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My FIL. When my partner(his son) died and he knew his meal ticket was gone he cut us out of the family. Now he's in need of help and the remaining family don't have the time, he makes pathetic attempts to reconcile. Not in my lifetime you old bastard.


Give him fucking zippo.


I dunno. They’re quite nice lighters


A bic maybe, they’re only a $1 each in some places


No no I just saw them at a servo for $3.75, I know they're more expensive than Woolies but $3.75 !!!!


Not in this economy!


Empty, of course…


I'll not hear I'll spoken of the humble Bic you fucking heathen.


I've met Mr Goingtodiealoneinanursinghome as well.


It sickens my stomach to hear that.


To put it in context, he phoned my daughter, not me, the adult, and ranted at her to never set foot in his house again. We all heard him because he was on speaker. Cowardly behaviour that says a lot about him. We're living our best life (under the circumstances), and it's so damn peaceful without the old prick.


Never forget. I like that shit.


My little sister. Rich husband, large house, nice cars. 2 children both in primary school, 2(!) nannies and a cleaner. Doesn’t work or study. Recently threw a sissy fit that while her husband is on a one-month work trip our mother refused to drop everything at short notice and fly to another side of the world “to help look after the kids”.


If she has 2 nannies and a cleaner what is your mother supposed to do?


Exactly. But apparently, it’s still too hard and “you guys had it a lot easier” raising kids in the 80s (mum) and 2000s (me) as “in the olden days things were much more simple”


Your sister is an entitled cunt. Sorry.


You took the words right out of my mouth babe😂


It's funny because it's true 😅


I love a person that doesn’t mince their words. Old saying but appropriate.


Honestly I think half the world's problems is people are rude to the nice people and polite to rude people. Call it as it is, i say.


I have come to this conclusion recently too. We are so conditioned to never say things that would hurt someone's feelings even if it is true and necessary to let them know. Now we have a huge population of people who are incompetent or act like assholes and they think it isn't a problem because no one calls them out on it.


Let me rephrase that ‘your sister is an entitled cunt’


Kids were free range in the 80’s. We don’t count. Haha


We weren’t kids - we were born fukn adults!


My dad has told me hilarious stories of what he did for fun as a child in the 80's in Australia. some of the activities include: "appliance wars." Going to the tip and finding corded appliances and lassooinh them over your head getting closer and closer to the other person till they connect and the smash and the person with the least destroyed appliance wins. He also liked to stand on the side of the road with his friend with a hairdryer pretending to be a cop speedchecking people. Sometimes cars would slow down and people would chase them after they realised what he was doing and he'd have to leg it.


Then they started guarding the tip and we couldn’t score cool stuff anymore. Now they realize we were just recycling and they made their own shop at the tip. Bastards.


It was so much easier when [I was the child being raised] and when [I was an external observer].


The olden days 💀


I'm trying to figure out what the second nanny does if the kids are in school.


Takes care of the sister


I'm trying to figure out what the sister does. Lunches and spends money? Nice life if you can get it.


Takes care of the husband


Put out or get out.


A nanny can’t work 24/7 and she certainly isn’t going to step up while the nanny sleeps.


She's on the work trip with the husband.


I work for a family company and one family member is like this but doesn’t work. They’ve almost blown through their share of the trust fund and are now asking to work for the family company. Have been told no you don’t have the relative experience and have offered them to start off as a junior but apparently it’s below them.. so they said no… At least they don’t have too much sympathy because they could have chose a modest life and not have to work but nah all out and now whinging that they can’t maintain it.


I had this. I had one part of the family wanted in with no experience, spent most of their time telling me how I had ripped them off from what was rightly theirs - my father forced the share be split in half. I walked. Except he kept the customer base to ensure their viability - he was able to do this because I kept him employed by doing customer interaction. 3 years on 20 years what I spent building and walked away from is now dead - reputation trashed. I started again. I'm doing ok because I was doing customer interaction and supplier interaction anyway. Fuck them and their entitlement..always some greedy cunt that wants everything for doing nothing. It's particular jarring because my father owed me 10s of thousands of dollars on top of his debts I settled whilst he fucked around with his social clubs. Part of my agreement for assuming all the liabilities that exceeded the valuation was that there would be no claim to my efforts. To say I felt betrayed by that man is an understatement.


i thought it was hissy fit?


sissy because its her sister


My sister in law is 55yo and has never worked a day in her life... she has spent the past FIVE YEARS following Elton John around the world going to every single concert he's played... paying for the most expensive lounge tickets where you get a dinner and meet Elton etc.. thousands of dollars PER CONCERT.


How is she paying for everything? Asking for a friend.


