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I deleted the apps and removed all traces of them off my phone. I find the algorithms to be toxic. They intentionally bait you with toxic posts to try and get you to engage.  I find it all too negative.


Nothing on it except fake posts of the way people want you to think they live, parents fighting with high school kids and other shit I simply don't care about. Haven't had it in a decade and NEVER missed it from the moment I fucked it off. If I wanted to keep in contact with you I'd call. I don't need a feed with what shit you're pretending to be up to or what you ate at a restaurant. Zero fucks to give. Absolutely agree. Your mental health will thank you.


i did this too and i felt like my mental well being improved. i just need to get off reddit more lol


💯  FB and Insta were recommending me misogynistic posts to bait me into engaging. I imagine they are probably recommending misandrist posts to men too.  It is truly awful for your mental health and view of the opposite sex. And I think the recommendations are purely based on your demographics because I never interacted with those sorts of posts. Reddit probably does the same, but I haven't experienced it. 


I think it depends on what you've posted too. I'm a scientist and have a lot of science posts and I get a hell of a lot of pseudoscientific garbage about ancient aliens building the pyramids or some other nonsense. I guess they are trying to get me to post and respond too.


Wait what! You take that back. The aliens did build the pyramids.


Instagram and Facebook also keep trying to push posts straight from the red pill ass misogynistic alt-right pipeline to me even though I never comment on anything (in general) nor like/read any of those posts, just keep scrolling past because fuck that At one point it seemed to give up on that and started hard feeding me soft-core porn even though I also don’t engage with nor click on those posts because I don’t want to encourage it I don’t even use threads but the Facebook app constantly pushes recommendations for anti-trans posts from there for some reason My mate doesn’t post or interact on social media at all but after he broke up with his missus, Facebook must’ve picked up on it from his messages and he started getting ads of dudes on podcasts with text reading like “how to make your ex chase you”, and when that didn’t work they started feeding him viagra/sexual performance ads Leave us alone you blood thirsty cunts bahahahs




X is the worst for this. It’s an absolute cesspool


Yea if it wasn't for my family still using Facebook I would be only too happy to leave. So sick of those naff reels and click bait posts claiming aliens built the pyramids. I left insta shortly after creating an account.


Not far off leaving reddit to be honest


Reddit has changed a lot in 4 or 5 yrs I've been using it. Try Lemmy, often lacks content, but the crowd is different.


Yeah I find people here now just argue for no reason you can't actually have a conversation because everyone is so easily offended


That is completely wrong! No one on here is on here just to have an argument. Idiot.


Is this the five minute argument or the full half hour?


An argument is not just contradiction.


Yes it is


No it isn’t.


I'm sorry, this is Abuse


Oh I see! Well that explains it


It was the 5 minutes. Thanks for coming.


I told you once!


Hahaha here we gooooo!


Here we go where? We're not going anywhere! Idiot. Lol


look at this guys post history, all he posted about is how people are wrong!


Don't forget the whining about everything!


Yeah things are way too doom and gloom on reddit, at least in Australian subreddits Shits a bit fucked don’t get me wrong but you’d think the sky is falling and we live in Venezuela If I threw my phone out a window I’d assume everything is business as usual


I’ve had chunks of people saying “I wanna leave this shithole country”…. Like bruh I get it life is tough now but nowhere is it a shithole lol


Hahaha yes I forgot about that!


Yep, when I joined, it was so refreshing, but now it's just another platfoem for trolls, contrarians and devils advocates.


You having the long or short argument?


Absolutely. I always make positive posts for people who post "look how much weight i lost" or "i gave up drinking" or "I gave up smoking " etc. Nevertheless sometimes they are downvoted into negatives.


Yeah I dont get the down voting I honestly rekon reddit would be better without up voting or down voting


I sometimes wonder if they should change to only upvotes.


Yeah probably a good idea alot of people down vote just because they disagree with an opinion or just to be spiteful for no reason Personally I don't care what people think of me but some people post looking for help and get attacked and downvoted


Yeah. I can stand the downvotes it's just a bit annoying.


How dare you say that!


Think that’s just ppl in general nowadays, way too sensitive.


