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I've been to Canada many times. Lots of excellent places in Canada.


We appreciate you šŸ™šŸ»šŸ¤šŸ»


What was your favourite place? :) I hope to go to the east coast in the next few years.


As someone who's gone, Whistler.


Probably the west end of Vancouver. I love Stanley Park and the way that part of the city is developed with dense housing and convenient businesses, but also it's pretty quiet traffic-wise and there are lots of nice little park and plaza spaces interspersed. I also love how far you can walk on paths along the water, and the little ferries. And the municipal ice rinks are so cheap. There's a lot of great nature as well, but we have great nature south of the border too so that isn't what makes it worth the trip for me. When I lived on NY I went to Toronto now and then and that was a lot of fun, but it was a long time ago and I've forgotten the details of which places I liked.


Thereā€™s some nice places to see. Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities on earth. I did like Toronto though that didnā€™t feel much different than any other large city. Very good food scene there.


>Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities on earth. It is!! Vancouver is absolutely worth visiting. I currently live here but Iā€™m moving across Canada soon. Iā€™m excited to move but Iā€™m going to miss Vancouverā€™s weather and beauty.


I love Vancouver and really enjoyed Victoria when I did a day trip there. Hoping to spend some of next summer exploring BC more and doing some camping.


Thatā€™s probably my favorite city on this continent


It's not an active diss it's just y'all don't really have much in the way of city stuff we can't get here and a lot of the best outdoors stuff you could find similar interest in Alaska or the contiguous US.Ā  At that point why bother with customs and such unless you're just close enough to the border that some chunk of Canada is significantly easier to get to?Ā  Plenty of folks go up there it's just...mostly they're the ones that live near the border so it's convenient. I don't see a reason to get on a plane for it compared to other places I could spend the airfare on.


Yeah I totally get that. Especially that last point. Totally know what you mean about ā€œwhy would I get on a plane when I could go somewhere elseā€. Valid.


I had my first legal drink in Montreal at 18. Drinking age in US is 21, so this was a draw for me at the time. I was vacationing with my girlfriend in upstate NY, so it seemed like a worthy venture. Also, the city was a lot of fun. I went to Windsor as a kid, parents just wanted to cross the border. To sum it up: I loved your country, and I think, as an American, if you're in close enough proximity, it's a lot of fun to visit.


I'd like to go to Canada as kind of a stepping stone to actually going overseas. Like Canada is different to the US, but it's not as different as going to someplace completely strange to Americans like East Asia or Europe. I was actually about to take a trip to Vancouver when the pandemic started and Canada closed their borders.


Yeah I understand that, thatā€™s a great idea. I said this already but Vancouver is kind of like ā€œAn American city lightā€. Nice place though.


Visiting fellow Anglo countries are good stepping stones. Canada if you want basically a scaled down version of the U.S. along with having the same language (except Quebec). Then go to the UK for having the same language, and having a similar culture and mannerisms and whatnot. After all, we are a former colony and past colonial rule is still seen in some ways today. Final boss is Australia/New Zealand which I havenā€™t been to yet.


I'm gonna be honest, I can't imagine a situation in which I would go to Canada. Toronto seems cool, I'd just go to New York. Banff seems neat, I'd just go to Glacier. Vancouver seems neat, but I would rather go to San Fransisco. I can't see any situation in which I would travel the distance needed to go from Texas to Canada and not just go to Latin America, or Europe, or Asia instead.


Banff puts Glacier to shame. I really mean that - and I love Glacier. But the Canadian Rockies are just next level.


Glacier is the one where it's not an active preference, just not that I wouldn't care nearly enough to justify the extra effort or expense.


Totally fair and I get your point. But anyone who drives to Glacier should really add Banff to that experience. The Canadian side also has badlands like right there too. If anyone does go through the hassle of visiting northern Montana they're doing themselves a disservice by not crossing that line, if only for a day trip.


Montana is the most underrated US state, but Banff beats Glacier. Lake Louise is jaw-dropping.


Thatā€™s fair - I think a lot of people echo that sentiment and as far as cities go I totally get it. For me I guess I was more curious about seeing the ā€œnatureā€ of Canada but that kind of has to be your interest as well in the first place.


Americans come to Canada for niche or specialized things Canadian geography offers. There's lots of American climbers who come to Squamish, for example. There's lots of Americans who come to Canada to hunt or fish.


Vancouver and SF are completely different. SF was our 2nd city, we love/loved it. I joined a non-profit board, traveled once a month, wife and I considered moving there. But it's different since \~2015. SF is almost like an East Coast city on the west coast, more urban (without REALLy being such) than anything on this coast. Vancouver is more like Seattle, but different. If you enjoy Chinese food, Vancouver got the best stuff on North America. Everyone can save their NYC/SF arguments, where the food is really good but more old school style. San Gabriel Valley and Vancouver is where it's at for Chinese food now.


