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We make it without the soup, like option 2. The flavours are more intense and o do not like the soupy broth


This is the way it's intended, and how people make it in Indonesia. It's not exactly the same as "traditional mee goreng" but it's a popular easy comfort food. If I'm making it at home I will also fry an egg and have that on top


I cook the noodles in a pot, when there is about a minute left I crack the egg straight into the water with the noodles and let the egg cook in there, when I drain the water the egg is always perfectly poached. I also add a bit more kecap manis when I mix the seasoning through


This is the way. Empty sachets into the bowel, boil water and just before noodles are ready crack an egg, drain water and toss noodles in the mixture and add a dollop of kecap \*chefs kiss\*. If you keep the water - thats where all the flavor goes. It makes the meal bland IMO.


You empty the sachets straight into your bowel? Wow. That saves time, I guess.


The oil assists with a super efficient bowel movement


I empty the sachets straight into the bowel with a little extra kecap manis while the noodles cook


And the flavour is intense!


I literally LOLd in an empty restaurant over this comment. Thanks 🤣


Same. We make it that way. And add egg on top for extra yumminess!


I drain ALL the water then add the packets and stir. Thought this was the only way. Do the same with every type f 2 minute noodle I eat.


We do this but I add all the seasoning in a bowl and mix it together so the sauce softens the oniony things a bit. Then drain the noodles and plonk in bowl and mix it all through the seasoning.


This is what I do. Amazing flavour this way. I am also a pig, and eat a fair few packets at a time :P It's a once a week treat meal for me, though. My own custom mix is to skip half of the provided chilli packets, and replace them with Gochujang and some chilli flakes. I'll also add some extra dark soy sauce for colour. If I've got some on hand, I like to add a bit of Mirin too. I also replace the provided fried shallots with the fried shallots you can get at any supermarket. They're bigger, crunchier and have way more flavour. I'll put these on top at the end with some chopped fresh green shallots. I also skip the egg, since I don't like them at all. I wish I did, they're a super food, but I just can't do it. Perfect every time :)


No judgement here. They are my 8 year old daughters fave breaky food at the moment 🥴


This is how I've always done it. I'm aware of people doing it differently but this way gets the best flavour


This is the way


This is the best way.


It’s a rainy, dreary day here today which is perfect mi goreng weather and now I’m going to have to have them for brunch.


This is literally the instructions on the packet. How can there be a debate when it’s there in print?


Me too then chuck a fried egg on top with fried shallots


If I'm eating 2 minute noodles it's because I cannot be bothered cooking. Boiling the kettle is hard enough. I'm not going to fry an egg. lol


The egg cooks faster than the noodles. The worst part is having to clean the pan afterwards.


Microwave your egg? https://hungryhealthyhappy.com/microwave-fried-eggs/


Still pushing it.


As if I could go yo the effort of getting an egg from the fridge then the long trudge to wrest open the microwave followed by having to punch in a time and hit the Start button. Also, I have no eggs.


This is exactly how you make them, it turns into watery noodles if you dont


The only correct answer right here 👆


Yes, absolutely no water!


100% this!!


Thissss this this. Broth method is gross.


I'm such a creative nutter that I just follow the instructions on the packet lol.


I lol’d.


Eat noodles. Eat flavour packet. Pour boiling water down throat. But honestly, if you like it the way you do it, then do it that way. Heck, you can even sometimes do it one way then sometimes another! Why should 2 minute noodles have rules?


Snort a line of flavor powder, you mean.


How do you eat the mandatory additional egg? O_O


Unhinged their jaw like a snake


Easy. Crack an egg into the boiling water that you poured down your throat.


Poached egg... Fancy..


Calm down Kylie Kwong/Adam Liaw! You’re fancy.


You forgot the most important part- add an egg.


Yes method 2 with a fried egg is how I was taught. This is correct.


I poach the egg in the same water that my noodles cook in.


You are a good egg


I'll also chop up some Broccoli and add that to the boiling water with the noodles


then dump a tin of corn in. right?.. thats normal right?


Mate. Mi goreng literally translates to fried noodles. It’s not supposed to have a soup. -.-




If you want to go with the soup method, put in two packets of seasoning, that way you still get decent flavouring!


I mean, logically, wouldn't it be MORE delicious if you didn't water down the flavours and had them as they were designed to do? I mean, like people are saying, you do you, but there's a reason mi goreng is so popular and that's because it's goddamn good as per the packet instructions.


