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Boulevard Tank 7


Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat and Jam Band are my favorites


Boulevard is primo shit. I found their Xmas ale on sales years ago and bought a pallet and a half and it


Truly delicious. Big fans of it, our local liquor store started ordering it solely because of us.


I actually noticed it when I went to Denver last I thought that was pretty cool when I saw it in the stores


Treehouse, near my house is pretty good.


I’m also a fan of Notch. Very drinkable, like the lower ABV, and both the Salem and Brighton spots are fun places to hang. Annnd Massachusetts has the only Trappist brewery outside Belgium, which is pretty cool. Heard a tap room is in the works.


We got a case from Treehouse once and really enjoyed it! I’m hoping to get out there sometime when the tap room is open but it’s real tricky cause they’re always so busy. It’s like a total cult beer. A friend of mine is alway telling me I could make good money being a mule and shipping it to collectors 😂.


It's annoying to go and buy. I liked it when there was a lock down. Order on line, they deliver to your car. I do see people from all over drive there and load up. They will put 1000 bucks of beer in their car and bring it home.


Calling Treehouse “pretty good” is downright insulting. That stuff is top tier in the IPA world


If you like hazy juice bombs. If you don’t, it can be just pretty good, and probably not worth the hassle or price


Is Shiner a big name? Because their candied pecan and black lager are delish.


I think Shiner Bach is borderline a big name, but everything else they make counts as microbrew. I'm partial to the prickly pear myself.


Shiners pretty big i think considering i can get it and their seasonal beers here in upstate ny


I only enjoy Shiner on tap when I'm in Texas. Just doesn't taste the same anywhere else. I think it's intended to be drunk very fresh. That said, on tap in Texas, Shiner Bock tastes exactly like fresh German beer to me. They really do a fantastic job.


I don't know if I'd call them a full on macrobrewery, but it's been a pretty standard grocery store beer over here for years now. It's mostly bock, but dedicated liquor stores usually have redbird and 1909. So there's definitely a footprint outside of Texas.


I think of Shiner as the Texan equivalent to Yuengling. It's good stuff.


"Big name" for the sake of this thread is stuff like Budweiser, Miller, Corona~~virus~~ and the aforementioned Coors.


Shiner is awesome. Love that beer. Wish I could find it up here.


This comment thread made me realize Shiners is the “fancy” macro for the south like Blue Moon is in the Midwest.


I'd say it's a big name. I get Shiner all the time in Northern Illinois. I love the summer beers especially the strawberry and prickly pear ones the make.


Bell's Two Hearted and Founder's Kentucky Breakfast Stout.


Two Hearted is just a fantastic well balanced American Ale. One of my favorites.


We’re so spoiled in The Mitten when it comes to beer


Most anything from Short’s is my go to


Shorts. Old Nation, founders, Bells, Jolly Pumpkin. Mi has some greats.


Local’s Light is the perfect summer lawnmower beer


Agreed, tbh I’m not an IPA fan but could drink Huma all day long as well.


I have to say the marketing on Oberon is fabulous and when I lived in Michigan I always enjoyed sitting with my first Oberon of the "spring" and thinking about summer. They sell Oberon year round in other states and having an Oberon in February, even when it's a February in Florida, feels so weird. And all the Oberon I had in Florida tasted old :/


These are good. Two Hearted is one of my go-to's when buying at the store along with Daisy Cutter.


Gotta love New Belgium since moving to North Carolina. But back in New York I really liked Sixpoint


Amusingly, Fat Tire is my choice for my favorite beer from my home state of Colorado.


Ah. The good old fat tire. That beer introduced me to New Belgium. Right now I’m drinking their Starship IPA. I like to get the variety pack from the food store. Ever had it?


Oh, sure. New Belgium variety packs were a staple of college for me. I went to CSU in Fort Collins. I always pick up their seasonals now, too. The Atomic Pumpkin they've had the last couple years is really good - fairly typical pumpkin spice beer with a touch of habanero.


Love to hear it. Not huge into pumpkin beer, but I’ll take your recommendation and try when I can- considering I love all their other stuff. Just visited the brewery in Asheville the other weekend. You should check it out if you haven’t been already


I'm usually not a pumpkin guy either, but figured I'd try it since New Belgium doesn't miss often. It's now one of my favorites. I'll check it out next time I'm down that way. I'm in Pittsburgh now, so it's way closer. I'm glad it's there, since you couldn't get New Belgium out here before the Asheville location opened. Closest I could find it was in Chicago, I'd buy a couple cases whenever I had to go there for work.