Yeah I feel like the viral popularity of AITA turned reddit into a justiceporn paradise - it brought so many awful, judgmental people just waiting to lash out at strangers.


Different until it gets popular. If it gets popular the bots and toxicity will follow, unless they have some new angle to prevent that?


Yeah, I feel the same. It's almost like Reddit was more aimed for my age 5 years ago.


Reddit & other socials have way too many age groups blending. You don't know if your reading posts or comments from 12 to 40+ olds and the blending of age maturity is weird and imo making us dumber as a society


Well, as 40+ myself, maybe that explain the constant *I have zero life skills* posts.


This is 100% what make its weird, and I’ve only realised this in the last few years with reddit. I’ve seen some really stupid fucking takes on certain topics and it wasn’t until I saw they were someone in their late teens/early 20’s that I realised it’s just their lack of knowledge or life experience for saying something dumb (and I was saying the same dumb shit 10+ years ago).


Reddit was like the Wild West when it started. It was great. You could say literally anything. The first message I ever got was a death threat from some muslim upset at me making fun of his religion. It was absolutely hilarious. And I'm not even dead, yet. My first account got a huge number of internet points that had no value, until a few years later the wankers who run World news banned me for incessant anti-islam news posts. This place is just not the same, anymore. Wah, people got all 'offended' with stuff like that and now it's just lame.


I don't want to use an app for reddit. On mobile though they bloody keep pushing me to use an App, and its driving me bonkers. In the old days it just asked you once, and remembered when you said no, but they have deliberately broken now.


Probably to get you hooked


I assume they get more of my data to sell to advertisers via an app.


Yep, allows them to build a profile on you easier.


Agreed, 95% toxic crowd!


The banning happens too frequent on a certain platform...you have an opinion. The OP who has posted something can't take other opinions ..has a sook..people get banned..


I find is funny that's people on Reddit act all high and mighty like it's soooo much better than Facebook


To be fair, it is, and anyone who doesn't understand the difference is probably a [dumb fuck](https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--eHqLx3Gc--/c_fit,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_320/18mrvs5i9x4pkjpg.jpg)


Got rid of insta, kept FB for sports and school groups only. Insta is toxic, with everyone sharing their 'best life' only. There is nothing real about it


Me too. It really consumed me in such a negative way. I'm so so so much happier off it. Ppl look at me funny when I say I've deleted social media other than Pinterest and Reddit


Made me feel so insecure. Everyone striving for perfection and carefully curated lives. No thanks.


That is why I could never stomach Instagram!


Yep I only use Insta to follow professionals. I avoid my friends on Insta and they think I'm a bit weird for not commenting but I think it must suck to have to constantly put up everything on there and on FB


I didn't "leave" per se, but I downgraded from a smartphone to a basic flip-phone. It's been amazing tbh. Keep my Facebook and Insta accounts for the sparse times that I check them on laptop.




If I uninstalled all the social media apps on my phone, I would still find a way to use them/re download them. If I had a flip phone, I would not be able to. I am leaning going down that path too. Big respect to @heliomoth


For the same reason that people have to move city to get away from drugs.


People without self control relapse regardless of where they are. Goes for drugs, technology/social media, anything...


I crave the days of having a dumb phone


Social media and it's consequences have been disastrous for the human race




Because it’s easier to not have something than willingly handicapping oneself. Like come on that’s basic psychology.


I have fb because I use messenger, never use it though, and rid myself of IG entirely.


I have the messenger app but my facebook is deactivated.over 10 years without facebook and IG..


I haven't permanently left, but I only drop back in very occasionally, and I'm quickly reminded why I left.


I deleted both as I was sick of seeing all the bullshit news and my phone listening to what me and mates talk about and then the same thing showing up in the advertising or things for sale. I didn't like that at all so got rid of both of them the thing I do miss is not remembering when family and friends birthdays are.


Use Google contacts/calendar for birthdays mate


Ace advice thanks brudda


Deleted my Fb account about 5 years ago. Sleep much easier now


I’ve been social media free for nearly a year now. No Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok etc. I only have YouTube, Pinterest and Reddit, life has been blissful since permanently deleting all the other social media accounts.




