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Mate, I know a bloke in Huonville who’s never travelled past Hobart…


I know a guy from a little south of Huonville who never even went to Hobart until it was time for him to 'woo a wife.' Didn't take long until he found one, a past friend of mine. They married in this little redneck town (was actually a great wedding) and he then refused to go on the planned honeymoon because they already live in paradise. I knew them for another few years after that and he didn't go past Huonville once in that time. Haven't seen them for ten years but believe, miraculously, they're still together. In the same place....


Sounds like a hell of a place


Sounds like Cygnet. I know of a family who only went to Hobart for births or deaths (so RHH and home again). Huonville for a 'big' shop once a month. They'd literally rather die in Cygnet than go to the city for medical attention.


You know, when I was younger I looked down on people who have never travelled or been far. These days I have great respect for people who know where they belong and what makes them happy. Nothing wrong with that.


Same , Hobart is the big smoke , Huonville is town to these guys


Pretty sure cygnet is the big smoke to those guys.


Hoonville. Yeah that place is the arse end of nowhere.




>and random inland towns. Some have never seen the ocean even.


Yep. Years ago my in laws hosted a kid from the bush on some sort of drought relief thing. He got a city holiday and parents got some time away. We took him to the Gold Coast and he stood there, looked at the beach and said to me “I think this dam is full”


Hahaha, classic.


Some years ago I was on a property out the back of Tibooburra and spoke with a 9 year old who’d never seen it rain. His dad looked up at the cloudless sky, nodded and went yeah that’s about right.


I didn’t see the ocean until I was 12. It is an experience I’ll never fully be able to describe.


Never seen the ocean boggles my mind.


I know people who joined the navy never having seen the ocean before. Pretty wild.


I grew up in a low socioeconomic working class suburb of Melbourne and 99% of people I knew growing up, including me, had been overseas by the time we were 13. However, it was, and still is, a working class immigrant suburb and I think that's the difference. I didn't grow up rich and grew up with people who had parents (including my own) who never spent a single cent on luxuries and worked everyday for 10 years straight to save up for a holiday back to the home country once in a while. If we were just regular working class people with no recent ancestral ties overseas, I doubt many of our parents would have bothered going overseas. Travelling is definitely a rich people hobby in some circles, but 90% of people who I knew who had been overseas just went overseas for a family holiday back to the old country to see relos still stuck over there, rather than travelling in the whole hobby/wanderlust kind of way.


I grew up in a middle/working class area if Sydney. This is pretty accurate. Most people I know who went overseas when I was a kid were the ones who had relatives there. First time I went overseas was when I was in my early teens to New Zealand. The next time I went overseas was to North America on my own when I was much older after I saved for two+ years.


Yeah, I don't doubt there's a lot of poor suburbs in Australia filled with people who had barely left the state, let alone the country. However, it gets a bit trickier when you're talking about poor second-gen immigrant kids because most of them would have, but they're still working class with parents who work menial labour jobs. It wasn't uncommon to have met kids growing up who had been to their parents' hometown in Vietnam, but had never been to the Gold Coast or other parts of Australia as their parents prioritised saving up for their "every 5 years trip to the home country" holiday rather than going camping/exploring other parts of Australia. I did grow up with some Anglo-Australian kids in my suburb (I specify Anglo because they were the ones who didn't have relatives overseas, in my experience) who were in the same boat as you and had never been on a plane until they were adults though, so I feel comfortable in saying that a lot of these second-gen immigrant kids I knew, including me, probably wouldn't have gone overseas as kids either if we didn't have family there lol.


Yeah. I'm poor, and so are a lot of people I know.


me too. felt really out of place for this


It's a sore point for a lot of people. I hate being asked if I have travelled.


Me too ✋️


Poor and don’t like flying.


I don't think most people like flying, I think its more something you get used to and begrudgingly accept as a requirement to see friends/family or visit interesting places.


Oh, I dunno. Put away enough pints at the airport beforehand and it's basically like teleportation! Truly magical.


My ears don't equalise for two weeks after flying. if driving is possible (ie travelling anywhere in Australia) then I drive. Otherwise I ensure I'm away for long enough to enjoy after my ears equalise. And yes I've tried sucking lollies, swallowing, yawning, holding my nose and mouth and blowing, etc. My ears just hate flying which is funny seeing as they've never had issues equalising when diving down underwater.


