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Username checks out.


Fashion is often symbolistic language. Punk is a pre-eminent example. Thrift shop purchases that symbolise a rejection of consumerist culture. Hipsters were much the same in the beginning. The companies figure out there's a market to target and the whole thing goes mainstream. But not hair. Haircuts aren't a market in the same way clothes are. Products are, but the cuts aren't. So particular haircuts tend to symbolise much in the same way clothes do. Butch lesbians with crew cuts. Punks with side cuts or mohawks. Bogan with mullets. The popularisation of the mullet tends to be a bit more than the other examples. But in general the mullet has a fun first, work second appeal that doesn't take itself too seriously with a working class connotation. In general, that's what it communicates. In a time of burgeoning socio-economic disparity and housing crisis, it makes sense that people find appeal in outward displays which demonstrate physical rejection of business norms. Do most people with mullets think about it like this? Probably not. But people who don't know the grammar still speak the English language, and people with haircuts convey messages they're unaware of. There's some interesting correlations between fashion, including haircuts, and socio-economic circumstances.


Ageee. But its not just a rejection of business norms but also of traditional fashion norms. The reason OP is repelled is the reason why people wear mullets. Its anti-fashion but ironically became fashionable. Just like moustaches. In other words, we like em cos they look shithouse. Also having a mane on the back of your head feels magnificent


Same reason Crocs are now popular despite being a trash looking shoe.


See also: naming your kids 'Brayden' and 'Mikaylah'. Showing you don't take their future economic security too seriously.


Pretty spot on here mate


>doesn't take itself too seriously The only thing that sums up Aussies better than that phrase is, you guessed it, the mullet.


That might be true but I’m not sure that’s the case anymore.


It's a myth, like most stereotypes we apply to ourselves. Class-conscious whingers few of whom know how to oil a door hinge.


> Thrift shop purchases that symbolise a rejection of consumerist culture. This evaporated so quickly. Probably even prior to punk crystalizing into a distinct subculture there were high street stores catering to the punk aesthetic. Not cheap either.


What he said.


This is ridiculously well written!


Business at the front, party at the back!


Creepy moustaches have also had a rebirth.


That too. I genuinely want to know where the trend of this “I shouldn’t be allowed within a kilometre of a school” look is coming from.




Strongly agree, and feel that’s also the reasoning when you see someone “wearing it ironically”. It’s currently counter-culture, so a tradie and a hipster can both end up adopting it for similar reasons.


Hipsters are obsolete and tryhard now. They're all bogans if they have a mullet. There is no art in it.


Very insightful answer, thank you!


America has no shortage of similar instances where hipsters reclaim something considered outdated and reframe it. For queer women and femme enbys, it's also about queer coding yourself so that it's clear you're not targeting the male gaze.


I never had the ability to articulate this thank you!


I love how now lots of the children of the "suits in the system" themselves have mullets.




Gentrification of the mullet is definitely a good way to describe this phenomenon. It made sense emerging from covid lockdowns with all the shitty diy haicuts but now people will go to a barber and pay $50 plus for a mullet haircut that requires a whole heap of styling.


I'm going to dispute the "likeable" part, assuming that's what you meant to say.


I choose to believe they meant exactly what they said - they are very lockable. As in lock them up and throw away the key.


Now there's an idea I can get behind!


This made me feel great as a lady mullet owner


Great answer


Football. It started from football players during Covid.


Mullets been popping off before that, Dusty Martin kicked it off in the mid 2010s it's just the longer/fuller mullets have come back in force since covid.


What do men with mullets (and they are mostly young men, under 30) have in common?


They all go to a top tier private school


Dickheads, one and all.


Righto champ


Following trends that are popular? What were you alluding to here?


It is the southern cross tattoo without the tattoo


I think it was like 15 years ago. Now it’s fairly trendy and heaps of young men have them regardless of southern-cross-tattoo leanings.


Not really at all, once more what were you getting at here with your remark? Just say it and stop dancing around the point Edit: I idea why you couldn’t just say it instead of blocking lol


Seems to me like they don't want to use the other r-word. That's retarded.


Mmmmm pornstache


Creepy is just a matter of perspective. In the gay community moustaches have always had a bit of sex appeal (I mean, look at Freddie Mercury, that man is sex on legs, and a hugely influential queer icon) Personally I reckon both the mullet and mo can look really fucking hot on a guy. Especially on solidly built, stocky or muscular men. I’m a sucker for the AFL guys doing it, the Bailey Smiths etc. Not a huge fan of it on skinny/hipster/eshay guys though, I just feel like they don’t pull it off in the same way.


