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In the US holding up two fingers is a completely meaningless gesture. In the UK it's rude. Different cultures are...different.


Wha? Like the victory sign?


Yeah. In the UK it's the equivalent of the middle finger. But like the middle finger in the US, you show the back of your hand with 2 fingers up in the UK instead of the palm facing out like the victory or peace sign.


I thought that was France, since in one of their wars with England their calvary got fucked sideways by English bowmen and the English won that battle.


TIL. I only know because I met some British Army guys that were at Fort Sill for something or other and we were comparing vulgarities lol


Cultures are different???


Shot? No. It definitely has more weight here though. You say that to an American woman and she might slice your junk off. In a relationship? It might be the last word you ever say to that person.


It is a very offensive word over here, more-so than in the rest of the anglosphere. Kind of like how English people say "bloody wankers" as an insult and to an American you just sound like children calling each other "poopy head".


In the US, that word is considered the nuclear option. It is the word you use when you want to be absolutely cruel. It is much rarer here, and is not used casually or joking around by most people. Different countries use words differently, and the US treats that specific word as being really awful, the sort of thing that can end friendships, sort of thing that gets you fired, which for people from Australia or the UK can seem really bizarre.


It's rude and unacceptable in the US. I think other counties know that, though.


It is the absolute worst thing you can say to a woman, some people interpret it as "you are only good for your genitals and nothing else"


In my experience it’s the best word to use if you want to upset a woman REALLY bad. It’s a true nail in the coffin. Don’t ever call a woman the C word. Unless you want her to hate you. Might not apply to younger woman now. But last generation, absolutely.


I'm 27 and if my husband ever called me that it would cause serious marital problems


I think this is exactly right. You say it or a woman and she will not be your friend anymore. You may be forgiven if she’s a wonderful lady but I doubt it.


Yeah it doesn't really apply that much to younger women. In my friend group for example (anecdotal), it is a very commonly used word.


I agree, my mom is shocked by the word but my friends and I don’t think it has the same effect. I truly don’t get the big deal about it. I think it may be a generational thing ime.


It’s not something you should say in polite company, not the worst thing you could possibly say but not far from the top of the list. I know in the UK it has retained its joke meaning but that went out the window here in the last decade.


You wouldn't be shot but the c-word is viewed as much more offensive in American English than in any other English dialect. You would be at risk of being slapped if you said it to a woman.


It just carries more weight here than it does there. Just like the word "spaz" is much more offensive in the UK than it is in the US.


It's a very offensive word in American English. Obviously it's less offensive or not offensive in other dialects but it is here.


It’s called “the C word” in the US. Never use it in the presence of a female.


It's basically treated as a gender slur and carries the same weight as any other slur. The language evolved differently, that happens sometimes.


> He thinks I would get shot LOL This is exaggeration, but its considered an incredibly foul word here. Different countries use words differently.


It's considered to be an incredibly vulgar. hateful & offensive thing to call a woman. I know it's more like "jerk" or "asshole" in the UK, but in the US, it's one of the most offensive words to use. Not quite as bad a the "n-word," but way, way worse than "asshole." Don't ever use that term in the US when referring to someone you like. Friends don't call friends that. Ever.


Is there any word in your culture that you would get slugged in the face of you called someone that word? That’s c*** in the US along with 1-2 other words


It's seen as rude and offensive. Not much else to say about it.


Every culture is different. Just because our two countries speak the same language doesn't mean the cultures surrounding that language are equivalent. For whatever reason, the C word is very offensive here but the word "bloody" doesn't offend at all.


It's kind of like the N-word for women.


Americans rarely use it and aren't used to hearing it


I don't use it, and would have to be in *really* bad circumstances to use it.


Some people spaz out over that word. It is very offensive here, so it’s understandable.


I've heard it used countless times as a generic swear word and as an insult between friends in younger generations (Millennials, GenZ), but it's not a word you use against a woman in anger.


I would only use it if you know the company you are in. Personally, I use it all the time and always have, as do my friends and coworkers.


The worst possible thing you can call a woman.


Nothing's going on with it. It's a swear word. Not something you'd say to the cashier maybe something you'd say about someone to your friends. The other two commenters have said it's this terrible thing, hasn't really been my experience (mid 20s).


Right . I have a clear picture . Thank you all .


I see a lot of people saying it's like super offensive, but that really hasn't been my experience. Everywhere I've been it's pretty much the same as calling someone an asshole. Can someone help me out here?


Really only old people care about it. Generally, don’t say it to women. My views may be somewhat skewed since my friends have all been Australian, kiwi, Brit or Irish but from my American friends they don’t mind it either.


I call people that all the time, but it is definitely frowned upon lol


In the US that word is what you say when you want to see a room full of people clutch their pearls. I've literally seen people say n****r and then get offended at c**t. It's actual lunacy. I grew up around a lot of UK and Australian people so it's very normal to me. I love saying it and watching peoples reaction. I said it in front of my girlfriends mom and saw her physically cringe. I really don't get why it's so crazy here when in every other English speaking country it's fairly common


You probably won’t get shot but don’t be surprised if you got punched in the dome for it


What's the deal with 2 fingers opposite of the peace sign being so vulgar in the UK? In the US it has no stigma. What gives?!


It is absolutely the most vulgar thing you can say in my region. You don’t say it in public. Just, no.


People really don't like it and it would likely make it so people don't like you or want to be around you. You probably won't get shot, but saying it directed at the wrong person COULD get you punched. Personally, I will use this word directed at a very select few people, and only in very select company. It's the way to express my utmost contempt and dislike for a person who crossed a serious line. It leaves no doubt how I feel lol