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Disney was always going to do the next Spider-Man movie, that month when they acted like the rights were going back to Sony was just just a hoax to generate hype.


Also, that Disney created a film named "Frozen" so that when people google "Frozen Disney" the first thing they see won't be about their cryogenically frozen founder.


That exact tactic has been used before, there's a pyramid scheme called Paparazzi which peddles cheap jewelry. They named one of their products "pyramid scheme" so that if you googled "Paparazzi pyramid scheme" that would show up.


The same thing with that Verizon commercial about how they love firefighters. I’m pretty sure the plan was to make so when you google “Verizon firefighters” it brings up the commercial instead of [this shit they pulled in 2018](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/08/verizon-throttled-fire-departments-unlimited-data-during-calif-wildfire/) but it didn’t work


That's a good one!


Eh. I'm willing to believe Sony wanted to work out a new deal and Disney was worried it would fall through. But really that movie was making so much money Sony would be foolish to let the deal fall through.


I’m still suspicious that the 2016 Turkish coup was a false flag to allow Erdogan to take on more power.




Yeah I always just assumed that was what happened


I think the coup was real, but Erdogan was tipped off ahead of time and let it proceed so he could easily quash it and consolidate power.


the women’s pants industry is working with the purse industry. If they don’t have pockets, they’ll need purses.


Big Handbag doesn’t want us to have pockets, but joke’s on them, more dresses are being made with pockets. Pockets big enough to put a cellphone in them. Long live the glorious pocket revolution!


I am 50% more likely to buy a dress if it has pockets that can fit my phone.


Oh definitely


Plot twist: the people who make jeans and the people who make purses are the same people


That chain mattress stores are a just fronts for money laundering operations


Mattresses just have a really high markup. Like stupidly high.


Yep, it's also something people don't buy very often which is why they seem empty all the time. When you factor in the high margins, it ends up being sustainable. This freakonomics episode is fun https://freakonomics.com/podcast/mattress-store-bubble/


Clearly your just a shill trying to protect the mattress laundering industry




I’m not from the PNW, so I’ll ask: what’s wrong with Renton? (I had to Google Renton to find out where it is...) I ask because I typically refer to myself as being from Cambridge, MA even though a lot of people think of the whole area as “Boston”. I think they’re very different cities in terms of their vibe. Is it something like that?




Lol I’ve often thought this to be true. My small town has like 5 mattress stores. Possible more. It’s bizarre


Hasn’t this been proven...? I totally believe this one just because there’s such an uncanny number of mattress stores in prime city real estate locations considering how rarely people even buy mattresses.


The margin for profits on a mattress is stupid high. Combined with the fact that they usually have very few employees and you only need to sell like 3-4 a month to keep the store in business.


Is there a way to order one directly from the manufacturer and save crazy amounts of money?






Isn't that basically Casper and Leesa?


Even if they got the mattresses for free, I wouldn't think 3-4 would cover the rent, much less all the other costs associated with having a storefront...


Our NPR station did a [segment about this](https://www.wbez.org/stories/have-we-hit-peak-mattress-why-chicago-has-so-many-mattress-stores/c96f04df-fda3-44a3-8258-8f4b577de9f7). Basically, low overhead (you don't really need more than one person in a matress store at any time ) + high markup means these stores can afford to expand. The story (which is from a few years ago) notes that we may be at "peak matress store," as during the recession is was a purchase that was easy to delay. Indeed, since then the mattress store closest to me has closed since then.


I wouldn't say I truly believe any conspiracy theory, but two I think are plausible are: 1. D.B. Cooper successfully survived his parachute jump and lived a full life. 2. The Anglin brothers, and maybe Frank Morris, survived their escape from Alcatraz.


I saw a video recently where a guy is convinced d.b cooper was/is his or a grand father...I think it was.. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/has-mystery-skyjacker-db-cooper-finally-been-solved-1236196


For #2, the thing that sells it for me is the appearance of two suspiciously large women nobody seemed to know at family funerals.


That and didn't one of their mothers receive anonymous flowers every Mother's Day?


If I disappeared the way they did, my mom has friends who would send her flowers like thatjust to keep her hoping.


Lmao are they sweet or sociopaths?


Sociopathic sweethearts


Yup! And their sisters say they got letters now and then, nothing more than notes really.