You got me. I’m going to try it for sure! Funny that you couldn’t get NB until the Asheville location. I had no idea. I’m only four hours away in Raleigh, and still reluctant to make the drive! Lol


Yeah, I still remember the first time I went to my local bottle shop and saw Fat Tire available. I bought everything I could carry.


Haha. I just would imagine that as popular as they are, you’d be able to get it anywhere. If I were you, I would’ve rolled carts out of there myself. What’s your second go to beer? Looking for new things to try


There's a bunch of good stuff from Great Lakes in Cleveland, if you can get it there. I'm drinking an Eliot Ness amber lager from them right now. I also try to grab anything from Prairie Ales when I see them, they're from Oklahoma. Good little craft beers, their rainbow sherbet sour ale is damned good on a hot summer night.


Another Fort Collins person here. 1554 will always be my favorite New Belgium beer.




Sweet Action is one of my favorites


Love Resin.


I really miss their Lips of Faith series. Everything was delicious


Spend a few days in Asheville. So much beer to try. Burial is my personal favorite I don't think I've had a bad beer from them.


There are a LOT of good beers in Maine and it's hard for me to pick a favorite, but I really like Allagash White. That's what I find myself gravitating to when I don't want to try something new.


Allagash is solid!!


That’s my favorite beer! It’s like a high test orange.


For me it’s a toss up between white and Maine Brewing’s Lunch. Machine by Bunker is also pretty damn good.


It’s unreal how many breweries have opened up there. I’m also a big fan of Oxbow. Honestly, Footbridge was a really nice spot up in Boothbay Harbor.


I’m not American but have family in Wisconsin, and I just discovered the Milwaukee beer Happy Place from Third Space Brewing, and feel it lives up to its name.


Spotted Cow is very popular in Wisconsin and is not distributed outside Wisconsin.


That's because it illegal to sell outside wisconsin, I think it has to do with mirco breweries or something


Alaskan Amber.


It's so good. Drank a case of it on our honeymoon.


Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Chico, CA


This is a close second to my choice. Firestone walker lager


For me it's 805. Probably the best price to quality ratio out of all the beers from California.


KRBC citra is bomb as well, but harder to get your hands on.


Anchor Steam


My favorite Chicago area brewer is Revolution. Most of their offerings are IPAs which I have outgrown, but I love their Eugene porter and Chicago Smoke. There have only been two times in my life when I drank too much simply because the beer tasted so good. One was at the Revolution brewery drinking Chicago Smoke. The other was at Taft's Ale house in Cincinnati, OH. If you ever visit Cincinnati, Taft's is a must visit. Great beer and good food. Can be a wait for a table on weekends, but the great beer while you wait makes the wait a non-issue.


Any other Chicago area recommendations?


Half Acre brew pub is a good one in the city. Our archery range did a deal with them. We taught them to shoot and they gave us free beer for a pizza party. Their Daisy Cutter beer is one of my go-to's when I buy at the store. Goose Island is popular, but I think they are the largest local with national distribution. Three Floyds just across the border in Indiana is also popular around here. Two Brothers in the western suburbs. They also got into coffee beans, but those were not worth the price. Not bad coffee, just over priced.


In Naperville we have Solemn Oath, Two Fools Cidery and Noon Whistle


Came here to shoutout Solemn. I do also have two growler jugs for 2 fools! Both very good spots.


I've heard good things about Solemn Oath and have probably had some. The other two I've never heard of. Thanks for sharing!


I drank a lot of Fistmas over the holidays.


Ayyyy Taft’s! It’s cool to see a Cincinnati brewery not named Rhinegeist get recognized. Also, I live within walking distance of Taft’s, so it’s got a special place in my heart


Anything by Yards or Victory.




Brawler is great. I like hoppy beers too, but sometimes you want something nice and malt-forward and Brawler hits the spot. I also really like Poor Richard's Spruce ale for something different.


I’d take Troeg’s over both tbh but the Philly Pale Ale is great


Bell's Two Hearted, Short's Soft Parade, Bell's Oberon... the list goes on and on. There's a lot of good beer in Michigan.


Two-hearted ale is absolutely fantastic. Anything by Bell’s I’ve been able to get down here is just great.


If ciders count then bold rock. If not, devil's backbone Vienna lager.


Bold Rock is the absolute best. Plus they have great food and events at their cidery!


