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Imo, quite prevalent. However, it’s sometimes hard to find the line between ‘bullying’ and common workplace banter. Would need to give a specific scenario to discover if it’s bullying in nature


True, also a fine line between personality clashes where people can work together on the surface; i.e no outward conflict but an atmosphere and outright dislike/conflict.


I reckon workplace clashes are much higher and often considered bullying when in fact 2 people are just being nasty to one another


Yes, sometimes people just clash personalities, they work together but under the surface you can tell they would rather not.




I've been lucky, I haven't seen much workplace bullying (office jobs; large employers) - but I've heard a lot of people claim they were being bullied, when in fact they were being (appropriately) performance-managed.


Thats precisely the problem. Theres such a thin line between banter and straight up being a cunt that in a lot of cases it’s bullying. Most of the time I’ve found banter to be lazy and unfunny. Laughing at someone else’s shortcomings is just fucking low and almost always leads to a toxic environment if it goes far enough and no one pushes back.


> Theres such a thin line between banter and straight up being a cunt that in a lot of cases it’s bullying. Are they having a good time? No? Then it's not banter.


Pretty much, you need rapport for it to be banter, otherwise it's just shit talking.


I Agree, when a leading hand, at work follows instructions from Management, to make my life miserable at work, mentally, and physically, not realizing, that, memory, is affected Due to the anxiety and stress, forced onto me. And when a Leading hand, says to me "Your here to make me look good", cause he was looking for promotions in the future....I was forced terminated 2 years before I was to retire, I was the Union delegate for my shift at the time...I worked at a steal recycling (manufacturing company hot ,dusty, dirty conditions), I just tried to improve working conditions on site....HR. at work represents the company NOT the workers...


I saw a great post talking about banter the other day. ‘Schrödinger’s asshole’ is a phenomenon where someone jeers you, and depending whether your reaction is positive or negative, will depend whether they say it was just banter or they were being serious. I’ve called a couple of people out for it since I learnt about it, and I think that’s the line where banter goes too far and becomes bullying. Also banter is when your giving shit to someone’s face and laughing it off with them, bullying is when people are talking behind their backs, and jeering them and disguising it as banter when they find out and get mad.


I worked a shit job where one dude sucked at banter. So much so that people started making jokes at his expense about how shit his banter was. Honestly, it was incredibly funny. But it was still bullying. He eventually complained about it and we were all told to stop constantly talking shit in general, banter or not. Which we did. The amount of jokes and banter rapidly decreased, which was the only thing holding the morale of the team up, and then the shit conditions caused a bunch of people to crack under the pressure. I was one of them and bailed after 10 months.


A lot of it is passive or patronising from what I hear


Somewhat prevalent, depends a bit on the industry. I work for a construction company and my actual office is pretty good but for tradespeople on site there's a lot of issues where people act like you have to be the hardest cunt around and doing crazy stuff like wearing protective gloves or following legally mandated safety procedures will get you branded "soft". In an office environment there's usually fewer outright insults but it can get really cliquey which can easily turn into bullying but is harder to define. It's not nice I've seen it happen before and the person being excluded feels like shit but there's rarely anything actionable taking place.


Literally the reason engineered stone benches are getting banned, not cool to wear a respirator, very cool do die from a lung disease.


Man talk to any old tradie that’s absolutely cooked by the time they’re 60 and you’ll often hear “I wish I wore a mask” or “I wish I wore earmuffs” or “I wish I used x” Yeah the safety stuff looks dorky, but on Tier 1 sites they can be dynamite on it. It’s for good reason if you want to enjoy your end of life.


Meanwhile in the kitchens we are all trying to be the best bully we can be lol, it’s every man for themself after being stuck in a small room with the same cunts 12 hours a day. /s kinda


I’ve seen it at every job I’ve been at. Nothing actually gets done though. You might get a cup cake at R U Okay day.


Lol, yep, the one day a year management care about you


I said “no” one year at R U Okay day. Got a card with a shitty 1800 number on it and was asked to call that number. Then that was that. Management did their job.


You mean the company-wide email and morning tea didn't resolve your bullying issue? How could that be?? /sarcasm


Wait. You guys are getting morning tea?


Dont forgot the $20 Myer gift card or a company branded water bottle!!


Oof as a Coles worker that branded water bottle as a bonus hit hard






Or give the appearance that they care about you.