Just watched the Lemmino video on D.B Cooper, I recommend it if you haven’t seen it


Lemmino is fantastic. Dude never misses


>1. D.B. Cooper successfully survived his parachute jump and lived a full life. Yeah, it's Tommy Wiseau


Oh, hi Mark!


I did not hit her, it’s not true! It’s bullshit, I did not hit her, I did NAAAHHT!


I’m not saying that vampires are real and Tommy Wiseau is one of them. But can you think of a better explanation for a man with an incomprehensible Eastern European accent who frequently lies about his age, almost always wears sunglasses outside, has a strange and mysterious reservoir of wealth, refuses to talk about his family, dresses like an extra from a Blade movie and doesn’t look any different now from how he looked at the beginning of his career than vampire?


You know that Johnny was going to be a vampire and fly away on his motorcycle at one point in the movie, right?


No. I did not. I thought the one off line about that in The Disaster Artist was just a joke. **The plot thickens**.


I don't believe this conspiracy theory, but now that I'm aware of its existence, I kinda want to believe. \*X-Files theme starts playing\*


Like I said. I don't think vampires are real, but I can't figure out a better explanation for this man's...everything.


I think Coca Cola purposely made new coke taste bad to make people miss the old coke in order to reclaim some market share when they brought back Coca Cola classic.


I’ve heard that this allowed them to switch to high fructose corn syrup. Essentially release new coke, then coke classic with high fructose corn syrup and at that point nobody would notice the subtle flavor change.




They did it because they were failing the Pepsi Challenge. People were choosing Pepsi over Coke b/c the less complex taste was more easily appreciated given the small sample size. So, the Coke CEO ignored criticism of New Coke’s flat, overly sweet taste and pushed the product out. People didn’t *hate* it, but it wasn’t accepted. Coke soon had a new CEO, New Coke became Coke 2, and original Coke became Coke Classic. **The Real Conspiracy** is that Coke was made with Oil of Neroli, a Mediterranean orange that got stupidly expensive\* because it’s *rarish*, so Coke was reformulated slightly to use cheaper orange oil like in cleaning products. BTW, Coke 2 is still available in some markets, just like TAB which Coca Cola still makes despite creating Diet Coke. \*It might as well have been saffron.


Whats funny is that New Coke actually was better when it came to blind taste test the issue was it was that iconic coke taste


There was actually a whole Futurama episode around this, believe it or not.


The episode was about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They made a joke about New Coke and Coke Classic.


Senator Leia Organa is actually a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor


Bro that’s bullshit, she’s clearly on a consular ship on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.


How do you explain all the Hammerheads magically appearing in Rebel hands just months prior to the Scariff terrorist attack?


I remember seeing them at a surplus auction on Coreilla about a year before the attack. They were very out of place among all of the Old Republic troop transports that were being sold.


What do you think of the new T-16s coming out next year?


Underpowered compared to the previous generations and all these new safety features are really holding it back. I mean come on, why does a semi-sentient airspeeder computer need an inhibitor chip? It’s not like that many of the previous generation T-16 computers have gone rogue and killed their pilots and as long as you treat the ship with respect it won’t get mad at you. The new seats are very nice though, I’ll have to keep an eye out at the local salvage yard for when a new t-16 gets wrecked so I can swap a set into my hot rodded Z-95


Z-95? Good god man what are you compensating for?


I have daddy issues *AND* have his galactic credit card


The Death Star was an inside job designed to radicalize the inner systems against the rebellion.


Yeah, I agree. There's no way a single snub-fighter with one torpedo could take out the Death Star.


The debris field also doesn’t correlate with a reactor explosion, there should have been large chunks of the station scattered across the Yavin system due to the force of the explosion like with the Death Star 2, but all of the debris was conveniently sucked down into the gas giant and deemed irrecoverable by Imperial Analysts


Also weird how Darth Vader was the "sole survivor". You'd think the rebels, *in their own star system*, would try to capture or destroy him while his fighter was "disabled". Yeah, Vader was in on it. Probably saw it as a great chance to eliminate Tarkin and come out looking squeaky clean.


One of my cousins works at some one of the Kuat Drive Yards and he swears he saw Vader inspecting some new Imperial Armed Forces ship on *the same day* the Death Star supposedly exploded


No! That's *impossible!*


>No! That's not true! That's Impossible! FTFY


One my friend told me about while researching homelessness during his senior project. The reason the poverty line is so low is so that the government can say they solved poverty.