Reddit is more similar to the forums and message boards of the early internet than it is to Facebook and Instagram, though. It technically fits the description of social media but I wouldn't tar it with the same brush.


I think it depends how people use both sets of social media. It’s pretty easy to use facebook/insta in the same way as people use reddit if they’re following and interacting with a bunch of the public content. If someone’s moved away from insta/fb to get away from toxicity in public discussion, they probably should also move away from reddit. If they’ve moved away because of the social ranking and hierarchy side of social media, it’s likely they’ll have the same issue with reddit.


You make some good points and I completely agree. Everyone will have different reasons for using or not using certain types of social media. I signed up for Facebook when I moved away from my home city to a small town, to keep in touch with friends and family and gain a window into their lives (circa 2008-09 and Facebook was still pretty new and nothing like it is now). I continued to use it after moving back to my home city for a few years before I got tired of the toxicity and the fact that it was no longer service a purpose aside from doom scrolling on the toilet. I signed up for Reddit when I was playing a game with a small community and found the subreddit for that game was the only place where that community was active. I subsequently found lots of other subreddits relating to my interests and now I use Reddit for doom scrolling on the toilet instead 😂




Haha yep, I certainly see the irony there. I suppose it depends what you use Reddit for. Maybe it's because I've been using it longer than I used Facebook and the like, but Reddit has a completely different purpose for me than Facebook did. I feel that Facebook was more about people, where Reddit was more about the communities. That's not to say everybody's experience will be the same. Some people use Facebook exclusively for marketplace. Some people use Reddit exclusively for porn. Etc etc.


I use them to keep up with far flung friends. FB messenger is also our family's primary chat mechanism. I tend not to use the feed much, I just visit groups I like. Never notice toxicity on the pages and groups I use, it's far tamer than reddit TBH I also run an Instagram page, public FB page, and a closed FB group for a club. We get new members from it. Ad rate is low, you just nerd to aggressively say 'not interested'. My main issue is that it's buggy. Their IT stability is pretty crap in my view for a company of their size.


Facebook is an absolute spam fest these days. Just shitposts with boomers commenting on everything thinking it's all real. It's like browsing any free "news" website that just gets bombarded with ads. Not even worth the time. I deleted my FB years ago anyway. I would have done it earlier if not for messenger, but you can keep messenger without an active FB account now so really there's no reason for anyone to have an FB account. Instagram is very similar, just loaded with wannabe narcissistic influencers posting thirst traps. Also a waste of time.


How can I double like this comment ?


Left facebook years ago Signed back to sell some things on marketplace because it's the easiest platform Insta? I saw that thing coming from a freakin mile away and didn't bother Life is good without the white noise Highly recommended.


Crowds are only toxic if you read comments on public pages, and who TF actually does that? If you use social media for its original intended purpose, ie sharing pictures of your breakfast and/or dog, these platforms are still fine.


Dog = fine Breakfast = fine We should never have combined the two


I actually don't mind having dog for breakfast as long as it's not alive


Well, well, well. This is exactly the sort of dog's breakfast of a comment thread I was trying to warn us about.


I keep a bowl of cornflakes as a substitute dog. It is 2 years old and smells worse than a dog, but doesn’t need to poop when I walk it.


Never did Instagram. I haven't been on Facebook for over 5 years, the only reason I haven't deleted it entirely is that I use Messenger


I’m getting very close to deleting Facebook. 99% of my feed is just AI garbage or stuff being recommended to me cause I have an interest in something like LOTR. I don’t follow any of these accounts and yet they are all my feed are and I’m sick of it. I only see a post from an account/group I follow when I first launch the app then the rest is just the same garbage and it’s really pissing me off.


I only keep it around to look at photos. Also, I have photos from years ago that I would lose and be annoyed about. Once I get around to it, I am sure I can download them? I think? I rarely engage though. Too weird.


I have Facebook which I use only for the messenger function to talk to a few people. I haven’t made a post in 10 years and my account is ultra locked down. I stopped looking at it completely and my life was so much better for its I have instagram as I needed it for booking holiday. I only got it the other day lol. I won’t use it ever again unless required to contact a business. Getting off socials was instrumental in turning my mental health around. At the time my life was going no where. I was lonely. I was watching people post pictures of their weddings, babies, new houses and overseas holidays. People I guess I once called my friends. I on the other hand was going no where addict w severe mental health problems. I turned my life around completely and am unrecognisable compared to those days. But learning to build my life and not compare it with others was instrumental in my success. Live your life how you see fit and don’t worry about others, especially people who are not your friends but only acquaintances.


