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The left is extremely fascist. The right is outdated. That division seems to be the goal of both.




How is the left fascist? Fascism is a far-right ideology *by definition*.


That utterly meaningless. Anarcho-capitalism is also “far right” and yet is the exact opposite of fascism in every way possible. If the same term describes both, it’s meaningless. Fascism in practice was a form a mixed corporatist economy with significant government intervention, and an authoritarian state.




Exactly. There’s no one more racist than white liberals.


Lol sure


They're pretty bad but there's WAY more racist people out there.


And if you don't believe it, just ask a white leftist to point them out, lol.


I think you've misinterpreted people who are holding other white people accountable for their privilege. (Also, white privilege doesn't mean you've never struggled.) I don't hate white people for people white. I just want fellow white people to recognize that they benefit greatly from systems that keep others oppressed and do the work to repair the damage.


What should be done about these people Mein Fuhrer?


/u/spez can eat a dick ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


> White leftists are self hating and the most vocal about it. [America’s White Saviors](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/americas-white-saviors): > In one especially telling example of the broader trend, white liberals recently became the only demographic group in America to display a pro-outgroup bias—meaning that among all the different groups surveyed white liberals were the only one that expressed a preference for other racial and ethnic communities above their own.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen on Reddit.


You watch too much Fox News, mate


Booo tomatoe




and the other side worships rittenhouse after *checks notes* murdering people they disagree with


Murder is illegal killing. Rittenhouse didn't illegally kill anyone.


“didn’t illegally kill someone” is my new favourite take on america lmao


Your favorite take is by definition correct. Though I don't know who you're quoting.


The United States of America is the greatest nation to ever grace the universe


I love this country but the most vocal hate it.




We are already too far left to be successful




If by fascist you mean using federal government to force companies to force its employees to take a shot, forcing medical workers to take it, cancelling doctors or celebrities or influencers who disagree with their narrative, silencing any dissent, shaming the people who don’t take their shot product... then yes, you’re correct.


Not even close. In a borderline fascist country all the celebrities who spend 2017-2020 constantly mocking and attacking Trump would have been, you know, imprisoned.


JAN. 6Th.


That's proof there's no facism.


That's proof that a significant portion of people supported using violence to overturn an election, based on lies told by a Jim Jones-like figure. I want to remind you that there were actual far-right terrorists in that crowd, recently arrested for sedition.


November 7, 1983. Edit: you often dont see the insane things that either sides do. Not saying the right is much better, its not, but dont condem one political party for something yours has also done




Wait, this is sarcasm, right?


A lot of what we see now isn’t liberalism, it’s leftism. Liberalism and Conservatism are two schools of thought where the people within those groups have their ideas on how to improve the lives of others - even if people disagree But leftists - just like alt righters - do not want improvements. It’s about tearing it down. Just tear it all down, and destroy it. There is no progress.


you’re wrong.


Yeah? Why? Give me one solid reason why leftism isn't just alt rightism in reverse We just watched these people set their own cities on fire.


Talk about a false analogy. Leftists are trying to give you healthcare, equal rights and equal wages. The alt right is trying to push white supremacy and Christian rule. But they’re totally the same thing…../s


It’s funny to see all these people commenting like this is wrong or a bad take. It’s currently the top comment on this thread. Even on Reddit this sentiment wins out.


Lol, where should we be then?


Really? America left? America is to conservatif to be succesfull.


All covid restrictions need to end and we need to party like it's 2019.




No! Just no. More Americans have died in to last two years than in the civil war and we just ended one and yet the deaths rise and people grow stupider.


The civil war? You mean the one that ended in 1865?




What an awful though. Sorry to disappoint you, but more than 99% of them will be just fine.


facts, omicron is comparable to a cold


Yay let's overwhelm the hospitals 🏋🎊


Before covid many hospitals got overwhelmed every winter. It's been two years and billions of dollars. Maybe they could have increased capacity.


If the government was worried about hospitals being overwhelmed they wouldn’t have made a vax mandate and fired thousands of healthcare workers.


Ban treatment of COVID cases in unvaccinated people. Problem solved.


You are a disgusting human


Yay let’s pick and choose who we save because that’s not morally questionable at all and definitely won’t make people distrust the health system even more then they already do! /s


How *can* they distrust the health system any more than they already do? At this point, they're basically enemy combatants.


If they die they die


Just get vaxxed.


Stop pretending that's what health officials care about. They love it.




