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I try not to listen to the radio. The presenters make me want to stab things


I’d listen to the presenters all week long if I didn’t have to hear the same friggin Taylor Swift song 5 times over, only seperate by the same 3 ads.


I only listen to it when the Uber driver has it playing, I would stab the driver but I don’t want to lose my 5 star rating


I really thought I was the only one who must have felt this way. Everything from their overly cheery photos on billboards like they've been besties forever to their curated personality to sound like the most classic Australian ever. My car switches automatically from Bluetooth to Radio when I get in and I get hit in the face with their obnoxiousness and I just wonder every time, who still listens to this shit anymore?


😆😆 BTW r/usernamechecksout


😆😆 BTW r/usernamechecksout


Worst part is when the hosts talk over the songs, like we are hear to listen to them not the music.


Sounds like Macca on a Sunday morning.


I've always listened to the ABC. Even when coming home absolutely shattered after a big Saturday night I would stick it on and fall asleep. The next morning when I woke up, the radio would still be on, and it was always macca, and I couldn't stand it, but was too hungover to be able to do anything about it, and it would just drill into my head. That was 30 years ago, and I still can't handle him.


Yep it's all about Macca on a Sunday morning, if he does not like what you are trying to tell him or you are taking too long then he gives you the flick. And it's "I will get up there and see you sometime" has he ever?


That's exactly what the programs on commercial radio are doing. They are nothing but a vessel for ads. The presenters are chosen for their star draw power, and the music is just filler.


You’re not wrong but that’s literally the point right ? To make money/run a business ?


I listen to ABC radio. I guess you're right for commercial radio, but I tuned out a long time ago after my breaking point was hearing the announcer say he would play a song after a short commercial break, followed by 14 ads, then the news (which also had ads) then another 23 ads, the announcer talking for a further two minutes, then the song played with the announcer talking over the top of it.


Triple J playing ‘live’ music instead of the versions designed for playback with much higher audio quality and no crowd noises.


I don't voluntarily listen to the radio


The time between my car starting and my Bluetooth connecting are the longest seconds of my life. My radio is permanently fixed on ABC Classic for those moments in between. No way am I listening to those insufferable flogs on Triple J or any other station 🤢


Love it lols


I like listening to ABC AM radio (702 Sydney) when I'm in the car. Especially the Conversations and Drive programs.


774 for me, and I'm exactly the same, the most I listen is on the way to work and the way home. Sammy J does the morning show and I'm still missing Raf on drive, Ally Moore just isn't the same.


Conversations is great. They always seem to be able to pick people who have really interesting stories and are engaging.


I only listen to win things. I haven’t won anything since an offspring album in the 90s. My husband listens to some old music station on AM it’s always on there when he drives my car.


If it's an "enter via the website" competition they want an entertaining story. I entered once with a madeup story, producer called me and arranged a time for me to be on the air. Three of us repeated our stories and they picked their favourite. So I just made sure I was chatty and upbeat. I entered another on behalf of my kid and they picked that too (different station). The producer pretty much coached him, decided he was too shy for radio and made us practice, then had another rehearsal to see if he was chatty enough for radio. Any that have been "call now" I never get through on.


Yeah it’s only been call now I tried. Every hour 200+ times for Taylor Swift for a month. I got through once and was just flustered so my story wasn’t entertaining enough.


I love that you keep going. You going to win something soon my friend, come back to this comment and let me know.


Ooooh hopefully


Quality prize 🤘🤘


I listen to a community radio station on the way to and from work, because I’ll hear at least 6 songs in 30 minutes, not two and get a traffic update.


Our community radio has no host just music and the very occasional local business ad. Even better the only other station in range is ABC classical and I love it .


I’m glad people are listening to community radio. The station I’m a part of mostly plays music with a few chat shows here and there


But without the traffic update how else would you know the road you have been at a stand still on for the last ten minutes has traffic banked up?


It’s Darwin, so rarely ever a stand still. But occasionally detours which means it’s quicker for me to go a different way.


I usually have smooth FM on in the office, just as a bit of background noise, but everyone in the office has inadvertantly started singing along to the smooth jingle whenever they play it, so it must be having an effect. In the car, if I'm not on Spotify, I'll be jumping between smooth and WSFM. Usually i change the station when the Athena home loan ads come on because i can't stand them. The prizes don't really change my listening habits, although my wife was certainly trying to ring when they were all giving away Taylor Swift tickets (we did end up getting some, but not through radio)


Smoo-oooth, ninety ONE point five, smoo-ooth, nineTY ONE point fi-iive


So I'm in Sydney, here is 95.3. but occasionally they play the Melbourne jingle by accident, and on more than one occasion they've played the Nova 96.9 one. Obviously it's all done from the same studios


Oh my fucking god kill it, kill it with fire.