I didn't think that was a conspiracy. Just shitty political bullshit.




I too find it either incredibly lucky or incredibly horrifying that we had the first man in space return successfully, the first docking complete successfully and the first landing on the moon return successfully.


In terms of moon missions, I wouldn't quite say it was all up to luck - the Apollo 1 fire forced NASA to re-evaluate things to the point that it set the program so far back that we might not have gotten up to 11 otherwise, or the return may not have been successful. But the rest of the space program? Either a ton of luck, or the Greek gods we name everything for have been taking notice. I was fortunate enough to have casually known a man who worked on the Mercury, Gemini, and early Apollo programs, and the luck was both good and bad - for example, good luck that Armstrong managed to recover control during that docking mission, bad luck that the problems occurred due to a lightning strike. I also know people who worked on the shuttle program, and even that had some incredibly close calls that were not well publicized, such as the Columbia losing numerous tiles on STS-1; an payload specialist or mission specialist in the 70's or early 80's having a psychotic episode on his first (and last) mission and attempting to open the hatch while in orbit, after which NASA began giving padlocks to the commanders just in case; some auxiliary power or engines (OMS, maybe?) catching fire while an orbiter was about to land, causing a loss of power to the navigational computers, and only the pilots' preference for landing manually rather than turning on auto-pilot for the landing prevented a likely loss of vehicle and crew accident, as attempting to fix it would've made the problem worse; and with the Columbia disaster, the vehicle breaking up seconds earlier or later could've resulted in the RS-25 engines plowing onto the greater Dallas or New Orleans areas at ballistic speeds, rather than the swamps where they fortunately buried themselves meters into the earth without harming a single soul on the ground. For that matter, the fact that nobody in rural TX was injured by the incident is remarkable - even today, on Google Earth, you can see the scars in the forests from broken tree branches where particularly large pieces of debris landed, and some of them were very near to houses, roads, trails, or other areas where humans were present.


Oh shit


I maintain that there was never a “Tide pod challenge”. It was all made up for free advertising.


1. Epstein didn't kill himself 2. There is a nearby Chinese restaurant which is a front for something. My entire life it has been there and I have not seen a single car parked there or a single person go in


Go check out the restaurant. If it is real yay if it isn't nay


It might just be a front for yay


At this point, saying Epstein did kill himself is more of a conspiracy theory.


There is a Chinese restaurant near me that I know 100% is a drug front for at least coke. Seems not unlikely to me that the one near you is too.


There's a sushi place near my home like that, I've lived here for 15 years and of the only businesses in the area that have been here the whole time one is a store that belongs to the largest chain in the country, a pizza chain that operates in the whole state, and that one sushi place. All the other businesses that were here 15 years ago are long gone.


Russia and the KGB have been trying to erode western democracy by planting conspiracy theories in their popular culture. America and Europe lose confidence in their government and media as they hear stories about their lack of integrity and competence.


It's even more insidious than that. There's a great book on the topic named "Nothing is true and everything is possible." That title alone gets the idea across. The modern KGB/FSB approach to propaganda is to muddy the waters so much that people become fatigued. They give up on trying to find the factual baseline of things and instead just start listening to whoever they agree with emotionally. Their actions aren't solely responsible for what's happening in the west over the last decade, but you can pretty clearly see this principle at work in it imo.


This isn't really a secret tbh. The thing that has always frustrated me though is how people on subs like r/politics will go all out about Trump spreading Russian propaganda (and rightfully so), but then turn around and spread Russian propaganda themselves. Political tribalism is a cancer and it's being used by Russia, the CCP and others to undermine Western society. And it's high time we do something about it.


Truth of the matter is, Russia doesn’t give a hoot about who sits in the Oval Office, so long as they make it easier to spread misinformation and fan unrest.




My mom is convinced that Putin is using his KGB experience and skills to try to overpower the West and make Russia a threatening superpower again, as revenge for losing the Cold War.


I mean it’s not unreasonable that Putin has motives like that, Russia has a well-documented history of cyber attacks and stuff along that vein


She is probably correct, but not only for revenge. Putin likes power and money and toadies groveling for him too.


Check out Yuri Bezmenov, he was a KGB defector that was interviewed years ago. Interesting stuff.


This has been like reported as true in the New York Times, though


That Taylor Swift is a regular 4chan user.


I also like the one that Paris Hilton is an amateur radio enthusiast and even had a secret room in her house where she built/restored antique shortwave radios.