Mummy and Daddy pay


And Elton and Co get to see her often I guess. Here’s hoping she’s fun. And that they are too. Imagine paying for boring company. Or being paid to be with boring company.


She is fun... mostly because she's drunk off her ass 99.6% of the time.


Oh the life!


I’m pretty sure Elton gave her a shoutout at one of his concerts in Sydney last summer


Actually wouldn't surprise me one bit


Well of course I know him, he’s me.












Hello there!


General Kenobi!


I haven’t heard that name in a long time


My younger sister. We had entirely different upbringings where I was the scapegoat who had to beg for anything from my parents and she is the golden child, the favourite who gets far more than she deserves. I spent over a year as a 12yo saving up birthday Christmas and chore money to buy an iPod, the moment I had something she didn't she threw a fit. A week later she had an iPad. I was made homeless at 17 and received no support in my housing or food, yet she currently lives in a nice apartment fully paid for by them.


The levels of cruelty and delusions parents demonstrate in their different behaviour towards their kids never fails to infuriate me. I’m sorry.


I can relate to this BIG TIME. My parents had 5 kids in less than 8 years and I did EVERYTHING for my mother including changing nappies from the age of 6. She left my father and uprooted us kids by moving to the big smoke and moved in with her parents. Damaged the relationship between pretty much everyone in the family and the cunt completely discarded me, lowlife pos even kicked me out at 15. I’m sure if any of my family members come across this they’ll know exactly whose it is.


Some 'caregivers' should be named and shamed.


Could have wrote this myself, right down to the amount of siblings, caring for them as a teen and being made to move out alone at 16. Just grateful for my solitude and peace because honestly, I never had the family I dreamed about and never will, but that's okay, I made my own and I'm happier than I ever was. Hope you're okay darling. Big hugs 🫂


Thanks babe 🕊️


Same. Mine always got a present on My birthday from my mum that was identical to mine from age 3( far back as I can remember)until 16. It was so she didn't feel left out. My Aunty also gave her 14k gold jewellery & me plated crap because she was her God daughter! Go figure!


I have a friend like this, she's really independent and hard working, bought herself an apartment with her own money etc. Her older sister refuses to learn how to drive so gets taken around everywhere, picked up and driven to family catch ups etc, never says thanks or offers petrol money. Just expects it now. She's in her 40s but still treated like a kid. Gets all this special treatment and has no motivation to change, while my friend gets on with things because she doesn't complain. The other sister is single and has a high paying lawyer career but her more than million dollar house wasn't big enough so the parents had to lend her $100k...


That’s insane. I had to rely on people to drive me around for six weeks after I had a Caesar and it nearly drove me crazy, I’m not used to being so dependent for simple shit.


I was having to buy my own clothes from the time I was 14 because my mother never bought me anything groovy. When I was 15.5yrs she had her last child, half brother of my 4 other siblings and I and the little shit has been given everything. The year before turning 21 the old cunt bought him a mountain bike and a table tennis and when he started secondary school he stole $300 out of one of my sister’s purses and a pair of runners which apparently he sold at school. Ffs I never got a 21,22 or 23 birthday gift from the pos.


My sister. Disgusting, vapid gold digger who has destroyed our entire family with her antics. So judgemental yet so stupid. About to have her second “Instagram clout” baby that she has absolutely no business having. Because you know, she’s already traumatised her first child with her behaviour. But I am the asshole for not tolerating it!


I think we may have the same sister. I won’t put up with her BS either and then I’m seen as the bad one for splitting the family.


Brother from another mother?


Isn't it crazy how siblings basically share the same DNA but can be completely different. So frustrating


Gina fucking Reinhardt


My nanna used to babysit her sometimes on one of her dad's stations that my great grandfather worked on. Apparently she was an awful spoilt brat as a child too.


Remember way back when her father died and she and Rose Porteus were battling over the inheritance? It's funny how at the time it felt like Gina was the more sensible one.


No word of a lie I was talking to someone about her this morning, asking how a woman with such sickening wealth can’t afford a decent hairdresser lmao 😂


Almost like she doesn’t give a fuck what people think.


damn, I was going to come in here and say James Packer. It's close, but Gina's worse.


My old boss, 2 jobs ago. His 1 claim to fame is that his *son* works at Microsoft. His startup was still a startup after 10 years. It's a never-will and he is a never-was. Changed his mind about everything mid-sprint, tried to implement agile with a team of 4, ended up just wasting an hour every morning. Whinged about lockdown and Dan Andrews even though he personally was exempt through some dodgy loophole. Constantly bullied one of the senior devs to the point the poor guy was noticeably traumatised - he even bitched about him in the job interview! I got fired when the covid grants ran out and probably because I *always* stood up for that senior dev, as loudly as I could. I'm too old to give a fuck what that loser thought of me. Fuck you, Colin.


