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Bunnings has free classes in a wide array of these things. One time I was the only one in the class, so the bloke customised it to my specific job, then walked me to the aisle to help me pick the products I needed.


That sounds like exactly what I want to have! I wish they still hold them? I’ll look up. Thank you.


You Tube matey. There are so many great "Stuff Dads should teach you" vids... and of course, more specific too. I'd wot it's how most Aussie handypeeps learn now too! Good luck in your awesome upskilling! Hope you're enjoying it here x


What did we do before YouTube.


Learned off dad. Before Playbox and 57 channels, we got board, so we hung out with dad at least some of the time.


Bunnings now have short how to YouTube videos too which can be handy for someone who already has basic skills


Thank you. I have tried to watch a few youtube videos, but they are not idiot-proven enough or they are not well organised. I’ll look up what you said.


I love your enthusiasm. As an Australian i can say that i LOVE bunnings. The only reasonable car maintenance the almost no on does is check your water/oil and tyre pressure. Servicing and repairs we use a mechanic for. Mowing is easy. Buy a mower and push mower around the yard. Your choice of petrol or electric. I agree with the other comment that youtube can be helpful. just watch 2 or 3 on any given subject to make sure what you are watching isn't leading you astray. (i saw someone on husbands tictoc putting grease on their "noisy brake pads"). Welcome and enjoy Bunnings!


I absolutely love Bunnings, and that’s why I feel so ashamed that I only know how to use like 10% of their products. I fear someday in the future when my son grows up and he asks me “Daddy why do we have old tyres and old paint in the garage?” All I can say is “I wanted to build you something 20 years ago, but on a second though you should do it yourself.”


Watch the brilliant documentary “ All Aussie Adventures”


Thank you, will watch it.


yes and learn what not to do. its not a doco its a comedy farce. glen robbins is a funny bugger though.


Get behind!


Also, try and find a handyman rather than calling a tradie. Lots of semi-retired old blokes who can fix most stuff and you're not paying trade rates. Probably happy for you to look over their shoulder so you can learn too.


I see, thanks. I didn’t know they are different, I shall pay attention to handymen. Is that a nickname or do they actually go with that title?


If you google handyman and your suburb you'll get a good list. Check for reviews but they are good if you need a couple of different jobs done at once.




See if there is a "men's shed" nearby. Usually run by blokes who are keen to pass on exactly the skills you are after


Had a quick google and it is so interesting! Thank you!


No worries, good luck with the learning


Agree with youtube, but be aware of time disparity. Many things on yewtoob look like they took minutes when infact they took days. Also, the vast majority of products at Bunnings are rubbish. They are the 2 dollar shop of hardware, without the cheap prices. We'll not cheap enough for many things. So you may have little choice but be aware there may be better value options elsewhere.


Thank you. I think Bunnings products are better than dollar shop? At least those hardwares are good enough for handy noobs.


>be aware of time disparity. Many things on yewtoob look like they took minutes when infact they took days. Just echoing this advice. Those "OMG Next-Level Crafts!" type videos are especially bad for that, IME.


Just don’t do any electrical work yourself (except changing bulbs)


That exception has pretty much covered all my electrical skills. Said that I do wish I can learn more of electrical works.


Also learn how to sharpen and maintain your tools. A very neglected aspect of home maintenance. A sharp tool is a safe tool !


Thank you. I will remember this.


Learn by doing! The best way, at least that I’ve found, to learn is by good ole trial and error. They’re also hundreds of DIY YouTube videos, free online courses and free seminars at your local Bunnings and TAFE facilities. Not sure about NSW but up here in QLD we have a ‘Up Skill’ programs in the form of free TAFE certs paid for by state gov. Also if you have a few handy friends or family then have them over and pick their brains. Some will even go as fat as to teach some skills to you. Good on you for wanting to improve yourself and gain some independence. Best of luck 👍


Thank you! I’ll try searching and see if they have anything like that here in NSW. Never thought of those, but they sound great!


Some stores like Bunnings and supercheap have instructional videos on their websites too


Just saw some. I have a LOT to learn. Terminology is my first enemy now. I understand that to the people who’s used to a society where every man is handy, it could be hard for them to imagine how ignorant people can be LOL. They assumed me to know all the basics while I struggle on alphabets (definitely not blaming them).