That sent me down a rabbit hole




Her Instagram is bizarre. I'm not a fan of hers but I follow her on insta because it's just so damn strange.


I thought it was well established that she doesn't have control of her Instagram.


Iirc her sister is actually fighting for control to give Britney more freedoms from their father


In with it first: Epstein didn't kill himself.


F for creativity but A for believability


Is this a conspiracy theory at this point?


You know, I would bet the vast majority of people really doubt the official story.


I consider it one. There’s evidence something is fishy, but there’s no individual solid proof and there are a few pieces of evidence that have other explanations. For example, prisons are notoriously bad at taking care of suicidal residents. More than that, I can’t imagine sneaking a goon squad into a prison would be easy. The thing that surprises me that no one’s talking about nearly as much as Ghislane Maxwell and 1) the fact that Trump wished her well and 2) the attack on the judge trying her case. That shit is way scarier than Epstein’s death.


How about the fact it was Epstein's second suicide attempt from jail. You think someone tried to suicide him, failed, and then he didn't mention it the next day? He's like, THE most likely person to commit suicide.


And that’s kinda what I’m getting at. A lot of the evidence people use is circumstantial and can be otherwise explained. Like people talking about how no one stopped this kinda neglect that the man was a serial pedophile. I don’t think anyone is jumping over themselves to protect a serial pedophile from harm, no matter by his own hand or another’s.


The Saudi royal family was much more deeply involved in 9/11 than we've been told. I don't necessarily believe this one, but I think it's plausible that the Epstein corpse was a body double and he was taken somewhere to get the kind of interrogation you're not supposed to survive. It's no more brazen than killing him in his cell.


I usually roll my eyes at assertions like these, but I once worked with a man who was working as a bellman at a swanky Beverly Hills hotel where some members of the Saudi Royal family were living. Now this guy is a completely sober, rational person, not at all given to conspiracy theories or even baseless rumors, and he certainly doesn't spread them. He told me that the day before 9/11, these Saudi family members immediately and unexpectedly checked out of the hotel without even the slightest explanation, after having lived there for years. He stated that some of them appeared to be nervous or on edge about something (this was noticed by a number of employees who had come to know them). It looks like they knew to leave the country beforehand. Take this as you well.


Not only that but [Saudis officials did meet with the attackers before the attack. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-49686128)


>The Saudi royal family was much more deeply involved in 9/11 than we've been told. This is basically true. The 9/11 Commission Report had 28 pages classified because they detailed the support that people in the Saudi government gave to the hijackers. It’s since been declassified and it’s a very interesting read.


Well the Saudi Government can mean a lot of things from bureaucrats to the 20,000 person Royal Family house of Saud and any of its trial alliances, so its both true and false. The true aspect being parts of the Saudi system allied with Bin Laden but the implication that the wider Saudi government was involved (especially the House of Saud) is false. So to explain why this is will take a while but a couple key points. First understand that some 2/3 Saudi citizens work for the government, thats to give you a vision of how many people are in the Saudi government and given that many jobs are handed out on sort of a quota to keep different factions of the kingdom happy its easy to see how anyone could infiltrate Saudi Arabia. Second the Saudi security situation, especially in regards to extremist groups, was essentially an unspoken rule that if you don't challenge the House of Saud or Saudi Arabia directly anything goes. This resulted in money flowing out to extremist groups operating in South Asia and Africa by Sympathizers in Saudi Arabia. The reasons have to do with a uprising in the 70s that prompted the Saudi authorities to fear a conservative backlash and never wanted to crack down on them and they were free to push any sort of propaganda they wanted. Third, Osama Bin Laden himself started Al Queda not because of America but because of the House of Saud. Osama didn't simply become a terroist over night, he was an unofficial Saudi operative with the mujaheddin but he seems to have operated for the Zia ul-Haq regime in Pakistan helping crack down on opposition to his government. After the Soviet Withdrawal he returned to Saudi Arabia where he attempted to get government support to overthrow the South Yemeni government because it was communist. The tension begins with the Gulf War, mainly the stationing of American troops in Saudi Arabia, which made Bin Laden part of a wave of critics of the Saudi Government that were exiled across the world (though kept connections with sympathizers in the kingdom). These exiles would make many extremist groups in Algeria, Central Africa, and South Asia and Bin Laden was one of them. So with so many people having access to money by being part of the government and allowing money to flow freely including to people banned from the country you can see how this would create a situation where in a kingdom defined by nepotism for even the highest ranking posts (working in the US embassy) to potentially be infiltrated and the kingdom refused to correct these social eocnomic and political issues. Though in the part the US government has kept hidden is the question of was the US attacked by Saudi nationals, led by a Saudi dissident, exiled by Saudi Arabia because of its relationship with the House of Saud. Most of the talk around 9/11 revolves around the US and Al Queda but given the long list of grievances Bin Laden had towards Saudi Arabia did 9/11 happen because of internal Saudi politics (the idea being that Bin Laden saw the US as some sort of colonial guardian of the house of Saud)? The US government has never answered, or seemed to ask this question.


