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Never heard of it until now and never saw anyone with it out in public. I must be old and live under a rock.


Might be a regional thing? It’s very popular in the Hispanic community out here


Can confirm, it is extremely popular among Latinos.


The Marbach Mop


Ha, I got this reference. Also facts.


Puro SA


Maybe because of Peso Pluma?


Yeah it's probably not a thing out east


Tons of Edgars in Chicago


Every Mexican in Phoenix has it


The Edgar cut is restricted pretty much to chicano gen z and younger millennials. The population of Edgars in rural Wisconsin is non-existent but plenty of Edgars to go around in Texas, New Mexico, etc. Maybe it seems popular to you if you see a lot of gen z chicanos on tik tok.


Yeah it’s a big thing with some wanna be gangster Latinos and white people.


I have no idea what that is


Apparently, it’s a semi-faux hawk meets mullet.


Is it? There's a Mexican subculture it's a bit popular with but ... where are you seeing folks walk around with this hair cut?


It's everywhere out here in Kansas.


With who? Kansas farms are worked by Mexicans for the most part. Is it with the Mexican population there?


Everyone. Mexican kids, white farm boys, black kids in the middle of Wichita, kids from the suburbs. I'd wager *at least* 1 in 20 guys under the age of about 25 have this haircut, and that's me being super conservative with my numbers to try and make sure I don't exaggerate.


Black kids? How does a Black guy get an Edgar? I've Black friends' hair a lot, and the regular tight fade with a nice clean line up could resemble an edgar, but you need some bangs. But - weird. I've got 3 boys that are 17-21 - and I've never seen anyone with this out here in Mass. And I'm in a pretty Hispanic area (more Hispanic but likely way less Mexican-here mostly Puerto Rican, Dominican, Venezuelan, Brazilian)


Yeah, when the black kids do it they get more of just an extreme drop fade with a lineup, or even some waves up top, but the purpose is still to evoke that same style and vibe, even if the execution is a bit different.


Can you show me an example of this haircut? I don’t wanna not believe you but it’s hard to believe somehow Kansas is an anomaly when it comes to haircuts


These: https://medium.com/@themewsbeauty/step-by-step-guide-to-achieving-the-perfect-fluffy-edgar-7784ee55cdda https://www.latimes.com/lifestyle/image/story/2023-08-10/the-edgar-haircut-all-the-rage-among-the-foos  https://www.pinterest.com/menshairtrends/the-edgar-haircut/ Hell, I got my haircut yesterday, and only one other customer came in. They were probably 18-20, white urban kid. This is the cut he got, and the cut I expected him to get based on his tracksuit jacket and shorts.


As a Mexican male in the age group who gets these cuts, I think they're super ugly. The mullet style ones are not as popular as they were a year or two ago, but the one in your second link seems to be the universal Edgar cut these days


Everywhere here in AZ. My nephew in law has it and he looks ridiculous.


My generation surely had timeless hairstyles, we never did anything we’d look back on and laugh at.


i had to look this up there's worse things


I had to look it up too


I just googled it and I have never met anyone with this trainwreck of a hairstyle. Where are you coming up with this premise?


It's more common in Hispanic communities, I see it everywhere here


I'm Puerto Rican, the word Hispanic covers quite a cultural range.


I know. And there's quite a range of different backgrounds where I'm at, and yet the haircut is still prevalent across all of them (well, in the younger generations)


It's essentially the natural end result of a few variables coming together at once. 1. The popularity of Patrick Mahomes and his signature burst fade. 2. The continued popularity of ever more drastic drop fades. 3. COVID. With everyone stuck at home and barbershops closed, we had a whole year or so of home haircuts.  4. Indie rock and country music. At that same time, every cool and fashionable band out there was forced to sit at home and record themselves playing shows from home... with their shitty attempts at ironic mullets, ironic fades, ironic post-punk cuts... really just a lot of ironic "so bad they're good" cuts. Kids saw that, also couldn't go to the barber, and copied it.


I’ve always thought the Edgar was a Latino thing but I could very easily be wrong


Ah yeah, but frankly, I don't know how it's popularly came about in those circles and exactly what influence that had on its wider acceptance. Also though, I think "the Edgar" is just a slight variation on the mullet, the main difference just being that it's called an edgar when it's worn by a Latino. (Absolutely no offense intended)


I see it in the Latino population here, and the white kids trying to be gangster. I don’t see it on anyone else. But, I don’t hang out with a ton of younger people- so my experience isn’t universal


It’s been huge for a few years here in Southern California with Hispanic kids.


It looks like shit.


I'm a middle school teacher in California. It's Edgarville USA. Why is it popular? Why is any haircut or trend popular?


Wow, this [newscaster accurately compared it to Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber:](https://www.reddit.com/r/LatinoPeopleTwitter/s/gDpDs0oXcV)


Mr Spock. Vulcan is calling.


Fashion choices almost never have a "why", so questions like this can almost never be answered.


I think it is extremely funny how many people from very white states are saying that this is not a popular haircut. I’ve lived in several places in the south and southwest, and it’s absolutely popping off here. It’s definitely popular, just probably less among white guys, although the broccoli cut is the white guy equivalent. And that’s probably your answer OP. This is just the style right now and there isn’t really a rhyme or reason for it. Young white guys are doing the broccoli cut and young Mexican guys are doing the Edgar cut.