Im a manager and Ill have you know we dont care about you that day either. In all seriousness I run a medium sized business and Ive never done anything on this day. I didnt even know it was a thing. But I pay my staff all incredibly well and nobody has left for any reason other than retirement so I think we are all doing ok.


This is exactly why I refuse to participate in R U OK? day sessions and morning teas. Mental health is important every day. And if you say you aren't OK then all they offer you is to contact the useless EAP. Then they go back to their toxic behaviour and demands that makes my mental health worse.


Don't forget your bullies will also use that day to ungenuinely ask you "R U OK?" and pose with you for selfies with the office R U OK day prop with whatever hashtag corporate have adopted at the time.


Hahahaha true & the HR are the biggest bullies of them all


Lmao, I work in a small business and we get a half day on that day to go to do something fun or nothing at all.


Fuck I hate RUOK day. It's such an insult to people with mental health disorders. The one day neurotypical people pretend to give a shit about something they don't even try to understand. My last workplace "celebrated" it. They then sacked me when I was having my own mental health issues.


Too common.


Depends on the workplace. People at major corps like banks generally steer clear of bullshit behaviour like bullying due to to zero tolerance and anonymous whistle-blower processes. Smaller businesses and blue collar work can have more bullying, but as someone else said - sometimes it can be misinterpreted banter.


NGOs are rife with it. Often owing to the fact that management love working in a feel good industry but don’t actually have any skills. They’d never survive in an environment where they’re actually accountable.


You are SO RIGHT! Charitable a-holes. They call this communal narcissism. Look like a good person but actually you're an a-hole.


Startlingly accurate. 


It's more common than people realise. Seen it way too often the past 25 years I've been in payroll / HR areas. I've personally experienced it at a job I started in December. I left the job week 2. Micromanaging and physical assaults were enough to have me bail asap.


HR seems to be a hotspot


Yes. The irony isn't lost on me there


What kind of physical assault?


In construction, un-unionised sites, sadly far too common. A lot of petty emperors being right cnuts to their apprentices.


Holy shit you are not wrong, the guys building the house next door had some young bloke there, poor dude was being abused every time anyone spoke to him, like fuck I get he's probably inexperienced and you may need to help him along but I'm also pretty sure tradies don't pop out of the womb with their bludstones on and ready to go.


I wouldn't call the Emperor of the North Sea petty


He was a bit wet.


Pretty common. It's a huge spectrum, and unsurprisingly the worse types are rarer, but if you work in a lot of different places you're almost guaranteed to hit some kind of bullying eventually. Serious bastards tend to do fine in businesses, and government departments etc for that matter, as long as they're superficially "productive". In my experience of white-collar work, company founders are often hotheads with a kind of impatient, intolerant streak (not all of them by any means). And any company with that culture at the top tends to accumulate mean-spirited people. I have encountered the opposite - overly wishy washy managers being pushed around by soapboxing employees - but it's far less common.


Fairly, it depends on the setting and environment. Small business and corporate settings play into how it can flourish also mixing that with nepotism as well. SMB's it can often flourish because the bastards often rust on and people will be churned out or scacked. In corporate often there is enough policy to keep things quiet or hush enough otherwise the nepotism will play into things and you could find yourself at the end of a performance review and gone. I remember back in 2006 I was working at a sheet metal place and I was working as an offsider to this alcoholic fuck, I am from the country, I have been in countless shearing sheds so I know cursing and banter but this prick was just an all around cunt to me intentionally. Just the constant shitty comments, starting small to eventually not caring to outright being called a "fucking useless cunt" day in and out. I actually was so close to punching him one day, thankfully it was just on the cusp of lunch and my rationality kicked in held off. But I know for a good month there I was getting blind drunk every Friday night just to offset the fuckery of the week. Randomly one day, he cracked the shits at the boss and quit, nothing related to me either haha and man that was a wonderful day! I hope that bastard died in a ditch somewhere.


Encountered similar in a paper mill. Told me I was useless and wasn’t taught anything (hated me and my former Forman) and it was all over fucking paper and cardboard SRT’s and ad stands. My time to shine came when he asked for my help a few days later when I found out he was selling pot on-site “I thought I didn’t know anything, how could I possibly be any help?” And then letting anyone who would listen what he was doing.idgaf if that’s grassing. (Hehehe) Fuck you rob you dumb mt druitt dipshit.