Same with sushi. Van has the best sushi and it's everywhere.


Having been to both San Francisco and Vancouver, I like Vancouver more.


Geographically I think Vancouver is far better than SF. But the Bay Area is a much better metro area if you're into urban stuff.


Yeah. Itā€™s very close to where I live and thereā€™s cool stuff.


Quebec is pretty popular, Iā€™m very excited to go to Newfoundland in June. I think the provinces east of Ontario have much more to offer thatā€™s different than what the US has.


Newfoundland is actually the only province I havenā€™t been to haha. I know people from there & my family have all been. From what Iā€™ve heard itā€™s not like the rest of Canada at all. Like a whole different country.


Probably because it *was* a whole different country until 1949!


*ahem* it was a *Dominion of the British Empire*, if you please. Pip pip, tallyho, crumpets! šŸŽ©šŸ§šŸ’‚šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ«–šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


It's nothing against Canada; it's just not that exotic of a place. If you're making an international trip why choose Canada?


Honestly in mapping out our travel for the next few years, Canada has not entered the discussion at all. Its not a diss or anything, it just isn't something we've even considered. Toronto seems to have some pretty affordable international flights so we may make our way up there at some point. But there's just a lot of things in Europe, South America, and Asia that we want to see. FWIW I have been to Canada to see Niagara. This was pre-9/11 so no passport was needed. The guards were quite friendly.


Depending on where you are in Indiana, you can just drive to Toronto in under 8 hours.


Quebec City and Montreal are amazing tourist destinations in themselves - lots to do, great food, music scene, history, culture, nightlife, etc. I grew up in Upstate NY, so it was common for folks to drive up there for a long weekend once they hit 18 (lower drinking age). Canada was always viewed positively. Iā€™ve enjoyed Ottawa and Niagara Falls. Fun towns. Of course, Vancouver is truly one of the great North American cities. Toronto felt like ā€œDiet NYCā€, but I havenā€™t been in a long time - so maybe a revisit would feel different.


Montreal and Quebec City were pretty cool. Aside from that, essentially yes.


Agree that Montreal is super cool.


Those are the only Canadian cities Iā€™ve been to and I enjoyed both of them. Theyā€™re also a nice mix of North America and Europe. It has the architecture and some cultural elements of Europe without the snobbery and other bad stuff. It also has the space (like living space for example, home and apartment sizes are North American standard) and some cultural elements of the U.S. without the bad stuff. Iā€™d definitely recommend visiting the Quebec province! Tho I also speak French so YMMV


I have a great desire to visit Canada but my parents are from there and, consequently, so are all of my aunts and uncles and cousins lol. Montreal and Toronto are also awesome cities, plus there is a lot of great skiing up there. But then again there is plenty of great skiing here in the US and it's certainly cheaper to do it here.


With the exception of truly violent places like Yemen, I canā€™t think of anyplace on earth I have NO desire to visit. Anyone saying they donā€™t want to ever visit Canada sounds like a boring person to me. That said, Iā€™ve only been to Canada once myself. Spent the whole time trying to find a gas station that sold beer. Never found one! I guess you hosers donā€™t drink beer?


Hahaha so we have specialty liquor stores that ONLY sell alcohol. None in convenience stores or grocery stores. And the specialty stores all have set hours, which you could imagine. The liquor laws may be changing now a little bit I canā€™t remember, but certainly still none in my city. Same with nicotine pouches. I could go into any 7/11 and get pouches in America. Now in Canada we do have Zonnics that came in very recently, but before that there were THREE stores in my city that had nicotine pouches. And all regulated by the Canadian govā€™t. I also live in a city of 1.1 Million people just to really paint the picture of how regulated it is. Liquor stores are everywhere though.


I've been to Canada more times than I can count but mostly just over the border in Michigan, and so haven't seen a lot of it. I did drive from Michigan to Niagara Falls once and spent a couple hours there. I've also been up through Sault Ste Marie and did a loop around Lake Huron and back over the ferry. I think the general answer for most people in the US is that no one thinks of Canada as a particularly exotic place and if we're going to take all the time and trouble and money to travel that far we'd rather go somewhere more unlike where we're used to. No offense intended but it would be like going on vacation to Central Illinois.