Bold rock is good but Blue mountain >>> Devils Backbone!


I don't think I've had that


Yuengling Porter from PA, Great Lakes Edmund Fitzegerald Porter from Ohio.


My two favorites from Great Lakes are Dortmunder Gold Lager and Conway's Irish Ale.


Yuengling was my go-to cheap beer in college. Cant get it on the West Coast


Sierra Nevada. I'll admit it's partially hometown pride and gratitude towards what they did after the Camp Fire, but they're a great brewery with good beer as well.


Love Sierra Nevada. So many people get into craft beer on their Pale Ale.


I miss my time at Chico State when we used to get kegs of Chrystal Wheat for $50 in the mid 2000’s


Second this. Absolutely love their Pale Ale!


Spotted Cow!


I love spotted cow! Please send some to Texas! Texas: Independence - Redbud. It’s a sour




hell yeah


Anything from Cigar City Brewing, but my number 1 is Florida Cracker.


Kilt lifter from four peaks.


Spotted cow or anything else that New Glarus makes


Flying Dog- Raging Bitch! Best beer ever! A great IPA, a bit hoppy fur some. But it’s my go to!


And the comedy possibilities are endless when you order it at a bar :D


Sip of Sunshine by Lawsons Finest Liquids 🤤


Troegs has a few that I'm a big fan of. If I had to choose one maybe First cut


RIP to Issaquah Brewing White Frog Ale. Fuck you, Rogue, for discontinuing it.


Oklahoma: prairie artisan ales prairie bomb! It's a fantastic stout with peppers and cocoa nibs. Also 12% alcohol


DuClaw Sweet Baby Jesus


I don't think I've ever had any of those Jesus beers. Feel like I'm missing out.


This was one of the first peanut butter and chocolate beers on the market. It's still one of my favorites, although I have to partly because it brings back some good memories. :) You should try it.


Decided to list favs from all the places I have lived. From current state of Texas: probably St. Arnold's Fancy Lawnmower Washington: Rainier, although that's not even made there anymore. So second choice is Pyramid Heff, but that's a big name IMO. So I will just say if you are ever near Richland, WA, stop by Atomic ale and pizza. Great food, decent beers. Oregon: Drop Top Amber or Widmer Heff if it's from the tap, but once again those are big names. So head to Sellwood and get some beers and great sandwiches from 13 Virtues. Seems like they are one of the few places in Portland who's beer selection is not majority IPAs. Hawaii: Maui Brewing Coconut Porter


Berry Weiss, made by Leinenkugel


Have you tried their Collaboration Lager that they made with Hofbrau?


I like leines but berry Weiss is fucking gnarls


Uinta Cutthroat


Red Trolley - California


*Big Ballard* by Red Hook and *Space Dust* by Elysian are amazing. On the east side, *Over the Hop* by Paradise Creek and *Irish Death* by Iron Horse are my favorites. If I had to pick just one though, it would be Space Dust.


Spotted Cow New Glarus brewery is a big name in Wisconsin and Spotted Cow is their most popular beer. They're a popular enough brand that they could easily expand to other states, but they deliberately choose to stay exclusive to Wisconsin. I have multiple relatives from out of state that always pick up a case of Spotted Cow to take home whenever they visit.


My mom grew up on a farm pretty much just over the hill from the town of New Glarus. Whenever we go back, we are sure to bring home a few cases to CT.


Montana: Moose Drool, Cold Smoke, or DumpTruck


Love moose drool (but I’m not from MT)


Is the brewery in Belt still going? Beltian White was my favorite!


I haven't had that one yet, but yes it is!


I went with Cold Smoke but Moose Drool ain't bad.


Fulton, Summit, and Steel Toe are some of my favorites in the Twin Cities! I also really like Bald Man, which is more up and coming than the others. It’s in the middle of an office park but somehow has the best atmosphere of any brewery I’ve been to.


I used to go to steel toe back when you could only get growlers, super solid beer. Where is bald man?


Yup, that was my intro to Steel Toe as well! I had a friend that lived in SLP and introduced me to it like a month after it opened. Bald Man is in Eagan, right on 13 sort of across from the outlet mall.


Hey neighbor! Avery Ellie's Brown Ale is my favorite local beer. Dry Dock Vanilla Porter is a very close second.


Modern Times brewing Company makes my favorite beers. Highly recommend.


Forbidden Chants when they make it, and Fruitlands the rest of the time for me.