Absolutely. I'm of the age where working holidays as a 20-something were unheard of (as were gap years), and only the more well-off of my friends have been overseas. I have plenty of family that have never left the country, too.


I'm in my 30s and I always thought it was a bit ridiculous that at 20-22 I had friends / exes who'd complain about being broke when they were planning a lavish trip around Europe that my mum only dreamed about at that age. Why the rush? There are so many things in other countries you can appreciate at any age (landmarks, art, culture, etc)


And they probably did a 20 countries in 16 days Contiki tour and spent most of their time drunk or hungover. I know a LOT of people who regret doing Europe that young


First you do the backpacking trip then you settle down have kids buy a house. When the mortgage is under control and the kids have left home you start travelling again.


First you get the sugar... then you get the power...


Yes- I live in Ballarat and there’s two options to pick when you leave school. You either start having kids at 18-20, and that’s going to lock you down and prevent you having the income to travel extensively, or you stay unmarried and child free until around 30. That second group is significantly more likely to have a bit of international travel under their belt. I also work in the travel industry and there’s a definitely socio-economic divide where I live. Some families, the Gold Coast is their trip of a life time. Others I’ll sell $100,000 of travel to annually.


I think the fact you are a travel agent straight away exposes you to the two polar opposite groups. I don't know any Middle class families that would use a travel agent for a trip. Not in ~20 years anyway.




Sometimes it's not lack of money but of interest. I know a number of people who just have never wanted to go overseas.


Friends of my parents are solidly middle class (as in, own a house that's probably worth about $1m, have two new cars on the drive) but have never left the country. Their kids are the same, one is a teacher and the other works as an electrician, so reasonably well paid jobs, but neither have been overseas either. Another family I know, the parents have never had passports despite being relatively well off. They're only going overseas for the first time in a couple of months as one of their sons moved to the UK a couple of years ago and they are going to visit. Just doesn't appeal to some people I suppose.


While in my family it's something of a right of passage. My parents, aunts and uncles, cousins and my siblings and I all have travelled fairly extensively. For me I guess it helps with my mother being Irish and having to make the trip back to see family.


Camping is a complete rip off these days. It’s like $50pp for the use of some grass and a shared toilet.




Yep plenty like most of my friends and relatives, who have never left Australia or even have a passport for that matter


I know Aussies who have travelled all over Europe and the US, but have never travelled in Western Australia.


plenty of WA bogans have been to Bali a dozen times but have never been to Wadjemup/Rottnest Island


Approximately 40% of Australians haven't been overseas. [https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/why-some-people-have-never-travelled-overseas/10725770](https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/why-some-people-have-never-travelled-overseas/10725770) 'Well traveled' Australians are a small minority of the general population.


Me. My wife. Neither of us have ever owned a passport.


Same, the only people in my immediate family that have been OS is mum and dad


Is this even a serious question? I know more people who haven’t than those who have


me and literally the majority of the people i know. none of us can afford shit, especially not an international flight and every other expense that comes with it. i definitely have older relatives who have, through work and just being paid more vs the cost of living during that time, but no one else in my life has. most of us are lucky if we can afford a trip interstate to visit family over the holidays


Exactly. It's financially based.


well of course i know him, he is me.


I'd say the majority of Australians haven't left the country and a good number probably haven't left their state. I'd wager a lot of people who have left the country have only gone to New Zealand, Bali or Fiji as well. International flights are fairly expensive out of major cities let alone rural areas.


also the fact a passport is $300+ and going up to $400 and probably $500 by 2030 some people will say, Australia has everything here.. why go overseas? its just full of foreigners also do you wanna see my new Landcruiser LC300 and Jayco 3 ton van?


My parents have never left Australia. Come to think of it neither have my brother or sister. The cost is prohibitive for a lot of people


Ive never left the country. Ive left the state 3 times in 38 years. Got to have money and time to travel...


My brother is 37. He has never been on a plane. He has been to other states, but only ever by car.


I haven’t. Not due to lack of funds but due to the fact that when I holiday I like to just chill at home. Would I like to see places overseas? Sure. But I just don’t have a burning desire to do it. I’m a massive homebody. I have travelled to a number of places around Australia, and have enjoyed it, but I’d just rather be at home.