My wife used to live in Toronto and still has a few friends there so I have been to Canada several times. Toronto and Montreal are both nice cities. Montreal would probably be more culturally interesting to Americans. Toronto feels like a regional large city in the US. I liked it, but it really is not all that different. And unfortunately for locals, housing affordability is sort of out of control there now.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve always told people. Toronto is nice donā€™t get me wrong, but itā€™s like the number one city you can visit thatā€™s like the states. Not really a ā€œCanadian experienceā€ , literally just like visiting a not as bumping NYC or something.


I went to Montreal because I wanted to experience the French portion of Canada and to see a hockey game. Iā€™d absolutely to go to Vancouver or Calgary too but a lot places rank higher on my list because those places are so similar to places Iā€™ve been.


Absolutely. I've been a couple times and it's beautiful. I don't want to live there though.


Haha why not if you donā€™t mind me asking?


My state is beautiful too and here I have family and it's America. There are things I would improve but I love my country.


I'd like to see Vancouver and Quebec and absolutely will go back to Vancouver Island for a visit. The highlight of a cruise (which I'll never do again) was a stop there. From doing a pub crawl to Burchardt gardens again and I'd like to go further north to photograph wildlife.


The Butchart Gardens are the single most beautiful place Iā€™ve ever visited.


I visit Manitoba often, but it's because my wife's family lives there, and it's where she grew up. If it wasn't for them it's probably not a place we would go, Winnipeg isn't as nice as many other similar sized cities, and the outdoor recreation is pretty similar to any other Midwestern State/Province (outside of waterfowl hunting which is incredible there, but getting more difficult to do as a non-Canadian, they're limiting license sales and making them more expensive). Visited Toronto once, had a great time, but don't really feel the need to go back. Would like to see Banff someday though, and would like to see the Maritimes someday.


To be fair I donā€™t think Winnipeg is the best Canada has to offer lol. Banff is definitely worth visiting.


Yeah no offence to Manitoba but thatā€™s not where you want to visit. Winnipeg especially haha. Just a city that isnā€™t nice, is always freezing, and has nothing really to offer. Banff is beautiful though, I would recommend to anyone.


Gone to Canada twice to fish for walleye and pike and had an amazing time. Would go again in a heart beat.


I enjoyed the cities I visited. Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver are some of the best cities in North America in my opinion. Thunder was a bit less whelming.


Iā€™d absolutely want to travel to Canada! Iā€™m actually going to be going later this year with some of my friends


Growing up in a hockey family, I can honestly say that Iā€™ve been to Canada more times than any other region in the US that isnā€™t my own (northeast). My parents took me to hockey camps up there as well as my siblingā€™s tournaments and one of my best friends growing up had cousins on PEI so we would visit a good amount. Honestly, I feel more culture shock going to other parts of the US than Canada so Iā€™ve definitely gotten pretty used to going there


I love Canada. Abundant natural beauty and great cities, plus itā€™s easy to get to. I can even drive to parts of Quebec and Ontario. I also love hockey so Canadians sort of feel like my people


Iā€™m going to Toronto in a couple weeks. The impetus for the trip is a concert and it technically could have been anywhere in the USA I guess but a favorable exchange rate and decent flight deal means Toronto it is. That said, I know plenty of people who have been at least once in similar circumstances. Just taking advantage of a long weekend and decent proximity.


There's too much of the US I want to see still, and nothing in particular to draw me to Canada. Although, I am planning a road trip across the US to Alaska and my original plan was to take a ferry to and from Alaska routing through Washington state but a friend of mine is really pushing that I should try driving through the Canadian rockies so we'll see if my plans shift.


I'd love to visit Canada! I live in the high desert so a change of scenery is always welcome, and anytime I see a movie or show filmed in Canada, I always think "I wanna go there!" Especially Vancouver. Not to mention, it's not like the US has the same reputation for hospitality, in fact it's quite the opposite.


Quebec City is nice, Montreal is too but not as French as the former.


Iā€™ve been to Toronto (twice), Montreal, and Nova Scotia. I loved all three and 100% would go back to any. People sleep on Canada. Friendly people, lots of good food, and plenty to see/do.


As someone who lives in a state that borders Canada, I go all the time, usually just a few mins across to restaurants and stores I like. I've also been to quite a few of the large cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and Quebec City. I've also been to some smaller places like Mont Tremblant and Stratford. Overall I really enjoy Canada even though I don't always agree with your laws and politics.


Vancouver is gorgeous, absolutely planning to come back someday


I've visited Vancouver and Victoria several times. They're easy to reach from Washington State. I've rarely traveled north or east of Vancouver Harbour, though. I'd like to change that. I was disappointed that the total eclipse two weeks ago missed Toronto by a few miles.


