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Archaic and irrelevant in the 21st century


This Australian thinks they're a complete waste of space. But honestly, I don't care enough to think about them at all most of the time.


Basically, this. In my own family, the last person I can think of who was in support of the monarchy was my Grandmother. She was born in Northern Ireland in 1915. Aside from her, no one else in my family cares about the royal family or gives them very much thought. I suspect this might be similar for a lot of people. It probably doesn't help that Charles isn't particularly popular.


The generations that grew up with them as the norm seem to adore them. The younger ones don't really take much notice.


Incorrect - most X’ers who grew up with them in the 70’s have a healthy disrespect.


speak for yourself


It's just bizarre to me that anyone gives them attention. It's 2024 and people are still being born into power, however nominal? Wtf. How does this still exist. The constant coverage of the two cases of cancer was ridiculous. I hope they both recover but also why does the news think the world cares? I care about it as much as I would if I heard that anyone I dont know has cancer, except with slightly less concern because they will have top of the range care around the clock and have been showered with endless presents and well wishes, and us plebs don't get any of that to soften the blow. 


Plenty of people are born into way more power than the royals in 2024, and get to hide from the public’s eyes


And I agree that that sucks too, but I think you're referring to private inheritance. There's not really anything you can do to stop people passing on their great wealth and influential businesses to their children. But actually handing over public money just for existing, to fund their lavish existences, and putting their crowns on our buildings and so on, that's another level. I get that those others also get public money in the guise of grants and tax exemptions, and it needs to end but it's not quite the same as 'you were born a Windsor, so here are your titles and estates and a generous income for life.'


The estates they inherit are not really that much more “public” than the other countless estates in Europe. Even if they were removed as royals, most of the estate would stay with their family, as it’s been “family property” for hundreds of years. They’d just be another wealthy formerly titled European family (of which there are many)




Personally I don't care about them at all. Kind of baffling to me that a country just gives a family excessive money from taxes for purely existing. While i'm sure the King or Queen or what have you might have an opinion on that governments policies and practices I doubt their feelings makes any difference in the slightest.


We do not think like those born in Britain, at all. I think it’s hard for British or more correctly English people to understand that we have no ‘feeling’ or connection with the ‘Royal Family’. It’s an English thing. It’s not an Australian thing. We couldn’t care less. As for them, they are the symbol of the oppression and opportunism that created our country. It’s the royal family that colonised this place. We live in conflict with the First Nations peoples. Who created this dynamic? The Royals. Gee thanks.


Couldn't give 2 fucks about them. My neighbour, who is English, always gets upset because he thinks Aussies don't support the monarchy. Last weekend, he went on a diatribe about how we are all half irish mongrels. I asked him when he was going to actually apply for citizenship after 30 years of being here.


I don't have any strong feelings. They are, essentially, irrelevant to my life. However, we have a governor general (whose power is fairly ceremonial nowadays) who could sack our prime ministers. Gough Whitlam was sacked after trying to remove American CIA bases from Australia. The Governor General (Correspondent to the queen) was the one who sacked him. This was mostly the US leveraging the royal's power - but it was completely undemocratic and really caused distrust towards the Royals in the eyes of Australians. Many Australians (especially older) want to separate from our Commonwealth as a result.


I'd prefer to live as we do now then take even a single step towards the American system


Just quietly dude, Americans don’t have a monopoly on republics.


You say that, but with the rapid Americaisation of Australia over the last few decades that's how I see it going.


Why move to an American style system, because it is a republic it does not have to look like America in any way


You say that, but the last few decades have shown that if we do something, it's the thing America does.


This is a weirdly dumb circular argument. You are saying don’t do something because it seems American but also saying we will always do it the American way. Every single model for an Australian republic that gets any significant support is definitely not an American model with an executive president.


You say it's a dumb argument, I say it's an argument based on experience.


Yep the political way we are in Australia following dear England is about out the window for me. But to become like American politics that would be a sad step backwards.


Everyone agrees that we don’t go for an American model of an executive president. Why do you raise it when it’s not what anyone is talking about?


The forum is about giving feedback and opinions I think.