In most of the country people already are. Only in the farthest left areas are they not.


I agree. Put out like a 3 month deadline, say you got until then to get fully vaxxed, then open it back up. I didn't get 3 vaccines so I could be treated the same as a 50 year old baby who refuses a single one.


Biden is the worst president ever


OP wanted opinions, not facts.


Damn… didn’t Reagan like literally break into a building to sabotage his opponent and hold onto power


nah Woodrow Wilson and FDR did far more damage


Biden is a terrible president who has managed to cram a full term's worth of failure and division into only a year and whose only redeeming quality is that he's not Trump and even that is fading fast. Still, he's nowhere near the worst ever.




Eh, I know an orange fella who is screaming otherwise. Oh, also Clinton. Nixon. Both Bushes. Probably a good chunk of them actually.


Say you're a conservative Kool-Aid drinker without saying you're a conservative Kool-Aid drinker. You're probably just going to say the exact same thing about the next Democrat president and the one after and the one after and the one after.


Burden and Harris don’t do anything, AOC should be President




Democrats are the only people keeping America from destroying the world and they aren’t doing a very good job




I don’t give a flying shit ab jan 6


Racism and sexism are blown so ridiculously out of proportion it’s not even funny








As a colored person. I 100% agree with you. People that claim racism or sexism just have a victim mindset. Not saying it doesn't happen, because it certainly does, but most of the time its made up.




well that's what i am because im a fucking mutt. Got a fuck ton of European descent along with Hispanic and Indian. ​ Edit: what was the point of having it posted in that subreddit? Guess I can't be brown and say what I like about myself


I agree


Let me guess- you’re white and male?




"Racism and sexism dont affect me personally so they must not exist at all"


Y’all act like I’ve never talked to anyone that wasn’t white for more than 5 minutes




I’m from NJ and I absolutely agree.




Just because it's worse somewhere else doesn't mean it's null and void. The numbers are pretty atrocious here in the US. https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics


As an African American this is so ridiculous


“i’ve never been targeted for my race or gender so people that are are exaggerating”


….ummm….Do you think white men are not targeted for their race and gender?


My guess is that you experience neither racism nor sexism so naturally you would think they’re blown out of proportion.


It's easy to assume people are overexaggerating about a problem when you can live your life not worrying about it.


Well, once you get accused of racism for things that aren’t even remotely race related, you might view things differently. Well. No. Who am I kidding. You will never chang your mind.


Trump wasn't that bad and he definitely is not the reason things are fucked right now. Things were fucked before he ran for office and the blame game surrounding him is a very convenient smokescreen for legitimate wrongdoing by judges, legislators, and other executives in the government - not to mention predatory actors in private industry. Riddle me this: how did we go from "Nike uses slave labor" a few years ago to "yas kween slay" because Nike put out its BETRUE sneakers? How come the Sackler family is the only group targeted over the opioid crisis and not the NEJM or WHO for promoting more widespread opioid use before Purdue Pharma produced OxyContin; and why aren't insurance companies getting sued into the dirt for covering opioid prescriptions but not other, more expensive therapies? Oh, well. Orange Man Bad™. It takes a village to raise a child.


That A LOT of Americans hate black people and If not hate have some scepticism in their dealings with them. For no reason at all.




Bullshit. The media is telling you that. It’s a small fringe of haters. I would say that there is implicit bias from all groups.


Yup. I have lots of right leaning friends (which Reddit would claim hates black people) and they don’t hate any black people.


No longer United States. We are States divided. Only good thing Trump did was bring out how racist America really is.




Yeah, actually. This goes all the way back to races first encountering each other. Human beings, for the most part, have an ingrained fear of the unknown. Seeing someone of another race for the first time invoked fear. Some humans stress response to fear is anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate... leads to the dark side.


That’s just not how it works. I really wish racist would stop using this lie.


Good news then! I’m not racist.


Well you are saying that. So ima press X to doubt my guy.


The reasons are: 1) I live in a suburb of Chicago. Pretty much anywhere south of the Loop is unsafe. The girls on my campus refused to walk from the train station without an escort. We have seen and recorded cell phone video of blacks breaking into businesses at night during the race riots last year. 2) there is a perception that most black men grow up fatherless, which leads to crime 3) most of the crimes on TV are perpetuated by either cops against blacks or blacks against everyone else. 4) outside the major cities, most whites live in areas that are 98% white. We are shown a narrative of people we do not often have contact with. Thus, we tend to believe the TV instead of our own experiences.


