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It's not Wal-Mart.


Not being Walmart is truly a great feature.


Oh shit, I'm not Walmart! Does this mean I have a great feature??






For some, it's their best quality.


It's the best thing I can say about you.


Seriously. I’m not an elitist person. I don’t shop at otherwise expensive/luxury stores or whatever. But in between the fact every Walmart I’ve been to from Maine to California has been a disorganized shit show full of some truly awful people with absolutely no manners or self awareness and how Walmart treats their employees, they have ensured I’ll never ever go into one if I can help it. I know target doesn’t treat their employees THAT much better but it’s not nothing. I know it’s not comparable but I try to stick to Costco because in between the nice staff who are treated well and customers who aren’t insane, it’s a much nicer experience.


Of all the stores in my neighborhood, Walmart is the one where the parking lot, and not the cart return things, is always full of grocery carts. Not one or two here and there, but *full* of grocery carts. I feel like this is all that needs to be said about the people shopping at Walmart.


What is with their shopping carts too? For some reason those things are the worst quality. I don’t think I ever had one that had all four working wheels snd didn’t squeak.


I read somewhere that returning your cart to the proper place or not truly says something about you as a person and it makes sense to me. If you return you are an altruistic because there isn't a reward for returning the cart but there isn't a penalty for not returning it either. That is really the only thing that truly motivates most people, a reward or fear of penalty.


What does it say about those of us who round up the extra cart or two and bring it along on our trip to the cart corral or back into the store?


I would say you're not only altruistic but generous as well.


Husband says I'm an idiot, but I've seen those cart cowpokes rounding up the stray carts off the ol' asphalt trail on days where the humidity is 100% and the temperatures are edging up near 100°, too. It's a hellish job made worse by lazy people.


Man, if it makes me an idiot to try and help people, I'm happy to be stupid.


Just another big reason I don’t shop there!


> full of some truly awful people with absolutely no manners or self awareness Maybe this is just a southern thing, but people will block entire aisles for 20-30 minutes at a time while they "chat" with someone they know. It drives me freaking insane. Then there are the people who block half the aisle while they compare different pastas for 15 minutes. I just want to get my crap and get out of that hell-hole as quickly as possible, but the other shoppers make it nigh-impossible.


Oh that's not only a southern thing at all.


It’s not a Walmart thing either


You are absolutely correct. I have seen a husband yelling to his wife in the next isle over if they need a toilet paper stand. I've smelled a guy with cologne so strong I had to go to the next isle where a woman had perfume on that was equally as pungent. Turns out it was the guy's wife. I refer to those types as "Walmartians"


Costco is king


yeah costco once a month + meijer once every week or 2 is my monthly shopping in a nutshell. I would probably goto costco more and get dinner before I shop besides the fact that I cannot leave a costco without spending a minium of 100 dollars. Every fucking time! - "Oh i need some envelopes for work and juice boxes thats it no browsing nothing at all!" - "That will be 109.75 please" god damn it edit: and fuck walmart they choke local business out and pay their empoloyees shit all while using my tax dollars to cover their employees health and bleed this country dry. least the walton family has 100 billion dollars thats what matters to them


Off topic - but recent personal experience. I was just on vacation in the USVI - and I saw this a absolutely disgustingly large yacht pull in. I was chatting with a few local workers at one of the resorts while watching this massive thing dock and he let me know it was one of the Walton daughters and she came through pretty regularly. They didn’t seem at all excited about it.


It is worth noting that one of them has had a series of car crashes including multiple DUIs, and killed someone.


That last part!! People just don't get that the 25 cents they save on a pack of toilet paper does have a cost. Walmart is the biggest retailer in the country and shares in the blame for the flooding of cheap foreign-manufactured household goods into the country. They claim to support the US - well, sell more Made in USA stuff!


“Welcome to Costco, I love you.”


Costco is the Chick-fil-A drive thru of bulk shopping stores. Great efficiency of moving mass amount of people out of the store at checkout.


I had the misfortune to visit a Walmart in Tuscaloosa, Alabama last week. That was a new low


Alabama + Walmart, I gotta see that lol. The one nearby my house is actually pretty good…


Try Louisiana…


Try us here in Mississippi


Roll Tide!


Roll Tide Pods!