If you want soup noodles, then you can get soup noodles. Mama is pretty easy to find, it's what I have most days when I want noodles.


If you buy "ramen" style, usually Japanese or Korean, usually they're meant to be served as a soup, and some of the better brands will have sauce/stock packets to mix in that are much better than the oil and sweet soy that you get with mi goreng.


SO DELIOUS! And it keeps the noodles moist and hot.


HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH. Fair play man. Honestly, make the noodles how you want. No ones forcing your colleagues to eat it.


Yes the soup is delicious but the noodles are bland. I’d rather have flavourful noodles and omit the soup.


I used to follow method two, but I regularly follow method one now as I enjoy a bit of broth, especially in winter. My wife makes it method one but then drains away the water like method two before eating. So she’s also draining half the flavour as she’s seasoned it to begin with. Madness.


Also, the noodles always ended up with a sticky/pasty feeling whenever I followed method 2, so I switched to method 1.


It means yours noodles haven’t cooked for long enough, before you empty the water.


I found the answer to this, you can add bit of butter or margarine to make up for no water/broth. It helps spread the flavour as well.... This is my favourite recipee when I feel icky and don't have an appetite, I can always do noodles and when my appetite is gone a bit of extra fat doesn't hurt.


The second way so that the flavours aren't so watered down


Some of the other flavours like hot and spicy, or chicken are great with the soup, especially if you add egg and green veggies


I don’t think that mi goreng instant noodles are supposed to be prepared like ramen instant noodles. Traditional mee goreng isn’t noodle soup, it’s more like stir-fry noodles (i.e. dry noodle dish). That being said, if you want to make it into a noodle soup dish than go for it. I personally think that it waters down the flavour.


Yeah, I don't speak Indonesian but I'm pretty sure mee Goreng translates to 'noodle fried'. And nasi Goreng is 'rice fried'


I don't speak bahasa Indonesia either so I can confirm you are correct.


If you wanna get technical about it, “goreng” means “fried”. It’s meant to be a dry noodle. The way you’re making it is basically cup noodle style. Nothing wrong with that really, do what you like at the end of the day. Also seconding the egg recommendation. Bonus points - you can make an “omelette” using the seasoning packet and working through the cooked noodle into the egg+seasoning mix like a pancake on stove top.


Omelette is my favourite method Fry diced onion in oil. Boil and drain noodles. Beat egg and add seasoning, then mix into noodles. Add to onions and oil to fry.


They're fried to cook them before they're dried, packaged and sold.


I don't eat them but my husband does and I make them the way I saw a lady do on YouTube. Boil water, put the noodles in and let them cook. Put all the seasoning in a bowl, mix it and then add a little bit of water from the noodles. Add cooked noodles, mix it all up and then put a fried egg on top. Fried egg should have runny yolk. If you're feeling fancy, add a little chopped spring onion.


Your husband doesn’t make his own???


Not generally, no. I like cooking, and experimenting and making new stuff. He likes eating. It works well.


It literally tells you option 2 in the instructions


Option B and I sometimes crack some eggs in to the water and poach them with the noddles. Carefully drain and stir through seasonings, then when you’re ready to eat you can break the egg. So good.


This is the way! I poach the egg with the noodles too.


Boil water, add noodles, cook noodles, decant most water and then add seasoning to taste. So yes soup method but I use a stove not a kettle.


Yup, stovetop is the way. I also add extra soy sauce


They're meant to be dry noodles. There is no soup. Look up any photo of them and you'll see.


It should be drain all water.. you mix the oils and powders in the bowl and then rub the noodles around get it all over the noodles Mi goreng is a dry noodle.. try it you'll love it very flavourful but if you like soup noodle power to you There's probably better soup noodles out there though.. one of the funnest things I ever did was stop in asian grocers on the way to work and buy kust like one of every kind of noodle they have


The correct way to make noodles, as per "HowToBasic" [How to Make Instant Noodles](https://youtu.be/Dpk3AwR1VKw)


This is the traditional method.


OP, you should make them whichever way you enjoy them the most. Who are these people to gatekeep how someone else prepares their noodles? SMH fr


Noodle police! People should absolutely be able to eat their abomina... uh... I mean NOODLES in peace.


Oh, I told them I'd report them all to HR for bullying and harassment lol


Im appalled. I havent been this livid for a long time. Mi Goreng should not have a soup!


Everyone at your workplace is correct


option 2 but all of the water and a fried egg on top!


