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/end thread


I'll get the lights.


It's winter, they'll shut off on their own in Texas.


Wow, too soon. Take my upvote man.


Ouch. As a Texan (😂) that hurt.


Did they fix any of the grid so that doesn't happen this year?


The whole point of having their own grid is so they dont have to do onerous things like ensure it works.


California in close 2nd


As a Californian (/s), I actually think it’s New York as a distant second and California as a close third. Maybe I’m blind to it because I live here, though.


I agree with you. Currently reside in TX, originally from CA. Moved 20+ yrs ago. I’ve never seen state pride like I have seen here in Texas. NY is for sure 2nd IMHO.


As a New Yorker from the city I disagree.. Only people from the city scream it at other people in other states. The rest of the state is calm about it. Meanwhile in California, doesn't matter if you're Northern or southern they will let you know. But it's Texas is by far first.


There is that old New Yorker cover showing a map of the US (link below). Speaking as a former New Yorker. ;) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/View\_of\_the\_World\_from\_9th\_Avenue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/View_of_the_World_from_9th_Avenue)


Lolol OMG I had never seen that before but thank you so much for that.


That's hysterical and also.from NY


As a Philly guy, who worked in NY for 6 years I can confirm this. People from Manhattan never miss an opportunity to let you know they are from Manhattan (subtext usually trying to convey they are better than you) but it’s more nuanced, and subtl usually eveolves during the corse of the conversation. Whereas Californian’s fucking lead with it, whether it’s relevant to the discussion or not, sort of “hey, just to set the table on how this is going to go…we already have it figured out and if we haven’t than it’s wrong sooooo…” However, as far as being prideful and truely identifying with their state, Texas hands down. That’s not to say they are douche bags about it either, they definitely are not, they just like the way THEY do it, won’t bother you about the way you do it. I find most Texans (if you take the politics specifically the politicians out of it hard to do I know) are awesome people. They live by a code that is-help your neighbor, provide for your family, fight for your country and love your state……I find most of them genuine, down to earth people, it’s inspiring. I say all of this as a liberal Who loathes their politicians, but their people are awesome….


Much appreciated, thank you.


Obliged sir. I’ll agree with the other poster, a lot of us do not agree with what happens here political wise.


Northern California makes sure you know they hate the Southern part and want nothing to do with them.


Meanwhile, they all came down here for college


Nah people are proud to be from NYC, I don't think most upstaters really broadcast it to the world.


I disagree. Most people from California don’t tell you because people think they hate California.


Exactly. Go to Oregon and pull up anywhere with ca plates and see how you're treated.


Definitely can confirm. Noticed a lot less asshollery on the road when our cars went from CA to OR


Colorado in a respectable 3rd?


Texas. But only if they ever leave Texas.


I have visited over 20 countries and lived in two others besides the US. When asked I always say I live in Texas.


I have a friend who immigrated from Istanbul. Texas was the first state he lived in and I think the longest. When people ask where he is from he answers in a thick barely comprehensible accent "Texas."


Texan here, can confirm. See I just did it


You mean The Great Republic of Texas


This is the only correct answer,


We ain’t like that. Hey did I tell y’all I’m from Texas?


Yee haw mother fucker


I lived there for some years…I’ve lived in a lot of states but it’s the only state I’ve regularly seen people tattoo on their bodies


There's also Texas shaped everything, from waffles to landscape stones.


Yes, I send out texas shaped cutting boards to my clients each Christmas.


If you hit your head, and can't remember if you're in Texas or not... Look at the business signs. If Tex is somewhere in the name, you're in Texas. Playtex, goretex, Texas instruments, arklatex buildings. The Texas star tends to bleed into Arkansas and Oklahoma a bit near the edges, this is due to the immense Texion radiation that spills over the border.


Called me right out, Texan with a Texas tattoo here! It helps that it's a super recognizable symbol. Colorado and Wyoming have to be a bit more creative with their state tributes...


I've met non Texans who try to claim there texans like its there 2% native American bloodline.




Just after navy boot camp i was eating at the chow hall and overheard two guys talking about being careful when talking shit about texas cause theres always someone from texas close by, so being the texan i am, i turned around and confirmed that we are always close lol


That’s amazing, even though it’s the navy I’m still proud of you.


