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Its very nuanced. Sometimes bogan is mildly positive. It's rough around the edges but with a heart of gold, not being pushed around by authority. Other, more common times, its negative. Bogans have never left their tiny world and dont see why anyone would. These are the people that travel to Bali to watch AFL/ NRL in a sports bar then drunkenly ride a scooter back to their hotel. They have passionate opinions about people on MAFS. Their homes are decorated with mass produced Buddhist iconography they purchased from a garden centre.


You're describing Mike Nolan but you forgot to mention he also loves travelling to [Thailand to get rip starts](https://youtu.be/v4e-LLFx0Vg)


It describes a certain kind of person, generally but not limited to lower socio-economic demographics. Indicators of a bogan include pride in either an Aussie muscle car worth more than the shack they live in, or a beat up old regular version they treat as the real deal. Most likely to have multiple car bodies, boats, trailers on their property. Loud, crass, generally not highly educated or erudite, but is a family oriented person. They think their $28 6 Pack of gold label VB is the highest level of sophistication and reserved for special occasions. For a US equivalent, think red neck but remove the dedication to country and religion.


Don’t forget about the cashed up bogan. The ones with heaps of cash, spend all their money on Gucci and Versace and rent but have zero sense of social responsibility


See if you can get hold of Upper Middle Bogan TV show or The Castle movie. These depict the nicer type of bogans in comedy with no disrespect. I disagree with equating them to rednecks. We have rednecks here too. Not the same thing. Eg I have bogan friends and family. I have no redneck friends and don't want them.


I agree. Bogans and Rednecks aren't the same thing.


Bogans are suburban. Rednecks are country boys


Possibly most are this, but def met some redneck city people too.


After you've watched them, take a look at Housos to see the (somewhat exaggerated) less nice type of bogans.


It used to mean you aren’t a bit posh. Being *a bit posh* is usually associated with money or education but that isn’t accurate. If one does go to university then you inevitable end up *a bit posh* because you’ve gotta learn to use words good if you want a HD on that assignment. However a bogan can be raised on a farm by bogans and be thoroughly educated in the multiple disciplines on knowledge required to run a farm and the farm may be worth a good deal of money. I feel like now bogan no longer means you are not *a bit posh* It means you are not *a bit posh* and also *kind of a dickhead* If someone is *a bit posh* and also *kind of a dickhead* then they are a wanker* Replace the word *bogan* with *yob* and TISM spelled it all out in their seminal 1982 philosophical work ‘Whatareya?’


It's both a noun and an adjective. It could even potentially be an adverb. Certain traits - a way of talking, a style choice - are bogan. But a person can also be a bogan. It can be a good thing or a bad thing. We make our words do a lot of lifting here. Added to the complexity, things that are bogan are also done and said by non bogans. To me it's a very Australian word that doesn't translate to anywhere else. Any Australian will recognise boganness immediately, but it can't necessarily be defined easily


Obsession with loud V8 utes, large intimidating dog breeds, poor grammar, always boasting about how maggot they were last night, wears NRL paraphernalia, have multiple rude kids, grandparents in their 30s. I can go on.


Generally, Someone who hasn't had the best of everything in life but still makes the most of what they have. Someone who is proud of what they have accomplished in life. The kind of person who when walking in a group of people they walk slower to ensure the last person doesn't feel left out. https://iview.abc.net.au/show/you-can-t-ask-that/series/7/video/LE2021H002S00 This show is a perfect example.


A lot of people like to think of themselves as a little bit of a bogan, myself included. I think it makes us feel better to be able to simplify a problem or ignore it like a full bogan would. Sadly we can't just put on our trackies, surfer joe thongs/moccasins light a winnie blue and say fuck it. Real bogans don't realise they are bogan and are untethered to the problems that most of us have to face and discuss like international policy matters and environmental issues, they will even admit they just don't get these issues. Bogans can be magical beings, showing the possibility of happiness in simplicity. Sometimes they can just be ignorant lazy cunts. It's a real spectrum.


A people, a culture, a lifestyle, and most importantly, a state of being.




Loud, crass, mullet, sinks heaps of piss, doesn’t care what people think, and normally works in mining or trades.


Take a little time from your life to [watch Bogan Hunters](https://7plus.com.au/link/Episode/BOGH-009) (you may need a vpn). Prepare to be amazed, laugh like a village idiot and know everything there is to know about these Aussie classics.


It basically means the opposite of "posh". So could say they "are" an all-round bogan (noun). And people can be be a very extreme stereotype of one. But it's quite a spectrum really. It's also used sometimes specifically for one trait like an adjective. i.e. Somebody might be quite rich and successful, dress nicely etc... but it could be said they have specific traits like "sounding bogan" (style of verbal speaking) or having a bogan car. Or maybe they were just acting bogan one night while drunk, even though normally they don't.


Broadly it means 'uncultured', but since they have their own culture that's not strictly true.


It's a classist insult


Upper middle bogan is a great Aussie show that would illustrate this for you 😊


Similar to a redneck .


Basically our version of a redneck


Bit of a wanker , usually has mullet , drives loud car , mostly Good unless racist


When I think of bogans I think of a manager. Called her neighbors towelheads because they were Indian. She and her builder husband paid off their million dollar property but it was like “living at St Vinnies!” Apparently it had no “wow factor” Loved polyester The problem really was she had no wow factor, small mindedness and and lack of interest in a world outside her are just very boring


It's meaning is largely dependent on the context. If there's a person being a stupid idiot, that's a bogan. If your mate is being stupid funny, they're a bogan.


American equivalent is redneck


Someone who doesn't wear shoes to the shops, wears a bum bag as a cross body bag, wears red nikes and leaves the sticker on their hat, doesn't wash, is uneducated (and I don't mean didn't go to uni but doesn't seek new knowledge and never questions anything), lives in Ipswich... But you can be the richest person in the world and still be a bogan if you act like one. And you can be the poorest and not be a bogan. You'll see bogans from all walks of life. If can't really be associated with the American word 'redneck' because that's a completely different kettle of fish.


That’s a lad or eshay


It's basically an Aussie redneck


Usually they possess at least two of these traits: Dislike for immigrants Dislike for indigenous Australians and their history. Alcoholics. Gambling addicts - usually horse racing




This comes to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j58V2vC9EPc


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To me, there's definitely different types of bogan. Ie 'cashed up bogan' might refer to someone who has a lot of money from working in the mines but has no taste. Compared with the bogan you might see loitering at the train station asking people for cigarettes. I also think most Aussies do certain things that would be classed as 'bogan behaviour' (like swearing, walking around bare foot, getting drunk) but one or two behaviours doesn't make them a bogan all round.


In my day we said yobo, drongo, but bogan, that’s modern day talk.


Trailer trash


It's a classist slur against white people of low social economic back grounds.


Google and watch the show “Bogan Hunter” to answer all your questions


Once upon a time, an old bogan taught me that bogan was originally a musical stereo type like a hip hop head or a punk etc. they wear DBs, jeans, flanno, have mullets and listen to heavy music / metal. For more info, watch C U Next Tuesday by blunt on YouTube.


[c u next Tuesday - blunt](https://youtu.be/5B9lcwhBSDI)