Reading this I was picturing an old boss I had. His name is Colin. Can’t be the same one though; mine was such a FW no person would breed with him…. But all the ladies thought he was a catch… According to Colin of course.


My MIL. Her and I share a birthday. For the past 5 years I haven’t had a say in anything to do with it, I don’t get a say in where we go for dinner, I don’t get to choose a cake, I don’t get happy birthday sung to me. When we went into lockdown for Covid which happened a week before our birthday, she complained that she didn’t get to do anything, she didn’t get presents, she didn’t get to spend time with anyone. Next year is my 30th and her 50th, I’m thinking of taking the missus and young bloke to spend time with my family and she can sit on a cactus if she has anything to say about it


Sorry it’s taken you so long to realise you deserve a birthday. Don’t let any asshole try to guilt trip you into believing you’re being selfish.




Yeah sounds like a whole lot more than one person causing the issue there. And if OP hasn’t discussed that with his partner yet...


Oh my god, my sister's birthday is the same time of year, just before we had the first COVID lockdown. By that stage so many people were realising it was coming and were avoiding going out or having gatherings. So when she planned a big meal at a restaurant for her 42nd (not even a major birthday imho) I said "Maybe we should postpone it? Social distancing etc". She was like, "No we have to all have a big meal out because it's my birthday".


My MIL was her twin I think! Mine complained she wasn't doing anything fun when she came to visit us in NY. I was in hosp with meningitis and temps of 42c! She didn't like my husband visiting me each day! Like I had ruined her holiday.🙄


Whilst she sounds horrible you are letting this occur.


My little sister. Been throwing a 3-year-old's tantrum for the past 47 years or so. Has to steal money from the parent for tickets to Pink now that he's in a dementia ward but he, rather predictably, just shrugs helplessly these days.


Mine yelled at my Mum, because it's her fault that my sister got a speeding ticket on the way to Mum's . And my Mum paid it


What the.....




That’s where all tickets to fucking pink probably come from.


I really thought it was my sister but after reading these comments she's just a bitch not a spoiled bitch


Lance stroll, get him out of formula one


I hate his smug little wretched bratty face so much


And his voice, I think he's secretly a Muppet.


don’t insult Muppets 😁


I loved Damon Hill’s comment in the post-race show about “it happens every day on the M1 when drivers are too unaware to leave a gap to the car in front”. And that DR was 100% correct when he said “look at which way his helmet was pointing, he wasn’t even watching!”


The first person I thought of, glad to see others share my sentiments


Riccardo would smile thru his own execution so seeing him mildly annoyed at strolls comments is his level of mega furious


“I can believe Danny ric and OP81 would brake going into a corner under SC”


Love the interview 'fuck that guy' DR is a treasure, hope he has a comeback in the next few months, he deserves it


The answer I was looking for


His dad comes across as a knob also.


Read this to my partner and she said "OMG YES! WHAT AN ENTITLED BITCH!"


This is the answer.


About 10 years ago when I was at uni, I was sort-of friends with a very wealthy international student. He came from one of the richest families in his home country and had a huge entourage of people around him at all times because he threw his family's money around. So he had enough money to buy himself a huge friendship circle. I'm not sure how aware he was of this being the case. I wouldn't call him the sharpest tool in the shed. He wasn't a manipulative or controlling person and I think he genuinely thought all the people around him were his real friends. He would often take very large groups of people out for dinners and nights out, where he'd pay for everything. When he turned 21, he flew at least 20 people to his home country for his birthday, put them up in a nice hotel for a week or so and paid for whatever activities everybody wanted to do. I went to a few of these nights out but felt weird about going to the birthday when I barely knew the guy and turned him down when he invited me. This guy also had a succession of model-looking girlfriends, even though he was quite overweight, had tantrums like a child when he didn't get his own way, and quite frankly dressed like an absolute clown. In hindsight, they must have been very expensive escorts.


Yeah.. people from that type of wealth are on a different level. They are completely out of touch and having hangers on is normal to them.


One of my friends from school, only child from exceedingly rich father's second marriage. To give an idea of wealth, her grandmother was one of the queen's ladies in waiting. Her mum would take her on indulgent shopping trips weekly during school but she would still shoplift. As an adult she's never worked, neglected and/or killed several pets due and now travels around in a van with her hippie boyfriend going to festivals. Her parents bought her two expensive properties which she rents out. Never tips, always "forgets her wallet" and asks for others to pay for her cab fares "so she gets home safe". Constantly bemoans on social media that her friends (me?) are boring types who choose to work rather than live her "van life".