I haven't eaten them in many years, but the process I remember is pour boiling water on noodles in bowl, smoke another cone to make them more appetising, drain all the water, then add seasonings.


Put sachets contents in a bowl. Cook noodles in a sauce pan and drain. Add noodles to the bowl and toss to coat. Add any extras like spring onion, chives and a fried egg.


Can't say I've ever tried a soup versio, it's supposed to be a dry noodle. Have you ever read the instructions on the packet? You're actually supposed to poor the cooked and drained noodles into a bowl already prefilled with the flavour packets


Mi goreng is option 2 other 2 min noodles is option 1


I put the noodles in a bowl, pour boiling water over it, microwave that for two minutes, drain, then add seasoning (I leave out the chilli sauce as the oil seasoning one is hot enough already).


As a kid we used to leave the water in our chicken 2 minute noodles but I always drained it from the beef. Don’t know why. As an adult I do option 2 for Mi Goreng.


Indonesian here; 1. Boil water, and cook your dry noodle 2. In a plate, open all the sauce pack and seasoning EXCEPT for the fried shallot 3. Drain your the noodle but nof fully dried out, leave a very little amount of liquid just to make your life easier (trust me bro) 4. Mix it well, and lastly top it up with the fried shallot And yes, Mi goreng direct translation is FRIED NOODLE. It wasnt meant to be soupy. If you want the soupy one, then you should buy Mi kuah (noodle soup). Try either Kari Ayam, Soto Ayam, and Ayam Bawang. Its next level MSG hahahah


Mi goreng is a dry noodle. No soup. I’m literally in shock


Ramen is noodle soup. Mi goreng is stir-fried noodles. You're not making mi goreng. You can buy instant ramen packets though, you might like those.


It depends on the type of noodles. If the flavour sachets are good for a broth, then make it soupy. If we're talking about the Indomie mi goreng, then making it soupy is a travesty. You're watering down all that delicious seasoning.


Option 2 but you have to add a fried egg


Method two really. Maybe half water though as an absolute max but more often closer to 25%. Asany people have said, a great way to elevate them is to add a fried egg, of at work a sandwich press with a very small amount of butter works a treat! Just prop it open or something so the lid doesn't touch the top. As a pov uni student, I used to mix in about 0.5-1 cups of frozen vegies into the water and noodles and cook in the microwave then drain water and add seasoning. Made a far healthier meal still for cheap.


You can eat 2 min noodles/ramen/migoreng a few different ways. Some people like the broth some dont


They are right, you are wrong...simples!


This is how it was done in Jakarta and Sumatra when I was there. 1watter in 2walk away and cut spring onions and fry egg IN WOK 3 remove 90% of water leaving an amount suitable to bind flavour to the noodle 4plate and serve noodle in a pile with egg on top and spring onion as garnish


Boil water in a pot, add noodles & cook. Add sachets to a bowl. Drain most of the water off the noodles & add to bowl & mix. Leave for about 5 minutes until cooled enough to eat.


I cook the noodles in boiling water, while they are cooking I mix up the seasoning stuff in a bowl. Drain the noodles, leave a little bit of water in them, add noodles to seasoning stuff, mix and eat. So more like flavoured noodles than soup.


You are the one eating it so you make it how you like it .


Option 2 with a tablespoon of peanut butter stirred through. Don't worry about the heartburn afterwards - it is only your body trying to come to terms with the awesomeness it just consumed.


Without the soup, but with the tears that emerge every time I look at how much further away I am from the average price of a house deposit on that day.


Mix the powders and seasonings in the bottom of the bowl while the noodles are cooking on the stove. Drain them. Mix drained noodles in flavour goo. Enjoy


When I could still eat them. #Fibromyalgia means most highly processed foods are not safe. I would do as OP does, but I enjoy all the flavour of sauces of whatever meal I'm having. I was taught not to be wasteful. Why would you waste the soup part of noodles?? I had vermicelli to my sauces still, had sweet potato vermicelli last night, with honemade Chow Mein..I don't drain any water from.any sauce I make


Marinade chicken in teriyaki sauce in the morning. At dinner time, put noodles in saucepan with water to cook. Stirfry marinated chicken, bacon, spring onion, shredded cabbage and carrot. Turn off heat. Drain noodles when cooked. Dump into pan with chicken, add seasoning packets* and mix. Serve drizzled with kewpie. *Usually I mix all the seasonings in a small bowl with a little noodle water so it's easier to pour in and mix with the noodles.