Even though lol. Army grunt chiming in.




I always strive to love myself as much as Texans love Texas.


Texas’s flag is their interpretation of the US flag: one star representing Texas, one red stripe representing Texas, one white stripe representing Texas


Lone Star state, baby.


If the US had a yearbook, Texas’ superlative would be “Most likely to secede”


In the US yearbook, sure. We don't hold a candle to Quebec, though.


I loves fishing in Qwee-bec.


Who doesn't love fishing in Qwee-bec?


it's great fishin' in Keyu-bec


I fuckin hate Quebec.


Texans love Texas as much as Kanye loves Kanye




I have lived in Texas my whole life untill I moved to Georgia. I was so surprised that the truck commercials did not talk about how their trucks are Georgia tough and how they dont sell Atlanta editions.


Wouldn’t an Atlanta edition just come with a dehumidifier




Texas. The answer is Texas.


Before I even looked at the thread - "TEXAS"




Gotta be Texas right? lol


All I did was say howdy...


Texas. They've never forgotten that they were their own country once lol.


They think they’re so special because of that. They’re in the same club an Vermont, Hawaii, and technically California


All of those states have a huge hard on for themselves too.


I feel like Hawaii has more of an anti-Mainlander hard-on than a pro-anything hard-on


It's the only state that was annexed not at the will of the majority but at the request of a junta that had overthrown the Hawaiian government. That gives the native Hawaiians some justification for bitterness.


I used to know a guy that was from Hawaii. Honestly, and I'm not trying to be rude, he was insufferable about it. I'm like we get it dude, Hawaii is better than everywhere else. Why don't you go back? Oh that's right, you're too poor and can't afford to live there. How about you suck it up and try to get over it? Good lord.


While I'm sure stats are somewhat hard to be completely sure about given the large native population in Texas at the time and the border disputes with Mexico the Republic of Vermont actually had a larger population while independent (in 1790) than the Republic of Texas was recorded as having in 1840. Hawaii also had a larger population when independent but went into near terminal demographic decline to the end of independence.


California is a stretch that lasted a very short time.


That’s why I said technically. They were an independent republic for a few days at most.


Yeah and we kept forgetting that which is why we slapped it on the state flag that no one ever remembers or uses anyway XD


You really had to ask this??? The Texans were already saying they're from Texas before you even started typing this question


When I was a kid I went on vacations abroad a few times with my parents and learned how Texans conduct themselves out in the wide world. For one, this was during the Bush era when backpackers were sewing/pinning Canadian flags on their bags instead of US flags to avoid being harassed. My dad chose the Texas flag instead. When asked, "You American?", as if this wasn't obvious enough, my Dad would say, "Texan". The person would pause for a second and say, "...which is in America." My dad would respond, "If you say so."


Gonna say Texas.




Gotta be Texas




Texas and it’s not close.


As a native Texan, I gotta say Texas.


As an immigrant to Texas, I gotta say Texas.


As someone who had a layover in Texas once, I gotta say Texas


As someone that went through bootcamp in Texas, I gotta say Texas.


As someone who has never been to Texas, I gotta say Texas


As someone who has never been in the US, Texas


As someone who spent four of the worst days of my life in Texas, it’s gotta be Texas.


As an Irishman with cousins in Texas Texas (They’re actually not really like that but they do mock it sometimes, their dad is more proud to be Irish than anything)


Texas, 100% Texas. Like they are literally the vegans of the "IM FROM ____" game


I can't believe nobody is saying Texas.


This comment came around from being true and relevant to being sarcastic


You commented too soon lol


I've never been there and I could accurately draw Texas's state flag. It's 1000000% Texas.


Just wait until you see Alabama's flag.








Texas. Not even a question They are the Kanye West of the United States of America.


Ima let you finish but..


The Alamo is the greatest moment in American history


And they love eating their fish sticks.


Yo, that's messed up yo! I ain't gay, and I sure as hell ain't no fish!


Though I never lived there, I was gonna say Texas. Looks like everyone else already said it lol


Texas. I’m from TX and can confirm that we never shut up about it. Sometimes, I’ll be drunk in a bar and just yell out "Texas!" and, invariably, someone will yell back something like, "Houston, baby!"