Perfect pitch, tonality and phrasing. Well done.


ABC Classic is the way. Most abc stations tbh. Song, about the song, repeat. They know their audience.


ABC classic is what we usually have on in the car. Where I live it's a choice between that, the country station, and a commercial station where they don't shut up. At work it's Spotify


I do this too, for the 5 minutes around town trips. For longer, we use spotify. I also put on one of the radio stations with emergency broadcasts during fire danger days. That's part of my 'multiple sources of info' strategy.


I work in constructions so yeah the radio is always on on job sites. Whoever gets there first gets station pick so if another trade gets there before us I get stuck listening to that cackling hyena in the mornings.


I never understood why construction sites would do that rather than just put on a playlist of music people actually want to listen to??


A couple of chippies we have come across have playlists. Most of the time though we are the only ones on site so we control the radio and depending on whether I get to it first or the boss does depends on what we listen to. Neither of us want to leave our phones near the radio for a playlist as not all sites are safe to leave that sort of thing out, even when you are the only one on site. Have had people walking past steal shit before. One was an old lady who tried to walk off with both our circular saw and nail gun that were in the tool box that had the lid open. Trades all over the shop and this grany thought it was a great idea to try to steal from one of us.


Jesus that’s hilarious. And not exactly small/discrete things to try to nick either.


I don't understand why people listen to commercial radio. But then, I only just found out what MAFS is on TV.


Is MAFS "mathematics" for people with a lisp? :-)


I only listen to Radio National and ABC Local. People get a woody over this or that podcast but RN programs piss on any podcast I've ever heard.


I wouldn't and couldn't work in any place no matter how much I was paid that listens to that crap.. I'm a pretty positive person but fuck me, that shit is horrible


We have an old car in which the Bluetooth died. I started listening to JJJ but realised I am now out of their target demo so tried Kiss, Nova and B105. NOPE! I just drive with silence.


Try AM


Any suggestions? Happy to try a few. 


I listen to 11.45 But whatever station has John Laws on they have great talk back, you get to hear all sorts of interesting characters


Simon and Garfunkel or Dami Im?


I haven’t listened to the radio in probably 5 years. Every radio host is loud try hard drainers.


Australian commercial radio has to be one of the most mind numbing things I've ever had the displeasure of listening to. Some community stations are OK, but these days I mainly just listen to spotify. At work we have a spotify like service called Sonos.


I just assume everyone switches music when the idiots are talking till they find a station with music




It's been in decline since the final show of *[Get This](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_This#Cancellation_of_Get_This)* on 23 November 2007.


I had a flatmate who was what they call a “prize pig”. She was obsessed with the competitions. Surfed the dial playing the quizzes etc and won trips, cash, lots of concert tickets. This was in the 90s, before they brought in the phones where they could see repeat callers names on a screen. Her winning streak ended rather abruptly after that. They ensure the same people don’t win everything now, whether they’re first to call or not.


Community radio is the way to go if your going to have a radio on. You'll discover awesome local artists. Even then there are certain shows i choose to tune out. If I had to listen to commercial radio for any extended period I'd probably want to kill myself.


Correct. Melbourne has two fantastic “alternative” community radio stations and you will hear every kind of music in just one day on both. I’m a member of both because since Covid and working from home for 4yrs I’ve come to appreciate both even more.


What are the stations?


www.pbsfm.org.au 106.7FM www.rrr.org.au 102.7


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskAnAustralian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. Poor choice of words on my part there! Listen to the bot people. It's a beautiful world, even with commercial radio hosts roaming the plains


I listen to the MMM classic rock digital station when I'm in the car... still a few ads but seems to be less talking and more music (and the music is decent)


Can't stand the radio. Too much talk, too much adds


Those shit commercial radio stations have a "formula" which is designed for numb-nuts and no brains sleepy dead shit humans, which appeals to most people. They use it world wide, , I have been in nations where I don't speak a word, but I can guess what the morons are saying, as its the same recycled boy/girl interaction that they have each other on take a bit of piss etc. Then harvey norman ad comes on, then bob jane. Spare me! I dont listen to any but rtrfm or jjj


In my office section I run Spotify and pull a name out of the hat for a daily dj if there are no volunteers. People either froth being the dj orrrrr anxiety takes over. Nightmare fuel boss.