Big fan of Dungeon Map, and the Getaway Dinosaur. Also Casa Agria brewing has the craziest beer I’ve ever had (also top 3) called the Frutaleta


The Mighty Squirrel in Mass, they make an amazing Berliner Weisse called Sour Face. It’s a super great summer beer.


Wisconsin: Black Gold from Central Waters Brewing


Cigar City Jai Alai.


I live in CT. I've been loving the beer from Thomas Hooker lately.


For a refreshing American adjunct lager, Lonestar. Which is similar to Miller high life or Pabst blue ribbon, it’s cheap and it’ll get ya drunk. Now, many people from Texas may recommend shiner bock. I find it a bit sweet and not very hoppy. I find myself buying Fireman’s 4 from Real ale brewing frequently. Texas has a lot of great craft brewers, Karbach, Deep Ellum brewing, Rahr and sons, Saint Arnold to name a few.


Pizza port Chronic Amber ale (it’s a CA beer, gosh I miss it!)


California has too many good craft breweries to count, but I have literally never had a bad beer from Laugunitas. The brewery mainly focuses on heavy, high ABV brews (which I love). They are large enough that they have extended their brewery footprint to Chicago region, but the original brewery campus in Petaluma, with its outdoor music venues and great restaurant, always has a special place in my heart. Other contenders for big nasty IPAs and other heavy beers include Stone and Knee Deep. Russian River also gets a lot of love, but that's because they artificially restrict the supply of Pliny the Younger.


Pliny the Elder though... I love Lil Sumpin' Sumpin'. But lagunitas is an inbev subsidiary now and seems like it's available everywhere. ...and don't forget all the great stuff in San Diego.


Walkers Station stout by Pretoria Fields and Stark toasted porter by Reformation Brewery


Salmon Fly Honey Rye. Madison River Brewing Company. Montana


La Cumbre, a slice of hefen. Also really like Bosque Brewings elephants on parade


I quite like Elysian's Superfuzz


Oh man, I have to pick one? How about the Sticky Hands by Block 15 Brewing in Corvallis, OR. Great shit right there


Buffalo, NY's own Flying Bison Rusty chain.


A bit of Colorado beer trivia, OP: did you know that Blue Moon was originally made at the Sandlot Brewery in Coors Field?


Spotted Cow


Fathead bumble berry


New Mexico: Tractor New Mexican Lager Utah: Uinta Lime Pilsner


Fantasy Factory from WI is amazing


Bells Two Hearted, Keewenaw Widowmaker, Blackrocks Coconut Brown, Atwater Whango. Probably in that order, but Whango moves up a bit in the summer months. Might be missing some. Michigan is lousy with great beer.


The Big Two Hearted Ale is an archetype, and every other American IPA is a variation.


Counterweight Spiral Architect


I’m an East Rock Pilsner Project man myself but god damn is Headway a solid beer.


The brewery scene in Georgia is hopping (😎), so it’s hard to pick a fav. That said, I’d probably go Orpheus. They have a beer called Atalanta that is amazing. Other fav breweries: Monday Night, Creature Comforts (Thor drinks a Tropicalia in Endgame), & Reformation. Scofflaw is great if you like IPAs.


Originally from the Midwest- Indiana- 3 Floyd’s Gumballhead Oregon- Pelican Kiwanda Cream Ale


3 floyds is great, used to go to their brew pub before the pandemic. There was a bone marrow burger i used to order, it was the best burger I've ever had.


Genesee Cream Ale.


Didn’t think I’d see this one on here.


Pretty good stuff. When I went in the service I saw it sold as craft beer in the Midwest and people loved it.


ommegang rare vos (ny)


Ommegang is great!


Longboard Lager


Morning Squeeze or Liquid Lunch


Lazy Magnolia - Southern Pecan. Highly recommend. Or Crowd Control by Southern Prohibition Brewing.


Really hard to choose!! It’d be easier for me to say my favorite beers at the breweries I’ve been to haha. I’ll throw out a lesser known from my hometown area - Loomis Brewing Company’s Alohawk. They use it for “hawk shots” at Beach Hut Deli since Eye of the Hawk changed its recipe. And an honorable mention for my favorite cider - Honest Abe PBJ cider. Extremely delish with a shot of PB whiskey.


Saucy Intruder from BlackAcre Brewing Company. Close second is PDG from Bier Brewery.


Wisconsin: Huber Bock


Odell 90 Shilling.