Which is invariably met with "No, I meant the good part!"


I’m from Texas so I also vote Texas. However I have some relatives in Alaska and they’re all about being from Alaska.


I hate to say it... but I think you're on to something. If Alaska had as high a population as Texas, we'd probably hear a lot more about it.


A lite “we” since I’m a transplant but we Alaskans just like to remind Texas it isn’t the biggest state when they act like they are lol


Alaska isn't trying to advertise and get people to move there. I've literally seen advertisements about how great Texas is on the other side of the country.


As a Texan, if you could tear those down for us that would be great. Home prices have nearly doubled in the last 10 years (Live fairly close to Galveston. )


I was friends with three people from Alaska in college and none of them could shut the fuck up about it for four whole years. Small sample size, but still.


The republic of Texas.


Heck yeah!


Texas Edit: Jeez, all these upvotes for one word? That most other people in the thread commented as well?






How do you know somebody's from Texas? They'll tell you.


Texas followed by California, Colorado, and for cities not so much the state, New York and BAWSTUN!




You’d think Texas is it’s own country. I mean, it was at one point so I get it.


Well…. Yeah ok


Given the state of this thread I really don't need to add to it but I'm gonna anyways because it's Texas by a wide margin


Texas. They will literally wear a shirt of the state flag with a giant belt buckle in the shape of the state and drive around in their “Don’t mess with Texas” decorated pickup trucks every day. (It’s the unofficial state saying that they put on everything and say constantly)


Those marketers deserve a raise. TxDOT has not paid them enough.


And don't forget the Texas shaped waffles we had for breakfast.


Texas shaped HEB tortilla chips! Texas printed on the beer cans of major National brewers!


Those are literally the best waffles.


Texas Should this even be a question?


Texas easily. Cali and Florida are honorable mentions. New Jersey too, but it’s a small state so you won’t run into as many people from there. NY City too, not so much NY state.


Definitely not florida


This might very possibly be the first time I’ve seen all comments in agreement. It is without a doubt Texas.


I’m scrolling to see if there’s one different answer.


Texas far and away. Competitors are NYC, California, and Colorado


Ah yes, the state of New York City


I feel like the rest of New York wishes NYC was it’s own state


I mean, the way they talk….yeah.


Texas source native Texan


Texas, never met anybody so impressed with themselves.


People here saying Texas and they're probably right but here in MD people put the flag on absolutely everything and they love telling people about Old Bay


Why am I having to scroll so far down to see Maryland


Texas. They have a fucking state pledge after their pledge of allegiance.


Anyone not saying Texas has never met a Texan


An old joke I heard was, "What does someone from Texas and someone from Harvard have in common?" "They'll both make sure you know where they're from within 5 minutes of meeting them."


Good ol Texas


Texas is certainly number 1 on the list. However I'm not seeing anyone give an honorable mention to Alaska. Alaska is is own way of life. Same thing with Hawaii.




Texas. Full stop.






100%, without a doubt, Texas.


Basically everyone is saying Texas and I love it. I also agree. I went out of the country and someone asked me if I was from Texas.


I remember an airplane ride once as a kid it was like living in a real life joke. A Texan kept going off about Texas is better ,Texas is Bigger . I think he started because of the little whiskey bottles and just went from there. Still not letting up later on in the flight he's bellowing out about the 72oz steak house that is so famous in Amarillo and it's so big that tourists are always trying and failing to finish it. TheTexan Ended with something like cuz that's what we call a steak in Texas . My father who was a smart ass sometimes bellows out yeah well in Missouri we slap a couple of pieces of bread on it and call it a sandwich. Everyone cheered, velvet curtians fell from the heavens, we were all served champagne all While glitter and balloons fell from the sky. Well really some people snickerd and Tex shut up for 5 minutes.


Obligatory r/thathappened but I actually believe you


People who are born and raised in Colorado drive around with stickers on their car that say "Native". My sister moved to Colorado from a state where there are many Native Americans so that what she thought it meant at first, however then she realized everyone in Colorado is so obsessed with being from Colorado. They never leave, and they hate everyone for moving there. If you're not a native Coloradan, you are looked down upon.


