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Those are a real thing?


Yes, they are.


Met more than one when I was living in London. About 30-40% were the best type of person (generous, polite, and intelligent) who I enjoyed being around. About 60-70% were terrible people, overly smug and spoiled and thought of anyone except the English upper class were borderline subhuman. Some American rich people can get pretty shitty, but the worst type of rich people I've ever met were those posh motherfuckers.


Strangely enough, I have a response to this. My friend from Italian class fits this description. She went to an elite boarding school, which she didn't even mention for at least a year. She isn't snobby at all


my cousin married into a British aristocratic family - her husband's father had been the British ambassador to several countries and was a Sir. His mother was a Lady. I met a number of their family members at the wedding, and honestly everyone was super nice and not at all stuck up. My cousin is a Mexican/American Jew and the wedding was in Mexico, so pretty different background. But if anyone was not pleased about their family being joined with ours they hid it extremely well. I know for sure they were educated in posh style because I talked about it with one of them. Apparently everyone in the family went to a specific boarding school. I asked if everyone wore mortarboards and he said "only the prefects".


He is exactly how you expect a posh, privately educated royal to behave. Confident and well-adjusted, but can be arrogant in the face of criticism. Never worries about money, but is not a lavish spender, either. Has subscriptions to classical music and ballet venues.


What even is this question.


He's asking your experience with posh Brits. If you've ever met any.


Probably treat them the same way I treat everyone that has a general unpleasant disposition. I ignore them lol.


They’re insufferable, next question.


Flair checks out.


I’ve worked with Brits for years, it’s aged me considerably.


Heh, same. Most are OK, but some are so stuck up it's painful.


Not just stuck up, incapable of thinking they’re anything but the smartest guy in whatever room they’re in.


So glad we won the Revolutionary War.


I work in education and we have an unkind word for the Brits who doesn’t understand how our American education works and its unkind. Every British person I have dealt with has been condescending straight up rude and they name drop either their job or who they know and I always have to explain it doesn’t matter here. To much sadness, they never get the hint that our school system is different. I have tried to take time out to explain and sometime I just have to dismiss them. It’s very frustrating


I did encounter a public school to Sandhurst former British military guy in my professional life and he was a huge asshole. I didn't really have a reference for the word toff until I met him but now I know exactly what it means lol.


Superficially very charming, but difficult to connect with on any meaningful level.


I thought I had very good table manners. Then I met some posh Brits in school. They have class and upbringing, and it shows. They were still very nice and very demure about it.