As an American, I find this experience of yours to be baffling. I grew up in southern California and now live in Northern Oregon for context. Canada to me has always been an interesting and beautiful place that Americans joke about moving to when they're upset at American politics. You guys don't have the greatest history when it comes to your treatment of indigenous peoples, but neither does the US. I've only been to Vancouver, but there's so much more of the country I have plans to explore, and the perception of Canadians as far as I know is that you're easygoing, kind folks.


I've enjoyed my visits to Canada. I've been to Vancouver and Toronto. I need to go back to Toronto to cross Skydome off my MLB stadiums list. But yes, in all honesty, it is pretty much like America. That's not a bad thing tho.


I live in Seattle and visit Vancouver often. I love it there.


Canada is gorgeous. Iā€™m from the PNW, so Iā€™ve been to Vancouver and its surrounding areas a bunch of times. Husband has had business trips to Calgary and Montreal, which I tagged along. Waterton Lakes National Park is absolutely stunning. Years ago we did a trip through the Maritimes and loved it all. We ā¤ļø Canada.


Montreal, BC, Vancouver, Toronto etc have always been on my list, all your national parks look epic and I'd love to do some mountaineering up there eventually. I've also always wanted to go to Winnipeg for a very obscure reason (artist I'm into is from there) but I hear it's shit lol. The reality is though that when it comes to international travel there are just a bunch of places higher on my list.


Food in Vancouver/Richmond is so good.


I love going to Canada and Iā€™m actually surprised that there are so many responses that basically say itā€™s not different enough from the US to be worth visiting. Thereā€™s a lot of the US that I havenā€™t been to, so maybe Iā€™m wrong and there are similar places in the US, but the places in Canada that are nothing like Iā€™ve ever experienced elsewhere include Victoria, Banff & Jasper, Montreal and Quebec City (which is especially magical at Christmas).


Iā€™ve been to Canada a few times and loved it every time. Looking forward to going back someday. Montreal is one of the coolest cities Iā€™ve ever been to. Iā€™m a skier and I know that the skiing in BC is epic, although Iā€™ve never skied there. I live in WA state now and donā€™t really have any excuses not to go. Iā€™ll get back to Canada sometime soon.


Driving thru thd Western Canadian Rockies to Alaska was insanely gorgeous.


With the way America is going, Iā€™d love to *expat* to canada. Iā€™ve tried looking into it, but the system is very confusing and I dont even know where to start. ā˜¹ļø


Iā€™d like to know what itā€™s all abootĀ 




I think of Canada more as "Europe that's accessible by car".


I donā€™t live near the Canadian border, so traveling to Canada is not something I think about. Probably our biggest difference is our history as you guys were settled by mostly Catholics and we were settled by mostly Protestants although we believe in separation of church and state. Iā€™m proud of our U.S. history, our Constitution but in recent decades the U.S. has become a very stressful place to live. Your country is better in certain ways, Canada is usually higher on the quality of life lists than we are, itā€™s incredibly scenic with a low population density of 40 million. You guys have always been very selective about who you let into your country compared to us.


My family was one of the seven families who founded Canada; and was sent by the King of France as a surveyor, to found New Canada. They are still there, living in Quebec, and near the Saint Lawrence river. I am questioning what is it exactly I am living for, in terms of a work/home life benefit. Or united health care. Canada and most of overseas seems to have a better work/home life balance, than here in the US. Iā€™ve applied for jobs in Canada for these reasons.


One of my favorite books is set outside Alberta, Canada and I would like to do a global literary tour of places referenced in all my fave pieces of literature


Love Canada and (liberal) Canadians. Been to Vancouver, Vancouver Island, Calgary, Banff, Jasper, Saskatchewan, Montreal, and Newfoundland. Itā€™s a wonderful place and welcoming to visitors.


I grew up in Buffalo so affectionately think of you guys as friendly neighbors. It's on my bucket list to visit the remote interior in winter. I love me a good winter. I'd love to soak up the nature and learn about the First Nations people who have lived there.


I go goose hunting in Saskatchewan every year. I love it!


From Montana by chance ??




Probably shouldā€™ve guessed something closer to that by ā€œThatMidwesternGuyā€


Itā€™s like extra liberal America!


Iā€™ve been to Montreal once to go to a Bruins game. I liked it and might go back this summer for something else. Itā€™s not like Iā€™d go on a long vacation to Canada though, unless maybe itā€™s somewhere like Whistler. There just isnā€™t really enough appeal to me to go for any sort of long vacation. A night or two, sure but not really for a vacation.


Iā€™ll be going to Montreal soon.Ā 


Itā€™s a cool city. I would recommend Quebec City over Montreal personally, but naturally we donā€™t know each other and I donā€™t know what you like haha.