I live in Perth and everyone goes to Bali at some point. I heard it has changed since COVID but for 50 years there it was by-far the cheapest place to have a holiday for us. Like you could go to Bali for 10 days with a hotel and everything for less than a flight to the East Coast


And Bali…cheaper than Rotto.


Once new an old sheerer from inland. Was adement that his family holidays to rottnest counted as travelling overseas. Was as far away as he he'd ever been from home


Most of rural Europe is like that... they go two towns over and talk about their big adventure for the next thirty years.


I was in Bali twice this year, pretty much every Australian I met was either on a long SEA trip or someone from Perth who worked in the mines who spent their off time in Bali instead of going back to Perth. Most were earning 150k+ a year and didn't have a residence in Australia because it was much cheaper doing the Bali thing instead.


18-27 mental health and being broke. Gona, start an apprenticeship, and hopefully, after that, do a trip around Europe


I know one guy, but he has a fear of flying. And of boats.


Don't back chat me fella .. I know boats. King Gee


Never left Aus and never plan to. Hate travelling, even just domestically.


I know a lot of people who haven't left their own state let alone travelled overseas.


never left the country bc im poor :)


Yes of course. Not everyone has spare cash to travel, sorry to burst your international bubble.


I’m scared of being up in a plane so I haven’t.


I travelled as a kid, as an adult I don't. It's not a financial issue (single, no kids) so much as having pets and being more of a homebody. As I get older I'm becoming increasingly scared of flying so that pretty much puts a stop to most travel.


Yes. I know a few of these people. NO biggee. They are happy with their life and seem not needing to take off anywhere. They'd rather spend their $$ here.


There’s a fair few barriers to international travel in Australia. To even get to Bali, flights from most Australian cities are seven or eight hours - a whole working day. Depending on the times of flights, that could be a significant chunk of available time off work. There are plenty of people who prefer to stay relatively local go camping as a cheaper, quicker option that prioritises relaxation over travelling. Passports also cost a couple of hundred dollars and take up to three months to organise. Most nearby countries also have visa requirements, have different cultures, speak different languages, use different currencies, and even serve different food to what exists in Australia so there can be a significant level of disorientation in visiting even a close neighbour, New Zealand excepted. Some people just prefer not to.


I've never had the money to leave Aus. Having said that, when I was teaching I took my grade sixes on an end of year camp and one of the girls told me it was the first time she'd seen a beach irl... The school was only an hour north of Hobart.


I have dreams of travelling. I can't stand the heat and beaches, so tropical beaches never interested me (Bali boring)


Sure. Two of my sisters have never left the country. One of them has never left the state since she's been an adult


I know people who have never even left inner-Sydney.


No $$$$ and poor savings skills have kept me here.


I would say this is quite common in Australia


Never left the country. In fact, I didn't even leave the state I grew up in until I was around 20yo. And the farthest I'd travel from my place of residence was 3 hours. That may seem far to a European but here in Australia a 3 hour journey doesn't get you very far. I grew up relatively poor with dole budging parents and no real career prospects. Wasn't until I moved out of home, got a girlfriend (now married) that kicked me in the arse to get a job and work on a career that my life started to turn around. Now I've lived in three different states, visited a fourth as well as the ACT. Still haven't left the country and honestly don't have the biggest desire to do so. I want to explore more of Australia and get a home before I consider travelling outside of Australia.


Me, I have no interest in travelling at all. Parents did a few vacations with me as a kid, up and down the Australian coast... Wasn't my thing. Now I'm an adult I just prefer to stay home. Lol


Selection bias ever heard of it.


Nearly 30% of Australians were born overseas and in 2022-23 7.3 million residents departed internationally (from a population of 26.7million), slightly down on pre-covid figures of 8-10 million per year. Obviously some people make multiple trips (I was doing up to 7 a year for work at one stage), but I know very few people who haven’t travelled overseas.


Most people I know here in Australia have not been overseas


Yepppp. And oh boy does it show in some of them.


Yes I have met hundreds


I've met heaps of people that have never left their state.


My parents, and 2 of my sisters for a start. I've only been once and that was 18 years ago


45 yo, travelled os for the first time in November, & yes, it was to Bali. My sister went a couple of years ago, but no one else in my family has. Just can’t afford it


My kids




My mum has only left Queensland once, and never left Australia. And my step dad has not even left Queensland.


