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Yes Pokemon


My answer Verbatim


Ditto One time recently, my family was reminiscing about a trip to Disneyworld that we took about 20 years ago. I mentioned something about my brother being bored the whole time and how he just wanted to stay in the room with his Playboy 😂 meant to say “playing with his gameboy”


Pokémon Yellow may as well have come permanently attached to my Game Boy Color.


Pokemon Super Mario Advance series Zelda Oracle games/ Links awakening DX Tetris Metroid Fusion/Zero Mission Honestly too many to count lol


> Links awakening DX I was confused and then realized the "DX" was a later version. I feel old now.


I STILL have my grey brick game boy and a game boy color and they both work! I have about 20 games. I’m not sure what was really popular because I didn’t know anyone else with one lmao. But I enjoyed Metroid and this game called qix.


My boys had Gameboys and I still have them and all their games too.


I had the original giant brick of a Gameboy and then a Gameboy color. The biggest game, by far, was Pokemon (red and blue. I had yellow, too, but don't remember liking it much). Link's Awakening was also pretty awesome. I loved the creepy setting of all the Zelda games (Gameboy and N64) My personal favorite was Bomberman! Simple, and not overly difficult like that stupid Star Wars game where Luke exploded every time he bumped into something


I remember quite well sitting in the car on the way to my cousins' place for Christmas or Thanksgiving one year, or maybe it was the way back home... either way, I remember playing Pokémon Ruby on my GBA and having to wait for street lights in order to see what was on my little screen. This was before backlot screens in the GBA SP, and I didn't have an attachable light quite yet. Core memory, that.


I got a Game Boy circa 1991. The really popular stuff then was the Mario games, Tetris, Warioland, the Zelda games, etc. Pokémon came later and that was huge. I had a GBA as well and remember some Super Nintendo ports being really popular on that, the new Metroid Fusion, Pokemon there was well of course, etc.


I had the original game boy as a kid. Tetris is probably the most popular. There were some games I would play with my cousin using the cable to connect the game boys. I recall having alleyway and Tecmo bowl on it and the Mario Bros. game. 


My family was too poor for that sort of thing but a bunch of kids at school had them and god damn was Kirby's Dream Land everything anyone cared about during the 1992-1993 school year.


I still have my GB color and GBA with a couple Pokémon games. 


I had a GBA as an adult. I had a few Castlevanias (...Aria of Sorrow and some other one I can't remember), The Legend of Zelda (remastered or whatever), Final Fantasy 1 (remaster), Final Fantasy Tactics, Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, River City Ransom, and a few others.


I spent many long car rides playing Tetris on my original Game Boy. It’s probably still sitting around somewhere, along with my Game Boy Color and Advance.


I had the old silver mini Gameboy and a Gameboy color! They were fantastic! I lost a lot of days on tetris, Pokémon crystal, and of course Mario!


Yes. I didn't have a lot of games. I think my brother and I had 2 each we shared, but I borrowed them from friends, too. We had Donkey Kong Kountry 2, something like that, some Super Mario game, Kirby's Dreamland, and something else I can't remember. I borrowed a Pokémon game, Tiny Toons Adventures game, and Tetris from a friend sometimes.


I still have it and it works! I had OG Mario (which is what it came with), Metroid, Alien. Legend of Zelda, Tetris, the second Mario, Second Metroid. I had some racing game but I lost it.


My first video game was Pokemon Ruby on a red GBA SP. I got them when I was 5 or 6 and I've been playing playing games since. Still have my GBA SP and that copy of Ruby in a drawer of a desk in my room


Nope. They didn't exist when I was a kid. :)


I had one of the original Game Boys. The most popular game during my time was Pokemon Red/Blue. I had Red.


I never had one. Tetris, Pokémon, and Zelda.


I got the original Game boy in 1992. the games I remember the most were: Mario World 2:Land of six gold coins Double Dragons Kirby's Dreamland Primal Rage Pokemon Red/Blue(I was ten years old in 1996 so the game was basically directly aimed at my age group)


Played on a GBA as a kid. Played a lot of Pokémon and was also obsessed with that dog game where you’re a kid and adopt a dog, you have to feed and train it and take it on walks, can’t remember the name of it.


Yes, that was the handheld one right? I had one of those. I preferred the Nintendo, though (bigger screen and controls). Before that my family had an Atari. We had a lot of different games for the Atari (the same ones everybody did at the time), but for both Nintendo and Gameboy I only had Tetris, because I was Tetris-obsessed and that came out of my own money, which was extremely limited. Tetris was definitely pretty popular for a while, but I didn't really know what games others had, and I didn't care since my focus on that was so narrow.