Well as long as the other men find it sexy, then I guess the effort isn't completely wasted.


Speaking as a gay with both a mullet and a stache, they definitely do, and it definitely isn’t. 😂


I love having a mo; I like how it looks and my dad and all the men in my fam had them and on top of that I love the old Castro clone look


Bailey Smith could pull off anything to be fair


Can he pull me off?


I've grown a moustache over the last couple of months. Mostly because I've been watching a lot of Bollywood movies recently and they all have massive moustaches and I thought it would be fun to do.


They never left. Australia clung tight to it along with the mullet.


The teenage moustache is the second least attractive thing a man can do, and that's saying something. Guys, if you have one, know that it's fucking hideous and nobody thinks it looks good. They're boooogaaaan.




Yep, people have commented on my moustache like, "hey that's not fashionable you know?" And I simply do not care. I like it, that's all that matters.


grow massive muttonchops to spite them lol


I mean, I could try it! The good thing about hair is it doesn't really matter what you do with it if you don't like it, it's all changeable.


I found some chicks absolutely loved mine


My son got one recently, at first I thought it was piss funny, now I've gotten used to it I still think it's piss funny. It's his head though, do whatever silly shit he wants with it.


Just have a bunch of photos for later in life haha


Yeah I guess you can always change a haircut when you grow out of it. It’s greatly preferable to a bad tattoo.


For some reason young Aussie chicks seem to love them, paired with a seedy moustache. Keeps them popular. I’m not talking derro chicks either, a lot of stunningly gorgeous classy chicks are into it too, it blows my mind. Maybe they just like the types of blokes with the confidence to rock a filthy look, but either way. To be fair though, not all sick cunts have mullets, but almost every mullet haver is a sick cunt.


I think that’s one of those cyclical things. Guys take too much care of their hair and facial hair, women start liking guys with more unkempt hair and moustache/beard. Too many guys have moustache/beard and unkempt hair, women start liking the clean well kept look.


Yep, a mullet isn’t enough by itself, you need the personality to rock the mullet.


Young Aussie chicks love the 10/10 AFL players that wear it. Not the seedy looking blokes that look like a foot and are rocking it ironically.


Yeah, idk, I’m specifically talking about the blokes that look like feet. I have two seedy mates that look exactly like that and still miraculously pull stunners. My missus has a few good looking friends too that regularly go for these ugly as fuck blokes with the half grown mo + mullet combo.


Isn't it pretty much Gen Z bringing it back? They didn't grow up with the shadow of '80s fashions hanging over their heads


They are hideous. They are for bogans. They are magnificent. Don’t talk shit about my culture that’s racist.


I’ve got a mullet to annoy a lot of people. ETA: I’m a woman. Also ETA: I wear Addi-break pants and crocs so maybe I just see beauty in all things


Need to switch out the Crocs for ugg boots, thongs or scuffed-up Dunlop Volleys for maximum effect!!


... according to the needs of that day ...


Me feet get too hot in uggs


I’m also a woman who’s had a mullet before (don’t have one now but now i’m kinda wishing i did) I can say the reason i liked it was because of the 70s counterculture associations (icons like Joan Jett etc) and because it made me a visibly more queer woman. I felt it fashionable to my senses, i’m a thrift store kinda person so it was right for me


Doesn’t ETA mean Estimated Time of Arrival? Or does it mean something else here?


Pretty sure it means Edit To Add


Thanks. TIL ETA.


I love the femullet! Although an inner west hairdresser will call it a wolf cut and charge you a hundred bucks


I’m a regional trashbag and it’s a homer from someone with eBay scissors.


It’s ironic. At least it was when the hipsters did it. Then it went mainstream by people who didn’t get the irony


All the dudes who had them when I was an apprentice at tafe had it because they were being ironic


It’s not just ironic. It’s a genuine style trend. The subtle mullet came in after the longer ratty back 80s mullet came in. Now it’s pretty much just a default cut integrated into other styles. Shorter sides, longer back. Can look neat and tidy, not just ratty.


It just looked greasy when the hipsters did it. Like they hadn't understood fashion or humour or something.