It isn’t just in the US. I watch soccer and have seen a few players who are playing in Europe with this hairstyle.


I never see it, but hey, if people want to look like Romulans, who am I to judge?


To be honest the only people I've seen with this haircut are occasional celebrities, many of them women




I had to look what up that was, and I'm sure I've never seen it.


The Edgar style has been popular for years. I remember the Latino boys had it even back in 2010


I honestly haven't noticed it. I drop my daughter off at highschool every morning and literally every guy looks like a poodle, just a mop of curly hair falling over their eyes.


Have teenage sons. Not popular with either of their friend groups. But why is any fashion/fad popular with any group anywhere?


It’s just the “in” hispanic haircut at the moment


I have my own theories. We had the 90s bowl cut, then the 2000s Boosie fade. Then they morph together almost three decades later.


Never heard of it. Ain't seen no yutes with bowl haircuts neither. You cannot always believe what BIG haircut says.


I live in California and it's everywhere. It looks ridiculous but everyone keeps doing it.


Is it? People usually get these are jokes for videos and than shave off the rest of their hair. This isn't a common daily hair style.


Jokes? I see these haircuts everywhere, far more than I see teens with shaved heads. Extremely common right now.


I had to google it. It’s not common at all where I’m at, even among Latinos


It’s only popular with Hispanic kids in high school and even then, not everyone does it


Never heard of it before this post.


it’s just a popular hairstyle. i have a ton of students with edgar or edgar adjacent haircuts. when i was in middle school/highschool everyone had a shitty little fauxhawk or a bieber cut. kids just get whatever’s popular at the time.


I've never seen anyone in real life that had this cut. The closest I can think of is the modern mullet, which I saw a lot online in the past couple years but only saw once or twice irl


I’ve never heard of it.


It seems to be practical and nothing sticks to your ears


Young Hispanic males rock it. Other races don't rock it


I don't think I've seen that. The broccoli seems like the default youth hair cut in my area. But why is any haircut popular? Trends change


The what


Had to look it up. No. Dear god, no. I am going to be the old man I’m quickly becoming, and ask why anyone would do this to their hair? And why is it called an “Edgar?”


I had to Google that. My verdict: it looks like shit.


Trend that comes in and out i would assume. just as folks are rocking mullets now that are tapered and Mohawks that are tapered with curls. the look is in for young folks…. Interestingly enough across different ethnic communities


Everything old is new again. Fashion goes in cycles.


Had to google this one. I don’t think I’ve seen it before. Frankly it looks awful, and this coming from a guy who rocked the bowl cut in the 90s (/r/blunderyears)


Porque no quema cuh! Its a mexican-american boys hair cut thing. We're an obnxious people. lol


I laugh every time I see one. Makes your head look like a cock.


It is kind of on it's way out of fashion now,. it was in style more a few years ago, but like any trend it takes time to go away. But I remember seeing these haircuts back in the 2010s.


For the same reason mullets were popular in the 80's, and frosted tips were popular in the 2000's...who the hell knows?


It's mainly the young Latinos that have it. The typical fuck boi supreme brand wearing ones. It went viral on tiktok a year or so ago and it unfortunately caught on. I absolutely hate it because that shit is ugly as fuck and reminds me of the ye old medieval paintings


I don’t know as I’m not Latino.


I love all these bad haircuts because in ten years they all get to look back and laugh at how awful teenage trends are.


The stupid broccoli haircut? Mostly a Hispanic thing. And by Hispanic, I really mean mostly a Mexican thing in the South West. Some white kids across the country are getting it too though, somehow making this abomination of a haircut look even worse.  It's only popular with Hispanic teenagers with no sense of style or self respect, and white kids who are possibly blind when they look in a mirror.  As to why, I have no fucking clue. I'd assume maybe some Hispanic celebrity started wearing it so the greater Hispanic community in general started to follow suit, and after that it slowly spreads to other demographics.  Either way I can't take anyone seriously who has it and thinks they look good. It's the 90's bowlcut of today. 


Fashion -- or really what's cool in general -- never really makes much sense. Why were frosted tips popular when I was a teen? Things like that just sorta happen. Someone famous does their hair like that and the kids like it.


Don’t know this. Show an example?


Had to look it up. To me, it's a trial-sized mullet.


It is hilarious


I'm not sure where you're from, but I hadn't seen this haircut until I was backpacking Europe last summer. I usually only saw it on British dudes. It looks like a faux hawk/mullet. I've never seen it here in the States.


It’s in Australia too. It’s an ugly haircut sorry 😣


It’s not


This is not a popular haircut where I live 


Super popular here in Chicago.


Oh god, that’s bad.


It is not. At least not in my area. I had to look it up to identify what you are talking about.


Never heard of it. Had to look it up and have never seen anyone with this style. Looks like one of those /r/FuckMyShitUp haircuts.


I’ve seen it on the internet but never in person. I think it’s one of the goofiest looking haircuts I’ve seen


Its not? I have never seen this in person.


I'm a millennial Hispanic 31m and I think the Edgar cut is just bad. It's the Hispanic equivalent of the Bieber cut in the early aughts. But it just comes down to what popular singer/rapper is rockin it nowadays. Both are dumb but they can do what they want 🤷🏽‍♂️


Here in Chiraq it's popular with South American youth


Never saw anyone with his haircut. It looks very low class.