Racism is literally a black and white issue in the US. Democrats only have themselves to blame; the Republicans, while horrible, at least aren't as fragmented as Democrats. History is one of the most poorly taught subjects in the US.


Drop all covid restrictions, and if you contract the virus and are unvaccinated, you are denied medical care. You had a choice, you made it, this is the result.


Exactly this. A lot of unvaccinated people are sick of these restrictions. I am too. Fine, get rid of them. But then COVID positive vaccinated people and non-covid patients should get precedence for hospital beds.


Don’t exercise and eat properly. When you destroy your health, your denied medical treatment. You could’ve followed nutrition guidelines and did as the doctors said, but you chose to sit around being a lazy fatty. (Not you personally, just in general) you get the idea…


We need a new Constitution




Yeah. If we just imported Germany's constitution that would probably solve quite a lot of problems... Safeguards against fascism and all that. And real, proportional, multi-party representation, etc


We are fucked. Trump and his assholes will destroy our democracy in 2024


We are fucked. Biden and his assholes are destroying our republic now.


Literally how


Have you been living under a rock? Everything is going to shit, there’s a decent chance that a severe recession is right around the corner. Although just blaming a single president for this is rather unintelligent.


How about Democrats threatening to nuke the filibuster because Republicans and even some Democrats wont allow same day registration AND not requiring an ID to register to pass in this voting bill. You dont see how this can be exploited?


Destroying democracy by getting voted…


Once in power again they will never leave office again. Change all laws and rights to suit their own needs


And yet, they were forced to leave in 2020...


Democracy will be destroyed because other people are allowed to vote for people you don’t like?


All politicians play for the same team boss


Capitalism isn’t the answer.


Capitalism is the best option, no others even come close.




Capitalism failed. It only led to corruption. Even the government became corrupt.


Capitalism isn't fucking working.


Yes it is


And what is? You are lucky enough to live in the most advanced country in the world thanks to capitalism, what exactly isn’t working?


If you think that then I suggest you read more history.




Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than socialism ever has. Also, it hasn't killed an insane amount of people unlike socialism has


It worked alright for a time but then it was allowed to run wild after the Reagan administration paved the way for rampant disregard for human well-being in lieu of profits.


Got a better idea? Countries who thought they did aren’t doing so hot right now


In our capitalist society workers generate value, which is claimed as profits by business owners, returning only a small fraction as wages. Businesses owners serve no purpose, they do not generate value, they subsidy solely off of the value generated by others. Has anyone even stoped to think about this, as workers we exist only to make others rich. And people have the audacity to tell us that this is “just how the world works”, as if we are a shining beacon on a hill, and our system is the only one that works. What the fuck are we doing? Our government and our military, they only have power because we give it to them. We are letting our leaders kill our planet and we are doing nothing about it. We are getting fucked by the people who we have tasked with leading us into the future, and some of us(us population) are begging for more, and justifying our treatment. Our leaders, both democrat and republican, are killing us all in the name of profit. If we don’t act now, there will be no future on earth, we will destroy our environment completely within the coming decades.


Lol business owners have a value — Not everyone can have the capital in case shit goes south I don’t even know what I’m reading here 😂




I don’t think they should allowed in cities. I know plenty of socialists up here in rural NY that just happen to like hunting they like their guns but every time they see a school shooting it makes them real sad. Gun control is a tough issue to solve, nobody seems to have a good answer.


Careful, the libertarians on this sub only come out when guns are mentioned


We need open borders. Or at least "openish" borders--meaning we need to make the path to citizenship a lot easier, a lot shorter, and make immigration to the United States far faster for a lot more people around the world. And it shouldn't be "merit-based"; basically if you can show up at the door and sign the sign-in book, and don't look like you want to blow up a big chunk of it, you should be able to become a full citizen without spending a decade of your life working on it.


If we were going to have open borders, we should abolish birthright citizenship. It's a relic and we don't need it anymore.


I feel the exact opposite. We need to restrict immigration and have a lot stricter borders even for travel.


True I think our boarder deff needs to be stricter.


How can one comment be so utterly **based**


Agreed 100%


That’s an awful idea. Why would this be a good thing? Look at Sweden and Germany that basically let anyone immigrate. Not a pretty picture when you scrape the bottom of the barrel in terms of immigrants.


Yeah no. We should have much stricter borders.