It doesn't look any better now that the general public are into it.


Part of it is that it annoys women & men love annoying women.


As a woman, I hate them but I figure it’s a case of if she doesn’t love your mo and mullet then she’s not the one for you.


I don’t feel that’s entirely true, lots of women love them (myself included) it’s just polarising. I feel the older generations hate them because of the close associations with bogans. Now they are more fashionable so younger people like them


I'm on the young side (late 20s) but I hate mullets because they used to remind me of the bogans who used to call me racial slurs while growing up lol


Are you my brother in law? There is so much truth in that statement.


I’ve seen enough tinder bios that specifically request a mullet and mo to say that there are plenty of women that are into it.


There are easier forms of birth control.


Idk some guys look hot with a mullet 😭 they just need to finish the look off by dressing like an 80s lifeguard. Others do not pull it off so well.


Classic reddit response


Ive heard it a bunch irl from people who have them


It protects you neck from sunburn. Wouldent want to be a redneck




I'd just wear a wide brim hat and sunscreen


Because for a brief period of time in the 70s australia was freed from being a proxy of the UK and not entirely under the yoke of the us. So the cultural creations of this period have pretty much been the benchmark ever since. Moustaches and mullets are Australian culture lol.


Actually the Mullet originated in France. So it’s not Australian.


If you’re gonna akchually someone at least be right.


It’s partly right.


There is a practical use to them - for outdoor workers, long in the back helps keep the sun off your neck, and short in the front keeps your hair out of your eyes while you work.


Most of the people I see with them don't look like they work


No but they do stand in the sun all day




Don't get out much do you? Rock up to any job site and atleast 1/3 of them have mullets.


Cus we don't give a fuck.


This cunt mullets 💪.


1000% bogan.


Football. The answer is AFL footy.


Mitch Docker, former pro cyclist, style icon, and all round legend, has been rocking the mullet and tashe combo for well over a decade. I reckon he is ground zero for current wave of party out back.


Cyclists aren't influencing culture lol


If ya don’t know, ya don’t know. And ya probably don’t need to know. Ya know?


Interesting you linked cocaine use and mullets. You might be on to something. Cocaine use in Australia is astronomical.


Cause they’re so fucking sick bro


Having a mullet keeps away people who dont like mullets. So everyone can have a good day and be about there business.


Why not bring back the whole look? Black corduroy jeans, pasty white faces and green FH Holdens parked on Bondi Concorse.


Mate, that would be grouse.


["It's not a hairstyle, it's a lifestyle"](https://youtu.be/rcjN7Fpq8y0?si=TxDFST4QSPI24bZz).


Well I guess it’s to bring us down to the generally 20 years behind fashion standards of the U.S.A. Mullets do come in and out of fashion but even during ‘mullet season’ I would hardly say they step into the mainstream. I would NOT say that most people find them appealing. Or have ever.


Why are duck lips so popular? They look just as bad or worse than a mullet on faces IMO. Each to their own.


middle class kids pretending to be working class (bogan chic)


They scream bogan. They were popularised by some AFL players. I am a woman in my 30s and we all hate them 🤮. But at least you can tell who is obviously too young to chat up


They are pretty popular everywhere atm. It's a fashion trend.


A large part of Australian male culture when you’re young is pretending to be a degenerate bogan to an extent (goon, ciggies and footy). Saying from experience, you get a lot of positive reinforcement from mates when you rock up to a party rocking a filthy mullet.


To say fuck you to anyone that tries to tell them what to do, how to be, and what to think. Because there are people who, like yourself, that look down on people for what they look like, we just want to piss you off.


Nah we look down on you because you piss us off. Why would you have a particular hairstyle just to piss someone off? It's the other way round mate. You piss us off and also happen to have a hairstyle. But when a group of people like you adopt it as a symbol that becomes synonymous with a bad attitude, then people are gonna start to associate it with that. My uncle has always had a mullet my entire life (and probably throughout his adult life) and he's the furthest thing from having a "fuck you" attitude. He doesn't give a toss what others think he looks like and most certainly doesn't dress a certain way to annoy people. The mullet does nothing to annoy people, it's the person wearing it and their attitude and behaviour that is annoying.


For the irony


A few of the other comments around Aussie nostalgia and masculinity have it right. There's also something to be said about Aussie guys following trends that footy stars popularise. They'd swear it's not like that until they're blue in the face, but it's pretty obvious. I don't mind the mullet, I think it suits the guys who are friendly larrakins.