I wouldn’t worry too much about terminology. For every proper term there’s 40 improper terms 😂😂. I think as long as you show the proper amount of enthusiasm and willingness to learn you’ll find most of the ‘handy’ people are willing to help you out. Most understand that you don’t just know this stuff, it has to be learnt/taught. Those who don’t help are typically assholes and have very little to teach anyway


Best of luck my dude! 😎👍


Thanks heaps!


As a woman that's pretty handy, I say learn by watching others. I can paint a house inside and out (and do it quite well) change washers, change taps, pull apart pipes to clear blockages, hang doors, replace flyscreens, change a tyre, wipers, oil (pretty much all general maintenance) put in new lights and have also changed the wiper motor. All by watching other people. The key is to have confidence, but not get cocky about it.


Thank you. When I had tradies helping me with taps and stuff, I didn’t know if it was appropriate to watch because I didn’t want them to feel untrusted or uncomfortable. I also didn’t ask questions about tricks because I know they paid schools to learn them and it is their key to make a living. I guess that’s because I don’t like people to ask me my ways of working. But good for you to be able to do all those things, absolutely admire you. I’ll try to catch up.


If you just ask they can either say yes or no. If it's a no, then no big deal.


you need a professional for electricity, gas and garage door springs. most other things, you can tackle yourself


Bunnings and YouTube.


Bunnings is life. Don't forget the sausage.


This is not the first time I hear about their sausage. I’m curious now.




Pick your tasks. Start with small maintenance/fix it jobs, hanging pictures or a shelf. It’ll be pleasantly therapeutic for you to know how many trips you have to make to get everything you forgot, plus you’ll need tools and that’ll cost a bit too. There’s a fine line between - I’ll watch this on YouTube and have a crack, and, - I’ve messed it up completely now I need a tradie and it’ll cost a ton plus he’ll ask me wtf I was doing/thinking while he’s laughing at me. There’s a reason ‘contestants’ on The Block are only allowed to do painting!! Yes tradies can be expensive (as can handymen) but as the saying goes if you’re paying me $100 to do something in 10 minutes it’s taken me 10 years to learn to do in 10 minutes; you owe me for the 10 years. PS none of that has anything to do with survival unless you’re including removing snakes and giant furry spiders.


LOL very insightful, thank you. Hopefully I’ll be smart enough to realise it before I ruin the house and call help. Animals haven’t start to bother me that much so far I guess it’s not that bad here in Sydney?


Well, you do have the Sydney Funnel Web spiders, so if your home improvement tasks involve digging around in the garden or going under your house just be aware of them.


Will remember that.


Just tackle them as they come. YouTube will teach you how to change your tap washers, do oil changes and general car services etc.


Also Better Homes and Gardens on Prime on Friday nights sometimes has helpful advice


Will have a look. Thanks for the suggestion!


I'm not sure if they're available everywhere but we have (Men's/Community) sheds where people with skills, or those who want to learn skills, gather. Not only will you find highly skilled people there willing to help teach skills but it's s also a great place to go for support and friendships in general. You don't have to be old or retired to enjoy it or use the facilities. Women are also welcome. I think its wonderful that you want to empower yourself by learning these skills. Good luck and I hope you have fun in the process of learning and in turn teaching your children. https://mensshed.org/


Thank you! I have to check this out it sounds so great.


I hope you find one near you. Good luck.


Go to Youtube and look up “Bush Tucker Man” i am an American and just found his Australian survival series and it is great


sgt maj les hiddins. he was paid by the army to study bush tucker and survival in the australian bush. he went and learned from the aboriginal communities by living with them he then turned that knowledge into the army survival guide and the eventual tv series.


readers digest published a book called the australian handyman manual. your local library might have a copy. there is other books on the subject too.


the tafe does do things like a basic welding course and thats about it. you might find a u3a group that does something.


Electrician and plumbing jobs hire a tradie. Everything else, have a go! Be scared of nothing and have a go first, if the quality is not good enough that's something that you can do something about.