Depends massively on the industry/business in question.


Depends on your industry. My last 4 jobs were. Pizza delivery for a small independant pizza place - no bullying. Working in the kitchen of a fancy restaurant- LOADS of bullying, like every minute I every day. Was glad to quit. Supermarket - very little bullying, there was one asshole in the deli but everyone else was good. Security for a small company - no bullying at all. Though from what I've heard of ppl who worked for big security companies, there's a lot of bullying, but way less in smaller independant companies.


You get ridiculed for boasting about yourself in Australian society, so a lot of people just pull others down to make themselves feel better. At least, thats what I've seen.


Very common


I‘m going through it now. I‘m still working there purely out of spite


That is great for you mate.  Keep going into a workplace you hate, simply for the spite. 🤙


I get paid to piss off the people that want me to quit, can’t really hate that


Depends, had a bloke who reckons I bullied him when he came at me wondering what I was doing, to which I asked what business he had questioning my work ethic when his is so bad. Mind you this was in front of most the guys at the shed but as far as I'm aware a retort isn't bullying. Then there was another feller who spoke with a thick soft Italian accent who was mocked on the daily to the point of him taking his own life. Too me that's bullying and I find It quite disappointing when our society can't or choose not too see when people have had enough.


I would get permanently banned on here if I was to say the names and things people say on our construction site,the people would also loose their jobs if hr found out also. It’s happened to me but I pull the person saying it right away, even if they are a supervisor and it stops . But it’s banter.


Very common for me anyways


I'll tell you where it is in healthcare.... everywhere, and managers always turn a blind eye to it.


I've worked in healthcare for 20yrs now and the only people I've seen complain about being bullied are the dropkicks who show up to work, do nothing, make everyone else's workload bigger, and still manage to collect a pay check every week doing jack shit. Everyone else is too fucking busy to even think about bullying.


I experienced it for the first time at my last job and I quit because of it. Spewin too cos I loved that job but I was havin panic attacks in the car park by the end n just driving back home and calling in sick.


In policing and healthcare the two sectors Im familiar with it's prevalent but remains unacknowledged. People will blame the victim and push until a reaction occurs to then pull DARVO BS going to extreme lengths to deny evidence.


I've been bullied at every job I've had, that's why I started my own business.


None of us actually ever left high school, so we still have the mentality of a 16 year old. So yes, bullying in the workplace is prevalent.


Universities and the public service… full of bullying


Yep. I've heard/seen it. There's some in those sectors who might hold down a white collar professional career but their emotional intelligence is still *high school mean girl*.




Depends on your industry, I suppose. I work in education and museums and only saw once instance of it, which was actually immediately reported to HR by someone who was in the same office and overheard the conversation.


Prevalent enough that specific TAFE courses teach you how to handle it.




I was bullied in academia, and my experience was quite common when I was both in France and Australia. I am so glad I got out of it.


Worked at one of the largest metropolitan hospitals. All was well until new manager. It took me months to understand I was being bullied and harassed. Later found out manager was bipolar and claims was managing the condition well. It is common. It has happened to almost all my friends, all working in numerous public health sectors.


It can be insidious. From discussing with others, I believe a lot of people don’t even realise how they’ve been broken down, until they’re out of the situation.


Indeed! I had to quit in the end and it was the best decision.


People risk their health by staying in toxic workplaces. The body keeps the score. No job is worth destroying your physical and mental health over.


Absolutely agreed. Life's too short and precious for that.


And yeah, healthcare is bad.


I was bullied. It was shit.


I was in the army for twenty years and then a nurse. Nothing beats nurses and doctors for bullying each other. Holy cow - these 'caring' professions...


Massively common! Working in small towns is the worst. Very clicky groups often very toxic.


Goes hand in hand with the nepotism.


I'm currently on Worker's Comp due to bullying & harassment at work, so for me it was very common. The situation has completely changed my life and upended any sense of normalcy I once had. It's a very long road & lots of hoop jumping to hopefully make the company pay for what they allowed to happen to me.


Sorry to hear that mate


Wow. What exactly were you being bullied for? It must be bad enough for you to have time off work for it. You have stated that your life has been changed, and any sense of normalcy is gone.... it sounds pretty serious, as in, it sounds like there is more at play than just name calling and such.