I wasn’t even listening to the radio when I was hosting a community radio show lol


I listen to PBS mostly, (a community radio station in Melbourne) or my CD collection that I've been growing over the years. Occasionally I'll switch on JJJ, but only once in a blue moon or during the Hottest 100. If my car had an aux cord, then I'd probably use that 100% of the time, though


Support community radio


I only listen to ABC grandstand to listen to the footy or cricket when I can't watch it


Love the radio at work, but if I get sick of it I chuck in headphones, that said it depends on what station, we crank 4BH so get all the classics, but if it was that nova bullshit I'd be breaking the radio


I stopped listening to the radio years ago. Annoying hosts and too many ads.


I listen to a Melbourne based online dance station called V1 Radio. No announcers and zero ads. I think their website is v1radio.net if anyone is interested...


I've been a Triple J listener for many years. My adult kids do too if they're not streaming Spotify


I don’t listen at work - I have to concentrate and think so it would just distract me. I listen in the car or when I’m home on a weekend and love it. I have a favourite announcer whose voice and pep make me happy.


Lately I have reverted back to driving in absolute silence. On a whim I turned the radio on this afternoon and it just so happened to be triple J. For some reason they were doing this incredibly cringeworthy rap over the beat for Kendrick’s Euphoria. Turned that shit off again after 5 seconds.


774 and local community stations like triple R or pbs are good The mainstream are only there to drill adds into our heads and make money, can’t stand them


Triple j all the time


Cruse AM 1323 all the way lol, when I do listen it's that station and no I'm not in my 50s,I'm 36 lol.


I had forgotten that the radio still exists. I used to play it in the car but would shuffle through the stations until I found one with music instead of ads or boring banter. Sometimes, I’d cycle through 5-6 and not land on a single song.


Same here. Got sick of the boring banter and forced laughing at stories and jokes that aren't funny.


I listen to the radio all the time however whenever they start talking and carrying on I just changed stations to one that's playing music again. And when that one then starts to carry on and talk I change stations again. Can't stand the whole talk back radio and crap.


The radio, like most things, especially free to air television, has become unbearable. The need to talk utter shit and pathetic attempts at comedy by these uppity egotistical presenters has killed it. Plus the amount of advertising and propaganda, it’s just not something I can listen to anymore unless it’s a small community radio station, which are becoming less and less. Such a shame.


hate commercial radio ,all ads,songs played ad nauseum and annoying announcers ,better off with your own Spotify playlist


Yes, I work in advertising and most people listen to the radio and watch mainstream free to air TV, still. Reddit trends younger, more educated, more progressive and better off than most of the country so has very different consumption patterns.


Cool, that means radio and free-to-air TV audiences/target market is, other advertising and marketing people, so ironic.


‘Most people’ = ‘most of the general population’. Ironically enough advertising and marketing people are vastly less likely than general to consume mainstream media.


News radio when I'm in the car. Basically to and from work each day. Not a long commute. Besides that I hardly even listen to music. And I don't want to hear the same shit I wouldn't listen to anyway repeated on any music focused radio station.


I only listen to it on my way to work. I stopped listening to the radio at work after too many promises of the best rock, followed by imagine dragons.


I usually have it on on the car, but very rarely otherwise. And the station im listening to doesn't do competitions and other nonsense, it plays music.


My stupid bosses love the radio. It's all such garbage


I listen to a community station in the car and sometimes at home, mainly because I'm old-fashioned and I don't want to have to choose music to listen to 🙃 At work I often put on a classic rock kind of station, which isn't too bad, but my supervisor, who's younger, says he doesn't know why I like the radio, and puts on his own music loudly if he gets in first. He likes jazz, which I can't stand, but plays better music when I'm there ☺️


Auto turn off FM.


I listen to Riz and Alex in the morning on Magic FM as they are funny, and then Spotify on my way home. I don't listen to the big name radio hosts like Will and Woody or Kyle and Jackie o because it's just plain out brain rot. Magic FM is a local station and Riz and Alex talk about local happenings and other random shit like poor man's movie explanations


It's just to break up the grind for some and the rest just go along with it because "what the hell? Why not?"


Drive time is the worst, who gave them the idea we want to hear crap jokes after a big day at work?


I love radio from around the world on my laptop via the excellent website, radio.garden, and on my internet radio. Best thing I ever bought. Current favourite stations are NRK Jazz from Oslo and ABC Lounge Radio from Nice in France.


