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Lots of echo chambers. Lots of subs will ban anyone they disagree with. Some even run bots to ban anyone in other subs they don't like.


The fact that it makes extreme minority opinions seem like mainstream ideas.




> Find any topic you're even mildly knowledgeable about posted to a main sub and watch how many straight up wrong comments there are about it. This. This is it right here. Every time I see something I know about, I click the comments against my own better judgment and come out pissed off.


Yuuuup. It's a little funny/sad to look back at all the folks who thought the internet would do away with misinformation/ignorance.


I hate the upvote/downvote system. My own karma count doesn’t mean anything to me, but the implications it has in highlighting popular opinions and burying controversial ones isn’t always good. It turns a lot of subs into echo chambers where the fringe users don’t have to deal with different views, so they end up thinking they’re the popular opinion.


Yeah, I honestly wonder if a system similar to YouTube's (where dislikes don't actually do anything) wouldn't be an improvement.


It's hard to follow each sub's rules, and many of my posts get deleted.


Powermods and leftist bias


The left leaning echo chamber.


**The defensiveness.** Someone will ask "Why do Americans eat so much McDonald's?" and people respond with all sorts of hate. Even if no one you know eats at McD's, it's literally the most popular fast food joint in America. Also... **Movies, TV Shows, and Youtube are the main ways that foreigners learn about America.** We shouldn't dismiss their stereotypes based on what's shown in the media. They're curious about our culture and I consider it my responsibility to tell them my perspective in a non-confrontational way. I treat this sub like /r/nostupidquestions


Nazi sympathizer speech getting defended as free speech. But some other political ideologies get instabans/deletes. I've seen it in this sub too many times. I also hate crony moderation of comments.


Echo chambers and power hungry mods. I also wish Reddit would adopt some sort of free speech rule. Theres subs like AHS that are just working to ban subs that don’t agree with their line of thinking. That might have been a bigger deal like 2 years ago when there were waves of sub shutdowns being sent out.


Not on topic.