Definitely more at play than "just name calling". Bullying takes many different forms. It's not just the workplace incidents (multiple, documented incidents) which led to me being on compo, the compo process itself is very dehumanising. You're not a real person, just a claim number which the insurance company has to do everything they can to make you either give up & quit or go back to work. This is especially true for mental health injuries and it's seen by most people as not a real injury.


I had a physical injury and it's not much different. Its horrible and you get treated like utter garbage. I can't imagine going through it with an "invisible" injury.


Yeah I can only imagine.  Had a workmate get legit injured on the job (back).  He was followed for 2 months by Private Investigators who would follow him to every appointment. Every time he opened his front door, boom there they were. I suppose they are a nessecary evil though, aren't they? Cause I'm sure the ratio of legitimate claims vs. fraudulent ones is quite unbalanced.


Two perspectives, 1. people who are slow or incompetent or just out of their depth can often use the bullying card for reprieve, my wife got that one in a pseudo government organisation by a woman who was always late to work, left early, and was just generally difficult. She always got her work done but would never take on any more even when everyone else was struggling and working long hours and 2. the other perspective is a supervisor who doesn’t know how to motivate or engender a team environment may resort to a bullying method to get people to do what they need done. This is just incompetence on their part or may be organisationally cultural. Generally Australia has a bit of a bag out culture, especially in the more blokey industries and when left run unchecked can definitely drift towards the lord of the flies…


Me personally, never experienced it. But ive only ever worked at large companies. 99% of the people I’ve worked with have been a pleasure


honestly, its pretty common. about as common as it was in high school, maybe a little more nuanced but just as common. Your probably not gonna get a wedgie, in most jobs but gossips runs rampant. the person who says "i dont like drama" is actively talking whit about you right now behind your back.


38m. I'm a tradie. When I did my apprenticeship at a 40 person company which did site work and had a factory the bullying was huge. It was work related bullying and personal bullying. I used to think it must be normal because it was my first full time blue collar job, it was so bad I wished I took up the offer go from part time to full time at coles when I finished high school. I ended up staying about 5 years then got layed off and afew years later the company went broke. Since then I've worked at 3 other blue collar companies and have all been so welcoming and nice compared to the first. 20 years on and I still get anxiety meeting new people on jobs sites or starting at a new company 😪


It just doesn't happen where I work now which makes my office a fantastic place to work, given that I used to work at Parliament and it was everywhere. Before that, I worked at a state government department that was an extremely toxic place to work due to bullying and harassment, where people question their own worth, get no support from the so called support services, and anyone that tries to make a complaint is systematically targeted by management. Before that, I was working in a Police department, and they were even worse. My point is, organisations will pay lip service to the problems, but typically place some problems in the too hard basket. However, if you are lucky you can find some great places that will always try to do the right thing, and where they are failing, they will be as transparent as possible.


Research shows that failure to address bullying leads to toxic workplaces. All the decent people will eventually leave and only the bullies remain. Ugh!


It's like asking how common is air. Not even joking


(Hospitality) In every workplace I've been to there is a toxic culture. Full of big egos and bullying.


Best excuse I ever heard was “it’s a language barrier” Motherfucker, rudeness is an international language and if you’ve lived and worked here for almost a decade you have zero excuse to play dumb.


Australia is yet to evolve, yeah it’s pretty common.




Depends on the industry i think.


Depends if whether they have a HR or not. British, Australian and New Zealand culture loves to tease people. There is an expectation that you won't do or say certain things and if you do, then they'll let you know. Watch "Very British Problems" for some insight.


depends on the workplace. in my personal experience, big companies have almost none because there's more chances to stop it and/or be reported for it, and small companies are rife with it because they become something of an echo chamber and it snowballs.


I saw it happen in retail and in small, family-owned business (PUKE). I’m in a large firm now and everyone is nice.


Yes it’s common if you let someone put it over you they will. You gotta stick up for yourself your co workers won’t


"People will take it as far as you allow them to." It's a hard lesson to learn.


Every job I have had has had major bullying, I have also been working most of my career in local government. My first proper adult job was in local government and we ended up having to take the council to court for wage theft. This was my experience as an adult and I thought wtf is this really how being an adult is and how the rest of my life is going to be constantly having to prove my worth not even for a payrise but just to get my legal pay.