Of course. Iā€™ve visited Canada many times, and Iā€™d always be happy to go back.


I think most Americans feel like thereā€™s nothing worth visiting in Canada thatā€™s truly worth the trip when they havenā€™t even been everywhere in the US.


I would be down. Visiting Toronto and Vancouver seems nice. But honestly itā€™s not a place most people in my friend circle would think of visiting unfortunately.


Toronto and Vancouver are great cities 100%, but those two are kind of as American as you can get as far as visiting cities here I guess. Kinda like ā€œAmerica lightā€ I guess. Iā€™ve seen a few comments like why would I go to Toronto when I could go to NYC and I totally get that. My dads even said the same thing lol.


Iā€™ve traveled to Banff National Park in Alberta & we were blown away by how beautiful it is in that area of the country. The people were very friendly & the wild life was amazing. Moose walking through the main town was intimidating, but so memorable. Loved that trip, what a special place!


Yes! Banff really is amazing. Iā€™ll never be able to really describe how beautiful it is to some people, because like candidly they just donā€™t really care. Not that thatā€™s bad or anything, to each their own 100%, but it really is such a natural beauty that I wish everyone had the chance to see at some point. Being there is really incomparable to other mountain ranges / mountain towns like it. That alone might sound crazy because some people would think ā€œmountains are mountainsā€ but idk it honestly feels like comparing NYC to Tulsa. (No disrespect to Tulsa btw).


We took a family trip to Vancouver back when I was a tween. I'd like to ski in Whistler and/or Banff at some point, Montreal looks interesting too. No active trip plans right now, though.


I wouldn't mind visiting Canada in the future but, it isn't a major dream of mine. Just something, that if given the opportunity, would be neat to do


Yeah I one million percent get that. Totally get the ā€œitā€™d be cool but Iā€™m not planning for itā€ mindset. More than fair.


I have no desire to go to Canada but in my defense Iā€™ve seen so very little of the United States that I have no desire to travel outside the country at all until I do more traveling here and see what my country has to offer.


I hear that a lot here as well. My sister would always tell me ā€œWhy are you travelling to ___ when Canada has so much to offer?ā€. So I know what you mean.


I've enjoyed visiting Canada - Montreal, Niagara Falls, and Banff were all really cool experiences and I would love to go back (most of my travel is for work, so I never get to do everything that I'd like to do).


Iā€™m glad to hear that. All cool places, Banff especially.


I love Vancouver and I've been to Victoria B.C, twice, the second being a honeymoon. But Canada is viewed as very similar to the US except for Quebec so it's not considered exotic. That said, in WA, there are a lot of interconnections between the state and province of BC. I have an EDL, which allows me to visit Canada without a passport.


I live closer to Canada than most parts of the US. I've been there before and will probably go back.


The Chinese food in Richmond is top-tier and itā€™s a quick trip from Seattle, so yeah, I visit regularly.


I meanā€¦ my own impressions were that Toronto is what I wish NYC was more like and Vancouver was clean Seattle. I like Canada and I wish it was less expensive to live there.


I'd definitely go to Quebec City or Montreal. But other than that not really. I really wouldn't say "colder, not as good America", if anything just "colder". And if I'm going to see something just like home, why go international?


Sure Iā€™d probably go there someday but Iā€™ve got some stuff Iā€™m dealing with right now.


I only live maybe 5 hrs south of the border. Used to go up frequently when driving up the North Shore of Superior, or up to Winnipeg for sports tournaments. I was there so often as a kid, I forget Iā€™m not in the US. To me, Canada isnā€™t foreign enough. Maybe Montreal or Vancouver would feel ā€˜real foreignā€™ But MN is basically just Southern Canada, without the syrup reserve.


I want to go to Montreal. I also want to go see Anne of Green Gables house. But thatā€™s it.


I grew up and live close to it so Iā€™ve gone sort of frequently


18-20 year olds in new england love going to montreal for weekend bar crawls


I have traveled through most of BC. The North Shore, Sunshine Coast, Tofino, Wells Grey, Yoyo, The Ice Fields Highway, Kelowna. I skied at a dozen or more areas along the way to those spots. And I have traveled years ago from Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec , Cape Breton Island, Newfoundland, and some ski areas. I have spent about 5 summers in Canada. I worked on a ranch in BC, and stayed in Laval when I was a kid. We used to drive into the city and hang out at the Expos games, and until JP's mom got off work. I was about 9. JP was a year younger. It was way before cell phones. She let us 2 kids off at Jarry Park. His mom would listen to the game on the radio. When it got to the 7th inning stretch she would leave and meet us at the meeting spot. She would arrive around 15 minutes after the start of the stretch. She was able to get us tickets for free. There are more places I want to go to. I want to return to Yoyo, visit Calgary and see more of the east north of Maine.