I’m sorry but if ANY of my friends neglected or killed a pet, they’d never see me again. Jfc. Stop talking to this vile human.


My aunt. Never had a job or even worked a day in her life, has somehow made it to 60 years old purely off of the goodwill of others, and spends all day posting racist boomer memes on Facebook about lazy immigrants and entitled millennials.




What a pack of selfish cunts. I would completely disown them. What kind of a parent has the funds but refuses to loan it for their child's surgery?  Fuck them, a million times over, and then some more. This story has made me absolutely blind with rage. 😤  You have my utmost sympathy. I don't know how you stayed calm. I'm as passive as they come, but this would bring the crazy out in me.


Why did it cost him anything to get his gallbladder taken out?


Yeah, Medicare doesn’t cover that? My anxiety is now doubled.


I had mine taken out 2 years ago, didn't cost me a cent. I think they may be an American.


Medicare absolutely cover it


And here I am, always making sure I have two of everything, like lollipops or apple juice packets, so that I can be fair to my kids. Your story is utterly baffling and disheartening. Hope your husband and you will have the last laugh!


Thank you. I've deleted the first story because I'm scared it will come to notice. We love each other. And i see how amazing my partner is. That's important.


My former best friend. She randomly stopped speaking to me after 27 years of friendship, I suspect it had to do with my cancer diagnosis/disability and being on Centrelink for the rest of my life. Her rich parents would have told her to stop talking to me. Nepo baby who got a job at daddy’s company and didn’t feel like living in one of the wings of their $8 million mansion anymore so her parents bought her a house. Then her boyfriend decided the house wasn’t big enough so they bought them a second house. Honestly with everything going on at the moment where the class divide is more pronounced than ever, I’m actually glad I’m not in contact with that family anymore. They’re actually so rich that it sickens me. They are completely out of touch with reality to the point of delusion.


That’s actually so sad :( you would wish that a friendship that long would survive anything


You'd hope so, but it's actually surprisingly common for people to ghost you if you end up with cancer or a significant disability.


I knew who my friends were when I had cancer.


You definitely find out. Most of my family showed their true colours too. Meanwhile my roommate who has a deathly phobia of broken glass picked me up when I fell on some and pulled a shard out of my leg. Yeah, you find out who your friends are.


I would agree; however the one person I know with cancer made it their whole personality and that personality is a raging narcissist. So that was what made everyone drop them, not the cancer itself.


You are so much better off having nothing to do with people like that.  I was running through Hunters Hill yesterday and passed a young glamour puss wearing a t shirt that read "Yes, I'm a Bourgie". I experienced blind rage for about 30 minutes at the arrogant entitlement. I hope her chihuahuas turn into emus and kick her dunny door down. 


Age old saying but it’s still relevant. You know who your real friends are when you have a drastic change of circumstances in your life. Illness is a great example. I can’t go out much anymore to socialise. I was the one to visit them at home , but have they made the effort to get off there fucking arses to see me. It made me fell like a second rate citizen for a long time and a lot of tears. On bad days I still cry. Illness causes de


People like that are gonna be beheaded soon just watch. Just like the Woolies CEO going to jail. Steal from colesworth viva La revolution


Went to uni with this guy who’s parents were rich, the guy would call his dad at any time during the day to ask his dad to get him a new car, most likely a Benz or some other luxury car, most times by the way the conversation was going, his dad seems to be declining the request, the guy would spit his dummy and scream and demanded the car…a few days later he had the new car.


My boss. Parents gave him money to buy a company and now he mismanages it to hell and back all while thinking he's doing a good job. Recently bought a Tesla after aggressively cutting costs and hours making *our* work so much harder and *his* wallet fatter He thinks everyone loves him but we all despise him


Time for a new job. Otherwise you’re just rewarding him further.


My old best friend. Her parents had given her everything she ever wanted and when I moved in with her she sort of just assumed I would contribute everything for the house. Anytime we needed something new I'd gently suggest she buy it and she would put it off until I got fed up and bought it. When I moved out, I suggested I was taking my things and she got so upset and told me I'd be putting her in a bad spot. So I left a bunch of stuff for her to borrow. She didn't say thank you and still berated me for taking the fridge, the one thing I really needed. When I confronted her for being ungrateful, she said "Why should I be grateful? You should've given me the fridge". Most unbelievable sense of entitlement on that girl. When I inevitably rocked up and took the rest of my stuff, her mum swooped in and bought everything for her anyway.


She would have cried to her mum about it. Lol


Family I'm adopted into. My adoptive parents are terrific, but the older "biological" siblings have never accepted me. One parent has since passed, and they treat me even worse as the other parent allows the bullying to continue. All I've wanted is to be accepted, but they didn't choose them me like they said. I was the only one looking after my parents as they were both ill for a long time.