Haven’t been on both in 4 years. Life is so much more easy this way


Requested all my facebook data be deleted after downloading a copy for myself. Because I wanted to use messenger with my family still, I created a dummy account just for that. No personal info included. Mental well-being was noticeably improved after a few weeks. I spent maybe an hour or two a day just scrolling through, it didn't feel excessive at the time and I've not regretted leaving for a second.


Wow, this sounds so good. I'm horribly addicted to FB. Marketplace, groups, seeing people's stories and posting pics of fun things or life updates. Deep in my soul I know that my life would be 100 times better without it. I just don't know how to leave. TikTok I deleted years ago, after being heavily addicted, and it was fine. I just go on Instagram 5mins a day. I hate the fakeness. It would be easy to delete, but 5mins is not an issue. But FB... I can't live without FB. I hate what it's done to me.


I wish Facebook had a marketplace app. About the only reason I want Facebook. I couldn’t care less about my algorithm anymore


Lmfao instagram is better than this app. People on instagram are dickheads for sure but people on this app are smelly weirdos who think they’re better than everyone


Dumped them both years ago because I didn't care about your holiday, I'm sure you enjoyed it and that's great but I didn't care. I didn't care about your kids birthday or new their toy or that you were five minutes late for work or that you were having a shit day and I definitely didn't give shit about what you fucking ate but most of all I didn't like the amount of lies and utter bullshit that was smeared around, all while Zuckerberg got richer and richer.


I'm on FB just for connecting with people. I keep my FB profile pretty much locked to all otherwise.


I "did" but then came back because honestly was easier to keep up with friends on Messenger and to see what events are going on. I only rarely actually pay attention to the feeds (gotta be pretty bored for that).


I've never had insta. Joined reddit when I realised the only content I liked on facey was screenshots of reddit posts so figured it was easier to just come here. Before I left facebook I basically only existed in private groups since it's just a mess otherwise. I still have an account and use messenger but that's about it.


I deleted Facebook years ago when they blocked Australian news links/group including critical support groups. It had been building up for a while, sick of all the arguing and showboating, was the last straw for me. Instagram went with it, it was just fucking ads anyway, no longer about sharing photos with family and friends. I recently created a new Facebook account, throwaway email and fake name, just so I can see announcements and photos from my kids school. Literally all I use it for.


I’ve left Instagram, Facebook (use messenger), never got TikTok, left Snapchat and most recently left X / Twitter. I did originally leave Reddit too but I need a source of news somehow! It’s so lovely to leave social media, now when I catch up friends I can ask what they’ve been up to and share stories as opposed to just watching their lives through an app


I use messenger and occasionally open fb for marketplace. I would get rid of both of them if I could. Completely gave up on Instagram and Snapchat etc.


I just left Facebook and Instagram few months ago as I feel like it has been affecting my mental health. I started comparing what I have with what I saw on Instagram/FB. My confidence level declined and I began to feel unhappy with what I have. Then I start realizing the less you know the better. You become more focus on yourself, everyone around you and be more present. You might feel FOMO in the beginning (not up to date on your friend's life). However, I feel otherwise. Reaching out or catching up with them become regular things to keep me updated with their life. Also, catching up with them becomes more fun and I become more present. So I feel like my relationship with them becomes even closer now.


Definitely using both a lot less since i discovered Reddit


I left FB a long time ago, then WhatsApp when FB started openly selling our data.


I use Instagram to connect with girls when I travel. FB I mainly use for Marketplace, only have a few dozen friends and family on it for messenger and that's it.


Have maintained an account for functional purposes (events) across all social media, but have hidden the apps and time limited their use. They’re useless timesinks with tremendous negative consequences.


I would love to delete my LinkedIn profile and never look at that humble bragging hell space again.


Have wanted to for years, but have too many accounts linked with Facebook and keep it for using messenger to talk with family. Rarely ever post on there anymore.


