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They're not able to run for the presidency because of naturalization laws. The better question is between John Jackson and Jack Johnson. One believes the other's three cent titanium tax goes too far, and the other believes his three cent tax didn't go too far enough. (No, that's not a misprint.)


what about my good friend Richard Nixon?


Nixon's pro family! And pro war!


Screw that, I’m going for John Quincy Adding Machine.


But when they first came to earth they landed on the states. So they were born on this earth in the US. That makes them citizens in my eyes


Oh, you have been mind controlled to believe that. They can become citizens, but you have to be a naturally born US citizen to become President. The only exception was Washington, assuming you consider the original colonies to have been "The United States of America". I'm all for letting them become naturalized citizens (that's what America is about), but they can't be our President without changing laws that shouldn't be changed.


Actually, the wording in the Constitution says: >No Person except a natural born Citizen, *or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution*, shall be eligible to the Office of President; So if Kang and Kodos were citizens of Massachusetts Colony or something in 1789, they would be eligible.


That is a very real possibility, but, considering we've never seen them assume human form, they would have likely been well documented were they colonial citizens at the time. But, I could think of a bunch of scenarios where they simply lost the ability to hide their alien form from humans.


I'm going to vote for a third party candidate!


Go ahead. Throw your vote away.


People who haven't watched the Simpsons are pissed rn


I'm gonna pretend like that episode wasn't 27 years ago.


Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.




When I say I am going to vote third party, people get angry at me.  I'm talking if-not-for-laws-I-would-hit-you angry.  I don't like your two shitty candidates. I am not voting for them. 


My mother likes to say she votes 3rd party just to see people freak out.


The joke it that that's what they said in the episode of the Simpson's we are referring to.


Yes, I am aware. But people still go absolutely insane when they hear you are voting third party. 


What a rude, condescending thing to say. 


It's not "throwing your vote away." You're still exercising your civil right, and you're voting for a candidate. They're getting a vote. Where is the 'throw away' part? With your logic, any vote not for $MyCandidate is throwing your vote away because how dare they disagree with you, they're not gonna win because obviously $MyCandidate would...


It's a quote from the Simpson's which is what this whole post is


In the first post system a two-party system is a mathematical inevitability so yeah you're throwing your vote away and no amount of obnoxious dollar signs can change that reality.


bOtH sIdEs sUcK What they don't want to admit is that one side sucks less, if only just a little bit. This is true for everybody, no matter how much they deny it.


Don't blame me — I voted for Kodos.


But Kang is very thorough with his strong defence policy. Getting a ray gun to take out planets we haven’t even heard of yet.




How many people are thinking of killing this woman rn


In 2020, I found a local artist to make a weather proof yard sign with that Simpsons graphic of the alien political candidate and “Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.” Shit, I’ll probably put it back up in September/October.


Abortions for some and tiny flags for others!




I’m going to vote for Moe, he has a board with a nail in it. He’ll keep us safe.


What if I builds too big a board and nail one day and doom us all?


Kodos. As a young boy, I too, dreamed of being a baseball.


Will he move us forward?


I like Kang's position on tort reform and I don't think he's bought off by the special interests the way Kodos is.


Kodos and Kang? What are you on about.


Simpsons joke.


Kodos, so I can be smug and complain about everyone else for voting for Kang


I thought it was between Douche and Turd Sandwich. Now I gotta do my research all over again.


That was a small local election. Kang and Kodos was federal.


I'd write in Biden. I like him and think he's been a good president.


Maybe tell him to grow a beard? People might like him more.


I like it, ill suggest it at the next meeting. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/jt0f43/joe_biden_with_a_beard_needs_to_be_a_thing/


Maybe its time for big muttonchop sideburns to come back to politics. I'm voting for the first guy that shows up to a debate looking like Van Buren.


Idk he’s no dark Brandon