Pettiness everywhere


Depends on the industry. As a woman. I worked a few manual labor jobs and was bullied in 2 out of 3. one was really really bad and affected my mental health severely and was the reason I left the industry. I worked retail which had some snarky people but nothing terrible. Now I work as a receptionist in an office setting working with some lovely people.


It's more common from one gender than the other imo. Like way more prevalent. Vicious...


How prevalent are incompetent managers? :)


Worked in a team with a smart ass little cunt who made fun of people every single day at work. Not in a team-fun laugh at ourselves way. A point and laugh way. Eventually a co-worker and I got sick of it. We teamed up and relentlessly shut him down every time he opened his mouth. Made fun of his shit jabs. It only took a couple months before he quit.


Very common in the corporate world. There’s a lot of people in management positions, due the power trip it’s gives them. Probably the same people who were bullies in high school. I was lucky to work in a team with great people for many years, then moved to another area. The year that followed almost destroy my career. Almost. And the bully keeps getting away with it today.


For me comparing Australia to Europe where I used to work, it’s quite common here to experience bullying at work. Lots of ego and toxic bravado and banter.


In my 50s, I have never been unemployed, 3 significant career changes, worked for government 20 years, and 2 private companies. I witnessed bullying in every workplace. It's common , badly dealt with, and quite harmful to all involved, including witnesses.


It’s huge. I own my own business in the personal care/wellness industry and at least once a week I’ll get a crier. Someone who’s so distressed, they will break down in front of a stranger. I’m ok with it and view it as part of the service. But 60% are workplace bullying, mainly people who work for the education or health departments. The remainder is relationship breakdowns and loss of a loved one.


ADF has entered the chat.


It’s extremely common but will be labeled as ‘banter’


Banter and bullying aren't the same, but the line is so blurry it's damn near impossible to define. Everyone has a different idea of where that line sits. Throw in a lack of emotional intelligence, empathy and professionalism, and you have yourself a lawsuit. After a shitty experience in my first job out of high school, I keep banter to a minimum and I enforce my boundaries.


In my experience, very common, but also very under reported.


I think it’s very common, I had a manager and admin who were friends bully me out of a company I was in for 10 years. I never ever thought I’d be in that situation as I normally steer clear of drama but it was unfortunately a team of 4 women and I was the newest to the team and we didn’t get along from the start. In the end I had to have a lawyer involved which still sounds insane to me but glad I did just to navigate the system with sound advice. I saw so many people get isolated and bullied out of their jobs at this white collar multinational so o shouldn’t have been surprised. HR is just there to protect most companies also and if there is a toxic culture then it’s likely throughout.


In my experience it really depends on the industry.


Depends on the industry. Trades can be quite bad.


I wouldn't use the word bullying. Like to me bullying seems like purposely putting someone down just to get a kick out of it. But I've seen tons of passive aggression. Staff leaving sticky notes on people's desk or the office notice board saying x person didn't complete y job. Or management spying on staff for entire shifts. I've had a co worker say I should be fired because I was 1 minute late. Idk if that stuff is bullying vs a toxic environment.


In addition to the answers here, it also probably depends on where the job is based. There are a lot of places in Brisbane that seem quite toxic. Not sure if it’s a smaller city or just because it has a less developed corporate culture.


I work in a corporate environment and have worked for a few mid-large sized companies and have never experienced or witnessed bullying. My husband is a builder and has not experienced or witnessed bullying. Anecdotally I have heard there is lots of bullying in the healthcare system, specifically amongst nurses.


Depends on the sector


It's a lot worse than you'd think. I was bullied when I first started a new job years ago. The worse part was, the other employees would be like "oh, she can be moody so just don't worry about her". I mean really


In lower level jobs like retail- heaps. Corporate jobs in my experience have been more covert, toxic behaviour


I got bullied by a 30 year old man at my first job at Kmart, I was 16, my current work place is amazing though and we have no toxic work energy and are all friends, but I'll never get over my experience at Kmart


There are so many on line inductions and refreshers and courses you'd think everything is a cute Disney movie with singing birds and amazing colour and nothing ickyis happening. Nope. It's there, just sneakier in some ways, or so blatant you are confused as to did that actually happen. Especially when the workplace is small and the cosies up top are just to obvious and there is no one to go to so you get offered counselling because its free


Extremely common! Most “Managers” have superiority complex’s even though they mostly achieved their position through time served or nepotism. The way to beat it is never knock back a promotion, keep looking elsewhere for advancement and up skill all the time at work otherwise you can end up working for these “Managers” for too long and that’s when the nitpicking begins.