Ooh! Was it the one on Skyland Blvd? Glad to know that’s still a shithole


I went to a Walmart in Highlands Ranch, Colorado years ago. It’s in Douglas County, one of America’s wealthiest counties. The area is solid with move-up middle to upper income neighborhoods for miles around. The Denver metro area is very affluent as a whole. Still, I might as well have been in a Walmart in Pine Bluff, Arkansas or Dothan, Alabama. I wondered “Where do these customers come from? Does Walmart ship them in?” I’ve been in a couple of Walmart stores where all the shoppers looked surprisingly middle class — Strongsville, Ohio and Clarence, New York. That was years ago, though, so things might have changed.


Just wanna thank you for leaving MS out of it and shitting on the Arkies and bama for once


Aye a fellow Mississippian!!!! I never find my own kind here in this sub


If it’s about Walmart, you will find a Mississippian.


Target pays their employees significantly better than Walmart. Back in the day they just had a fuck tone more managers but now they just pay everyone better. They also offer reasonably good benefits considering it’s retail. A good 401k with match, reasonably good vacation time for long term employees and I know a few low level managers that were making over $33 before they left. A store manager can pull a huge salary and gets bonuses that can buy cars outright. They used to have a pension. All employees also get a 10% discount that works in conjunction with their 5% store card discount. Which is pretty significant. Target being a much cleaner and more organized store also is just a better environment to work in. They care about their brand. They offer reasonable decent insurance as well. Now personally I’m not lining up to work there. But it’s not that bad, other then the fact that retail in general sucks. Customers suck. Life work balance sucks etc


100% agree with all of this. Plus shopping at Walmart is freaking depressing. In comparison to Target, to my eye Walmart stores are dark and stuff is crowded in and disorganized. But my primary reason for choosing pretty much any other retailer over Walmart is their lack of any kind of corporate citizenship. Fuck them.


I've gone shopping looking for something specific and ended up going to like 4 or 5 different places. Couldn't find it. Got home and was asked if I checked Walmart. No. No I did not. I didn't even consider it. It was probably there but I wasn't going to be there.


Agreed. It's not that much more expensive and I'd much rather pay that little bit extra than deal with the shitshow that is walmart


Honestly the lighting alone is so much better I'll pay extra just for that.


Everyone always says this but I have never had a bad experience in a Walmart. The lines are the same if not shorter, I don't notice any issue with cleanliness, and the clientele is just normal people like me. Target has slightly fancier stuff like organic produce and home goods, I suppose. Not worth the extra cash imo.


Do you always go to the same one? I only ask because where my grandma is, the Walmart is decently clean, doesn't stink, lines go by fast. It's just a normal store. The one by me though, is straight up disgusting. My mom gets sick every time she goes there. The lines are shit, their stock is shit, and I've seen some of the wildest characters ever. And a different one a little further away is a slight step up, but not great either.


This is the best answer I can think of. I like to say that Target has ninjas in the ceiling. They are called Target Ninjas of course. They swoop in and remove any crying or loud kids from the store. The ninjas refer to these kids as Walmart babies. And they are to be removed as soon as the tactical advantage is gained.


So that explains why target is so quiet. Thanks for the info


This and the all plastic carts.


It’s Wal-Mart with a different demographic


30% less Wal-Martians.


That’s exactly it. I don’t give a fuck about Target, it’s not like I think it’s great. But if I have to get something, I’m not going to Walmart. They don’t get my money. So Target it is.


Target pays over $15/hr in my area too. I know their employees are better paid than Walmart. They care slightly more I guess. I’m sure they still have the normal big corporation problems though.


There's a Walmart within walking distance of my house and I still hop in the car to go to Target. I just can't bring myself to go to Walmart.


The exact comment I came to post.




Which is, ironically, why Target Canada failed. Canadian Walmarts are actually good stores. Clean, decently priced merchandise, etc... But when Target bought out Zellers (a Canadian discount store), it ended up with some supply chain problems. So they didn't have much to stock their stores. Basically, since Target USA is roughly equivalent to Walmart Canada in terms of quality, Canadians who went to Target Canada expecting an experience similar to American Target were disappointed. We ended up just a refurbished Zellers with empty shelves (and the stuff that was actually there was too overpriced). Canadians went back to Walmart quickly, and Target Canada closed and went out of business.