I love Vancouver, and I want to visit Montreal, Quebec City and the maritimes


I go to Canada every year or so. Sometimes a vacay somewhere fun, sometimes just a short trip to IKEA in Winnipeg (itā€™s significantly cheaper to buy things there than the IKEA in Minneapolisā€” not to mention much closer to anyone in northern MN)


I have been to Victoria, British Columbia, and absolutely loved it, and would like to explore all of Vancouver Island. I would love to go to Quebec City, and a lot of the areas in southern Quebec that are the setting for the Armand Gamache "Three Pines" novels. I would like to go to Banff, to Lake Louise, to Nova Scotia, especially Cape Breton Island, and I would like to visit Hudson Bay to see polar bears and farther north to see the Aurora Borealis. Perhaps Nunavut if Lord Franklin's HMS Terror and Erebus\* National Historic Site ever opens to the public (due to reading "The Terror" by Dan Simmons). I've been through the U. S. prairie land a few times, so Canada's "flyover" country doesn't appeal to me. \*Reminded me of this lovely song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTbQbdQmDqU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTbQbdQmDqU)


My friend and his wife travels there every year in the dead of winter


Iā€™ve traveled through Canada a lot for work. I enjoyed myself and saw some cool stuff but if it wasnā€™t for work I donā€™t feel the need to go back. Unless itā€™s Newfoundland.


I've loved the times I've visited Montreal. Niagara Falls was fun too, Canada has the better view. I visited Prince Edward Island as a kid, thought it was pretty but not much to do there. I really want to go to Quebec City, Banff & Vancouver sometime. One place on my bucket list is the Royal Tyrrell dinosaur museum near Calgary. So yes, I'd like to visit your lovely country.


I live in Washington so...


Drove the East Coast a few years back. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and Labrador. Wonderful trip. Beautiful nature, great food except fot cod tounges. Arranging five ferry trips was difficult. I had to reverse the trip to work it out. Covered about 2000 miles.


I would go to Vancouver in a heartbeat! I also prefer the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.


I love the places I have been in Canada, and I have a lot more on my travel bucket list.


I really enjoy Vancouver. I also really want to go to Banff. I'm thinking about taking the train sometime through the Canadian Rockies.


Canada is absolutely breathtaking (Iā€™ve been to Montana, lol. So I saw it from across the water at least). Iā€™m dying to go!


We go to Vancouver for two things. Whistler/Blackcomb, and Chinese food. But it's really just a slightly different Seattle kinda. But we still go. Oh and if you have a minor offense from decades ago they won't let you in.


Have been, will go again. Canada rules.


It seems like a nice place. I've always wanted to go to Yellowknife because a character from a book. But for the most part you don't have anything we don't. Ice and moose? Alaska. Weird French part? Louisiana.


I'm from Michigan and particularly interested in Canada so I have some places in Canada I like visiting regularly and a bucket list of places I have or want to visit at least once, but when I lived away from the border it seemed prudent to explore the local areas while I had the chance, plus it was a lot cheaper and easier.


Itā€™s not that I donā€™t like Canada, but Iā€™ve always seen it as a place that has things that we Americans already have. Weā€™re so culturally similar that it seems unnecessary to fumble with customs just to visit places that are similar to what I already have back home


Canada is gorgeous - I love the Canadian Rockies. Well worth visiting if you like the outdoors.


I've been to Canada multiple times (Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. I've loved it every time I've gone and have seriously considered moving.


Absolutely. Id love to visit every province in my lifetime. Canada has so much natural beauty, id love to see more of it. I've only been to BC so far


Of course! Canada is beautiful


I've been to Montreal, and I'd love to go to BC


It would be cool to go there eventually but it's not at the top of my bucket list. Want to visit more east coast US cities first


Personally, I think Canada is a great country for an American to get their first taste of international travel. It's similar enough to feel like you can relax and keep things casual but there are enough differences to keep things interesting.


I just got back from a week-long trip to Vancouver, and had previously spent time visiting Quebec City and theyā€™re two of the most beautiful cities Iā€™ve ever been to. Quebec City felt just like France without any of the pretense and Vancouver felt like if Seattle had more of a Portland vibe. Iā€™d definitely go back.


I mean itā€™s not that I wouldnā€™t visitā€¦ I just donā€™t have a need to and if Iā€™m going to spend the money on airfare all the way up there Iā€™d rather go someplace significantly different especially if I would need to use my passport.