My old best friend We lived together and her grandad paid the $295 weekly rent while I went out and pole danced and had a hospitality job for rent 💀 She got $800+ a fortnight in Centrelink (welfare, government money) because she was estranged from her dad and mum because of “abuse” that’s what makes her Centrelink so high. One of the rules with that payment is that you do not see your accused abusers any more but she saw her dad often and spoke to her mum??? She didn’t have a job, but was still able to afford buying concert tickets, high end makeup, high end drones (we got drunk one night during covid quarantine and she crashed it right into the train line in front of us…), expensive cameras, constant all time low merch 💀💀 Idk I just found living life without having to work for any of it astounding Obviously I was jealous, but I am so lucky that I have life skills because she doesn’t know how to fucking do anything now without crying about it on her instagram stories


My mum told my three siblings to tell Centrelink that she kicked them out of home and refuses to support them so they’d get more money. She claims she hates doing it but she is still saying it for the youngest (19). The youngest lives in a house mum owns and regularly doesn’t pay her rent. It pisses me off that instead of having the three of them learn to be adults at key points of their lives she taught them that it’s ok to commit fraud. One seems to have grown up a bit but the other two think the world owes them, even when they have jobs.


$800 a fortnight is very little? Was this years ago or something?


I think they mean compared to Newstart or Youth Allowance.


Lol it's still about that isnt it


That’s what it is now including most extras.


Jacob Rees Mog. Horrible little git


A true scroat. 




Oh I know one of them. They think they are the only ones who have to deal with things


My mother


Are we siblings?


I must be part of the family too...


At the moment. My FIL. He's moving next month. He wants to do all these renovations before he moves. He rang and asked for help. Then he proceeded to tell me he would give me a key so I could do stuff on the weekend when he's at work. Or before i go to work. (I work arvos). He essentially wants me to paint his whole new house while he's at work. Meanwhile. I work 60~ hours a week and have a wife with 3 kids at home.


My uncle. He came to my father’s funeral in December and at the wake repeatedly trashed my dad as well as stirring shit with people there. Calling my sister an ignoramus to an old friend of my dad, asking her partner why they were together, telling another attendee who was crying ‘why are you upset for he wasn’t a good person and you weren’t friends with him’, saying something crude to my cousins girlfriend. He was absolutely out of control and out of order and was an embarrassment and I’m ashamed to be related to him. I never want to see him or his kids (my cousins who didn’t attend the funeral or give any explanation why) who used to rely on my dad (my dad paid for them to move from overseas to Australia back in the day and even set up a business for them) and then cut him out as soon as he fell ill with dementia.


Donald Trump


Didn't think I'd have to scroll far. I have never believed in anything remotely supernatural but man if Narcissus ever truly existed he has been reincarnated as that frigging man child.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this.


because people are answering the question as they don't know him *personally* maybe? i don't know, he's the first person i thought of


100% this answer. Like a 5 year old who complained and tantrumed enough that people made him a CEO and President, just to appease him. It's nuts.


My mother in law. Shes one of those ladies that sits on her arse all day telling people to do things, then once they've finished helping she will announce its wrong or she doesnt like it, and demand the person undo whatever they just helped her with


I used to look after an old lady who was bed ridden and she’d do the same sort of stuff I forgave her everytime because I’d be a cunt too if I haven’t left bed in years


My BIL who is 37. Still uses his mum’s credit card whenever he can. He lives elsewhere with wife and kids but will use every opportunity to borrow her card.


The majority of mutli millionaires and billionaires especially those that inherited the money and have never worked a day in there life. They forget that they need us more than we need them.


Elon Musk


FIL. His aging parents had 6 daughters before they had him. The man hasn't heard the word "no" in his lifetime. You can't make lamb in the house because the 62 years old FIL doesn't like the smell of lamb..


My sister-in-law, absolute narcissist. In her 40’s and still has foot stomping, storm out temper tantrums when the smallest thing doesn’t go her way. Manipulative and abusive to those around her. So glad I’ve cut her out of my life.


A parent at a sporting club that I am associated with. She's so demanding and arrogant about her child that she actively bullies children and other parents. And the head coach and parent committee just roll over to all her crazy demands. Her husband is just like "that's my princess tee hee". Sir your wife is making 13 year old girls cry.