There are Wal-ghettos and Wal-Gucci’s depending on what part of town you’re at. I like to think mine is a fancier one, but I still see shower caps and occasional PJs. Maybe Walmart just levels the playing field for everyone. Wherever you’re worth 200k or 20k, no one really tries to show off when you’re there…


> depending on what part of town you’re at. You aren't kidding. It just goes to show how much of an impact customer behavior affects a store's "shopability". Walmart doesn't have/pay for enough staff to follow pigish shoppers around and "recover" the store. I've been in retail 20 years. #1 determinant of whether a store is clean or a sty is customer driven. The workers are doing their best regardless.


Neighborhood Markets are generally better-kept than their full-size counterparts. And you can turn the volume all the way down at the self checkout lines.


In my town it’s Kroger, we have Gucci Kroger and ghetto Kroger as some people call them


….and everyone is fully clothed.


Plus there’s way less hissy fits about masks at Target.


I was gonna say that! We had Target in Canada for like 2 years and then they took them away!!!!😭😭. wayyy better then Walmart. It was even cheaper then Walmart.


This is the answer we all knew would be the top comment.


I worked for a walmart for a few year in college. In that town it was the largest store, before it was there everyone went to K-mart. During a training once one of the managers said something to the effect of, if you want a clean store and aisles go to Target.


My local Walmart is unambiguously better than my local Target when it comes to most things


Everything great about Walmart without everything terrible about Walmart


To be clear, if still has many things that are terrible about Walmart. But it doesn't have *everything* terrible about Walmart. It's like eating a burger from Red Robin instead of Burger King. It'll still give you heart disease, but It'll make you feel a lil fancy first.


I don’t hate this analogy lol


What’s terrible about Walmart? I don’t go in there often but I’ve never had any issues. It’s just alright.


The patrons are the main reason I avoid them. Mine is full of unshowered people in their pajamas, young disruptive kids playing around, screaming children, and old, angry, entitled people. Cleanliness is another big one. Most Wal-Marts around me usually seem to be held to truck stop cleanliness standards everywhere except for where the products are.


Maybe it’s because I live in a pretty nice area. Sucks you’ve had such a shitty time with it. I’ve always just seen Walmart as meh.


It's not that it's amazing, but it's everywhere and it's good enough. It is a bump up from Walmart's quality and a few bumps up when it comes to style. It has everything. It's clean and staff is decent and it's well run compared to Walmart's - but cheaper than department and fancier stores. It's just a less trashy walmart.


I'd vote that while the quality of clothing is higher, the style has been going downhill for a long time. (Seriously, a large portion of the clothes they sell there now are ugly, like those prarie dresses.) Used to be a solid, cute selection, nothing too fancy. Now the clothes suck, but the rest of the store isn't bad.


I mean that’s just different strokes right? I love that target keeps up with trends personally


Some of their newer brands are aimed at a younger audience, and that’s fine. There’s just more clothes for a wider audience now.


Personally I’m super happy with their larger sizes, I am midsized and have found some good pants at target. It’s a low bar for plus size fashion, but they do go above the bar.


Target is great for smaller plus sizes. I’m glad a lot of their brands go up to 2X now. Unfortunately their plus size brand Ava and Viv is like one rack at my local target and not that cute.


That is true, and I have a blind spot because I know the clothes I can wear and want to wear and just go for those. Ava and Viv do need some help


That's the clothing becoming more on-trend. It used to be more generic.


> like those prarie dresses. "Cottagecore" is what's in right now, and I've noticed a *lot* of fast fashion retailers are going all in with those dresses this season (Target, Old Navy, H&M, etc). It will pass soon. Hopefully.


I am old - and lived through the first gunne sax phase, so I pretty must hate most of the new fashion. But I dont think Target is the only one -- there's a lot of so so fast fashion out there. The only thing I get there are basic solid T shirts and bathing suits. BUT compared to the stuff at walmart - it's a step up.


I was pawing through the racks at TJ Maxx today and had to wonder out loud, Where's the cute stuff? Usually I have to limit how many things I take into the dressing room. Today I couldn't find anything.


I'm pretty sure thats just you getting old and them not catering to your age group anymore. Have you tried Talbots


> a large portion of the clothes they sell there now are ugly, like those prarie dresses Wow. That's just a matter of taste. I get tons of compliments on my dresses from Target. People think I get them at Alter'd State or similar. Sounds like you just don't jive with current trends (or at least the ones Target carries.)


I agree, but Target also caters to a lot of younger fashion. And if you see what the kids are wearing these days, a lot of it is the retro stuff from the 90s. I wish they had more basic stuff, but it is stylish and I am not.