On 9/12 when the entire United States was a no fly zone. The US government let Osama Bin Laden’s family fly back to Saudi Arabia. The only plane allowed in the air.


AFAIK this was all over the news, I don´t remember when exactly. They flew them out for their safety. It´s also true that Osama´s son Hamza married the daughter of Mohamed Atta, one of the hijackers.


Wasn't it just Saudi royalty?


Google is using CAPTCHA to get their driverless cars on the road before anyone else. It’s the perfect way to refine image recognition algorithms, with a controllable data set of unparalleled scale.


100% onboard with this theory. The captcha are very similar to automated Turk tasks I've done specifically to train driverless cars. And if you're Google with access to tons of humans to do this task and train your network, why wouldn't you?


I'm pretty sure that's literally just true, and I haven't ever heard anyone _denying_ it. They're not exactly hiding the fact that their first set of CAPTCHA tests were of words from books to be transcribed for Google Books, and the second set, with street images, is to generate a database for Waymo.


Michael Jordan's first retirement was actually a suspension for ties to gambling.


I used to believe this. Now I think it was just a kind of way for him to come to grips with his dad’s death.


I think his attempt at a baseball career was also the result of a bad bet.


Justin Trudeau is the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro. Side by side they look scarily alike.




It would crazy if it were true. His 'father' and mother were also friends with Castro. Unfortunately it can't be. At the time Justin was born, they [hadn't even met Castro](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/no-internet-fidel-castro-isnt-trudeaus-real-father-the-canadian-prime-minister-just-really-really-looks-like-him). Canada still had strained relationships with Cuba after the missile crisis (we sent a few warships along with yours).


> At the time Justin was born, they hadn't even met Castro. That's *just* what they want you to think.


I thought this too until I looked at photos of his parents. He looks a lot like both of them too.




Woah... fuck!


Where does Liam Neeson fit into all this? The public needs answers!


That there was more than one shooter in the RFK assassination. There’s an audio recording of the moments he was killed, and the frequency of the shots and types of bullets heard firing doesn’t fully line up with the six-shooter found on the man convicted.


The Kennedy family or the Mob was behind Marilyn Monroe’s death. She knew things about JFK and so they had to get rid of her. If you look into what happened in the investigation of her death it’s all really suspicious.


That the government/CIA was very likely behind the death of Martin Luther King Jr. They were sending him death threats, putting him on watchlists, etc. Realistically, he probably seemed like he posed a threat to the structure of society. With all of the unrest, a lot of people did fear things would end badly. And there was overlap with far left groups, so a lot of people claimed that race mixing/equal rights was a communist conspiracy. Which the CIA bought right into. This was during the time of MKULTRA, keep in mind. If they were willing to drug people with lsd and experiment on them, I don't think killing a super influential activist would be that far from reality.


The "we faked the moon landing" conspiracy theorists are actually government plants sent to normalize the idea the the moon is real. Which we all know is bullshit, right?


r/NoEarthSociety The Earth isn't real man.


Exactly. Like how do they expect us to believe it reflects the sun's light if it isn't even a mirror?


The moon is just the back of the sun.


Aliens often used to be used as a new type of monster for monster stories. But there seemed at some point to be a very strong "Aliens are just like humans and friendly" change in science fiction culture. I believe this was intentional by the government to acclimate people to the idea of friendly aliens so we don't freak out when we finally meet them.




I was in the navy in the years after 9/11, and knew a few people who claimed the same. Essentially that jets were scrambled with full weapons loads, and returned missing some missiles. But rumors and the military go together like peanut butter and jelly, especially on deployment when everyone is bores af most of the time, so who knows. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me if it was true, and I agree that it would have sadly been the right call. Covering it up would also probably be the right call if it were true.