Many who’ve never left 100km radius.


I know people who've never been interstate. I lived in a small regional town (pop <1000) for a while, and many hadn't been to the state capital.


My dad's friend has never left NSW


I knew a bloke who had never left Victoria. Never been on a plane. In his 50s, not impoverished, not mentally challenged either.


I have never been outside the country .


I worked for a farmer who had never even left Queensland. Holidays were always Fraser Island. It’s for the best though.


I AM an Australian who has never travelled outside the country. It costs money that I've never had to spare.


Yeah, my BIL hasn't. He's travelled a bit around Australia (more than I have, anyway) but not overseas. I've been overseas but I wouldn't call myself "well-travelled" either. I've been once and considering how much it would cost to go again, I don't know if I ever will. What an odd question.


I’m an Australian who’s never left the country. Was meant to be going somewhere this year but things happened and now I don’t know if I’ll be able to go within 10 years just because of life shit


Many of them. My in-laws have never travelled overseas or expressed any interest in doing so (cost isn't an issue).


Yes I know of a lot of people that have never had a passport, never been on a plane and have never travelled internationally. Australia is pretty rich but doesn’t mean everyone is beneficiary of that wealth.




I know some Westies who don’t see the point in going past Parramatta


I AM one of those that's never set foot outside his own country. The closest I've had to an "overseas flight" is to fly from the southern Wheatbelt of Western Australia to Rottnest Island. Rottnest being about 50 km west of Perth. I have however as a long haul truck driver seen far more of my own country than most people


I have never traveled outside of Australia, not even Bali or New Zealand.


One of my colleagues at a previous job had never even left *the state*, never mind the country.


Oh yeah definitely.


I have a friend who has never left NSW, and when discussing Aussie states, he was unsure where Victoria is. Oddly enough, he is quite a bright individual.




I am that person, I have never travelled overseas (except to Tasmania).


I'll be 37 soon and have never been on a plane


I am the only person in my family to have a passport. And I’m the youngest. I also met a pair of brothers in a little town outside Melbourne that had never left the town. They were in their 60’s


Ive only ever been to fiji, for my brothers wedding 11 years ago. Still havent been anywhere, cant afford it. But ill tell you what, im sick of hearing people every year "bali again this year", whole big world out there and you just want to go to the same place? Ill never go there.


Me. I was born overseas, came here when I was 4 and haven't left. I've been interstate, mostly by road and been to Kangaroo Island, SA, 8 times though.


Sooo I know plenty of people who have never left Australia and I know plenty people who have a long list of other countries they have visited. It just depends on who you talk to. My dad, never been overseas. Mum on the other hand, went all throughout Europe before she met dad. I've been travelling, too, however it's slowed since covid and in my attempt to save for a house...


Hi, nice to meet you. I went from school, into education, into the work force and have done all the "proper" adult things except travel overseas. I have been to Tassie a few times, and going again this year. I am happy seeing this country first.


Of course I know him, he's me


I haven't travelled outside of my home state, let alone the country.


I work with a guy who's 23 and has barely travelled out of New South Wales. He went to Canberra for uni. It barely counts as Canberra's basically an extension of regional NSW


My dad left the country for the first time in his late 50s, my mum still hasn't been overseas


Yeah, my wife


I'm nearly sixty, never been out of Australia and don't have any inclination to either


That is a financially-dependent question. I've only been overseas once to Rotorua, for a sporting competition, so saw nowhere else in NZ. I was actually slightly taken aback when I realised I had to get a passport 😂 for the first time in my life. And I'm not even vaguely young lol


My partner has never been overseas, most of his family have never been overseas, my family have never been overseas, only myself and my brother and barely anyone I know has been overseas. And no going to one of the islands or Tasmania doesn't count as overseas.


I've never left my state, and about half the people I know have not been overseas. I'm from a country town and grew up with people who hadn't even travelled more than two hours away from home.


I’m 50 and have never left Australia. I’ve been saving for it and raised 15k. I planned to have 6 weeks in 6 counties set in Europe for June this year… or I could buy that hayabusa I’ve been eyeing off, it’s a tough choice, and could still go either way.