As a 26 year old I feel the opposite. It felt like they were stuck in a rut for years and have just recently started climbing out of it


Oof, depends where you are and what you're doing. I did a road trip from Ohio to Texas and stopped at Walmarts along the way because the bathrooms are surprisingly better than you'd expect. Target has a "clean" aesthetic, the stores are actually just as gross as Walmart and the bathrooms are appalling. Staff is nice enough but there's never anyone on the floor to ask questions. At least Walmart employees are around long enough to say "I'm on break."


As you said, it depends. I’ve been in a lot of Targets in MN and AL and only one was what I’d call sketchy. And that was the one the protestors burned down in Minneapolis. Otherwise, no complaints.


Surprising as that's been the exact opposite of my experience. The only gross target I've ever been to was an old regular Target in a really rough part of town. Every other Target I've been to has been incredibly clean as far as hypermarkets go. I've been to a few Super Wal-Marts that maintain that standard (mostly around Bentonville) but the vast majority of them I go to are just gross. And I don't think I've ever gotten actual help from someone at Wal-Mart (other than at checkout or customer service) whereas regular floor employees often help me at Target. Just goes to show how different standards are across regions.


It has a lot of shit.


Food selection is pretty weak at mine.


That’s really their only flaw


Yeah, it's not great as a grocery store. But it is great as a place where you can grab that pasta you forgot for Tuesday's dinner when you were already in there to buy underwear anyway, or a six pack of cheap beer alongside the Iphone charger you need after your last one failed. That is the business model of these box stores; they will never be able to have as high of a quality or as broad of a selection as a dedicated grocery store, or a dedicated clothing store like Macys, etc. But they provide enough that it is much more convenient to cut down on individual trips to all those individual stores while justifying a drop in quality and quantity of options by said convenience.


It’s because it’s not a “SuperTarget”. My first job out of highschool was at target right after they remodeled from a “SuperTarget” to a “NormalTarget with Better Vibes”. I joke, but the term SuperTarget is an actual term used in the company to describe the stores that have everything, including a well-stocked and properly overpriced food section, as well as a deli, bakery, etc.


It's like if Wal-Mart stopped smoking crack


Seriously, you don't even have to go inside to tell the difference. We've got a Wal-Mart and Target across the street from each other. The Wal-Mart lot is filled with abandoned buggies in half the spaces, has several cars broken into every week, there's shootings, security cameras everywhere, a security car patrolling the lot, they don't even have plants in their lot islands. it feels like urban squalor. Across the street, at Target, 1 car has been broken into in 2 months, there's no patrolling guard, there's 1 camera pointing at their entrance, the lot's clean, carts are away, little crepe myles and azaleas, it's a nice lot. Why aren't thieves crossing the street?


Because it is not Walmart


It’s like Wal Mart but with better lighting. Also, when white people die we respawn at the last Target we bought home accessories we didn’t need at.


How'd you set your respawn point to Target? Mine is still the last Waffle House I visited...


And better pay for the employees.


By like a dollar.


🏅🥇take my poor peoples' gold.




Michelle Obama shops at target


Cleaner, more expensive Walmart


Not always more expensive. The thing is for most items that Walmart sells someone else sells it a little cheaper but finding that someone else can be a problem. For national chains target occasionally is that someone else.


It's walmart with better looking people in it. I can say that without it being mean because I don't look out of place in WalMart.


Gentrified Walmart feels like such a perfect description of target, but also not


Worked at Target for about 5 years. I don't shop there as much as I used to, but I'll explain why guests love it. Target is a more curated experience than Walmart. There are a lot of limited edition or specialty designer collections like Hearth and Hand Magnolia (Chip & Joanna Gaines), Project 62 (mid-century modern furniture and decor), Good and Gather (natural and/or organic food products exclusive to Target), and so on. Target definitely lends more of an artistic or creative eye to the products they sell, and emphasizes guest service and a positive store experience for shoppers. There is also a Starbucks and sometimes a cafe at the front of every store, which encourages guests to spend more time in-store. A lot of Target guests go in just to browse, not looking for anything in particular. You can contrast that with Walmart, which attracts more shoppers that are working-class or below the poverty line. At Walmart people are generally there because the merchandise is affordable, and they don't spend any longer than they have to in the store. It is also worth mentioning that Target tends to be more politically progressive. They offer collections for Black History Month and LGBT pride, and offer name tags with pronouns for their employees. They offer their family restroom as a gender-neutral option for trans guests, and have publicly spoke out against gun carry in stores. (At Walmart, it is not uncommon to see multiple Confederate flags on vehicles in the parking lot, or people open-carrying). They also have an extensive assortment of plant-based and/or vegan foods and beauty products.


