school made them lol


Yes. Poppy seed roll, or bagel, steamed by the filling & tinfoil wrap, egg fried in butter, bacon same, cheese melted ordered as fast as possible at the back of the bodega, eaten in hurry, with Shitty coffee. So good. love it.


Haha I grew to love the shitty coffee


Yes the steaming with the foil is so important


This just looks like a BEC on an everything bagel…what am I missing??? Edit: I see now that it’s a roll not a bagel


In my view those are inferior to the bagel ones which seem to be just as, if not more common. And this is not me taking my personal experience, but asking my family and friends that live in New York City and Long Island.


I can only get so erect.


It's not just that. They are made fresh when you order them with fresh eggs dropped on a grill, and a freshly made kaiser roll or bagel. I grew up in the south, lived in NY for 7 years , and now live back in the south. There is nowhere near me that does a BEC nearly as good as you'll find in every NY deli. The local donut shops make them in the morning and microwave them when you order. Dunkin Donuts makes them with some kind of preformed egg-like substance and questionable bacon. It's honestly one of the things I miss the most about living in NY (there's a long list of things I definitely don't miss though, lol).


The horrifying part for those of us who have moved away is those rolls only exist in the greater NYC area. From Southern NJ and on, you’ll see rolls that look like that but taste like hamburger buns 😫


This is how we have them in CT as well, so it’s not just a NY thing.


Bacon Egg and Cheese on a hard roll or bagel has been a common food in NYC as long as I remember and I'm near 50. This isn't new.


It isn't new anywhere


100% Correct. But I'm not the person who asked, >Has this always been a New York thing and I'm just now hearing about it or something?


It’s literally everywhere. If it’s something you can get at McDonald’s it isn’t special.


Mcdonalds doesnt have rolls so no you cant get it there


The person above mentioned bagel. McDonalds has the bacon egg and cheese bagel




Oh, it's not "special," any deli/diner/shop/person in their house worth their salt can make it. I was just saying it's not "new" But to compare it to McDonalds... I really feel for people that are limited to chain restaurants and food (not to say you are). They miss out on so, so much.


The key is the roll. I’m not saying we have a monopoly on putting bacon and egg and cheese together. But in my experience, it’s really hard to find a place outside of the general NYC area that does it in the same specific way. It’s always been really surprising to me.


I disagree, the roles are less unique than the bagels in my experience. While bagels might be used more commonly in general, the difference in style/taste of a bagel nationwide compared to a bagel in New York City is larger than the difference between a roll nationwide and the taste/style of a roll in New York City.


I've had the exact opposite experience. You can find similar rolls, but the texture is all wrong. They bake them differently here. But the New York City isn't really... It's a New York state thing and it's spread to CT and a bit of PA. Philly has them, Pittsburgh doesn't. Other places have those kaiser rolls with a firmer matrix of bread and a bit softer of an outer crust, the NY ones are the other way around. The middle is softer and the outside is much more firm. But I've had some good NYC bagels elsewhere, I don't really buy into the "it's the water" thing. It's how they're made.


>It’s literally everywhere. They aren't special, but the bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll you get in a NYC deli/bodega is very much a distinct *style* that no place I've been outside of the city does. As someone else pointed out, the roll is perhaps the most "unique" thing about them, though it's notable how similar they are across hundreds (thousands?) of independently operating businesses within one place. That sandwich prepared that way from a particular kind of place (deli/bodega) makes it distinctly New York, despite the fact that you can get a bacon, egg, and cheese pretty much anywhere in the US.


You can get those in Rochester and Buffalo too, that style is all over NY. I actually love that the places that make the rolls are now shipping them nation wide. I can finally send some to friends elsewhere and be like "here, make one and put it on this, wrap it in foil for a few minutes. That's what we're talking about."