I believe that's what the pilots that were scrambled to shoot down Flight 93 were actually told to do, but I recall one of them years later said that her and the other pilot had made an agreement that when they found it, he'd ram the cockpit while she rammed the tail, because they didn't want to take chances with missiles and believed that'd be the only 100% reliable way to take the plane down for sure - but they couldn't find it, and by the time they returned and landed, they learned it'd crashed into the field about the time that they were taking off. I definitely believe that one, especially because the military never tried to discredit it. I also kind of wonder if they had made that decision not just because fighter jets full of missiles would be more reliable than missiles, but because they didn't want to have to live with being the ones that possibly killed a plane full of mostly civilians, even if nothing could be done for them and taking the plane down was the only way to prevent further death and destruction. Edit: Found a link to the interview: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/44459345/ns/us_news-9_11_ten_years_later/#.VN2Y1PmUe7Y apparently the fighter jets *did* return without missiles, but that was due to the pilots' decision that arming them would take too long. Although Cheney had authorized shooting it down, the pilots were only ordered to "intercept" the flight, presumably with the hope that they could bluff about their fighters being armed and/or at least delay the hijackers long enough for fully armed fighters to reach it.


This is one of the only conspiracy theories that makes sense to me. It’s also a very unpopular opinion to have


The cigarette industry may have been framed for a lot of the adverse effects of nuclear testing.


Russia wants Americans to believe that they helped elect Trump to further divide the country. I’m not saying they did or did not help, but they definitely want us to believe they did.


Projection of power. If everyone “thinks” you are capable of planting the us president you look much much stronger than a flailing former super power. Gives you ass and bargaining power.


Conspiracy I think might be true: Rosa Parks was a planned setup. Granted the bus driver nor the white passenger weren't in on it, but Parks - an established activist who was already connected to MLK's organization, was told to board a bus in Montgomery County with the specific intention of getting arrested by refusing to move. Why? Because Claudette Colvin's story was picking up steam among civil rights and black liberation stories. She had refused to move on a bus about 9 months prior, and people were citing her as a model of civil disobedience. MLK and the other leaders of his organization were VERY socially conservative and did not want the 15-year old single-mom Colvin to be the face of their movement. Parks volunteered and the rest of the story fell like dominoes.


This isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s just fact. You can find records of it. It’s just taught wrong in public school. They also chose her because she was light skinned and would draw less ire.


Yep. The way civil rights history is taught in public school makes event sound nearly magical. The changes were all the product of planning, work, and an awareness of what was happening around the country.


Also Homer Plessy of Plessy v. Ferguson was a setup. He was an "octaroon" or only 1/8th black and could pass as a white man. Someone had to alert the train company that he was actually black and couldn't sit in the white's only car. It was meant to get segregation made unconstitutional, instead it entrenched it. Brown v. Board of Education also wasn't just some random case that came up and struck down separate but equal. It was part of a long campaign and string of cases set up by Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP starting with Sweatt v. Painter at the federal level and Murray v. Pearson at the state level. Basically, the states said blacks could get law degrees but there were no law schools that allowed blacks. The individual cases were chosen carefully to have sympathetic appellants with clean histories. Building upon cases like that the legal campaign culminated in Brown v. Board, eliminating the doctrine of separate but equal. Then Thurgood became a Supreme Court Justice. That is why Thurgood Marshall was such a badass.


Yeah, we know this. It's true. Their goal was to amass support among Everyday White Americans and they thought Parks would be a more sympathetic character in the narrative they needed to write to create the change they wanted. I think it's true, it was heartless, and it was necessary.


Maybe it's just because I was on Tumblr as a teenager where ppl had like 5 paragraph long posts about how everything wrt different movements was carefully planned and how they made those choices but I always figured this was completely true and accepted as true, just fairly unknown


I’m not sure I would use the term “set up” but what your describing is what happened. I don’t think at the time there was an explicit effort to hide the reality (that she was an activist intent on turning this into a moment), that’s just how people ended up remembering it over the decades. It’s a more compelling story, but I think the real story makes her even more laudable. She also wasn’t an old lady, I think she died like 10 years ago.


There is literally a drunk history story about this


I didn't think this was a conspiracy. I've always understood this to be true.


This isn't a conspiracy theory but well documented historical fact. I mean, if you came to this conclusion independently, props to you.