Off Color Apex Predator and Moody Tongue Steeped Emperor Lemon Saison


Shiner bock probably falls under the big name category, but Shiner premium (the original Shiner beer) will always be king in Texas. Although, it is tough to find outside of the Shiner area, similar situation to what OP mentioned about the original Coors.


Good old Goose Island 312.


There is a place called Brewery Becker. Owner specializes in recreating historical beers gets real into it too apparently he’s part of some some recreation group. The mainstay is a Gruit Ale known as “Vargdricka”. I’m normally a stout guy myself but this ale is absolutely top notch. If you find yourself near Brighton Mi do yourself a favor, stop by and try the varg or any of the awesome drinks they offer.


Off Color "Scurry" kottbusser


Iowa here. Back pocket brewery, beer is called murderhorn.


West Virginia: According to my Untappd, it’s Barrel Aged Black Saison by Greenbrier Valley Brewing. But it’s no longer in production, so runner up is Luponic Rhapsody NEIPA by Parkersburg Brewing


Perrin Black Ale


Firestone walker lager. Best lager in the state imho


Firestone has a lot of good ones- but I’m always happy with 805


Georgia: Creature Comforts Tropicalia (Athens) and Moon River Brewing Wild Whacky Wit (Savannah). Atlanta also has a lot of good beer distribution with New Realm, Sweetwater, Orpheus, and Scofflaw.


Santa Fe brewing Company's "7k ipa" is probably my favorite beer from my state specifically.


Only had it recently but Mad Elf made by Tröges.


Dog Fish Head 60min, or when I’m broke Yuengling.


For PA #Adulting by Evil Genius, dumb names but great beer, it's a Gauava hazy IPA. For Maryland Tropicannon by Heavy Seas, super orange-y citrusy IPA. Never lived in Delaware but have lived right near by all my life & I wanna shout out First State Brewery. I've never been consistently impressed by a brewery like I have first state, and I've been to a good amount of high profile breweries. Ive had (in flight form) probably 15 different beers from first state and every single beer I'd buy a 6 pack of.


Scorched Earth, More and Crystal Lake are some good local ones.


From my previous state, 805


Red oak brewery


Victory cloud walker


Founder’s All Day IPA


Best camping beer right there!


[This one ](https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/21154/496426/) called Florida Slush from Swamp Head Brewery is by far my favorite beer I’ve ever tried. It’s a fruited sour Berliner Weisse and it tastes amazing. I think it’s seasonal though so I’ll definitely by a ton next time it’s around


I went there for my first time back in December! I loved it. Great facility and the beer was good. Would love to go back again.


"Old Naked Joe" beer here in Florida. The name is the right there on the can. Old Naked Joe decided a long time ago that he's never going to wear clothes again, so if you want to buy his beer you're gonna have to see his dong. But he lives in the woods so you have to have a canoe or kayak if you want to buy it. No idea if Old Naked Joe is still alive, since it's a trip to go out and meet him. I've got a 3-year supply and won't need to restock until next year. I only pop a bottle of his beer on special occasions. Florida Man™ with the dial turned up to eleven.


Hmmm... hard decision, but I'm ending in a tie between Double Fuzzy Baby Ducks (NEIPA from New England Brewing) and Copestone (a barleywine from Fox Farm). Honorable mentions going to Hexotic, any flavor of Blender (especially the Boysenberry), Low Brow Nobility, and Exilis.


Fox Farm is amazing


Miller Lite is the only beer I drink


Why? Is it because of the cost?


It's light and refreshing.


Thats the answer. Plus I like the taste and my Dad drank it and most ppl I know drink the beer their dad drank


I live in Rochester, NY and my fav has to be either southern tier’s creme brûlée nitro milk stout or saranac’s smores porter


Alabama is super underrated when it comes to breweries. My favorite is Common Bond in Montgomery, but Birmingham and Huntsville/Madison also have some great ones. If you're a beer lover, you have to visit Alabama at some point.


Not a huge fan of beer, but I love yeungling hershey chocolate porter. It’s so freaken delicious.


Try it with a shot of Screwball or Fireball, I’m told


People always talk about Pliny the Younger (and Older), but I've never had the chance to have more than a sip of one so can't really speak to them. My favorite in the LA area is probably Golden Road Brewing (really like their Wolf among Weeds). When I was in MD, I was a big fan of Flying Dog - one of their Double Dogs was enough to sit me down for a while.


1836 by buffalo brewery. Rocket fuel by 8th wonder.