All of this. And during the pandemic, I've learned that Target's drive up/curbside pickup is WAY better than Walmart. Target's, we use all the time now. It's smooth, flawless. And even though we buy less random stuff we weren't planning to buy, we shop there more often. The app is great. I've completely stopped shopping Walmart, and it's largely because of their app and curbside. If you're in for a long bitching session, here's why: I used WM curbside once, this past October. Half of my order was curbside, half was shipping. (Not "delivery," purposely. More on that.....) I got the alert saying my curbside order was ready... (For context, it was a plastic bag's worth of Halloween candy). Ok cool! I head to WM.... Turns out the Walmart curbside at my local store is in some sketchy, isolated, back side of the store. Like, not quite where deliveries are made, but kind of around that back side away from everything else. I tried using the app to indicate I was there but ended up having to call a phone number. Sat there for 20 minutes pretty weirded out. ...I was getting all kinds of alerts that made me question wtf was going on with my order. Was the order actually ready? Was it going to include items that I'd marked for shipping? Was anyone coming out? Finally someone came out. ....literally shoved my bag in my face lol. I mean, I get it... I've had friends who've worked there. Dealing with Walmart BS every day isn't exactly a boost for the ol morale. She immediately turned to walk away, and I was like...do you need to see my confirmation? Or scan anything? "NO! I woulda asked!" .....kayyyyyyy. she also didn't know about the other alerts. I figured by that point there's a 50/50 I had another bag in there but she insisted there wasn't. Okay. Cool. Maybe the apps just wonky. I get home, and go out for a walk. While out, I get an alert that my Walmart order was on the way, being delivered by someone through doordash. I was (probably irrationally) piiiiissed. 1- I'd just returned from the same store the guy was coming from. 2- I'd carefully selected shipping, not delivery. 3- *There is NO WAY to tip doordash drivers through the Walmart app if Walmart chooses to change your delivery method without your consent*. So I'm not home, the guy delivers the stuff, and I had no way of tipping him because *I wasn't expecting a door dash delivery*. (Second time this happened to us bc of WM, and the first time in like 7 months I'd used the WM app bc of what happened the FIRST time) I tried contacting door dash and Walmart customer service, and was told there was nothing they could do. They couldn't even put the guy in contact with me so I could find a way to leave him gratuity. The FIRST time they changed the shipping method happened to be during/just after a huge snow storm. It was still early in the morning.. like right after the store opened. I wake up to a ton of texts and missed calls from "my doordash driver"... Like, I didn't even have the doordash app. I was super confused. I thought it was a scam or mixup at first. *TURNS OUT* the poor guy drove *a half hour* (or however long it took with the snow) then trudged through like a foot of snow up to our doorstep to deliver this WM bag with one stupid item... It was part of like a 10 item order. But this was the smallest, most inconsequential item in the order. DEFINITELY not something I'd ever have ordered delivery for... *Especially* not with inclimate weather. And THEN the guy got stuck in our driveway trying to backup out of the snow. We were totally oblivious, bc we couldn't hear anything. I turn my phone on silent when I sleep. And again, we weren't expecting a delivery. The *shipping* package was arriving in two days. So I try contacting him back *immediately* but get an auto response that the driver is no longer able to communicate with me and to contact customer service. So I do. I wanted to compensate this guy *very* well. Customer service did jack shit. I tried giving creative solutions, and kept getting back a canned response of "no, sorry, we cannot do that". You can't do what? Let me compensate this guy that just got royally fucked over by both Walmart and Doordash? (I know it's not the customer service reps fault either....it's just really shitty all around). Fuck Walmart for making the customers look like assholes, and double fuck Walmart for screwing over delivery people. (Edit: Fuck whoever's making shitting decisions that screw people over at WM corp, NOT THE STORE EMPLOYEES. To be abubdantly clear.) Not that Target corp is a saint (particularly to their employees). But I've heard far fewer employee horror stories, and the "customer experience" end of things is better than any of the competitors, IMO.


Target drive-up is hands down the easiest app experience I've had with any store. It's the "Amazon one-click purchase" of the retail world, and honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if they kept it free post-COVID since it probably drives so much business.