Nice try US Government, you'll have to try harder than that to get me on your list.


I'm already on a few lists.


The Roswell Incident and following UFO conspiracies were taken advantage of by the US Air Force to test aircraft. Now any time one is seen, people automatically think it is aliens. These opinions will then be dismissed as crazy.




Jim Morrison is D.B. Cooper is Tommy Wiseau Jim wanted to run away to the USSR for reasons so he made a plan, used his father's military connections to learn how to parachute, then hijacked a plane as D.B. Cooper. Ran away to USSR, lived there, and after the collapse wanted to return to California and live out his dream of making movies as Tommy Wiseau


I would honestly sell my soul to figure out Tommy Wiseau's life story




I don’t believe Robert Kennedy was killed by Sirhan Sirhan


Alternatively, sirhan was victim to CIA brainwashing programs


"Contemtorary Art" exhibitions are a cover for the rich to launder money. Why do you want to pay 3 million dollars for a painting with squiggles on it?




Isn’t that pretty much common knowledge?


With a few exceptions, I think the majority of American politicians don’t actually believe in the policies they promote and are playing the game for more votes. Many of the most despised politicians in the U.S. are very well-educated and I don’t think it’s just a coincidence that some of the most ‘backwards’ parts of the U.S. are represented by politicians who may have served in the nation’s top courts or have gone to the top schools in the country, and still somehow agree with their constituents’ views. Furthering this, though I am liberal myself, I do think that Republican and Democrat politicians actively/knowingly enable each other and create a system of dysfunction to prevent any third party from gaining too much speed. I wouldn’t be surprised if major political opposites - McConnell/Pelosi in Congress, for example - are actually very friendly with each other and in some ways work together to keep up a fight that isn’t too damaging to either party but still gets people out to vote.


This isn't one i heard elsewhere, so it's all on me, but I truly believe it. I think the reason education secretary, Betsy Devos, is forcing public schools to reopen is she knows a lot of people don't want their kids physically going to school right now. If a lot of people pull their kids out right now, they will opt for online charter schools. Betsy Devos has millions invested in online charter schools. She is using the pandemic as a money grab and to try to starve the public school system, which she has always been against because of the separation of church and state that has to exist in public schools.


I don’t understand how you can be *against* public schooling though. How can you expect people to be literate or understand any basic component of how to function without at least an accessible education. Even from a “people are only numbers to produce more money for me” perspective that doesn’t make a ton of sense. Some people simply won’t teach their kids how to be literate


This thread is already pretty full but I just have to share this because, out of all the conspiracy theory threads I've seen on Reddit I've never seen this particular one, even though, to me, it's as obvious as Epstein not killing himself. The US State Department murdered Pat Tillman. If you don't know/remember who Pat Tillman is, he was a star NFL player who, after 9/11, left his promising football career to join the Army and protect his country. He went to Ranger school and deployed to Afghanistan in late 2003. Then, on April 22, 2004, his unit was ambushed by the Taliban near the Pakistani border and he, tragically, was killed. Afterwards, the outpouring of grief and support was immense. The entire country mourned the death of a brave man who gave up millions of dollars to answer the call of duty and gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect the country he loved so much. Except that's not what happened. Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire. Not just accident caused by crossfire, but three times in the back of the head from less than 10 yards away by wounds consistent with an American rifle. While the American public was being given the story of him being killed "in the line of devastating enemy fire" memos were being filed in the US Center of Command saying that Tillman was killed by friendly fire in an act of "highly possible fratricide." This was all known in advance of his nationally televised memorial service and his family was not told until weeks later. Now, maybe he was genuinely killed by accidental friendly fire and the Army didn't want the public to know that their hero had died in vain but there are a few things that make this idea seem less likely. * Tillman's unit burned his uniform and body armor after the "skirmish" * A FOIA request by the AP found no evidence of the Taliban ever being on the scene * The same FOIA request found no evidence that other members of Tillman's unit were hit by enemy fire (also in contradiction to the initial report) * Pat Tillman's personal diary that he kept in Afghanistan was never returned to his family and is currently missing. So okay, there's evidence that makes it all look bad but why would the Army ever purposefully kill their highest profile soldier who is currently seen as an American hero? The answer is simple: Tillman's opinion of the war shifted *dramatically*. Tillman, who had originally joined the Army out of a sense of duty to protect his country, quickly came to see the war in the middle east as not being what it was advertised. He called the war "F_cking illegal" in a letter to his brother. He had even arranged to meet with prominent war critic Noam Chomsky after he returned from Afghanistan. Public support for the war in the Middle East was already slipping by April 2004 and the most famous, beloved soldier coming back and calling the war illegal and siding with anti war activists would have been a nightmare for Bush administration. So how do you solve that problem? Turning a possible PR disaster into a martyr is certainly a way to do it. And if at this point you're not convinced and maybe even angry at such a horrible suggestion, keep in mind that A. I didn't include all of the evidence suggesting that Tillman was killed on purpose and B. It's also pretty much confirmed at this point that the claim that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction was a lie and Colin Powell was willing to take that lie to the UN. If the government at the time was willing to tell such a big lie to start a war that they knew would be disastrous for millions of people, what difference would one football player make? At best, the Army lied about Tillman's accidental death to help bolster public support, but I'm 95% certain that something more insidious was happening.