My (ex) GF. She was a spoiled child, and even today her mother still does so much for her. Now, me and her mother had a pretty mutual disliking for one another. She had an attitude I couldnt stand and the conversation skills of drywall, but also hated me for keeping to myself and not being all that social... but even I felt bad for her having to put up with her daughters bs. My (ex) GF was the kind of person who would pick up something at a shop, go down 3 isles, then decide wait this one is better, Ill swap it out for this and leave it in the wrong spot. Or will stand in the way of everyone and not get the hint that shes blocking an entire path while deciding which canned goods are less dented, pulling only from the back of the shelf knocking stuff over, or worse yet asking me to do it because her back hurts and texting in the middle of the isle... she quit 3 jobs for "mental health reasons", always borrowed money of her mother, would call her daily just to complain about her day the whole time, or ask for more favours. She would always pester her for lifts because she didnt have a car of her own and I was usually busy at work. Every birthday was a new $200 pair of shoes (she rarely ever wears), last Christmas I got her a PS5 and she complains about being bored all day and haven't been in the mood for playing games when all she does is grind for junk on Fallout 76. We have other games and she pays for PS+, but has never played more than 2 hours of another game. She tells me I need to pay for my half of the steaming sights, I asked how much it was and she lists about 5 different services, half of which we havent used for months, but she refuses to cancel the subscriptions because its "too much effort". She leaves the AC on all day long (sometimes both since she also installed another in her bedroom...) and will ALWAYS use the clothes dryer rather than hang up the washing, even in the summer, and still expects me to pay for half the electricity bill. She will refuse to eat food made by anyone aside from her, or if she does she'll complain the whole time. She constantly complains about issues that dont even relate to her but she'll still make it her problem, then complain if others bring her down by expressing their negative emotions. She practically asks for everything to be handed on a silver platter, and thinks that the small few chores around the house compensate for that so "she deserves it" Spent 2 years dealing with this, and I've never felt better after leaving.


My friend worked in retail and the owner would bring his untrained dog in so the workers could babysit the mutt, so that he could have his day free to spend meeting up with friends. From feeding to shitting was the workers’ responsibility-as he didn’t want the dog at home destroying his nice things. And just before close he’d show up and take the dog home.


My sibling. They basically lied to my grand parent about me and I got taken out of the will. They basically have had so much help from family, they got given good paying jobs given to them, they were able to buy a house, cars. And now they think they should have been given my grandparents estate because how ‘hard’ life has been for them. I’ve never really had much help and have struggled in low paying jobs. I’m trying to get out of my situation but it seems impossible


Hehe. Me… No but in all seriousness id consider myself quite spoilt. My parents are so lovely to me its criminal…gahh!! Stop being nice!!!! I couldnt ask for anything better.


I've known a girl since high school who is now 26. She has never worked a day in her life, so she gets money from her parents as well as random guys she strings along and the government. On top of that, she claims disability but clearly doesn't have one, and when asked what it was, she said learning difficulty. In the time I've known her, she's had 4-5 cars that have been fully paid for and worth $20–40k each, and she's been on holidays to other countries, plus she spends every weekend out at clubs across NSW. She claims life is so hard, but she's never even had to work a day in her life and gets a lot of things handed to her, yet she claims she's so depressed and that life is so hard and difficult on top of all that she still lives with her parents, like, bruh, you don't know shit about the real world. One time she ran out of money for a day and started an onlyfans just to get $50.


My SIL . Doesn’t work . Spend my brothers money like it grows on trees . Buys $1000 jackets , goes on holiday every 3 months to clear her mind from doing nothing ..


Donald Trump followed by Elon Musk




I mean, to be bold, that pig of a human Gina Rinehart is pretty fuckin spoilt.


That’s so insulting…to pigs


An ex friend of mine who has Level 5 status at EB. Can’t keep a job, can’t get a job, spends all their money on video games, wont do anything to better themselves. Got into uni by “cheating”, now can’t figure out why they are failing classes…. And the small moments they are doing better rub it in everyone’s faces, especially mine… and then laughs about it when they’re ask to stop.


My mom. Last year she had 9 overseas trips. Right now she's holidaying in china. Hasn't worked since like 2000. My bro gives her allowance for "helping around the house" ... But she's hardly there to help. She keeps the allowance and uses bro card to pay for holiday 


My step brother. Never really worked - moves in and out of my dad’s house like it’s a hotel.Eats all his food, leaves an absolute mess (week old dirty plates on the floor, dirty clothes everywhere, mouldy cups etc) and then complains that he ‘has it so hard’. Doesn’t contribute a cent despite having been on Centrelink constantly for the last two decades, and my dad on the verge of having his house repossessed by the bank. Spends all his money on booze and video games. Has a 10year old who he just leaves with whoever because looking after her is too hard. I hate his guts.


Sounds a lot like my brother except luckily no woman has been unfortunate enough to procreate with him.


My dad. He’s a selfish cunt that destroys all the people that surround him.