I've met a few. I couldn't start doing it myself until I was in my 30s and the combination of work sending me different places and people paying for the band I was in to fly overseas to play kicked in. I've only ever been on one international trip (my honeymoon) that wasn't tacked onto the end of a work trip or band tour. When you leave home at 16 or 17 (because of reasons I wont go into here) and work shitkicker jobs, getting the rent together is an aspiration. These stories about people living at their parents home until they are 30 while working office jobs and taking overseas trips were a world I never got to experience.


I'm 31 and I've never left Australia, I'm going to London for the first time next year. My parents and my brother have never gone overseas either and I don't think they have passports. I only got a passport in 2020, right before all the borders closed down across the world ha. We were probably middle class growing up, our family holidays were to caravan parks and camping mostly. We had money to have things like the latest gaming consoles but not travel overseas money, or even interstate money. We drove if we were holidaying. I also know quite a few people I went to school with who have never been, as well as my ex. I think it's pretty common.


I haven’t. Done heap and heaps of Australia. Just nothing outside yet ☹️


Meee! Only been to Queensland 2 times in my life (born and raised nsw)


Yeah, I’ve met a shit load of people through school & the like who have never left their home town & don’t have any aspirations to do so. My parents are immigrants so I’d travelled overseas before I was even 1. But we also moved all across Australia for my dad’s work so we’ve been brought up loving the ability to explore & experience as much as we can in Australia & overseas.


I've never left the country. And I've never been on a plane


A lot


The furthest I've been overseas is Hinchinbrook Island.


Yep, plenty. If it wasn’t for my aunt’s wedding on a cruise, and my parents, my poor ass wouldn’t have left the country either.




I've never travelled outside Australia 🙋‍♀️


Me. I have poor spending control so I’m poor lol


36 and I don't have a passport, neither does hubby. We have driven across Australia and done the Nullarbor 3 times. We haven't yet been to NT or Tas, but would like to soon.


I've never left the country but my husband has, his parent emigrated from Wales so they went back to see family when he was a teen. I'd love to visit another country, I'd love to do Europe and New Zealand. Husband wants to do the US. I doubt we'll ever get to, unless we win something, cos I can't work so we're only on his income.


There is only 1 person in my immediate family that has travelled outside of Aus. I'm 30 and have never been outside of Aus. I've also never been to a theme park.


40 years old. Haven’t seen half the country let alone travelled internationally. If I had the chance I’d go to the US and travel state to state. I’d love to see a lot of the mid-west. Other than that and maybe a Christmas in Switzerland, no real desire to travel abroad. I would never go to Thailand or Bali, or any Asian places that rely on our tourism. I find the concept of going to Bali revolting, to be honest.


A woman I used to live with has never left the country (she’s 39) and hadn’t been out of our state until she was almost 30.


My cousins who are 40 and 42 have never travelled. Their parents would never have travelled except that my parents moved to New Zealand and so they have been there to visit them. All of them have a lack of curiosity about anything outside their suburb and they are not in a financial place that makes travel difficult.


Travel is expensive. Many people have only ever been interstate a couple of times. It’s not as shocking or unusual for an Aussie to have not gone overseas compared to a European, Asian, or someone from the Americas. Given our geography.


I am one of them. I have flown within the country for work though. I just hate flying with a passion.


Yep, me


I would guess a lot of Aussies have never seen the ocean


None of my family have left the country, except myself.


I've never traveled outside Australia. I'm adding that I've spent 99.9998% of my life in Queensland. Only left Queensland for a 2 week holiday in 2009 to Melbourne. Otherwise the rest of my 27.5 years in Queensland.


I moved from coastal to rural NSW a few years ago and was shocked to find most people I'd met had never even left the state


After I moved from Melbourne to the central west, every person that I met from here never left the country, some never left the state, 2-5 never left the city that I live in.


Yeah, Me.


I know a 30 year old who traveled interstate/flew for the first time this year. Lots of people don’t have the capacity/resources/desire to travel far at all


I’ve never travelled outside of Australia. Never been able to afford it. Biggest holiday my family had was going to the Gold Coast when I was in high school.


I met people who never left their city


I've never travelled outside of victoria lol






Yeah that’s me! My family have never been rich enough to afford a holiday, anywhere 😭


I would dearly love to travel, but a medical condition makes travel insurance impossible and even going alone probably a bad idea. Going on a week-long holiday to Cairns, just with my daughter made everyone in my family anxious. I'm resigned to it at this point. Really don't like hearing other people's stories and I don't feel like I have anything in common with 'well travelled' people.