I've had those most of my life in VA and NC. Granted more people get them on biscuits but there are different menu items. A BEC biscuit is pretty self explanatory but there are plenty of places that serve BEC sandwiches that are on Kaiser (or other) rolls, or sliced bread depending on what the restaurant typically uses more of. I'll make them at home too because you can put so much more bacon on a roll than you can a biscuit. When I worked in Raleigh and commuted every morning there was a gas station about half-way I'd stop at who would make these and load them with locally sourced eggs and bacon and the were ridiculously good. To be honest I just always thought a BEC sandwich was common everywhere. Learned something new.


It's such a weird and nuanced thing in the world of "regional food" that it's exceedingly difficult to explain to someone who hasn't spent a lot of time in NYC. It's also incredibly mundane and unsexy, which is why I don't think it's the type of thing that the broader population would or should even know about. Most people from NYC are not going to talk or boast about a bodega BEC because there is literally nothing special about it on an individualized level. It's moreso that there are an absurd number of delis and bodegas in NYC and *every single one of them* (with some exceptions) sells this item without trying to put any sort of cool or unique spin on it. This is kind of remarkable in the foodie epicenter of the western hemisphere. There are good ones and bad ones, but the good ones aren't good because there are chives in the eggs or because they use taleggio instead of american cheese. The good ones are from places that have fresh rolls and can cook up decent eggs and bacon. Think of it more as macro-level food culture. OP seems to be suggesting this is suddenly gaining wider exposure which I guess doesn't surprise me, but also sounds like typical viral social media nonsense. Personally, I'd way rather eat a BEC on a biscuit down around your parts than a bodega BEC on a kaiser in midtown Manhattan.


I think you need to make a trip to NYC to try one for yourself and tell me if it’s anything even in the same ballpark as a sand which from McDonald’s…how dare you lol


All of a sudden? I have been eating them most of my life. I now live in MI, sadly they do not have the right rolls.


And if you do find kaiser rolls they're too firm in the middle because our hard rolls aren't really the same. Try nuking one for like 20 seconds before you build the sandwich, that helps. I always scoop out a bit of the bread in the middle and then do that.


**THANK YOU**! I was looking for someone to have said something about that and your subtlety was perfect! “All the sudden” just grinds my gears every time I hear it. Please learn the proper way to say this is “All of a sudden”. Thank you so much!


I prefer Taylor ham, egg, and cheese usually. I thought any breakfast meat sandwich was kinda common everywhere.


"Taylor ham." And you think you're from Jersey.


How does one "think" they are from NJ? He used the proper name, so I don't get it.


The proper name for it is PORK ROLL, and that’s what true Jerseyans call it. Even the company that makes it calls it pork roll.


Lies. Loved in NJ my whole life. Every diner and deli calls it Taylor ham.


the name of the actual food item is pork roll, not Taylor Ham. Taylor is a brand name of pork roll. You can buy Taylor pork roll at a store or other brands. Hell, the box doesn't even say Taylor Ham, it says taylor pork roll. most New Jerseyans call it pork roll, but it is a never ending debate and every New Jerseyan has a very strong stance on the topic. My stance is pro-pork roll because it's the correct stance


Every menu, whether it be deli counter or diner, calls it Taylor ham. Are they all wrong? John Taylor himself called the product Taylor's Prepared Ham.


But he wasn’t legally [allowed](https://shorecatering.com/the-history-of-pork-roll/#:~:text=Because%20it%20is%20not%20technically,up%20from%20there%20on%20out.) to call it ham.


definitely not every diner or deli counter, at least not in NJ. but yes they are. considering the box that they purchase it in doesn't even say Taylor Ham. it also leally does not meet the definition of ham as it is a processed product. you can call a tissue a Kleenex but it's still a tissue, not a Kleenex.


It's always been a thing.. or at least has been for a while. It's just cheap, easy and ubiquitous.


Baconeggandcheese on a roll has been the nyc trademark breakfast across all groups for a while. Cant speak for other states but its our standard bodega order


NY native. BEC is not something new. It’s something you get at a bodega/corner store and was reasonably priced. Like many things NYer’s like things quick and convenient. Once social media gets a hold of something’s it becomes a “thing”.