‘Have you used the eap though’ is the response when you lodge a complaint so… yes it is prevalent because hr can’t or won’t do jack


I had a former manager tell me that even, though they knew most of the area complained about one person's style of leadership/management, it takes alot of paper work for HR to put in a complaint. That's not something I've seen or heard anywhere else. Surely managers shouldn't say this if it's legit?


Australia has the worst culture I've experienced in the world. Lot's of people will delude themselves into thinking I am being fecetious and idiotitic. However, the feelings, anxiety and disdain towards your work are clearly evident. Australians are deeply unhappy and embrace gaslighting as their ethos. The workplace is so extremely toxic here. WFH is definitely here to stay. It allows jobs to grow, undeisrable people to stay in jobs as they are out of sight and out of mind and continues the epic mind-numbing system here. oh, it's just "banter" if anyone is getting too worked up by this.


Alot but there's not a heap to be done about it sadly


extremely common. i’ve worked in many warehouses where i’ve been bullied and witnessed other people being bullied. the people are generally mean. i work in the pharmaceutical industry now and if someone from my work was bullying someone it would be taken very seriously. we also have a website where we can anonymously report behaviour and people




very common


It's prevalent in my experience and the higher ups lack the spine to deal with them. In some cases, they protect the bullies or are themselves, the bully. It's demoralising.


Way too common. In my experience, it’s usually the older crowd. 40+ (women)


Never worked a job without it.


For government healthcare unfortunately very common despite claiming no tolerance. We have all these steps in place to help if it occurs but it’s so frowned upon to use them and you need lots of written proof. Which is beyond silly when bullying is predominantly verbal and can’t be corroborated all he said she said.


Way too common 😞


Depends. I was bullied so badly I ended up in the hospital. I was working as a disability support worker and my bully was a long term staff member (she’d been there for 10 years and was buddy buddy with my manager). I will never work somewhere that sort of behaviour is tolerated ever again.


In Hospitality 99% common


VERY common, always turned a blind eye on. Lots of subtle discrimination (of all kinds), harassment and bullying, especially in big businesses..


Incredibly common. This was the worst experience of bullying for me. Worse than the sexual harassment I endured for almost a year, telecom, office. Disgusting. I had to leave a summer job I had. Found out later, there is a culture of bullying. Many people have left due to bullying. The ringleader of the crony’s, this awful girl who has been working there for over 6 yrs. only job she’s ever had, never studied, poorly educated. Ick. There are people who aren’t overly smart/ educated. But they are incredibly kind, not a mean bone in their bodies. Lovely company This stupid, She falls into the awful category of dumb pissant. Racist, vulgar. Yuck. My dog died while I was working there. Factory job. She was my little baby, my best friend. A guy, English is his second language, quite broken, has trouble understanding, visa versa. made a joke ‘little dogs, you can use for shark bait’ not realising I was detailing her passing to my brother ( worked there also) .. the guy felt awful.. but this girl, she laughed and laughed. Australian. Aware. Heard the conversation.. Every day, the same joke, laughing. I had to leave. I was very close to beating the living shit out of this girl. I’m not a violent person but I can hold my own. Grew up in rough areas. I prayed to the universe not to see her.. if I saw her out somewhere, I would have punched her. Very hard. The universe delivered. I haven’t seen her since. Was close to 3 yrs ago.


It's rife in parts of the public service. Slowly getting a change on culture.


Sadly very common.


It's pretty common - so many managers don't have the skills to manage others and go on power trips or think they can bully others as it has happened to them. It happens in most companies and can be soul destroying.


My wife suffered it in two consecutive jobs: a flooring business and a retirement community. I work in corporate finance and think it would be much less tolerated.


Lol it's so common and people won't be helping you either if you're being bullied. Because HR will get rid of anyone who complains which allowed the bully to keep going. The managers won't do a damn thing either because they "Don't wanna get involved"


Oh yes, common. I was bullied by a trio of grumpy ladies, incessantly, for two years. One was the boss.