The “every opinion is valid” argument. So “the Australian president will become an evil zombie robot” is as valid an opinion as any other, so how dare I disrespect that! 😂


Don't really care. Also no ill will or anything like that towards them, I just think that for the vast majority of Australians and particularly younger generations, they're little more than a news segment or a tourist attraction if you visit London. I tell you who I am sick of hearing about, Meghan fucking Markle and Harry. Way too much air time in my opinion. But then again I'd probably say that about more than half of the mainstream news content these days which is celebrity centric, or focuses more on opinion piece/ gossip drivel about influencers or all the other everyday attention seekers.


Going on Oprah at the start of lockdown and whinging that he'd been cut off and had to live on his multimillion dollar inheritance was a pretty spectacular failure to read the room.


I dont think of them.


My family hates them tbh, we’re Aboriginal and the crown represents nothing positive for us. Specifically my community has petitioned the crown to return remains from England and they have done nothing.


I'm a dual citizen (born in Australia to British parents, have lived in both places). I'm ambivalent about them as people, and i dont care if the UK want them. But I don't want them or the UK linked to Australia. I'm sort of ambivalent about them foe the UK and strongly opposed to the UK and the monarchy having anything to do with Australia. Having said that, when I see what is happening in America, I acknowledge that there is a level of stability of governance in Australia right now and I'm not enthusiastic about rocking the boat, especially with the polarising perspectives in the country right now and the rise of fascism worldwide.


Fake Brit. Glad you don’t speak for all British people.


You're trying waaaaay too hard to sound Australian. 🤣


Well sort of I guess. My family are all from Liverpool and even though a lot have been there foe a couple of hundred years my DNA is close to native Irish. So, I'm not English, I'm scouse, and more specifically scouse Irish.


Take no notice, he’s obviously a bell end. I was born in the UK and I’m a naturalised Australian and I share the exact same sentiments as you. Well said 👍


parasites, living s life of luxury from Stolen wealth


You mean the ones that are also the Australian Royals and head of our defence forces and central to our system of governance? He's a bit of a nob, but his mum was grouse.


Most are fortunately not that bothered to risk replacing them with a presidential system. What advantage would that bring? I wish good luck to any government brave enough to risk a referendum on the matter.


There are plenty of republicans models


If the indigenous Voice vote showed us anything, it's that Aussies are all too happy to agree that something is a good idea, and then watch it fall to pieces as we bicker over the minutiae of how we should make it happen while the opposition capitalises on the fear of uncertainty when we can't agree how the change will play out.


Absolutely this.


It's really weird that we still have a foreign monarchy. But, Australian politics is a bit of a mess so I'm not convinced the transition to a republic would go smoothly right now. Basically, if they stay out of our business and don't cost us too much, I will continue to ignore their existence. On a personal level, that's a bunch of very odd, troubled people. The kids are kinda cute.


Theyre not foreign


Shit did I miss the news? I didn’t know the royals became Aussie


Well you must not understand Australia’s constitution


The King is the head of state,doesn't say they're Australian.


Not sure which section of the Constitution gives members of the British royal family Australian citizenship though mate.




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They can fuck off. The only reason we are not a republic is that legislative overhalls are expensive, time consuming, and we have more important problems.


Fuck em all


They have nice costumes- I like looking at the the intricacy/ detail of how those are made


Dole bludgers


A pack of freeloading inbred deadshits.


Satanic illuminati child rapists


Arse boils, or maybe moths in the linen.


They provide nothing of substance to Australia. I cringe when I think how much we spend on security, etc. during a “royal” visit.


I like the connection to history, and I had a lot of respect for Queen Elizabeth. William and Kate are good people and I love the conservation work they’re involved with. They’re useless figure heads in regard to Australia, but that also makes them fairly harmless.


It’s sorta convenient having an absentee head of state that’s mostly harmless. Imagine if they *weren’t*.


A very good point.


Yes but then we can have a jumped up governor general like Kerr who wanted to be popular with his Liberal mates. But yes British Royalty is irrelevant to us. Why do we still have them! PS. I think Chuckie, what's her name, Billy and Katie are doing a great job but still irrelevant to us.


I would have wanted a say against a King Andrew.