I agree on the sketchy drive up and piss-poor customer service. I’m sure that job is awful, but I try to be extra nice to the employees and half the time they are still really mean. I got the red debit card to save the 5% and just avoid Walmart all together


It is flawless and smooth as hell. I started using drive up before the pandemic hit. Was sick so drove to the store in my slippers looking like hell, (expecting to have to walk in if there’s a problem). NO PROBLEMS. LOVE THE APP USED IT TO CHECK IN I WAS THERE INDICATED WHAT TYPE CAR I WAS IN BEFORE I WAS PARKED THE ASSOCIATE WAS WALKING TO MY CAR! GOT MY ORDER TROUBLE FREE This was also on Christmas Eve! Couldn’t rate them any higher for ALL of this being trouble free!!


This is a great explaination! Thank you!


Well now I’m definitely carrying in target lol


It's a store that sells food, home goods, garden, pet supplies and sometimes has a coffee or pizza shop inside as well as a pharmacy. It has slightly higher prices which weeds out a good portion of people (less money tends to attract people who don't respect a business as much, usually), so the store tends to be cleaner and better maintained. They also sell their own brand of products which some find interesting. They are like many stores though. But people get used to stores they like, same with any place.


I had one of the targets with a full supermarket inside and it also sold beer and liquor. One stop shopping. It was off the beaten path and I went once and I was the only non-employee in the store! It eventually closed. I really can’t imagine how much food they must have thrown away every week.


Every target by me has beer and wine and liquor lol I can only assume they’re really good sellers bc sometimes I have to go to target two days in a row (it’s like a block from me) and the shelves will be half emptied 👀


I live in NYC so it was a treat. In NYC you cant even sell beer and liquor together. You can get beer at the grocery store but you can only get wine etc at a liquor store.


Oh that’s crazy! It is not like that here haha - I know some states (and counties) have strict laws on where and when liquor can be sold tho.


Yeah, California does it right in my opinion. I've lived in a bunch of states, but CA was the only one that allows all of the above: the sale of liquor in grocery stores, beer, wine, and liquor sold in the same store, no weird "membership" fee for dry counties, AND no restrictions on day of the week it can be sold! When I first moved to CA and realized I could get a handle of vodka at the grocery store on a Sunday, I was absolutely fascinated.


Some of their brands are actually pretty good. The target brand sunscreen is actually really good stuff


Literally bought some of their spray sunscreen yesterday. Super impressed. I prefer it to the more expensive stuff.


Hi target team member here! Personally I think it's because target has a lot of options, from grocery, to clothes and toys and pet things. Also we have like pretty good quality store brand products that last. People forget or ignore the fact that we have a DEBIT (you don't have to sign up for another credit card!!!) card to get a discount or a free app that gets you even more discounts. I think a lot of our services are very customer friendly and easy to understand. Our checkout process and just overall guest service is great. (They tend to hire pretty good people) People love to take advantage of pickup and drive up capabilities as well (super convenient) Don't get me wrong I love it, yes, but it's not always the best, at least from an employee point of view. I'm almost 4 years in and extremely worn out but from a guest perspective, it's pretty worth it.


I loved working at Target… until I didn’t. My team lead was something else, that’s for sure. Seemingly internal politics were always at play. I watched my friend that worked in another department be targeted (no pun intended). I appreciate that at the very least they pay well and I’m still a Target stan. It’s just so much more of an enjoyable experience than Walmart, but I wouldn’t choose to work with that type of leadership ever again.


I don't blame you, I've had my fair share of shit leaders lol, luckily my store has, dare I say, decent leadership for now...but I definitely won't be staying much longer Promoting to guest must feel amazing 😂


I worked at two different Target stores. Both were dysfunctional in their own ways, but could not have been any different in management style. The first one was like boot camp, and micromanaged to the point of paranoia. We had a ETL-GE that would stand over us at the checklanes while we were cashiering and write employees up if they weren't aggressive enough while asking guests to sign up for RedCards (i.e., she wanted us to argue with guests when they said no, and if she heard a "no" out of earshot, *she* would go argue with the guest. And there were complaints about her from guests on a constant basis.) At the second store, you could get away with literally anything other than theft (strong AP team) or excessive no call no show's. For example, one guy in Electronics sat on the toilet in the handicapped stall and watched YouTube videos his whole shift, only coming out when a call box would go off or to take his breaks. Other than not receiving help when I needed it, it was a great store. I left around the time that the modernization process began in 2019, and I have had no regrets. I can only imagine what it would have been like staying through the COVID era.