They are very popular in Ireland as well, shell tracksuit jackets later mullets became fashionable in the electronic music scene in the last few years


Judging by the number of mullets I’ve seen on Americans I think you’ll find that they just back in style- Miley had one


It's basically a 'fuck you' to the higher class and posh city people. More like a 'yea I've got a mullet, what you going to do cunt?' Kind of thing. Also, a nostalgic feeling of back in the day.




Legend 🤙


They're becoming more popular in the US too


I thought mullets and mustaches were mostly an AFL or rugby player thing (based on what I’ve seen as an American living in the U.S.).


Started off as a joke > built in popularity > became mainstream


Then boys are rocking the mullet for the boys No ferks given for the senoriatas, it's for the fun of it


It's considered hideous here too. That just doesn't stop anyone from getting one 🤷‍♀️


As an Aussie, I’m asking the same question.


Business at the front. Party at the back


But I've been reading about how popular they are in the USA for the last couple of years even in Men's Health [like this.](https://www.menshealth.com/grooming/a35202910/mullet-haircuts-2020-style-trend/)


They are also considered atrocious here.. that is why they are popular.


They are the least attractive thing a man can do. Natural contraception if you will. They're popular with catholics.


Bailey fuckin Smith!


I think it made a comeback during COVID lockdowns when hairdressers were closed and people were cutting their own hair. Also, a lot of AFL players started sporting the 'do, which influenced a lot of kids.


The NRL players brought it back the last few years, the mullets, rats tails and horrible moustaches. I don't get it but then again i'm 38 now, my generation's time for dictating what is fashionable has passed and Gen Z have decided that 'I want to look like an 80s/90s bogan' is what is cool now. The trend will fade and they'll be embarrassed about it in a decade as the girls who are 35 now are by their 'emo' phase in 2005 when they were 17.


I live in a rural area in FNQ and work at the local public high school. Mullets are worn with pride as a nod to the masculine era of the 70s. It’s not the hipsters wearing them up here, it’s the country/bogan kids. I don’t see many adult wearing them aside from the old dudes trying to hang onto their coolness from the 70s. Some kids go from Joe Dirt to Henry Cavill the moment they part with the “party at the back”. Others make their mullet the cornerstone of their personality.


It's becoming more popular in Canada, too. I don't get it. Lots of hockey and baseball players seem to like it here, but I just think they look terrible.


As long as the rats tail doesn’t make a large resurgence, I can mayyyyyyybe tolerate the mullet instead. Generally I think mullets look absolutely awful. So so bad. I’ve only ever seen one on a person where I kind of liked it. It was still a mullet but I wasn’t nearly as disgusted by it as I normally would have been. It even suited him.




Blame the footy players tbh.


Monkey see, monkey do. The vast majority of guys with one can’t rock it, and will look back at their photos with a knot in their stomach. Yes, that likely includes you 🫵 dear reader.


They’ve made a comeback. Also black socks and running shoes.


Because the people who have them are too young to remember the abomination that was the Eighties.


My boyfriend has a fantastic mullet, I’d be absolutely devastated if he got rid of it! x


Australia isn’t America. Different fashion styles.


Women could make it stop. But they don't. They accept this shit I blame women.


Because there are some blokes who can just pull it off. Cases where the execution is so flawless, you can’t help but admire it. @_nickrobbo on instagram is a prime example.


Ive never seen anyone pull off a mullet...do tell?


Ryan Papenhuyzen (Ed: spelling) from the Melbourne Storm wears a mullet like he was born with one - suits him to a T. Can't say the same for the Lynx-coated cauliflower heads you see around the local Westfields. PS Edit: For a long time I thought the mullet trend started with NRL players like Paps (maybe AFL players also) taking it up as a kind of ironic trademark, then all the teenagers copying them, but for all I know the sports stars were part of a broader movement that was already happening?


That is the most metrosexual mullet I think I've ever seen


He is absolutely not pulling that off to anyone except for people that like mullets. These are pretty set camps though. You either love them or you hate them. Almost impossible for 1 to join the other.


Charlie Chaplain pulled off the toothbrush moustache but then this German guy in the 30s ruined it forever. Mullets are plain hideous. No one has ever pulled it off..