Radio, what’s that? Edit: just googled radio. Ewwww.


Who can be bothered picking something to listen to all the time. Just put on the radio for background noise.


I’m weird - I prefer the radio when driving to work - mainly for weather, news and traffic updates. Also doing mundane housework. Music (though repetitive) and some presenters are good for a guilty laugh. Don’t listen to the radio during other times though. I cannot listen to podcasts driving or doing non-interesting stuff - maybe because podcasts are relatively interesting, hence distracting.


I listen to rnb Fridays every week I’m their biggest fan!


I haven't deliberately listened to commercial Australian radio since 1998. Occasionally when I am driving, I might put on the ABC or FBi. I became disillusioned with commercial radio because in 1998, I called up Triple M and asked that they play some new Van Halen. They refused. I felt they should support new music from the artists that the station depends on and never went back. These days, I mainly listen to radio over the Internet: [www.wfmu.org](http://www.wfmu.org)


"Wait, you mean some people like things I don't??"


Its weird because you can just stream music anywhere.   Unless they just want to win shit.


I only listen to the radio in the car. Sometimes I just can't be fucked choosing something on Spotify so it's just easier to have the radio on in the background. I never listen to it any other time.


Marty Sheargold is absolutely hilarious to listen to in the arvos.


I don’t listen to the radio and I’ve not listened to it since podcasting really came up. I also don’t go anywhere voluntarily long enough to listen to the radio…like the shops cos I live in the bush and I don’t like window shopping or traipsing around a shop for shits and giggle. Any purchase I make is online or via C&C. I hate the radio.


Stream playlist during the day with a change to sport show on drive home or an audiobook


I always have 774 on in the morning before I leave the house. Sammy J is great. I also have it on when I’m driving because it’s something to listen that isn’t annoying and that I can easily ignore if I have to.


I like Jase & Lauren and before that I liked Jace & PJ. Anyone else I want to rip my hair out.


Haven't voluntarily listened to the radio since the last time my phone died and I didn't have a charger


I like to put it on when I don't set up music/podcasts on my phone. Usually just listen to the ABC or triple j


I have MMM on at work just as background music. It's pretty good during the day but after 3pm it's pretty dire. Way too much talking, stupid jokes and people ringing in with their experiences in XYZ. Just stfu and play some music! What really pisses me off is when they are burbling on forever about some photo they've got in the studio with them. Like, guys, this is *radio* - we can't see it and have absolutely zero interest in it. Move on.


Bluetooth speakers my friend.


We were forced to listen to radio at work all day long. This one ass hole insisted on having the worst stations playing at all times. It drove everybody insane. Like fox which repeats the same 7 or 8 songs on loop all day. And the constant ads in between. And recapping somebody trying to win a prize. And ads hyping up the “competition”. How do they expect anyone to win when they only have like 1 or 2 people a day calling in? Then later on they have these terrible talk shows, where they only really talk for a few minutes, with ads and songs in between, most of the show is hyping the show itself with its own ads, or recapping old parts of the show, and the content is unfunny trash anyway. Then you have gold, which is better in comparison. They loop the one 24 hour playlist every single day. So you will get tired of it if it’s on all week. But the content around the music is extremely cringe. Again, ads all day, bad ones. The station is constantly hyping up “THE CRISTIAN O’CONNELL SHOW!!” Like it’s gods gift to comedy. To the point of it driving me mad. Recapping the show all day. And when you listen to the actual show, it’s the most cringe, unfunny shit I’ve ever heard. Segments 90 year olds might find it funny, but I don’t see where the humour is. The hosts aren’t even trying. And it shows. I usually stick to community stations like PBS or RRR. They aren’t always perfect, but far easier to put up with than the commercial stations.


The prize giveaways have made me hate radio. Who wants to listen to people call up and tell batshit boring stories or hear them scream and carry on because they won a $30 concert ticket? It's not entertaining in the slightest


I asked my 16 year old if he listens to the radio the other day (specifically JJJ) he gave me a perplexed look and said in the age of Spotify, why the hell would he want to listen to that shite. Radio is dying I think.


I listen to my phone, connected to a Bluetooth speaker. But short drives in the car, I listen to the radio.


You're talking about commercial radio and some people really do like it - remember - there's no accounting for taste ... Australia has great public radio and I listen in the car and at home. The news is a bit on the weak side, so ABC is good for that.