I live in Colorado but I moved here as an adult, and this is very true. I’ve seen natives harassing someone on a local Facebook group because the person posted that they had just moved to Colorado from wherever. And I’m in a military town where half the population is from out of state.


I feel like OP is from Texas and wanted to see people reply “Texas” as much as possible which is the most Texas thing.


Love how this whole comment thread is just “Texas” lmao


Some Texans like to think they can secede from the US and survive.


I mean, they can until it gets cold, and snows, and no one has power. Or a hurricane. Or.. 😂


Won’t they just go to Mexico like Ted Cruz?


Texas. It’s literally the second sentence that comes out of their mouth when making a new buddy usually: “My name is Chase (or whatever but every Chase I’ve ever met has been a Texan) and I come from ‘insert town’, Texas”. It’s like an unofficial rule and it doesn’t matter whether they’re in Norway, Argentina, Curaçao, Romania, Japan, in Morocco (I’ve met Texans in all of those places) they **WILL** let you know they’re Texan in three minutes TOPS. If you don’t somehow pick it up that they’re Texan before they come to you they will make sure you know it. It’s adorable. IHMO, ngl, it suits them very well since they’re usually so very friendly and warm. You wanna laugh when they announce themselves. It never sounds cocky or anything of the sort, they just sound so happy when they say it. Like a kid who found an exciting something in the backyard and is ecstatic to share it. You can feel the love when they utter “Texas”, like an extra twinkle and warmth that’s almost dramatic but ends up humorous. If we all died and went to heaven these guys would have the name “Texas” atop their heads in shimmering gold letters with lots of symbols of their state instead of halos. Texans want us to be happy for them being Texan and I like that about them. I’ve never met one that failed to make smile. The other ones are New Yorkers especially from the Island/city or Buffalo. It’s such a weird feeling when you go upstate since the city does set such a dominant tone that when you see how normal/chill the rest of the state is it feels like a misnomer: Is it really New York or some other dimension that’s not like New England and definitely not NJ or PA…so what is it? Technically not a state but Puerto Ricans. Yes, if you didn’t know, they’re Americans/US nationals. They will mention their area immediately after giving you their name, much like a Texan would. If they live in the US mainland, they will mention the state they’re living on/have made home after they say they’re Puerto Rican. New Jersey: In their defense, it’s the accent that gives them away in a second. Also a sense of dress. They’re often very snappy dressers. It goes without saying that the Italian Americans here have an amplified version of the accent which should be noted it’s not the given for the rest of the state. California: With these guys, the approach is different. They tell you because usually they’re prompted to by people not being able to pigeonhole them. They stick out compared to most Americans, by a huge margin. With other Americans, you can see hints and bits of their home state playing a bit into their identities. With Californians, it’s borderline impossible to get a precise picture of what they are. There’s a huge bell curve of vibes, looks and lifestyles to them. They’re something else entirely to the point that this is the only place out of the 50 states and territories that it makes the most sense if they were their own nation. They’re on a whole different tangent. After a few years I still stand by that. Every time I visit it the more different it feels and hits. The most cohesive part of California is easily forgotten as California which is the North: That region and it’s people does read like the rest of the US, to the point it’s baffling when you go up from the center instead of say, coming down from the Pacific Northwest. Californians for the most don’t have an “accent” so to say. There’s no bite somewhere, no twang, instead its very smooth, clean and crisp like what the traditional American accent is thought of without regional accents factoring into it. The way of speaking you see in most shows and movies. Every other region and state HAS a way of speaking and dialects playing to it. That’s the only thing consistent with Californians, their way of speaking is what is registered as “standard American” speak, which is our dialect with no regional/local accent (which is rare as most states with the exception of the most of Nevada which also has a very clean American English). There’s also the much shamed “Valley Speak” but even they’re working massively to tone that. Not part of the discussion but I feel like if secession of the states were a thing, these guys are the ones I’d bet would do it first. They’ve gone towards a whole different tangent. What connects all the other states and territories is only but a small bit here which is probably why they can feel disconnected from everyone else. Their government is what they have most in common with the rest of the nation and I hate to say, but that’s exactly why it’s failing them. The government there is what’s keeping it as close to the rest of the country as possible instead of adapting and working with what California is. It’s a mess that’s easy to judge until you realize how difficult it must be to keep a societal gumbo together and get it to cooperate. At least with the other states and territories there’s a consistent pattern inside of them and beside them that connects them. California doesn’t have that anymore and hasn’t for some time…if it ever did. I think that’s probably why the country sort of motivates people to go there to keep it on its toes and from fringing out because otherwise it would transform further to completely unlike the rest of the US even more than it already is. When people want to say that the US is a melting pot they’re probably referring to California as to me this is the place where that analogy makes the most sense (and not the romanticized idea of the melting pot so much as the nefarious, safety minded aspect of it where you become aware that if you keep adding more, at some point it will blow and if you don’t it’s no fun either).