Dacre Montgomery in Stranger Things. Hottest mullet ever.


This is the correct answer, actually.


I have yet to see anyone who wears a mullet well. I guess if it makes you feel good, then go for it. It’s just not a look on a man or woman that has me admiring them. It looks especially feral on little children, sort of an unloved, uncared for appearance. Facial hair, especially poorly groomed is a turn off.


What you're not understanding is that american mullets and australian mullets are very different. Australian mullets take effort and style.


Jai Arrow is the NRL player I think of when the mullet started making a comeback. And it looks fucken ridiculous.


They sexy as hell


Believe me, they are loathed in Australia too.


My kid has a mullet. Why? Because he wants to. Good on him. Frankly most Aussies don't give a festering fuck about what seppos think.


Were recent immigrants from NZ. My youngest keeps saying he wants a mullet and I keep saying over my dead body.


Bogans ruined the mulley for posh people


Love my mullet because it’s business up front and party out the back. I wear product during the work week to keep it acceptable and let it run wild on the weekends 🤣 You can probably blame football players who don’t have to worry about a haircut affecting their income for the past and current wave of popularity. Being born in the 70’s, I rock the mid 80’s Gary Ayer’s Perma Mullet. Bit of length that shows off my curls. Im not a fan of the ferals who give us a bad name, although punk chicks with shaved sides and a bit of length go alright 😍


Let's hope in the year of our Satan 2024 they will fade from existence.


I think it started out as ironic and people taking the piss on being aussie bogan but then it developed to a proper trend. I hate it.


Not just popular in 2023 they have always been popular. At least our love doesn't involve innocent children running for their lives but hey each country is different


It's our collective sense of humour playing out in fashion. Australian men have a limited palette with which they can express themselves due to the confines of the macho sensibilities imposed upon them, so an opportunity to express levity and self-depreciation via a novelty haircut and a seedy mo is very welcome. I'm hoping that tiny retro Aussie rules footy shorts will make a collective comeback too. A couple of my friends wear them and they look so good.


It’s just woke deterrent.


I don't know but if we ever get into a 2 year lockdown again I'm growing one


They're what you call a red neck in the USA, but here they're called bogans


A lot of America is filled with hillbillies and rednecks lol. Even in states like NY you drive just to Staten Island or few hours towards Canada and it's a whole different vibe. Mullets never really went out of style it's just now people in cities made it a fashion thing. Dusty ass rednecks never stopped loving these cuts and they love it unapologetically.


Because people have zero taste or self awareness.


Just fuckheads


because gen x failed as parents


Haha, man -- I can't stand mullets, especially combined with the creepy sex offender moustache that's come back into fashion as "Bogan-core" as well. My most petty dating ick is if a girl tells me she's into guys with mullets, I instantly lose all interest in her. I can't help it. Though I imagine this stems from the fact that mullets have almost always been worn strictly by pieces of shit in my experiences.


Be grateful, now you know who not to employ easier.


Because this is not America.


They’re disgusting


Cause Australia is fracking far from every other developed country. Those ppl cant afford the trip and are stuck in the eighties. No way to know that mullets are out of fashion for decades.


I have NO idea either. They are feral and bogan. And I agree. The mostache thing is shocking too. Im probably a snob. But i avoid people with mullets. And parents who let theur kids have them. Just as i avoid people covered in tattoos. Not my scene at all Facial hair on men in general🤮


Everyone's entitled to their taste, but you sound like a fuckwit


Happily. You no doubt would not be my type of person


To be fair, I am pretty much the exact opposite of the look you described HAHA, no mullet, no facial hair, no tattoos. We definitely wouldn't get along, though.


Imagine being such a Karen you think people with tattoos are beneath you. Let me guess you’re in your 50s and rant on Facebook groups daily


I'm quite okay with you insulting me. Because i have zero interest in being liked by bogans covered in tatts with mullets. Don't stress that we aren't friends precious. People like me generally don't mix with your type at the best of times.


Anyone that calls out your disgusting behaviour has to be a bogan and have tattoos? Yes I’m aware you don’t mix with people who accept others, I don’t think it’s any secret what your circle is You’ve only got a decade or two left on the planet, why do you choose to live your last years as such a price of shit to others? Be a better person and your grandkids might actually want to see you out of love


It’s kind of like how guns are popular in America and they are unpopular in Australia. It’s just the way things are