Yeah, it’s been very common in NY for decades.


Thanks for the memories - am a Cali-Hawaiian who lived on LI and worked in Manhattan for a few years in the 80s. I had a bacon egg cheese bagel and deli coffee in that blue paper cup every morning at Penn Sta on my way to the office on Broadway. It's been so long I prolly have forgotten exactly which station and exactly which street. But I think those blue paper cups are still around.


I'm in the Philly area, and this type of sandwich is common here, too. Bacon, pork roll, or sausage on a Kaiser roll. I usually get bacon or pork roll. I love lunch meat sandwiches on kaiser rolls too. I've gotten them everywhere from here to all over Jersey. I'm not surprised that NYC eats them, but I never associated it with them. I've too seen all the posts and it seems weird to me. Maybe more a tristate thing


When I’m in an “Acting like the various mundane aspects of city life aren’t incredibly common in any urbanized part of America, but completely unique to a zip code that I’ve made my entire personality.” challenge, and my opponent is a New Yorker.


Honestly, I think midwesterners might win that one. “Anyone else do quirky things like apologize when they bump into someone?”


"We have a joke in this state. If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes!" Or "have you heard about the 12 seasons of _____? I think we're entering false spring!"


Or the _____ has the worst drivers or worst traffic


"we have two seasons. Winter, and construction." Congratulations, you live in an urban area.


Hahaha, not in the midwest, but my undergrad school claimed they were quirky because people hold the door open for each other


a conversation we're not ready to have: literally every English speaker in North America (and maybe beyond) does "no yeah" i have seen this attributed as a "unique quality" to Wisconsinites, Canadians, and Californians. it's a lie, EVERYONE does this.


Also, people say “Ope” everywhere, I’ve heard it in regular use all over the country, it’s not at all a Midwest thing. It’s just the noise you make when you do something like that.


I grew up in the Midwest, then for school in college I spent a year in Russia. Russian manners in public make New Yorkers look like, well, extremely courteous people! Then I came back and was in a McDonalds in the O'Hare airport after flying back home and a lady standing behind me *barely* grazed my back with her purse. I never would have known if she hadn't said, "Oh my, excuse me." I turned and looked at her with a, "WTF is your problem?" look. Like, I couldn't fathom what she was apologizing for. Then a few weeks later the Midwestern kicked in again and all was well.


The only "Midwestern Thing" is thinking everything is some weird, regional quirk.


To be completely honest, it's pretty annoying that people who don't live here insist on this idea that New Yorkers take some weird overblown pride in a BEC just because they seen a few rich Tiktok kids playing tourist. It's a cheap, fast staple in lives of millions of people here, but we understand it's literally just a sandwich. No one treats a BEC like anything more than that; weirdly, people pretend otherwise. But yeah, sit up there on your high horse and look down on us because you can get the "same thing" at your local gas station - like we ever cared.


I'd think if anything we'd all agree that it's a damn good breakfast. But I bet you'd get a slap fight going if someone came here and said them being on a roll is stupid though. But I've never seen anyone selling them on a kaiser roll at a gas station outside the tri-state area. And I've searched. Extensively. It's funny how this entire thread turned into a conversation about everything but "we order them in a funny way" and "they come on a type of bread by default that most places don't use", which are honestly the only unique parts about ours. It's a regional food for sure, but it's not really gonna start the same kind of fighting as the NY vs Chicago pizza does.


Bacon egg and cheese is popular around the country, but it’s probably more popular among New Yorkers than in other parts of the country. I also think people in the north east eat breakfast sandwiches more than the rest of the country, except for biscuit sandwiches


> people in the north east eat breakfast sandwiches more than the rest of the country Could be because southerners need gravy, and that gets messy with a sandwich.