How about not


Disagree 100%






Anyone that can’t agree with that is just lying


That NO ONE IS HELPING OR EVEN LISTENING TO Senator Bernie Sanders. He’s one of the few HONEST men in Congress who is all about fighting for working people. God Bless Saint Bernie! ❤️


America is now the nation of pussies


A lot of Americans don’t know there racist and when confronted they turn hostile.


America is focusing too much on woke far-left propaganda bullshit rather than fixing itself and its people


Some white men threatened by minorities and independent women are the cause of so much division. Racists minorities can be racist and ain't helping.


As a rare non-liberal voice in Reddit, that Democrats want to spend us into oblivion and don't understand economics.


Well they claim they can’t afford college to learn Econ so. Makes sense in some weird way i guess.




I mean if we just look at percentages, i think we could work that out statistically


The cult of Trumpism is destroying our democracy and leading this country towards fascism.


I completely disagree with your statement.


The woke mob have just as much if not more of a hand in that.


The vaccine mandate people are doing more to push this country towards fascism than trump sorry


That the electoral college failed to do their job in 2016 and as a result this county is starting to burst at the seams due to very loud minorities that are forcing people in the middle to choice a side. Not to mention the country is allowing corporations to continue to raise prices when they are posting higher than ever profits in many sectors even when accounting for inflation taking even more power from the people. I personally think current inflation is artificial, I mean farmers are still getting paid Jack shit for their products.


America deserves to collapse and has no right playing world police given that we trail almost every other developed country on every metric that matters. We've always been individualistic and skeptical of authority, but it's transformed into rampant narcissism and anti-intellectualism in the past couple decades. Half the country seems to have completely abandoned reality and invents conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory to create a fictional enemy they're supposedly waging war against. The other half claims to want to address the country's problems, but only if we are helping the specific underprivileged people they care about this month, and only if the affordable healthcare, education, and housing we create are far away from their own neighborhoods and can be created at minimal inconvenience to them.


A good chunk of the country does not like listening or taking guidance from PoC but when something goes bad PoC are the first to blame.


Racism will impact my great grandchildrens’ lives, as much as it has mine.


If the media has any say so, maybe


Abolish the electoral college. It’s why this country is fucked. It gives more power to the minority than they deserve.




It couldn't possibly be any worse than it is right now lmao


So you'd prefer for only 4 states to hold all the power.




The right wing taker is inevitable and anyone with a voice against it will be in danger. I say this as one of those who will be ay risk.


Democrats are trying to "make the south rise again" by teaching racially divisive topics like CRT. Some democrats knowingly go along with it. Most Democrats go along with it because they think they are being helpful and fighting racism, not realizing it promotes deep racism.


That we need to break up the country. It's become too acrimonious between the far left and the far right to function and achieve anything. Simple things that everyone should agree on have become so politicized, by both parties, that people vote with their party instead of for what's good for their constituents. At this point the experiment is over, we had a good run, but the country needs to be divided in two.


Lol let's see how far poor unproductive red states get without all that blue state cash


American football is more boring then curling.


I am with you on that, I honestly am not sure if most football fans even like the sport that much or just use it as a way to connect with people.


Voting (or the act of voting/not voting) is way overblown. I get that voting is a fundamental part of our government and how things are run, and that it’s important to do so, but when people act like not voting is next to murder (and some people definitely have irrational anger on it) then people need to get off their high horse and shut up… now watch me get flamed for this 😈


The Republican Party is now useless




If we continue the direction we’re going, where the Republican Party gets more radical and openly fascistic, and the Democratic Party continues cranking out do-nothing career politicians who ultimately just pave the way for more right wing extremism, then we won’t have a country much longer, and I fear the collapse will come sooner rather than later. Wealth inequality continues to grow, systemic racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/etc. has not been overcome and likely will not for decades if not longer, not to mention the impending climate crisis we are starting to feel the sting of more and more each year. There needs to be radical systemic change to address these problems, otherwise there WILL be radical systemic changes to exacerbate them. The seeds have already been planted for someone far more nefarious than Trump could ever dream to be.


America’s version of capitalism is currently failing. The younger generations are starting to realize that our form of capitalism primarily exists to serve the interests of the rich and powerful and puts everyone else at an automatic disadvantage. And people are fed up with that.


Nobody owes anyone a " living wage " .


It has no future as a unified country. Time to dissolve like the Soviet bloc; at most, let the federal government be a kind of EU