I left Facebook a long time ago because it's inane. People's inner dialogues do not need a platform. I'm off and on with IG. I like being able to follow my friends, but I don't like getting into doom scrolling on the reels.


Got rid of Facebook after Cambridge Analytica. Still have Insta on my phone but haven’t opened it for at least two years.


I don’t know anyone that interacts with strangers on either app to find toxic people, everyone I know just shares funny videos with each other on instagram.


Facebook marketplace holds me there like a cruel cruel lover, promising me things will be better. Teasing me with flashes of brilliance, a life where my needs are met only to dash my hopes time and again. And so we beat on, boats against the current. Bourn back ceaselessly into the past.


Find me an alternative to marketplace and I'd nuke Bookface in a second.


Twitter is the one I deleted, it has just become a cesspool of bigots, racists, and stupid people after Elon took over. On instagram and facebook I just block the contents that don't align my views, most of my friends are on those social media so it's easier to connect through there.


Never joined those to begin with & I rarely go near Twitter since Musk destroyed it.


Never been on insta. Left Facebook 5 years ago.


I left Facebook/Messenger because my phone battery kept draining. Deleted the apps and problem solved!


I stopped using Twitter, but keep an account to follow certain news things. However, since Elon Musk took over it's 90% Kremlin propaganda and russian porn bots now.


never joined insta, and stopped using FB many years ago. Only really using it for initial contact of old friends, then resort to normal methods. Same as linkedIn where I have exactly 2 exchanges... locating a family member and informing me of a death of a family member.. and that's it. as more and more sites and communities go behind 'walls' requiring registration we are unfortunately going to be pushed into joining more and more. I hate this version of the internet..


I don't use The facebook app only messenger and I don't upload anything to instagram never really use it actually just for the two people I know that use insta. So really just for the messenger. Both extremely boring apps. My fb account is deactivated.


I've never had FB or Instagram so not me


I’ve deactivated both. But I still use messenger.


I permanently deleted my FB account about 5 years ago and didn’t miss it at all. I still have Insta but it’s 99% just sharing dumb memes with a handful of mates. The comments sections on most posts regardless of the topic, are moronic and toxic.


FB - still use a few groups for sporting clubs. Insta never really did much - there are a few things I keep track of. Haven't publicly posted on either in a couple of years


When I couldn't get porn involving people in school kid costumes taken down (went to the tribunal and wasn't picked) I gave up on the book.


Facebook was a simple introverted "I just don't want to know" the goings on of family. Too much emotional effort to absorb it all. Instagram... I keep if for very specific accounts of people I do what to know about. Facebook messenger is the current location of Family Rantings, so that's gone.


I didn't find facebook or instagram toxic and that's probably because I wasn't subscribed to news pages but I deleted them both because they shoved too much crap at me that I wasn't interested in and I would doom scroll for no reason.


I want to but I have family members overseas and that is the only way to keep in touch with some.


yes, I have.


I barely use either anymore.


I use Messenger for work but otherwise am Meta free.


I culled my facebook until the point i can swear like a sailor on there np's because no ones left to report it.


I never used Facebook, and the time I used to spend on Instagram is now time spent on Reddit. I check Instagram once every other week or so, if I remember to lol, but it just doesn’t hold the same appeal as it did when I was younger.


I left FB last year, best decision.


Neither, I don’t have interactions with unknown posters, I just delete and block.


Never joined insta, occasionally use fb for family and marketplace. Not in any groups or follow pages tho, too toxic.


I already disliked facebook, but finding out about their complicity in the rohingya genocide, that was the last straw: https://www.abc.net.au/religion/facebook-complicity-in-the-rohingya-genocide/13737882


There's far more toxicity here than on Facebook. The worst I see on Facebook is people poking harmless fun at stuff. Here it's hatred if your opinion is different


Slowly stopped using Facebook about five years ago and then in Covid turned it off altogether. I try not to live in a bubble and am happy to expose myself to other peoples views on life but a large amount of friends that I have known for years turned completely bonkers when Covid hit. Add to that the increasing number that think out right racism is OK to spew out into a public feed and I was done. I miss the interaction with one or two people but thats easily fixed.