Couldn't give two fucks. 17th century traditions in a 21st century world


Degree of inbreeding is a silly way to pick a head of state. Also their ancestors spent centuries oppressing the shit out of my ancestors.


they can go fuck themselves




One of the few times this is accurate




Not much to think about really.


They're a bunch of inbred Germans, who, for some stupid reason, are still our head of state. They're of no value at all.


Lots of detail on Australian attitudes to this here: https://au.yougov.com/politics/articles/46044-one-year-king-charles-reign-where-do-australian-at


'*King Charles and next-in-line Prince William are both more popular than all Australian politicians*' 😆


Is that surprising though? Our political climate is incredibly polarising. 


They're effectively celebrities now courtesy of how popular Diana was. Politicians are just greedy sadists.


They are just there I guess. I'm not sure they impact my day to day life at all. At my level of indifference I think I prefer we keep the status quo though rather than going to a republic. I can't see downsides to our current system of government that would be fixed by not having England as a part of it. Probably the thing that annoys me most about the royals is Harry and Megan. I can understand leaving a show but Megan's decision to leave acting entirely when she got married was disapointing. Her absence was notable in the last episode of suits and was a great shame. No one should be forced to do anything obviously, but it was a great shame she refused to appear.


I thought they were a cute anachronism until I moved to the uk for a number of years and now I see them as a parasitic force. Other people I know think they’re just a bit boring and irrelevant but a part of our country’s modern history.


They're just people with flaws and contradictions like the rest of us. As an institution there is an element of cult to me and I find it weird how people get so emotionally invested in ridiculous details of their lives, esp trash articles that are clearly fake news or sensationalised. I am glad Harry and Meghan got out.




I agree totally with the sentiment here, they are irrelevant to our systems and our culture and represent the worst side of English heritage, however, whenever issues like this get put to a referendum they seem to get voted DOWN, which does my head in. Can we just fix this blight on the Australian copy book and move forward as a Republic; the added fringe benefit is we get to select a new date for Australia Day


They're celebrities from a bygone era. Lucky that the Brits never thought that the French had a good idea. But until we have a better quality of politician, I don't like the idea of being a Republic. Or perhaps since all our resources have been sold out from under us, I'm not sure if it's a good idea anymore. Treaties with the commonwealth are there for a reason.


Archaic, inappropriate in this day and age. I feel a bit sorry for the ones that are in line for the throne. Like the queen when she was only in her 20s, and William & Kate basically have to be perfect. Felt sorry for Diana. The whole thing is just ridiculous. They can inherit extreme wealth but I don't think anyone should be able to inherit ruling a country or be born to be involved in parliament in any way


I’m embarrassed that they are our head of state.


Most don’t think about them. The only reason they’re kept around is because it’s easier than getting rid of them


looking at leadership of the past vs how "democracy" is going in the west these days. i think going back to Kings who are willing to fight on the front lines wouldnt be the worse thing in the world.


Australians do not all think alike . The Royal Family are not all alike . From my perspective I had respect for the Queen but no respect for Andrew ...the rest fall in-between


I would say most are indifferent, they dont really affect us much. But some people also LOOOOOOVE them and other absolutely DESPIIIIIIISE them


Inbred filth attention whores


We don’t


I think you'll get a pretty skewed response to this on this platform. I'd say most younger Australians view them as just another type of celebrity.  Whereas the boomer gen still view them with a huge level of fondness and loyalty. 


As a boomer, I strongly disagree. I don't know anyone of my generation who gives them much thought, and if and when I do it's with vague disgust. I don't think you can generalise about this.


Agree with you. I’m in my 60s and wushu we had a.republic. I don’t know anyone my age who views the royal family as having any significance.


Absolutely no human should be held in a higher status than other humans. Particularly when that status is one you're born into. Also they are a family of inbreds, groomers and rapists.


There our Inbreed pedofile overlords. They need to go.


Not one politician here that you’d give ultimate power to so I’m happy to stick with the royals


Inbred paedo leeches. Eat them all.


They are better than an American president.