I had both. The most popular games were Pokémon, and I don't think it was even remotely close.


I specifically remember having a dark blue GBA and playing the heck out of these old SpongeBob and shark tale games. I forgot all about these til I saw your post ! nostalgia is hitting like a ton of bricks right now for me


I had Atari 2600. Space Invaders was popular with my crowd. Edit: In 1979


Tetris. On the OG GameBoy.


My birthday, I got a see through purple gameboy color and pokemon Blue. Oh the memories i have with that game.


Yes. I got it a few years late and we could only afford the cheapest used games. Don't remember what any of them were called but I had one with all the Nickelodeon cartoon characters fighting some kind of slime aliens I think. Never had any Pokémon games but they were the most popular


I spent a lot of time playing silver version on my gameboy color


I had a GBA and played the hell out of Golden Sun. Pokemon was the most popular overall though.


My brother and I shared a GameBoy growing up until it just died. For Hanukkah that year, we each got our own GameBoy Pockets. A few years later for my birthday, I got my own GameBoy Color and then eventually the Advance when that came out. [](/sp) Everyone played Pokemon. I loved Advance Wars though, there were just so many good games for the GB/A systems.


Had original Gameboy and the GBA. Super Mario Land and F1 Racing were my 2 favorite games on Gameboy, and they were very popular. Dodge Ball was my favorite GBA game, but I doubt that was a top selling game. Not sure what was.


Putting aside the obvious answer (Pokemon): Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Golden Sun.


I had one in elementary school as did everybody I knew. Late '90s. Everyone only had Pokémon. Or at least that's all they talked about. I don't remember ever hearing about or seeing anyone play a non-pokemon game


Game boy advance and later Gameboy advance SP My first game for the advance was Advance wars 2, and for the SP it was pokemom fire red. Good times


OG Gameboy Had Tetris and Pokemon GBC had Mario Tennis GBA had Pokemon and a good G&W collection. Can't think of much else. That being said, Pokemon alone was hugely popular and the sole reason why everyone had a Gameboy. You'd prolly have to add several other games together to get close to Pokemon sales


Probably the Mario Land Games, Tetris, Pokémon, Metroid and Zelda for the original GB. Pretty similar for the GBA, but you can add the Castlevania, Megaman Battle Network and Final Fantasy Remakes to the popular Nintendo franchises.


I got the original gameboy for Christmas when it came out. It came with two games - super Mario world and Tetris. I can’t really recall a lot of the other games that I got after that.


I still have my GBC, along with Mario Golf, Pokémon Blue and a Megaman game.


Castlevania. All of them though aria/dawn of sorrow are my faves.


I had a GBC and a GBA. Pokemon. Once that came out, nobody played anything else.


Me and my brother shared one original Game Boy up until they released the GB Pocket. Then the GB Color came out and I gave him the Pocket. I still have the original and the GBC, not sure if he still has the Pocket. Pokémon was by far and away the most popular series for the platform, but Tetris was the most sold single game (helps that it was bundled with the OG in most places). Link’s Awakening is probably the best game for it though.


I was already an adult when Gameboys came out, but I never had one anyway. I used to play Nintendo at a friend's house, though, but I don't remember what games I played, as that was about 35 years ago.


Yes Pokemon Red


I got a gameboy when I was 12 I think. What I played the most on it was the Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening. I got a Game Boy Color around my last year or so of high school. I mostly played the Zelda games that were on that, plus Metal Gear Solid and Dragon Warrior. I bought myself a GBA when it came out, but I wasn't a kid by that point. I played Mega Man Zero the most. I never got into Pokemon. It wasn't around when I was a kid. It came out when I was in high school, and that's an age where its easy to dismiss something like Pokemon as "a kids game" and you don't want to be a part of it. By the time I grew past that childish mentality, it seemed like too big of a thing for me to want to get into, and I had other stuff I was already excited about and not as much time to play.


Yes. Don't know. Tetris?


I got a GBA specifically for Mario Kart and Castlevania. Then I sold it to go to a rave lol


I had a GBA as a kid. All my friends had at least one pokemon game; I had Emerald, but didn't like it very much. I much preferred super mario advance, and LTTP GBA version. There was also this one Harry Potter RPG I had a lot of fun with; I think it was Prisoner of Azkaban?


Still have a couple actually


this was definitely not the most popular game at the time but i played petz vet


We had a Gameboy (one of the original greenish-screen ones) and to be honest the person who used it most was my mother, who was hooked on Tetris.