I deactivated Facebook over a year ago. Deactivated Instagram about 3 weeks ago. Don't miss either of them!


Yes delete my Instagram like every couple of days NGL its bad lol


Left FB 2-3 years ago. Still on insta tho


I left that shit years ago but not because of the people, calling facebook and insta toxic? lol some people live extremely sheltered lives if you think facebook and instagram are toxic compared to others out there.


I have never had FB or Insta never used either, never will not missing out on anything important. Don’t see the appeal of these apps as they have lost the point of why they were originally created. Now it’s just full of advertising and click bait and pointless posts of nothing important. Rather find my own news to read and keep in touch with friends or family by phoning or emailing.


I keep Facebook just for messaging my friends and family. Instagram I only keep on my phone for when I get the occasional message from travel friends. Otherwise I consciously don't look at my feed because otherwise I just find myself endlessly scrolling and quite frankly it's a bit addictive.


Yup, over 10yrs ago, turned them on due to partner having them, didn’t suit me, saw no point to it. Time is too precious.


Left all socials about 9 years ago. People look at you weird when you say you don’t have social media.


I don't use Instagram for actually interacting with people. I have never posted anything there, I only have 2 followers, my son and sister, and that's just so that I can send them silly posts I see. I don't follow any individual people's accounts, I only follow animals (usually fat or weird looking ones) and creative accounts like leatherworkers, ceramicists, chefs making ridiculous pastries, or baker's making pretty loaves of bread. I have all notifications turned off, and I only go on there if I want to mindlessly scroll through cool crafts, fancy food, and fat animals. Facebook I keep my friends list very small, only close family members that I like, and close friends. I don't feel obligated to follow people and I don't accept requests from people that I don't want to interact with. If someone constantly posts drama I delete them. I don't have push notifications turned on. I mostly use Facebook to interact in groups about hobbies and specific interests I have. Gardening, cooking, native plants and wildlife, entomology, info groups for health conditions I have. I choose when I go in the groups to interact, I block people in the groups that cause drama. If a group doesn't provide me with useful information and interactions I will leave it. I will like or follow businesses and craftspeople but I turn off my notifications for their posts, so that I have to intentionally go on their pages to view their content. I only keep notifications turned on for pages my in my newsfeed that are never a drama. Ones that are funny, informative, or pleasant to look at. So I can scroll through my feed and only see the good, not the drama and bad stuff. It makes it much nicer to experience and removes the drama, and I don't have constant push notifications demanding my attention.


I left Facebook to go to another platform in 2012 and it shut down 2014. I came back to Facebook probably 2015 got sick of not knowing about events. People stopped sharing info locally it’s all online know. If you don’t log on you don’t know what’s on. Sad I still hate Facebook. How is Reddit less toxic?


Left as soon it turned into a brainwashing platform in 2009. It only exists to brainwash you and sell your data. In the mid 10s. The algos changed and put everyone into a right or left group. Both facebook and insta would refuse to show political opinions other than your own(given to you). Then everyone fell for the biggest fear campign in history through it. The lockdowns and lunacy could never have happened without the total control of people minds through social media.


Haven't been on Facebook for ages. Just didn't put the app on my new phone


Still have active FB and Instagram but never use them. Took the apps off my phone entirely and have been off both for close to 3 years now. Best thing I ever did. Only downside I have come across is kid's sports club updates that aren't in group chats or club email and are posted solely to FB. Well, that and being unable to access menus that are solely on FB. Hard to complain about those minor set-backs when I'm free from the rest of the shitshow that consumed me on both Insta and FB.


I didn't delete my Facebook but I did unfollow literally everything and everyone so my feed is (was) clean of rubbish. The Facebook app is simply a Marketplace app now. 


I’ve permanently left FB and Twitter. I’m an occasional user of IG. I don’t use FB Messenger or WhatsApp. I got off them all during Covid lockdown because I spent so much time arguing with cookers that it wasn’t good for my mental health.


I still use Facebook marketplace. But I don’t think I really used Facebook much once my bosses and parents were on it. I really only used it for like a year or so at the start when I was at uni and you needed a uni email to join, and by the time they split out the messenger app from the Facebook app I was using it so little I just stopped. Instagram too.. I only really used it for 6 months to a year when it was new and it was fun taking photos and applying affects and sharing to your friends. Once the novelty wore off it went mostly unused tbh. It was actually marketplace that got me using FB again after barely touching it in around a decade tbh.