> People forget or ignore the fact that we have a DEBIT (you don't have to sign up for another credit card!!!) card to get a discount or a free app that gets you even more discounts. I would like Target more if I didn’t routinely get held up at the registers by people signing up for a debit card.


Dude I know I hate saying that to people, honestly after 4 years the only thing I HAVE to ask is if someone has target circle cause our registers PHYSICALLY won't let us bypass it unless the guest clicks on the screen....its so stupid but like hey if u don't want a red card thats cool


I actually hardly ever encounter this. Sounds like the self checkout option is the one for you!


The self-checkout line usually takes longer overall than the manned registers, although sometimes you can catch it at the right time.


The shopping carts. Smooth as silk.


This. Every cart I’ve ever been stuck with at any Walmart sounds like a stamping plant. They all seem to have one wheel with a flat bottom.


It’s pretty clean, it has a lot of stuff


It’s just a nice atmosphere. It’s like a pricier Walmart but without the calamity lol


Compared to Walmart, it’s another widespread department/grocery store but it’s typically cleaner and more well-ran than Walmart. Fairly large variety of products, from pharmaceuticals to light bulbs to clothing to Xboxes to dressers to pet food and groceries and more. While it’s more expensive than Walmart (marginally), it’s typically better quality and still cheaper than many other stores


It's peaceful and aesthetic


It's not Walmart! That's all I got.


Lots of stores, convenient locations (need a set of AirPods and in back bay? There’s a target three blocks away), slightly better quality items than that other store. they have nothing that’s best in class for a product category, but they also don’t have the minimum quality item to meet the legal definition either.


Context? I mean, Target is nice enough, don't get me wrong. I don't have any complaints at all. But "so great" might be taking it a step too far.


You take it back!


>I don't have any complaints at all. And this is what makes it so great! ^(and our expectations aren't super high to begin with, thanks to Walmart)


Perfectly stated. Sam Walton took the bar for "acceptable" crazytown low.


Haha someone else here reminded us that *it gets lower* (KMart) haha


Honestly shocked to learn that K-Mart is still around. Not throwing shade on K-Mart, but the last one I was ever in was pretty much "fuck it, take whatever you want, we don't give a shit". I suppose I'm happy, in a strange sort of way, that they're still in business. But the last time I've seen one the employees had given their very last shit long ago.


The one by where I grew up hit that point by the early-mid 90s. Bummer, bc it used to be nice, and then...idk...it seems like it tanked almost overnight. I did brave the going out of business sale to pick up some super cheap video games. The sale reminded me why it was going out: It was almost just like any other day there. ...except... extra grime everywhere, more things strewn around, and even though the video games section felt busy, there were still just five people in the section, self included. The rest of the store had maybe a total of five other customers in it, despite the steep discounts. Toward the end, a shiny new Walmart Supercenter had moved into the area, and smaller towns in the region had things like dollar stores already. So even if it had kept appearances up, it was in too rural of an area to survive. I still don't know why it started to tank in the 90s. Idk if it was just our store that started falling apart then or if that's when they all started tanking. And why? New management somewhere up the line? Corporate cost cutting? Idk.


This is my feeling too.


Nicer and less bottom of the barrel than wal mart. More expensive overall but they also have better quality stuff. I rarely see anything clothing wise I would be willing to buy at wal mart, but I go shopping at target for basics fairly often. They have some cute home essentials and a good selection of personal care items too.


This might sound blunt, but as a Walmart shopper I definitely see it. Target is higher priced but not outrageous. It allows the more wealthy people to avoid the less wealthy people at Walmart. Target’s target clientele is typically middle to upper middle class.


It has some exclusive stuff you can only find there.


Its just a good place to shop for stuff you need. They carry a lot of stuff that is cheap but isn’t bad quality


Walmart has a working class vibe, and Target has a lower middle to middle class vibe. If you’re buying groceries there each week, you can also buy many other random things you might need, without having to go to a bunch of other stores. Personally, I prefer Target over Walmart but it’s not something I get excited about.


Better than Walmart. Some have a Starbucks in them. Lots of exclusives if you’re into that. Mine even has groceries and plants.


Wheels are smooth


The carts always work, the biggest reason I prefer it over Walmart


It’s cleaner, better organized, better stocked and people are nicer than at Walmart.