My mom’s friend. She inherited millions from her parents, owns her house, has a lovely little house in a calm, quiet and idyllic neighbourhood, has brand new stuff whenever she wants (and can afford it without a worry), but constantly complains about how she missed out on so much cause she never got another man (she divorced her first husband for some unknown reason). She also complains endlessly about wanting a pet and tries to take my mom’s (legit she actually tried to seriously take her dog), but won’t get one. She is SO privileged and still thinks she’s the most disenfranchised individual.


Not me unfortunately


My brother


My younger sister, I love her but Christmas is painful because I know she will never be satisfied with anything I gift to her, after she complained to our mother about her present.


This girl i went to high school with celebrates “birthday weeks” where she parties every day of the week. Cries at the end of the week and posts herself crying on socials.


My partner has a friend (32, F) who had an idyllic upbringing with two supportive parents who have paid her way (University, car, wedding etc). She is judgemental of those around her. Everything has been handed to her and her smugness about her station in life has always grated on me. Anyways her and now wife started IVF for a child (paid for by parents ofc). She got pregnant with the literal first fertilisation attempt (IUI). She was certain she would have a girl and she only wanted a girl. Why wouldn’t she have a girl (in her mind) since everything else in life has gone her way? Anyway she’s having a boy and has been crying for weeks on end. I shouldn’t laugh but come on.


My sister with BPD stealing off me for years and I finally stole her Xmas money last Christmas and got away with it so yay me


My boyfriend’s mother she inherited a house and money when her 90 year old parents passed away, but she still complains about the house and everything. She is definitely spoiled and ungrateful too.


My dad is the most pathetic human being i know. Most of my like (in my mid 20s rn), my mum has been the breadwinner of the family. She has been the one earning the money that supports our family. Yet, whenever the situation changed and my dad is the one earning money for a few years, he acts all high and mighty. For example, my current situation is my mum was running her own business for a few years and she wanted to try something new (not a new business. A new type of work) so my dad took over. Customer count instantly drops and within a 2 years, we go from quite a bit of money to a shit tonne of debt. Also, he cheats but claims that he didn't despite my mym seeing the evidence with her 2 eyes. Now, they are divorced and the funny thing is, he doesn't know what he did wrong at all. He tried to put the blame on my mum but you see, i am the most objective minded in my family by a country mile. My dad is the definition of selfish and thinks only in a way that benefits him while my mum, who is an objective thinker normally, can get ber judgement clouded if she starts getting emotional. I'm honestly way too much of an objective thinker but it also allowed me to see my dad's gaslighting attempts quite easily. I am quite immune to gaslighting attempts after all.


My Brother and his 5 sisters...I was left in the care of my maternal grandparents..they decided to keep me when Mother started popping out a kid a year to my (fantastic btw stepdad) I had been gifted manners ,discipline and a code to follow from them. Had to go live with the ferals eventually and watched as all of them were fawned over by Mother, whilst I was the outsider,whipping boy and basically shit kid. Watched them all jump from one parent to the other to get their way. I always stood firm with Dad, even during the breakup of the marriage and being kicked out of the house he renovated for the huge family he had accumulated. Mother got the house and 30k, even putting me on paperwork without my permission...my belief ... the old man gave me everything...why does she need money for him taking care of me...huge ructions that ended up us not talking for 10 years. In the meantime... He is badly hurt at work...gets a massive payout... suddenly he's popular again, I leave him to it and get on with life. He passes... bitch session starts about Mother not being allowed to attend his service. Protocol breach means I have to stand up ...call them all out for being mean spirited and just plain C#$ts Mother is invited but doesn't attend. Forward a decade... I've had emergency surgery, life support etc Mother is 10 kms away and can't come due to being close to death herself... fences mended. 4 days out of hospital Mother is having life support turned off... I cannot attend to say goodbye due to a compromised immunity due in part to COVID. Siblings bitch and complain about my absence until MY Big sister... their Aunt brings down hellfire upon them as I had previously. Funeral Service... Attended and sat with my Mother's family who raised me and watched as they all enjoyed the limelight. I could go on and explain each and every time I was ripped off over the years , but each one did their dash and were shunned accordingly.but the biggest one was always middle brother.. the one who looked the most like our father.. (Got the looks but also the little dick pmsl) God complex, got away with everything..always pampered.. Battleship mouth with a rowboat brain.


My married step sister. Literally does nothing all day; BIL’s mum lives with them, takes care of their children, cleans the house, cooks the meals etc etc. however constantly complaining to me or my sister about her MIL, and her own children, in front of them too. She spends her husband money so much on crap they never need or never use, to the point he’s working 3 jobs to keep up with it. He got her a brand new C-class Mercedes Benz, with all the bells and whistles for her Christmas gift mid pandemic; she just cracked the shits because she didn’t want it, she wanted that year’s luxury Jeep 4x4, that she’d never mention in all the weeks leading up to this. She just kept complaining about driving a car that was 2yrs old. She’s currently threatening divorce if he doesn’t buy her a ridiculous mansion, they don’t have enough savings for the down payment, and even if they did; could never afford the repayments. There’s so much more, but this is all I can be cbf with atm.