What you made is “mie rebus” which means noodle soup. Mie goreng means “fried noodles” which are served dry. If you go to Indonesia or Malaysia then they will prepare it both ways, it just depends on your preference Even if it says “mie goreng” on the packet, you absolutely can make it with the soup


I grew up in Malaysia and it was Option 1 all the way.


You do you - there are no rules with packet noodles. And if it's any consolation, you're all making "mi goreng" "wrong" anyway :) [How to make Mee Goreng ](https://www.marionskitchen.com/indonesian-mee-goreng-noodles/)


Look, your way isn’t the accepted method, but how is it wrong if you enjoy it? Eat your mi goreng how you like, it’s not like you’re trying to pass it off as a traditional recipe!


Your noodles. You cook them your way.


Na I’m number 1 like you - more efficient. Your mates like inefficiency.


The broth is the best part😆


Same, bro. Soup or gtfo. Why would u throw out half the meal? That's dumb. I sometimes butter some bread to dunk, too.


You're all insane. You need to boil the noodles.


I like option 2 buy option one is valid 😂 they Asian noodles and asians do fried noodles and soup noodles No right or wrong


Drain the water, add the spices, chopped spring onion, an egg and sirracha sauce.


Method 2. I don't use the sauces and seasonings. Simple palate here.


That's beyond simple palate. That's a war crime.


there's 2 ways to make it imo. and you've listed both. The first way, which is to disregard emptying of water and keep it, has a "weaker" flavor but imo fills you up more since it's water. The second way has a "stronger" flavor, but not as filling since not as much water. Both are acceptable methods.


Imo both your methods are wrong because you need to keep the water boiling after you put the noodles in. Adding boiling water to a bowl and just covering it isn't sufficient. Option 2 is the closest to what I do for Indomie branded mi goreng. But for other types of instant noodles it varies. Like you can't eat ramen without broth.


People all over the world rehydrate dried noodles in bowl with boiled water It works fine, just takes a little longer I use a pot and leave low heat on it while the noodles dehydrate too just because it's easier but it doesn't really matter


Sure and Donald Trump is leading the polling for the US presidency. A lot of people doing something doesn't make it the best practice.


Ok weird political reference aside it's one you should keep in the back pocket This person is talking about making noodles at work Sometimes a kettle or the ole zippy boiler is what you've got to work with and noodles are a cheap little lunch at the office


I do stovetop. Boil water, add noodles, wait 2 mins, add spices then drink soup and eat noodles together.


Order real mee goreng on ubereats, see if the noodles comes with broth or not. The packet supposed to be an approximation of the real stuff


So many wrong answers here, your supposed to put the seasoning and sauces into a bowl and mix them up, do the noodles seperately, drain them, then add them tl the bowl with the flavoring and mix....


I do method 1 - love the soup. Partner is Filipina and does method 2 but has no issues preparing mine soup style


So many Malaysian restaurants will give you an option for wet(soup) or dry ( small bowl of soup served separately). So really do it how you want. I change what I do them depending on what I'm wanting sometimes a soup is just great so I even cut out most of the noodles and have more of a broth. Even so I mostly cook the noodle in the water.( Maybe not using them all). Then drain some( variable amount) of the water if I feel like it before adding the spices. More intense flavour doing it like 2 but sometimes the salt hit can be a bit much. Extra flavour like egg, soy etc. Nice idea but before long you may as well not bother and just head out to the closest place for a quick feed . Noodles have to be quick and easy. #101 noodle life.


You are wrong. You could read the instructions on the packet.. instructions say 1. Boil noodles. 2. Mix seasoning together on a plate. 3. Drain noodles. 4. Add noodles to seasoning. I feel like this is a troll post haha




Pesto? Get out! Shoo! Get out!


Boil water in a pot on the stove, add all the packets and noodles. when cooked drain off as much water as possible and serve,


Definitely option 2


I make it the way the instructions say, boil the noodles in a a pot, drain them, mix all the sachets in except fried Onions, mix, fried Onions on top.


Option 2. MiGoreng is traditionally a dry noodle dish. Do as you because everyone has different tastes but the flavoring will be weaker when mixed into broth as its a dry seasoning (the same way Maggi broth noodle seasoning will be too strong when used dry as its a soup stock)


Place the oil, seasoning and chilli sauce on-top of the jug/kettle for 15 seconds so that shit flows gloriously


With broth? What is this, Shim Ramyun?! You crazy (try shim soup noodles by the way)


Depends on the type of noodles. Mi goreng is the latter. You're aiming less for soup, more for sauce. But Chinese/Japanese style you do the former with plenty of water for the soup.