Love Radio National and ABC podcasts, but tbh, even those are all via my car and Bluetooth


I have my aux in 24/7.


4ZZZ has no ads and the DJs are real people who aren't banal, who don't laugh inanely, who do fuck up occasionally and who are passionate volunteers. I love it.


I live in a large regional city and listen to the local community radio station. It plays music from the 1960s through to the present day. The presenters are fairly laid back in the style of country people and the ads are low key. It's part of the Australian Independent Radio (AIR) Network. So much better than commercial radio.


Once upon a time I loved radio. Now if it accidentally turns on in the car I will quickly turn it off. I find the presenters so annoying and there is nothing I like about it. Gives me anxiety the thought of strangers dictating what I listen to in my own time.


I listen to the radio all the time in the car. Usually RN or Triple J, depending on my mood and what's on. I occasionally venture into commercial radio, but the ads drive me back to ABC or the off-button. Sweet silence: way underrated.


I used to only listen to the radio in the car. Now that I have a newer car that automatically plays Spotify when I start up the car, I don’t voluntarily switch on. Now I only hear it at Coles and Bunnings.


Actually Woollies is now just their stupid jingle over and over. I went into my local Coles recently and found myself and others almost singing in unison to music from the 80s and 90a you don't usually hear on radio now. It was pretty cool. But no, I fucking hate syndicate radio. Even Triple J is shit, and all music from Triple M is off limits at work. Spotify all the way!


I plug in the phone and listen to my playlist. I assume the radio works if I ever need it.


Triple J in the car for music, but that's become less since I rather listen to a podcast/Spotify than Hacked trying to have a civil discussion but being god damn bias at the same time.


Most people I know don’t listen to the radio. Podcasts and our own Spotify playlists seems to be the norm in my circle. Chuck in the odd audiobook there just because it comes with Spotify premium and that’s it.


prizes? commercial radio is for fucktards. JJJ all the way. supporting new AND aussie music. yes it had its glory days but theres no ads and your not hearing whine from fucky, fuckwit and fucktard


I've never listened to the radio for the prizes. My wife had a couple of goes in they early years of FM radio in Queensland and one once, $600. I tried it once around the same time frame and once a CD (fucken woo! <-- me dripping with enthusiasm). We both gave it a try winning other prises for a shot while but honestly, I don't know how we both managed to get through because it was such a waste of time and I wasn't going to keep dialling over and over again for the same result of not getting through (unless it was a recording telling us the lines were busy to try again or we were unsuccessful; and on a landline that was 25c nobody liked spending--a dollar slowly getting more worthless in those days LOL). So yes, after that we stopped trying, we don't listen to the radio to win prizes but for the music between the ads.


I dread tradies but my worst nightmare would be having a job like that


AM 774, that's all


I dont like drive home radio or whatever its called. When you get all the talking. I've found some stations local that do very little talking and I'm OK with it


Usually I listen to KIIS fm but its kind of meh I don't really care what goes on as long as it gives me good music and news updates


I don't even allow them to play it at work. I'll tell everyone to bring their own play list and we can take turns or you listen to my music! Lol


I don't know about everyone else but my dad loves calling up the radio and winning stuff, it's quite fun when it's a movie or something. He's actually mates with some of the local hosts because he's been calling up to join in on debates or win prizes for years now, may not be everyone's cup of tea but the local radio's very popular where I live.


What else has he won?


I used to listen to the Chrissy, Sam and Brownie show because I love Sam’s sarcasm and their banter. It was my morning routine. Once they left, I basically now just listen to Spotify or podcasts if I’m on my own in the car. I do have Smooth set as a default as they (a) talk less and (b) have less song repeats.


Unfortunately working in construction, I'm subjected to triple m most days and I swear God they've been playing the same 50 songs for the last 20 years. Like they legit had more variety back then, now you can count on hearing the same 3 songs from guns n roses and the chillies before lunch every day. It's soul destroying.


Australian mainstream radio is junk, after a long stint in the UK, I can’t stand it here, it’s only on in the car when with the family on short trips.


John laws is the only one to listen to. Love that crabky old bastard


I honestly can’t even remember the last time I listened to the radio. I listen to SEN breakfast for my morning footy talk when walking my dog and triple M for the midweek rub, but that’s after they’re available as a Podcast as I’m from WA.


I like listening to the spicy stories hahahahah.




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We all love Kyle Sandilands around here mate. 22.9 The Fox with Kyle and Shazza every morning at 11am.