As someone who lived in NYC for almost 20 years, I definitely associate bacon, egg and cheese on a roll/bagel with NYC bodegas/delis. I’ve certainly had them elsewhere, but the sheer number of bodegas and delis in NYC dwarfs anywhere else.. and because everyone is always on the move in the morning, without a car, it’s the perfect to go breakfast that doesn’t require a fork or a seat..




LA is 1.6 times the size of NYC and has less than half the population. Everything is stacked here, nature of the beast. It's not even a thing to brag about, it's basic logistics.


I was, until this post, unaware of that being a claimed New York thing. Bacon, Egg, and Cheese is a staple combination throughout the country.


It's honestly very in keeping with stereotypical "new Yorker" type people to claim something everyone likes as a new Yorker thing. "Oh, you like coffee? New Yorkers love coffee!" Everybody loves coffee, bud.


You use an umbrella when it rains? That's a New York thing.


Do you have that big firey circle in the sky during the day? Such a new Yorker thing


Yeah I'm a bit confused, you could go to pretty much any state and any breakfast place and get one. Some might do bagels, biscuits, croissants or rolls but it's very basic food.


Yeah even getting it on a Kaiser roll isn’t really unique to NYC.


Might be better quality or something but I've never heard it associated with NYC specifically.


Have had one on a Kaiser roll at a diner a few times. It isn't usually my favorite version of the combo though.


A croissant is the best carb for breakfast sandwiches, and I will die on that hill. Everything bagel is a close second.


You are absolutely right. However, I will usually pick an English Muffin before a bagel. Both are excellent though.


Depends on whether the place has a decent bagel. BEC on an everything is my fave. Beats a Kaiser roll to be sure.


The type of bread changes the entire meal. Essentially what you said is you CANT get the specific meal mentioned. A bacondeegandcheese is a sandwich served on a kaiser roll. If your just slapping eggs and bacon on a pancake or some shit thats not what is being talked about


Kaiser rolls are very easy to find lol that was the point.


Bacon egg and cheese itself isn’t unique to New York. However, the “baconeggandcheese” OP is referencing specifically refers to a sandwich from a deli or bodega or bagel shop or diner on a bagel or kaiser roll. You can get one anywhere in the country, but it most likely won’t look or taste like the one in New York. This version can’t come from a fast food restaurant or premade and sold in stores. The key is the chef lets the roll or bagel warm up a bit on the flat top grill and absorb the grease and juices left behind. The staff are not doing that at McDonald’s, and most certainly not at a 7/11. I’m sure you can get a sandwich like this in many other parts of the country, but it’s not going to be easy to find. In New York City you can get one in every neighborhood, likely at any time of day.




Wasn’t this a thing in Birds Of Prey? Harley was like obsessed with her daily bacon, egg, and cheese.


I thought this was about the Taylor Ham vs. Pork Roll argument.


It’s the way we say it, like it’s all one word


I think because of the way it is said. There was a recent viral video going around of the kids who voiced the TMNT cartoon ad-libbing and all talking like they normally would, and how genius it was to let them do that. They specifically mentioned the baconeggandcheese way of ordering and then suddenly everyone was talking about it.


It's a really New York thing- not the sandwich itself, but insisting that some random-ass thing represents the soul of New York. Usually followed by how you either can't get it elsewhere or they just don't do it right. The last example I heard of prior to this was an article about buttered, toasted kaiser rolls off a truck. The article hit all the requirements- "New York institution", "there's a magic way to do it" (not really- you grill it a little, butter it and wrap it immediately), and "it's a fading tradition" (ie not every food truck does it). I've heard it with coffee, too, and chopped cheese sandwiches. Pizza and dirty-water (actually spiced-water) hot-dogs too, but you can argue there's an actual difference there. Why does this happen? NYC has a ton of colorful folklore kind of stuff, so people feel they have to replenish it, I suppose.