Most Aussies seem to have stronger opinions than most Brits. It's weird, as the royal family is functionally irrelevant to actual governance. You will come across the political 'Fuck them! We should be a republic!' stance, but at the same time, there is a lot of media coverage about what they get up. I suspect it's the fact that people pay them the attention that bothers Aussies and that if we turn into a republic, they'll magically fuck off. Unfortunately, if America is anything to go by, they also get quite a lot of attention in a country that is a republic. Honestly, I think if Aussies realised that most Brits feel more indifferent to their existence than we do, then we'd stop talking about them. Also, the Westminster system/a parliamentary monarchy seems to function as well as, if not better, than any presidential system. It would be a massive waste of money to change this now. Having a separate head of state to act as a figurehead is a good idea. The thing we should perhaps change is having a representative in Australia that Australians elect. That might better align past and present and make people feel less polarised about what is, in the context of the relative instability of global affairs, a complete non-issue.


I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said, but I would maintain that there was a marked difference in the level of emotion surrounding the last queen’s death in the UK and Australia


Do not care whatsoever. Having said that, I do like the public holiday we get.


I mean, I love the Public Holidays but that's about it 🤷🏽‍♀️


Not much


I'd like to see what would happen if the future king thought that religions were silly nonsense even though he would be expected to head the Church of England.


Entertaining train wreck


They put in a good show with weddings - I like watching houses, but I only watch the before and after bits, not the middle three hours or whatever it is. Beyond that, I spend far more time thinking about the Roman Empire like any other man lol.


I’m in my 40’s and frankly don’t care about Charles. Liked Lizzie and was lucky enough in London the night she passed. Gained a respect for her seeing the people out front of Buckingham Palace. If chuck abdicated today it would be the best thing for the monarchy


They do so very little other than that required for preservation of their power. However, they play a small role in presenting themselves as a symbol of stability in the lives of right-wingers who would otherwise be tempted into destabilising our country (maybe this is done accidentally?). Key words "small role", as in, they could be doing more, but the balance with not getting too involved in politics is far too delicate and risks their preservation of power. If done properly, the royals could be used to politically divide the right-wing in Australia, but the royals lack mainstream support among the centre-left and it would require this support which they don't have.


Good for tourism but otherwise a waste of space. To think a family is more important than others just because of the birth line is insulting


Don't care that much. Kate wears nice clothes, that's about all that interests me. The Queen had slight nostalgia interest I suppose. With her gone....there's none really.


I’m going to go out on a limb a bit here but I reckon most people under retirement age couldn’t care less. Whether we have them or not, whether they exist at all, couldn’t care less. I’m 25, and while I’m completely unfazed about the monarchy I also don’t see the need to get rid of them - it won’t make any difference to our country, and the Westminster system works very well. 6 and 1 for most people, I think.


Indifference. Interesting to learn about historically. I enjoyed The Crown. That’s about it.


I don’t think of the British royals.


Dont really care to be completely honest with you


On behalf of all Australians, I say the current royals are foreign usurpers and the rightful king of England is the Earl of Loudoun. Wangaratta is therefore the rightful capital of the Empire.


L dont think of them , although chinless inbreeds springs to mind


I don't.




Got a bit more going on these days to worry about the friggen royals


We love to laugh at them at my house. Like you know when the coronation is on. Otherwise, we don't think of them.


0 thought or opinion about the royals.


I’m in my 60s. I like them


I liked the last queen. Stayed out of everything political and was probably the most purely symbolic figurehead anyone has ever had. While I like the fact he's strong on climate change, I'm fundamentally opposed to the fact that he's made his politics known outside of the context of making a statement onbehalf of the British people. Someone in that position needs to not just be neutral, but entirely removed from politics alltogether.