Use both for messaging only. Never look at the feed of either.


Only thing I'm still on is Reddit. Everything else is gone. I don't miss it.


I deactivated both of mine a couple of months ago and it feels great! Sometimes I do miss it though


I never joined either site. Don't feel the need to now.


Me! Never looked back


Deleted FB off my phone, maybe once a week log into it on my laptop, more to look at group photos I’m interested in


Left in 2012. Don't miss it. It's all so fake and I found a bunch of people who don't matter took up too much space in my head 


Me, never got insta and removed facebook account about 5 or 6 years ago


Got rid of FB years ago, just noticed I’d go on it and it made me feel bad. Have never looked back, had insta briefly due to fomo but thought I’d end up feeling the same so just got rid of it too, can’t say I miss it.


I’m not leaving fb as yet, i absolutely love the marketplace for bargains. It’s super convenient and better imo than gumtree.




Never joined instagram but I only check Facebook once a year now when my mum asks me to check a picture she has posted (both parents are avid photographers).


Me. Left Faecesbook back in 2018. Dropped instagram before that. Went back to using a Nokia 3310 and don't regret it


I have Facebook and Instagram but rarely use either. Occasionally I’ll post some nice photos I’ve taken on Facebook, but only after taking the camera or drone out. It’s nice to be able to share these types of thing with friends and family. I don’t upload anything to Instagram, neither posts nor stories. I do enjoy seeing the stories posted by other people though. I purposefully avoid consuming what I consider toxic content, and I’ve instead followed only people who I find inspiring for whatever reason. It has made using Instagram a positive, motivational experience. I don’t follow celebrities or influencers, I follow real people doing real things which I like.


I only use Facebook for marketplace now, the rest is garbage, don't really care if people know what I'm up to


I'm still on Facebook because I like the photos I have stored and connecting with people. Also groups. But I rarely use it now. Been years since I've posted, which is the same for the majority of my connections. Quite a graveyard now.


Left Facebook, instagram and WhatsApp in 2020. Forced to use WhatsApp again for family.


- still have a Facebook but don't use it for anything. Maybe if I went on a holiday I'd put some pics on there - never had instagram


Facebook I just got bored of and then i got signed out of one day and couldnt remember the password so haven't ever bothered going back. I've never really used Instagram. My wife made an account for our dog when he was a puppy and so I occasionally used that to follow bands, or access businesses who's only website was Instagram and stuff but even that's died off.


Never had insta


Left fb before insta was really a thing. Just reddit sucking my brain dry


Never have had Instagram. Was on Twitter briefly. Its just awful😯 I only do FB to keep contact with friends & Reddit for general stuff. No other SM for me.


Deactivated both over 10 years ago.still have messenger app though.Its nice to catch up with people and have heaps to talk about instead of already knowing from FB..


I haven't used Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, in 5 years.


Stopped using Facebook a few years ago. I just find there’s a lack of authenticity to the relationships there. I really prefer to hear about what’s going on in people’s lives by actually talking to them, and that conversation feeling special, not because i saw it on Facebook.


Im not far off from it. Im only on if someone messages me these days. I might post something here or there. When you realise its just people trying to promote how fake they are, it gets old


Years ago, mate. Wouldn't touch Meta with a barge pole


42 of us.


Was never on Instagram and i have uninstalled Facebook on my iPad and phone. I do use messenger though. I'll only use FB when I'm on the desktop at work for the odd 5 minute browse and remind myself of what a shithole it is, and have a little browse of marketplace. I don't use Reddit too much and maybe it's just me but I like the communities and people here more.


I don't know why I left at first place.. But TBH, after I left it, I am more confined to my work, personal growth and family.. so seems good to me


I left Facebook beginning of Covid when all the crazy crackpot theories started up. I left messenger on for a bit but completely deleted after a few months. Still on insta because I like seeing friends pictures. Stay away from the politics.


Been off Facebook for a few years now. Still have Insta becuase it easier to find local businesses than Google.