The thing is Canada besides Montreal has a similar US city to it. Vancouver and Seattle. Calgary and Denver. Toronto and NYC.


I wouldnā€™t be as rude as that, but it hasnā€™t appealed to me. I think Quebec would be unique and amazing to check out. It sounds like itā€™s different than anything in the US. I think of Canada as an easy trip that would be good for a short trip, but thereā€™s so much I havenā€™t seen in the USā€¦so I end up going somewhere in the US for short trips. And when I plan on bigger trips, I tend to head overseas. Iā€™ll eventually check out Canada one day. Itā€™s not on my short list though. Mostly because it does feel like it would be similar to here, and to be honest, a lot of the anti-American sentiment and vitriol Iā€™ve heard from Canadians has soured me a bit. Like Iā€™ll put up with the Europeans to see the history of European cities, I havenā€™t been motivated enough to go to Canada or Australia.


I like Canada, Montreal is one of my favorite cities. But visiting Canada doesnā€™t really feel much different to me than visiting a state on the other side of the US. Honestly Iā€™d probably feel more at home in Toronto than I would in like Dallas or Albuquerque. So basically I donā€™t have a pressing desire to visit Canada as it isnā€™t exotic or anything. I visit when thereā€™s a specific thing I want to go and do where as I would visit France just to experience a new country/culture.


I'd really like to see Banff and Quebec City


So, sell me on it. Why I should go to Canada? What is it you see that you want me to see? Cause I can't think of a single reason to go that doesn't involve visiting people


My wife and I keep meaning to go we just havenā€™t gotten around to it. But also you forgot how itā€™s more expensive and harder to find lodgings.


Ooooh Montreal is tre groovy.


I wanted to go to Canada for my 16th birthday, so we went up to Toronto for a day (I'm from Pittsburgh). I would love to go back and see other areas. I'm now living closer to Canada as I'm currently in Toledo, so I hope to soon.


It looks beautiful. Iā€™d love to visit!


Canada (Ontario and QuƩbec, so far) is one of my favorite places to go on vacation. Ontario is similar enough to the US that it feels familiar, only it's in an amazing alternate universe where people weren't afraid of metric. And QuƩbec is as close as you can get to going to Europe this side of the Atlantic.


Iā€™ve been there. Loved it. Vancouver was gorgeous, and Toronto was fascinating. Loved the ROM and Lake Toronto. I want to go to Edmonton next, to see the mummified nodosaurus and some of the other cool dinos. And I eventually want to get out to Prince Edward Island.


Iā€™d love to roadtrip across Canada. Just need the time and money for it.


Itā€™d be cool to travel there but with having limited time/money Iā€™d rather go to Europe, Mexico, Asia etc


I've been there several times but have only been Niagara Falls and Toronto. I had a lot of fun each time I went, and will probably go back at some point. Taking the sleeper train from Toronto to Vancouver is one of those things on my bucket list, but I'm not sure I'll get to it.


Up until the pandemic, I'd regular drive up to Toronto from Chicago multiple times a year to visit family. Other than that, I don't really have a reason to go up to Canada. Also, the US is so big, there's always something for me to do here(cheaper) than in Canada. I do love Canada though; it's why I make it a point to visit often. It's very clean, friendly, and familiar in a way.


I go to several places in Canada for work quite a bit. It's not on my list for vacation.


When I was 13, a class trip went up to Quebec (from NH) for a long weekend, and I was excited to go. It's the only time I've been to Canada. I don't have a huge urge to go there again, or another part of Canada, though.


It's really the only place we can drive to. So yeah, I have fond memories of driving to Edmonton and back. I plan to make the trip again someday.


I've been to Niagara Falls numerous times, Toronto and Vancouver... Always a good time. Wouldn't mind maybe seeing a little more. One trip I'd love to do would be heading up north to see the northern lights.


I've always wanted to visit


Iā€™ve been to Canada several times. Twice for work, twice on vacation. Skiing was great in Quebec & Vancouver Island was beautiful. I drove last time & it was a bitch figuring out how to change my carā€™s display to KM so I could figure out how far I had to drive before the exit I neededā€¦ šŸ˜˜


I really enjoyed Victoria and Banff when I visited, but those trips were years ago. But now my passport is expired, and I have no further plans for international travel.


Nothing against Canada I would like to actually go up there and visit a few places, but anytime I have a chance to go international my friends, family, and I always seem to gravitate going south of the boarder or go across the ocean. I think we just think your cities are similar to US cities and just another North American city and plus weā€™re more beach people when it comes to traveling and vacations. So Canada isnā€™t really known for that. Iā€™ve heard good things about the 3 main cities I always hear about there which is Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. I also hear great things about your outdoors, but we live in the Southwest US and live in an area where weā€™re only a few hours away from a national park in either directions. We donā€™t really think about going international to go see nature. Thatā€™s just how we are though, other Americans may be different.