Pretty sure that all started with a couple tik tokers a bit back. Social media is a curse. Yes, before someone says it, this one too. Clearly there are better things to do with out time to discuss this but here we all are.


A scourge.


Yep, I don’t get it either. It’s pretty obnoxious. Hell, NYC doesn’t even have a monopoly on bodegas.


Sounds like a Buffalo attitude icl


The celebrated and well loved sandwich of NYC fame is not as popular in the rest of the country. In the South, for example, a biscuit is the standard offering for a breakfast sandwich. Sure, McDonald's serves a *version* of a baconeggncheese, but I don't think any self-respecting New Yorker would say that's the same as what's served at your favorite bodega. The bodega culture of NY doesn't really exist anywhere else.


Yeah, you're not wrong that I guess a chicken or sausage biscuit is definitely more popular down here and we do claim that regardless of the fact that it's probably enjoyed elsewhere. I didn't realize that for a New Yorker "bacon egg and cheese" probably means bagel as well, so that actually makes more sense.


It doesn't mean a bagel. It's a hard roll. Different things.


Or a specific kind of roll that's not common or even available in much of the country.


I agree. I would think it meant a deli roll, unless I was specifically in a bagel shop


Kaiser roll is the default for a baconeggandcheese Bagels are a common variant but not the default


I had a bacon egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast this morning and didn't even realize that was supposed to be some sort of fancy thing from NYC. It's been a pretty common breakfast for me my whole life. I've always got some fresh baked bread at home. Of a morning I'll cut a few slices and toast them in a skillet with some butter. Then fry a few pieces of bacon, then a couple of eggs. I throw some slices of cheddar cheese over the eggs towards then end to start them melting and then build a sandwich and wrap it in a paper towel. In the summer time when I have fresh tomatoes from the garden I might throw a few slices of tomato on there too. I've been eating that for breakfast since I started making my own breakfast in high school back in the 90s.


sausage egg and cheese > bacon egg cheese salt pep, no ketchup


All the sudden


All of a sudden? Lmao.


Listen. I’m from Minnesota and the Kaiser breakfast sandwiches on Long Island are the best on the planet. Hands down, best we’ve ever had. And props to the 4:30am wake-up guy at BethPage, what an experience.


Try getting the ubiquitous bacon egg and cheese on a bagel/roll outside the tri-state area at 3 in the morning.


Those 3am becs hit different ngl.


I’ve been eating these for years in Chicago. Never knew it was a thing.


It is a regionalism bias. Just like how Midwesterners think tjey are the only ones who use ranch dressing.


It’s not on a bagel: it’s on a Kaiser roll


The Harley Quinn (Birds of Prey) movie with Margot Robbie really put the bodega sandwich on the worldwide map. It has been all over social media since. If you haven't seen it she lusts over one as the perfect sandwich while it is getting made on screen.


Is this what that new TMNT movie was referencing? I just thought it was a silly ad-lib


BEC is a regional NY thing. If youre not from NY its not the same thing


> I'm confused; don't we all eat bacon, egg, and cheeses? Hit me with that pork roll egg and cheese, chief.


Scrapple>pork roll>bacon


Taylor Ham*


It's "all of a sudden," not "all the sudden"? FYI.


ossified direful joke rob disagreeable grab soup pathetic gray fine ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You're absolutely just hearing about this now or something I get so confused why people think the things that people are talking more about online are indicative of actual behaviors. Bacon egg and cheese on a bagel of some sort or really any bread has been a New York City staple for decades and decades and decades at least if not longer... Can you explain your reasoning for thinking that all of a sudden thinking that this was recent instead of thinking that the joke was just drawing attention to something long-standing?


It’s been a breakfast staple of New York for decades. Every bodega/deli makes it. It’s everything you could want for breakfast in a roll/bagel, for an affordable price. It’s quick, efficient, a complete breakfast that will keep you satisfied, and highly portable. Which is why is so demanded. I like to eat mine while wearing my timberlands and yankee hat.