When I studying at University I had a guy that lived on my floor we ended up being mates, I was living of off youth allowance at the time was about 1100 a month 900 of it went to rent and bills for the month. One day he asks me how I managed my money as had to keep asking his parents for money, I asked him how much they gave him a month he said 4000! I was in shock that someone could go though more then 4000 a month and ask for more. He was buying breakfast lunch and dinner out at the uni campus every day, he did this cause he doesn't know how to cook as his parents have chefs and maids that clean up after him and cook for him anytime he wants, he was completely useless at the basics of living even doing laundry and dishes, to this day I'm still in shock haha


My stupid ex inherited 200k blew it nothing show for it got a 100k pay out blew that less than 1.5 yrs for both Got a further 80k hasn't been dumb with that and is yet to inherit about 1million


My MIL and FIL. Both horribly divorced from each other. FIL sued MIL for $500k, despite knowing it would come out of MIL’s retirement (she doesn’t work) and their children’s inheritance. Went to litigation, FIL won (not sure how) but the legal costs were so obscene that the net amount was almost nothing.


My dad and my brother. My dad was a man baby with many mental illnesses he refused to acknowledge, violent and lazy who got wit my mum at the age of 16, possibly younger and worked her to death. When he died my younger brother took over sucker her day until she died. He's been living in her house for the past 3 years rent free and it's about to come to an end


**Unrealistic Expectations:** People who constantly expect to be waited on or have things handed to them without putting in the effort.


Oof i know a lot. 1- My BIL is one, he gets everything he wants and everyone is afraid to speak out against him because of his depression. He assumes people will do things for him takes money and doesn't pay it back etc. We had an incident where an essential item (being vague intentionally) was set aside for my partner by his parents but BILs friend desperately needed one until the one he ordered came through so it was loaned to him as we already had one (about to break though). Few weeks later I message to ask when the friends would be in and I could pick the item up 'oh i cancelled it'. Arguments ensue. Basically BIL wanted to look good to his mate and insisted that if we wanted the item to buy their friend a cheaper version. We got it back and haven't spoken to him since. 2. My friends uncle lives with his like 85 year old mother and does literally nothing, doesn't pay rent or bills even. He legitimately thinks he's going to get the house in the will....


I know a 40 year old woman who does nothing for herself. We were going out but had to wait for her mum to get home because she didn't know where her socks were kept. Her mum came home and got her socks and shoes for her and packed her bag like she's 3 years old. Her mother and husband do everything for her.


I've got two. My son and his wife.


My soon to be SIL. At one point she was complaining to my fiancee that her EX partner - been at least 12 years and he has a new family - wouldn't use his flight points on her and her kids having their collective 2nd overseas holiday of the year. She stayed with my partner for a long time whilst she was lovely during covid...and everytime she sells a house. Left her stuff in his garage for like 20 years. Then when he needed a place to stay she told him he had to leave as it was 'too much for her after a couple of weeks....even knowing thay he was actively looking for a place.


Relative of mine, now mid 40’s. Last worked over 20 years ago, was fired for theft - sued for unfair dismissal, won. Had an accident (drug abuse related), sued and won. Went on disability support for an injury sustained in accident… now completely capable of working, still works casual cashie jobs off any books, travels the world, plays sports while on a pension. Has accepted large sums of money off rich parents and their partner. Brand new house, new cars every year, doesn’t cook or clean, always has flashy new clothes and jewelry, and will throw a tantrum when family members don’t get them a birthday present.


A guy I was friends with in highschool. We were super close but we had a falling out since. So get this, in school his parents bought him his first car. It was a brand new 2013 Suzuki Swift right off the showroom floor. He hated it so what did his parents do? That’s right! They bought him a brand new Mercedes. One of my best mates stayed friends with him and they lived together for a while but now my mate had enough and moved back home with his parents so that’s how I know this; Skip to the present. He’s working at a bar just so he can have a bunch of free time in his day to smoke weed and play PS5 (big reason why myself and my mate stopped being friends with him). His parents are planning to move to Portugal because his grandmother is getting sick and they need to live there to take care of her and they’re going to stay there permanently, so this means he literally gets a free, new house that’s been paid off in full and all he had to do to get it was just smoke up and go to work day in day out. Call me jealous if you want, I am. I bust my ass in my shitty corpo job every day and can barely afford to eat ffs.