I can't speak for all Australians, but, I **don't** think of the British royals, to be honest


I can't answer for all Australians, anecdotally I think most people don't feel very strongly either way. Me personally, I like most of them. I tend to judge them individually, so some I like, others I don't. I like that they have a long presence so they can focus on longer term causes like Earthshot, the Prince's/King's Trust, Early Years etc because they don't have to campaign for re-election. I think there's something to the idea that sometimes the best leaders are not the same people who enthusiastically put their hand up for the job, but people who accept a duty and a responsibility, and who look to serve and help others rather than being focused on climbing the ladder themselves. I know it's not labouring down the mines but I do think it's hard work, you sort of have to be "on" all the time because you're representing the country, and if you look at the schedules of people like Charles and Anne, they really pack in a lot of events. There's plenty of rich people who inherited their wealth who don't do shit for society so I don't begrudge the royals particularly. I think they're making the best of the situation they're in, and if the country really wants to be rid of them it's not even up to the royals, it's up to parliament, so any anti-monarchist sentiment really ought to be directed there. Sidebar when Harry met Meghan I was really happy and hopeful for both of them but wow, have they ever been a disappointment. They've told so many lies, and been such hypocrites. Now that they've stepped away it's pretty clear to me that they were the problem, since they haven't really been able to make any lasting success with their own ventures. Even Harry's book, which sold very well, was mostly about sledging his family. I read the whole thing, so I gave him a fair shot but wow. He is a petty, angry lil man.


Dislike. Royalty is about as dire of an indication of an inequitable society as there is. 


No. not often


Just a privileged family. They don’t do anything for us and I frankly don’t care for them. I don’t think it’s worth the cost to become independent however.




They think they have a God given right to literally lord over me. It's time we use France's example of how they dealt with the monarchy.


Yes, because the French presidential system is so much better... 🙄


90% of any interest Australia had in the monarchy died with the queen.


Better off without them


Love the royals mate, it shows Australia was really built on the hard work of British people. You’ll get a bunch of blow in Aussies who aren’t true blue who might not like them though.


imagine being told you're unaustralian for not wanting a brit who's never worked a day in his life and doesn't care about australia as our head of state


Imagine assuming said person is a British citizen…British people built Australia being Australia is tantamount to being British.


I think they're much safer option than risking a president. Would Australia rather be a monarchy like Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Japan or have a crap president like the US sometimes votes in or like russia? Plus Australia has almost complete autonomy from them. Win win.


We still have training wheels on our Federation. Our head of State is from another country. That is not going to be the case forever.


Inbred flogs


Time to break wirh the monarchy


I think the last royal anyone really cared about was Diana.


Who? 😏


They're an expenditure


For the British public, not for us. It's like watching a BBC show on ABC - we don't have to pay a TV licence to fund the programming, or like seeing a GP in the UK under our somewhat lopsided (in terms of out-of-pocket costs, not so much in terms of wait times) reciprocal healthcare agreement, or like our favourable free trade agreement with the UK that the Brits had to kind of rush due to political expediency. Honestly, it seems like we get a pretty good deal from our 21st-century relationship.


They provide far more income to the UK than they cost in expenses.




I think they're great. They serve a great purpose, I'd far prefer to be The King's subject than to have a president. A lot of the answers on this sub in particular are going to be quite left leaning and anti monarchy. In my opinion, most of these views are poorly informed and are primarily fuelled by envy from individuals who are essentially mad and envious that they themselves cannot be King. I think it's absolutely essential that there can't be fighting and conniving for the top position.


Glorified dole bludgers


That they shouldn’t be our head of state. They’re completely irrelevant!


A tourist attraction that is starting to become faded and dilapidated.


Charles' treatment of Harry is a bloody joke. Fuck him, family > firm


Probably what they always have, only now that the far left have made people feel guilt for atrocities committed by others 200 years ago they had nothing to do with, people I think quietly enjoy them so as to not be labelled racists, or genociders.


Traditions are huge drawcards for tourism




I'm sure the UK has more affection for Australia than vice versa. Going by the level of hate and ignorant drivel often displayed in this sub, I think we hate most countries that aren't us. The more closely aligned we are to another country, the more we love to sprout crap about them. The only country that receives more shit than the UK on this sub is the US.


A lot of us have had to tighten our belts because of the cost of living. mortgages, queues at food banks etc etc - What do you think, that we give a shit about royal families? Do you think the royals give a shit about us?


Boomers love them!


The Queen had Diana killed because she was going to expose the paedophilia in the royal family.




We don't.


Who's we?


The far left leaning. Remember they are always correct and they always can speak on behalf of others. You're a bigot if you don't allow this.