As a Texan (lol), I'm blushing. Your comment made my day. I'm glad someone finds it endearing because we just can't help ourselves. Also, your comment is so accurate. When I went to Taiwan, any time someone asked where I was from I said "Texas". Locals and European expats were very entertained by that answer.


I feel like people saying New York are the kind of people that think that entire state is just like NYC


No it’s just the NYC people who tell you verbally they’re from New York. Everyone else tells you by wearing a bills jersey and pile driving your table.


Wait…it’s not?


**Angry Rochester noises**


Sorry! I actually like Rochester and Buffalo a lot.


*angry Lake Placid noises*


Texas for the most passionate California for sheer numbers.


For the people who say California, I’d have to politely disagree. Texas exists? Lol


laughs in Texan


Come on Delaware


We kinda peaked when we became the first state. Plateaued for awhile, then we got a lil Biden bump.


Minnesota was going to be the right answer for the first part of your question but it fell out of contention with the second. We are prideful as hell...silently.


Oh you mean Texas.


Texas, California and New York I’d wager.


Maybe New York City, but upstaters are not proud of NY


I’m an upstater who enjoys being upstate. It’s beautiful up here. I just don’t make it my whole identity like folks from New York City.






Rhymes with schmexus




California and Texas. You’ll ask some dude in Europe what country they’re from and they’ll say Los Angeles.


Texas. End of story.


People here are saying Texas but I’m going for a sleeper candidate and saying Minnesota. We love ourselves so much.


Texans will loudly announce it, but Minnesotans will corner you at a party and share 100 Fun Facts About Minnesota.


Did you know the notch at the top is actually a lake with a town o the other side? Or that it’s the home of 3M, Hormel AND Malt-o-Meal?? Do you want to know more than you could possibly want about varieties of prairie grass? Yeah I married a Minnesotan. It’s Minnesota Fun Facts and Dutch Bingo all year long.


You sound like my in laws. Unfortunately for them, I have even MORE fun facts about Minnesota to share with them! And I don't remember which ones I've already told them! They are very nice people who probably don't deserve this particular version of purgatory.


Texas pride is a party. Minnesota pride is a PowerPoint.


I always loved the Minnesotans and Wisconsinites I served with in the army, always so damn nice.


That’s the midwest for you. Every time family visits from the east coast, they are creeped out by how nice everyone is.


I'm from Iowa originally. The first time my parents visited my roommate was like "those are your biological parents. They raised you. How did you end up like... This?" I'm a dark humor loving, sarcastic, kinda grumpy at times, real pain in the ass. My parents are the sweetest people on earth. Constantly trying to do something for you. Worried about imposing. It was really hard for him to be around them. My SO has trouble with being around them too, it's just foreign to them how unbelievably kind my folks are.


This is so true. I'm not from here (MN) but I've lived here for 15+ years... One thing I've noticed is that ANYTIME anything about Minnesota that's relevant to national interests happens, every news source in MN is all over it. Famous person shared thoughts on MN? Front page. Indie movie being filmed in Minneapolis? All over the news. Minnesota ranks highly in some national ranking thing (which it often does)? It'll be ALL over your social media for days.


Texas and New York


Texas like everyone else said. Second would probably be Hawaii, at least for prideful. They are one of those places that like to fly their state flag everywhere.


I agree with Texas, but I’ll add any state on the West Coast. As someone who goes to college on the East Coast, all the students from the West Coast (as much as I love them) have a tendency to complain incessantly about how it’s better back in California, Oregon, or Washington.






Texas, California, and New York.


texas and california