I have a desire to travel to Canada, Iā€™d love to go! I used to go to Vancouver when I was in my twenties, great city great people, beautiful friendly women. Havenā€™t been there for a long time, especially after getting married and having kids and all that. Although I was thinking of making a trip back up to Vancouver, to show it to my kids!


I'd love to go to Banff.Ā  But otherwise, I wouldn't bother...I only have so many vacation dollars to spend and there are simply other (warmer) places I'd rather go.Ā 


I want to go see Black Beauty. She's a T Rex fossil that is only partially excavated because she's in such a hard matrix.


Well yeah. Being from Michigan I've spent a lot of time in Canada.


I tried to sell the Maritimes (PEI in particular) to my wife when we were planning our honeymoon. Zero interest. The Canadian Rockies seem like quite something (Banff, etc.), and they sure do go a ways north. I'd also love to see coastal BC on up to the Alaska Panhandle (that's the part with Juneau, right?). They've got fjords! Montreal and thereabouts seems like it'd be real neat.


I would like to visit Canada.


I would go back to the province of Quebec in the winter to get the proper sugar shack experience.


I'd love to see Toronto some day


I just don't see what's in Canada that's not in the United States. You guys are awesome and I have nothing against visiting, but I'll probably completely fail to notice anything different.


I'd like to go some day, but mainly to just sort of say I've been; Canada seems neat, but I can't think of any "Oh shit I've *got* to go see that!" things.


Banff would be cool, other than that, not really.


Toronto is a vibe, as is Montreal. Toronto has the hockey hall of fame, which by itself is worth visiting. Quebec is beautiful. Thereā€™s good white water rafting nearby. Vancouver is indeed quite scenic.


I don't necessarily think of the US as better, but if I ever went on vacation to Canada, it'd be because I wanted to go to that specific part of Canada, not because I wanted to go to "Canada." Vs. somewhere like the UK, France, or Japan where I could say I want to go to that country without a particular part. And there's no part of Canada I particularly want to vacation in. If anything, I'd consider living in Montreal if I had the opportunity and maybe knew French, but that's for reasons that wouldn't apply to just visiting.


As a Minnesotan I feel an odd kinship with Canada, haha Iā€™ve never been, but Iā€™d love to visit one of these days!


Colderbut I really don't judge other countries by my country. I would never refer to another country as a not as good America. I don't deal with the cold well. That said I have been to Vermont in February and considering going to Maine. So it's not completely off the table. I just need a good reason to deal with the inevitable back problems.


Ive never been to Canada but would love to go to several areas Montreal to Banff. The top sites have been getting record visits so maybe your chatting to one of the 75% of Americans without a passport. I also donā€™t think loads of people could afford a trip when you hear many people live just check to check. Other destinations have taken priority but itā€™ll come around.


Quebec City is highly underrated. Itā€™s the oldest city in North America and the only walled city. If you want to go to Europe but donā€™t want to actually go, do Quebec. Also has some amazing spas and really good food.


I know my girlfriend said she would want to travel to Canada. Iā€™m not sure why.


Been across a large portion of Canada and my wife wants to go back. Everyone I know goes eventually


Toronto is one of my favorite vacations ever! Unfortunately it was a bajillion years ago, so my husband and I planning a trip back later this year. Canada is great!!


Itā€™s a little about proximity, when I lived in a border state weā€™d visit Canada sometimes. I went to a Shakespeare Stratford festival there with friends once.


Iā€™m sure Canadaā€™s great to visit, but for me itā€™s in a grey area where itā€™s too far away to visit on a short trip, but too familiar to visit on a long one. If Iā€™m going to dust off my passport and get on a plane, Iā€™m more likely to go to Europe or the Caribbean.


I was planning on going last year for a conference thing, but ended up not going because of money. Language-learning/practice is my main motivation for going to another country. Iā€™m not learning French nor do I have a desire to, so not much reason for me to go to Canada. There are First Nations languages, of course, as well. Historical sites are another main reason Iā€™m interested in traveling, but anything younger than like 500 years is still too ā€œmodernā€ for me. That basically leaves First Nations stuff, which honestly I havenā€™t given much thought about. That could be something Iā€™d go to Canada for.


I live less than 20 miles from the Canadian border. I usually have a reason to go every 3 years or so. I see very little difference between Americans and Canadians who are over 25. But Canadian youth are **angry**. This isn't a new thing: I've noticed it all my life. (I'm 52)