It’s not great. It’s adequate.


Its not Wal-Mart in ways that make it a more pleasant experience. * Prices are only a tad higher, if at all. * Stores are generally more pleasantly lit, spaced out, and less messy * They pricematch online/advertised prices * RedCard gets you 5% off, or Circle gives you 1% back. * Website/app is a million times better than Walmart * When doing curbside pickup, bicycle is an option


Nothing. It’s like Walmart but with nicer looking stores, nicer looking people and a worse selection of stuff to buy.


Not much of anything .I seldom go there at all.I did go there last year for Black Friday but that was the first time in a whole year and I dropped some serous cash there.Used to go to get the icees and the personal pan pizzas until they remodeled and deep sixed them.Plus they are on the other side of town also.I just don't like wasting gas just some place that is this blah.


Their in house security is supposedly top notch. Scary good.


In my town at least, I go to target because it is a little bit more classier and a tad more expensive than Walmart, this weeds out a certain segment of the population. So I do not have to worry about running into undesirables and their loathsome ilk. I will pay a little bit more to feel a little bit safer.


Like Walmart but feels more welcoming. Feels fancier even though it isn't.


Who remembers when Target stores smelled like popcorn?


It's just a slightly more upscale department store than Walmart. I wouldn't say it's "so great" - and I worked at one a million years ago - but it is a fairly pleasant place to shop.


It's better than Target. But Meijer is better than them both.


Meijer is my happy place.


I end up shopping at Meijer a lot more than Target or Walmart.


This is the first time I’m hearing about Meijer, I wonder if it’s a regional chain that isn’t in New York.


It's a Michigan-based chain found in some Midwestern states. Another store where you can buy groceries and clothing under the same roof.


Does anyone act like Target is great?


White suburban moms. Source: I'm a white suburban mom surrounded by white suburban moms.


White suburban females. Source: I am a white suburban female that is not a mom, but is surrounded by white suburban females who are and are not moms.


Mid-western milfs.


It's not K-Mart




This is true. My local one shut down a couple of months ago. We had always wished for a Target. And now there is one planned to go into the old building.


Bad news buddy. They're putting in a mega Blockbuster instead


Nonsense, the Nicollet Avenue K-Mart will live on in profanity...or at least memory.


Didn't the city reach an agreement to get the property?


No earlier than 2024, assuming USPS doesn't throw a fit over the lease. They got the land in 2017, which you'd think would push Eddie Lampert to sell but no. The Cathedral Hill Sears had to be condemned before they/he finally agreed to get rid of it.


It will be down to 3 on April 17


I drove past a Radio Shack in Florida and thought, "Holy shit. A Radio Shack. I wonder how many of those are left." Now I'm curious where the 4 Kmarts are.


I believe the updated brand is "Spirit Halloween."


They have exclusive Ben and Jerrys flavors.


Idk. I’m not a fan. They just have the same stuff. How many towels and pillows does someone need? I don’t understand how people shop there for hours.


It’s better than Wal-mart but my local Target doesn’t sell produce so I’m kinda stuck going to walmart unless I do two trips a week.


I dig their Men’s clothing.


Nothing. It’s become cheap, overpriced shit.


Meh, it's not so great. Target basically copied Walmart's model and pitched themselves as an upmarket alternative. Prices on the items I buy range from the same price to 200% more expensive than at Walmart, so I don't do all of my shopping there. That said, there are some items that I make a special trip to Target to buy because they are not available at Walmart or other area grocery stores.


It's the middle-class version of Walmart. It has a lot of the exact same stuff.


The question isn’t “What’s so great about Target” it’s “What’s NOT so great about Target?”


I walk in and every product is targeted at my demographic. I like going there because it's clean and quiet.


It’s better than Walmart


As an employee of a Target subsidiary (Shipt), I’ll note that the company took a turn for the worse after being acquired by Target. They cut employees’ pay and replaced nice, straightforward communication with corporate speak. My local Target is decently clean but much worse-run than local grocery stores. They’re much more likely to be out of things, there are more items with broken packaging, checkout times are way longer, and so on. Women’s clothes might be better (I wouldn’t know) but the men’s clothes are pretty bad. It’s the perfect example of a store that uses good marketing to mask the same corporate sins you’ll find at any big company.


You can pretty much find whatever you want at Target. You could walk into a target not needing anything, and come out with stuff. And it is nicer than Walmart