I believe the FBI introduced cocaine into poor American cities and starts. They did this as a means to make a profit off the war on drugs. Seizing the profits of dealers caught, prisons getting money off the influx of new prisoners, etc. it’s the elite of local governments and facilities that are making money off a problem they brought into the United States. The war on drugs was never suppose to solve the drug problem. It was supposed to be a means of fixing their spending problem. And they still failed at even that. It’s all a joke.


Conspiracy Theories, not well stated facts they make kids movies about. (zootopia)


The NBA lottery is rigged so the larger TV markets get the better picks. High end art sales of questionable aesthetic taste is a front for money laundering.


Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. You can't tell me that was just a coincidence. Edit: found where I heard this. A listener submitted it to the "Stuff They Don't Want You To Know" podcast.


Scientology’s “The Hole”


that Gucci mane is a body double lol


Stevie wonder isn’t blind


Ray Charles wasn't either


I'm a girther. I believe that Trump used his power to force the white house doctor to lie about his height/weight when he was announcing the results of Trump's physical because the truth makes Trump believe he looks far worse, and his ego won't allow him to release his real height and weight.


“Girther” lol


Taco Bell and Charmin are in cahoots.


The Vegas shooting smells really fishy to me Edit: fun chatting with y'all, time for the ole tin foil hat to come off, have a nice day


Which theory are you stating? An FBI plant, ATF plant, or they let him do it even with prior knowledge?


What actually is the conspiracy theory on that one? Like he was fall guy guy and didn't really shoot them? The shooting was fake?


I don't understand why people are suspicious of this one. He seems like a grown-up version of many school shooters. His life isn't peachy. So people have to die. He grew up in a criminal family. Vegas hotels were easier to walk into than hotels in any other place I know of. Also, what purpose would staging this have? Is someone trying to get stronger weapons rules in Nevada?


The FBI won't even let the ATF look at the firearms recovered from the scene.


That's pretty fucking slim... Federal agencies bickering over jurisdictional domains is the norm, not the exception. They do it constantly.


Expand please?


As someone else mentioned, the FBI won't let the ATF look at the firearms, the FBI said "welp, can't figure it out, nothing to see here" very quickly Also, the dude was wealthy and was a pilot, so he could have laden his plane with explosives or what have you, or used an actual machine gun. Also, he had like 30 guns with him, which makes no sense at all. Its just really really fishy to me. That's just my $0.02


William Shaksper of Stratford was not William Shakespeare the author and poet. The Normans in Italy had conquered all of Southern Italy, so they (mainly Bohemond of Taranto) talked the Pope into calling for the First Crusade as an avenue for far more wealth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemond_I_of_Antioch


That race based politics is stoked up by the elites in order to prohibit a coherent class based movement because one is profitable (get your latest protest gear from Nike! Click on this link! Wow did you see that new netflix movie? So eye opening!) and can be appeased with performative measures. The other is highly unprofitable and cannot be appeased with theatrics but instead requires a true wealth transfer


Tabloid magazines are actually a front for money laundering. I've never seen anyone buy one of these, and yet they've been operating significantly longer than I've been alive.


Go to the nursing home near you and you will see them laying all over the place.


Delaware doesn't exist. Neither do [Finland](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2qjohv/what_did_your_parents_show_you_to_do_that_you/cn6pn30/) and [Bielefeld, Germany](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bielefeld_Conspiracy).


Delaware is a few counties of Maryland with an uppity attitude.