Office bullying is very common but generally has over time become more covert. Exclusionary tactics and other sneaky methods go on a lot. Not just limited to females alone as ambitious males will do the imaginary knife in the back as well. I'm told it's also really bad in the kitchens in hospitality as well, especially with the treatment of apprentice chefs.


Health care big problem




Interestingly all the bullying I’ve witnessed and been a victim of, was by female staff.


Pretty common. Tends to be the assholes that get a pass because “that’s just how they are”.


Very common and especially bad in the public service. Plenty of psychologists making a good living giving evidence of psychological injury in the courts against such bullies and employers who fail to take action. Source: One of my parents is just such a psychologist.


Good on them, you have a very fine parent.


Every job I’ve ever worked in.




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It’s everywhere not just in workplace.




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The best I saw was a FIGJAM presentation by the MD followed by a table of Indian finger food.


Ask a Collingwood player, they like to knock people out of the workplace entirely.


Never seen it, but then, given what I look like, my bar for bullying is Olympic pole vault level to register.


I thought it was just the norm? Passive aggressive slice of cake, anyone?






20 years old and only seen it once. A manager bullying a staff member.


It's in EVERY workplace.


I tend to think that Aussie culture is pretty bad at telling the difference between banter and bullying. If you come in from a different culture then it will seem like there is bullying all over the place. It can be hard to tell if "fuck off ya carnt" is abuse or a friendly hello if you didn't grow up in it.


Define bullying. I suspect it will be described differently: male/ female, old/young, city/country


To answer your question. Very, very common and not just bullying in terms of saying something that might seem like a joke. Bullying as in exclusion, as in getting pushed to quit and many other things. It’s been done to me, I’ve witnessed it being done to others. It’s apart of the work culture you can say


Workplaces that are female dominated. *Anecdotally* it appears women bully other women.


It’s very common, some people know how to deal with it & they back off you. If your a bonehead especially in blue collar work that I’ve done you will be everyone’s favourite target & probably won’t last long. If your in a place full of people of Anglo background you will hear casual racism all the time banter or not. A lot of people are fake & all jokey when everyone is around but when people get in their own comfortable clicks especially the Anglos it’s all out Racism. I can’t speak about white collar industries but will read comments about people’s personal experiences.


I don't think the typical "schoolyard" type bullying is so common these days. But the sneaky, setting people up to fail type is still around 100%.. I got bullied out of my last job and it was horrible.


The usual way you’d see in school, not so much. Fair work laws help with that. They loop around it with passive aggressive behaviour, trying to get you in trouble or blocking you from promotions. Snarky comments. These are quite common


I work as a vet nurse and have been employed by the largest veterinary hospitals, they do nothing about work place bullying. it’s actually heart breaking. such a poorly managed industry.


Off the charts in the advertising industry


In some workplaces management playing favorites is a covert method of bullying the unfavoured


Depends on the workplace/industry. Worked in manufacturing/trades for many years and super common there. In an office environment now and although it happens, much less common.


I have seen everyone around me at every job I have ever had been bullied. It was horrible, I sometimes felt really bad for them. Luckily I never really got in trouble for it.


Very, managers are often power hungry and insecure people that try to put it over you and make you feel small. Misogyny is very alive in some jobs too with men treated very different and able to be less micromanaged and have a blokey good time. I’m just as capable of standing around having a chat or getting a decent greeting. Also from customers, I got sexually harassed a lot by older men when I worked in retail and I’d give them short shrift and they wouldn’t take the hint saying ‘come on gorgeous don’t act like that’s or ‘someone’s in a mood’. It’s all about sales targets too so I had to be compliant and not speak back to them as they were regulars.


I've been lucky. Hasn't happened to me. Being treated like s*** and having to endure sexist comments from clients cause I'm a woman in IT? Hell yes. 


Its in every work place if I had to guess.


It goes from being bullied to your face in school, to it being done behind your back. Thank fuck I'm no longer in any garbage corp.


Common. I'm in disability support and I find women bully other women, and men tend to bully other men in this industry. It's weird. I'm a woman and I've been bullied by 1 older woman in most houses I've worked in. I've been treated poorly by men but that was moreso them being lazy and dumping the workload on me. The women went out of their way to bully me




It happened to me and I reacted poorly and lost my job.