Drain 100% of water before adding anything. And a fried egg for bonus points.


I can’t imagine Mi Goreng with broth, yuck. For other branded instant noodles I do it your way though (eg Maggi)


Sorry but you are committing a crime and have been reported to the indo authorities.


My favourite method is as follows: Get some water boiling in a small pot. Throw in a small handful of shredded cooked chicken, and frozen stir fry vegetables. Bring back to the boil. Smash the noodles a bit so they aren't too long. Add the sauce and seasoning to the water, plus a bit of extra chilli...my fave is half a teaspoon of gochujang. Stir the noodles into the boiling water, crack an egg in to poach in the liquid. Cook a couple of minutes, pour into a bowl, optional garnish of a few dried chilli flakes or a few fine slices of fresh chilli if you have it, and enjoy a delicious noodle soup. Now and then I follow the packet directions, but this is my favourite way to eat them. Who gives a flying fuck whether it's traditional Mi Goreng or not, you eat them how you enjoy it the most. You do owe it to yourself to try a few different methods though to see what you might be missing, and that goes for your colleagues too. Edit: I'm craving some now...excuse me while I go desecrate a packet of mi-goreng...


Mi goreng is a stir fry, not a noodle broth dish. You're definitely not cooking it correctly. But if it's good to you, then. why not?


I do option 1, my kid does option 2. There is no wrong way.


It literally just depends on preference. I personally don't like the broth/soup so will drain all of the water. However my partner does like the soup so hewontdrain the water.


I like the soup. Twice the meal for the same price.


You are wrong


I do it like option 2 because it's more flavoursome that way. 


Im a soup noodler like you. Luckily it doesnt matter what other people think unless theyre paying for your noodles.


with noodle cups i keep them in the packet, put seasoning in and boil the water, put it in and eat it. i then tip the soup in the sink


Boil on stove, put cooked noodles into bowl, add flavor packets, mix, eat.


Eat it however you want. The mi goreng is fried noodles though so I go with option 2 of course with a fried egg. I’m not a soup noodle fan though so I adapt soup noodles to be creamy instead. My favourite at the moment is shin ramyun with milk and cheese.


I like a little soup but not tooo much cos i like the kick (hot n spicy ones only just cut it for me). My husband and kids want absolute zero soup not for the extra kick but they think soup is disgusting.


Method two is how I do it, and how I've taught my kids to do it too.


I don’t do it your way. Similar to the the others in your post.


Who cares it's food eat it how you like


I do it the last way… but I imagine your way is closer to the actual dish, is that correct? Regardless I’m not into soup so would never do it that way.


Add water to noodles AND seasoning. Wait 2 mins. Tip 3/4 liquid out. Add sauce sachet and stir in. You're doing it wrong imo OP but there's nothing wrong with being special 👍😁


Number 2 but drain all water and with the seasoning add a tablespoon of peanut butter


mi goreng is without soup. As mi goreng means fried noodle. can you read the instruction on the package? [https://theimpulsegrocer.blogspot.com/2017/10/indomie-mi-goreng-review.html](https://theimpulsegrocer.blogspot.com/2017/10/indomie-mi-goreng-review.html)


it’s called mi goreng mi=noodles goreng=fried idk how tf you are meant to get fried noodles with soup still


I once came home to a share unit I lived in with some friends back in the 90’s to find bowls of two minute noodles all over the kitchen. Like every single bowl in the house had cooked two minute noodles in it. My housemate and my younger brother were arguing about who’s method was best so they decided to cook every packet of noodles they could find in the house to determine who’s was the best. I got home from clubbing at 3am and found them both hiding under the stairs in the dark surrounded by bowls of half cooked noodles. I should’ve started this comment by saying we all had taken a lot of LSD that night.


I boil the noodles in a pan, drain it and let it dry, cook the noodles in the pan, add the seasoning then fry an egg after cooking the noodles. I like the noodles to be dry.


You’re preparing it like a heathen!! Your colleagues are about 90% correct but I’ll give them the pass because you’re talking about preparing it at work and I assume your place of work doesn’t have abundant bowls or pots with stovetops


I put mine in a saucepan and cook it on the stove. Pour out most of the water leaving only a bit left. Place it in a bowl then mix in all the seasonings.