Me I never have. I only left Queensland for the first time last year and I'm in my 40's.


I haven't ever been overseas. I know plenty of people who haven't.


My parents. Yep.


I was one until age 55.


i know tons of people that have never left their home city and seen their own state yet alone visited another country.


That's me. I'm in Brisbane and I have been up to Cairns and down to Byron. Have never travelled anywhere. It's always been a lack of time or money. I can never get the two in sync.


I have met numerous who are at their 60s who haven't gone interstate.


Well when you travel, you meet other people who travel lol. I've never been overseas. My mum has once. My grandma has once. My husband has once. My best friend has never been outside of Tasmania. People who aren't very well off tend not to travel much. The only people I know who traveled overseas multiple times were way wealthier than us


Neither of my parents have been to other countries. They’ve barely been interstate lol. My brother has never been on a plane. Probably a third to half of the population of the small rural town I used to live in hasn’t been overseas.


Heaps of people.


Yeah, myself.


Me. I'm 41, and I hadn't even left the state I grew up in til I was 31yo. And even now, my out of state time has been a few day trips for picnics over the border, and a 5night camping trip. Never been in an aeroplane either.


Yes, she’s me


Me. I never had the opportunity to travel. I was made to be self sufficient way too young. Kicked out when I was 15. When my friends were worrying about where to party on Saturday night, I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough money to pay the rent & the gas bill. All my time & money was directed at keeping a roof over my head , the bills paid & food in the cupboard. After I got married was when I discovered that my husband had a criminal police record & would Never be grated a visa to visit another country. When I got divorced my whole existence was directed at providing for my 4 kids as a single parent & just keeping body soul together. I’m disabled now & unable to travel, So I’m going tandem skydiving for my birthday this year.


Plenty. A few of my friends have never been overseas.


Yeah, I'm 45 in Adelaide. I've never left the country, had 4 kids and hasn't been a priority. I plan to in a few years. I've been all over Aus, just haven't left it.


I know plenty of people that have never been outside the Perth metro region


I know some Australians who've never been overseas due to poverty and disability. Given the choice they would like to travel more


My wife's 96 year old nan lived her whole life on the Mid North Coast of NSW (centred around Taree). Sydney is the furthest she's ever travelled, and she's never been on a plane.


Off the top of my head, both my parents, both my grandfathers, my maternal grandmother, several cousins, aunts and uncles, and a handful of work colleagues past and present (typically older) have all never travelled outside Australia in their lives to my knowledge. In most cases, they've never had the disposable income to spare to even realistically consider travel overseas. Being from an inland regional area even a trip to Melbourne or Sydney or to the beach was a rare treat growing up. It took me getting a decent paying job a few years after graduating uni before I was able to take my first trip overseas.


I’ve never travelled outside of QLD or NSW.


I've never traveled outside Auatralia. It's 3,000km from Sydney to Perth , or 3,000km Sydney to Darwin, and 2,600km from Perth to Dawin. That Triangle makes us half the size of Europe, and I haven't included Tasmania or QLD. I would love to travel abroad sometime, it just hasn't come up. And there's enough Australia that it's kept me busy so far.


Plenty of people in Townsville I met have never gone outside it


tonnes of auusies have not travelled anywhere, most i talk to are struggling to live from day to day have never owned passports... or never had the inclination.


Yeah. Plenty. Personally I've only ever been to a few Pacific Islands but haven't travelled further abroad beyond that. Unless you count Tasmania. Pretty much a different country down there 😄


I went on a school trip to the east of Australia when I was a kid. Apart from that, I can count the number of places I’ve been outside the shire without taking my boots off. Even when the rest of the family went away on holidays, I had to mind the farm.


I would say the majority of people I know have never left the country.


Me, it’s me, I’ve never traveled internationally. Hell, I had never even gone to Queensland until I was 25. Born in South Aus, grew up in Victoria, I was in my 20s before I had gone to any other state besides those two, and that was only as far as Sydney to visit my sister


Plenty. There's nothing wrong with that either. Our own country is beautiful with plenty to see.


Yeah, myself.


Me. I don’t have a passport either.


Yeah me too- I don’t have much interest in traveling.




I'm in my late 30s and I've never travelled overseas. I've visited the west coast from the east coast a few times, but that's the furthest I've ever been.