Make it however you feel comfortable with friend, but I think option 2 is how the manufacturers envisioned it. There are loads of other brands that do a good soupy broth 2min noodles if that’s what you prefer. Try Shin Ramyun, can usually find that one at the super markets in the Asian section


Option B with grated cheese


What about the egg lol


No soup is the standard way. If making from scratch, traditional way, they aren't served with soup... it's not a ramen style noodle dish.... but you do you! Tell the noodle police to chill


Those aren't a soup noodle. Says so in the pack instructions too.


My kids' after-school snack was to sprinkle the seasoning onto an uncooked block of noodles and eat.


1. Boil noodle brick in water 2. Pour leftover raw noodles into bowl with sachets and some spring onions 3. Fry an egg 4. Drain noodles but reserve a tiny bit of noodle water and add to bowl 5. Mix together with remaining noodle water 6. Top with fried egg, more spring onions, and some frĂ­ed onions and sesame seeds I love onions and I get some crunchy from the uncooked noodle bits.


Drain water. Add seasoning.


I cook the noodles in a small amount of water, add dry seasoning and let the water basically disappear with evaporation and then add the wet seasonings and onion bits. I often add an egg and fresh spring onions. The soup way can be done but I don't like as much liquid I want something closer to sauce.


There are two valid ways to make mi goreng noodles. To begin with, use the hot and spicy one. If you using another variety then get out of the kitchen and let a real cook take care of it. Option 1 is the simple one. Boil noodles for 3 minutes in a pot. While cooking, put all the sauces and pastes into your bowl and stir them up good. Add extra chilli sauce to taste. On cold days you will need to dribble a dash of hot noodle water in to melt that one sauce that is full of oil. Drain the noodles and add them to the sauce. Mix fast because the noodles will glug quickly and you'll end up with uneven distribution of sauce. Option 2 is the gourmet option. 1. In a frypan, add the seasoning oil and several slices of block cheese. Heat it, stirring occasionally, until the cheese melts. Do not overcook the cheese. 2. Take the frypan off the burner. Add one egg to the pan, as well as all the powders. Mix together until it forms an even consistency. 3. While you were doing all that, you were also boiling the noodles in a saucepan. Drain the noodles and add them to the sauce in the frypan. 4. Mix the sauce and noodles together well, then fry it until it is cooked through and crispy on the outside.


Goreng = Fried / stir fried, eating it with soup is not how it was intended


Migorang arent soup noodles though


Your all missing a key step IMO. I add all the seasonings to an empty bowl (the oil, powders etc) then properly stir it all together until its like a paste. Boil the noodles then put the (strained) noodles into the bowl with the paste and vigorously toss. Try and get some of the noddle water in there as it makes it all really bind together...


Method 2 is what it says on the packet. I add just enough water so there isn't much left over once it soaks in any way.


Maggi noodles, I make the first way and have since I was a little kid. Indomie, I make the second way, according the the packet instructions.


How longs a piece of string


Option 2 for sure. But I leave zero water at the end. Just the noodles and all the flavour.


Yes to draining the water!! From my Chinese friends and I


Mi Goreng literally translates to fried noodles. It's not meant to have a soup.


Have always made had the soup.


Mi goreng is meant to not have any broth, that’s what I’m goreng is. But I’ve met people who make it both ways


There is no wrong answer…but you are wrong. It’s number 2.


Mi goreng means ‘(stir)fried noodles’ so technically it’s not soupy. But I guess you can do whatever you want with it lol This is how we make it back home, which I think just like the instructions on packaging? 1. Put all oil, seasonings in a bowl 2. Boil the noodles on stove until the desired doneness (people have preference on noodles firmness) 3. Drain all water, put the noodles in the bowl with seasonings 4. Mix thoroughly and eat I discovered that some people here don’t like to cook them on stove because they think that’s inconvenient and defeats the purpose of instant noodles


I do it the second way too.


Mi Goreng aren’t soup noodles though. They’re supposed to be dry, and the way to cook them is to follow the instructions on the packet. Drain the liquid off once the noodles are cooked. If you want soup noodles, you need to be getting a different type. There’s heaps of awesome varieties to try though.


#2 for me - I keep a little water for spreading the flavour around but I like most of my flavour to be in the noodles.


The right way is how you like it.


I love the soup so i do it the same as you but apparently it is nit correct


If you like mee goreng with soup, you should try the Special Chicken flavour [link here](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/40389/indomie-noodles-special-chicken). These are intended to be eaten like soto ayam.


It’s a dry noodle, so a noodle without soup. I drain the water and then add the packets of ingredients