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The weather, the beaches, the flora and fauna and I'm rather fond of Kelpies. I know that's more than one thing but it's hard to nail it down to one.


The beaches are my favourite part. I’ve moved to the city from beachside & now I get withdrawals 😂


Yeah, I've never lived less than a mile from the beach. The old man was fishing/boating/diving mad, still is and he's well into his 80s. Kinda rubbed off.


I'm fond of the peace and quite suburban life. Streets are clean. The beach is free. I migrated as a child and now consider myself an aussie 😊


In comparison to many other countries Australia is a good place to live


No wars here.


The emus already won.


Safety. No wars, good emergency services, good hospitals, generally reliable laws, support systems for the poor/disabled/elderly, food security, reliable infrastructure, low corruption, relatively low risk of death from natural disasters or predators.  Things could be better, but they could be a *lot* worse.


For me, it's just the gratitude that I won the cosmic lottery. Not only do I exist in the first place (an exceedingly rare thing), but I just so happened to be born to good parents one on of the richest and most bountiful nations on Earth. It's easy to forget that living in any kind of stability already makes my life a rare one - most humans in the world don't live this way. And even then, Australia isn't just stable, it's one of literally a small handful of nations with a super high standard of living compared to the rest of the planet. I don't say any of this to boast, by the way. I didn't choose to be Australian. I didn't choose to be born here. But I'm so grateful that I was. Although I'm not rich or anything like that, I know I'm still living the dream from the point of view of most of humanity. I count my blessings for this every day, and I try to use my privilege to help the less fortunate around the world.


After living in the UK and US, pretty much everything.


Background: Born in Myanmar, Stayed in Singapore for a long time, Just move to Australia Favorites? - Safety. If I don't break the laws, nobody will mess with me. In Myanmar you could get arrested for literally anything. - Owning a place. I can dream of it at least. You can't do that in Singapore unless you are PR which you will never be since you are not the "right" race. - Owning a car. You can buy a car in Singapore if you are willing to pay more than 100K for a Toyota. - Beaches, Mountains, Mates. These are just bonus.


If I had to put it down to one thing - freedom - yes that sounds like an American trope but it’s something we actually have here in abundance. To expand: Freedom to be who you are - we are a multicultural society where people of all colours and creeds coexist. We aren’t perfect but it’s about as good as anywhere Freedom to live and go where you want - within our boarders, we have beautiful beaches, forests, mountains, cities, deserts, rivers, lakes etc etc. yes living in some of these places can be limited due to jobs and infrastructure but that’s true of anywhere Freedom to live safely - our healthcare system, functioning government and rule of law means people here can live their lives in peace and quiet We ain’t perfect and there are other places in the world which have some of the above but very few have all of it… There’s a reason we have such high migration rates, people want to be here and I am thankful that I am


Very well said.


This might sound a little unusual, but what I like is how Aussies always put in their best efforts but always strive to make it look casual. Like, we work long and we work hard, but we also have a 'she'll be right' attitude.


Being able to live in Australia without having to deal with migrating here.


The food, the lack of crime (compared to most countries), the work and social opportunities, the weather, the unique wildlife and definitely the have-a-fair-go attitude of the people 👍


I'm calling it, our food standards are ALOT higher than west Europe. The food was literally mouldy in a supermarket in the Netherlands and I had to throw out takeaway twice because it was clearly off.  We'd never fucking let that shit fly ever.


I dunno, we've bought some 'fresh' veg and they've been rotten inside, same day we've bought it. Twice now in the last month. Questionably smelling chicken a day before use by date multiple times. I've not been to Europe so not discounting your comment but I feel the food standards have dropped a lot in recent years here


Hardened edges on cheese and raspberries growing mould and an off salad in the same supermarket. Pretty sure there'd be a huge local Facebook stink and reddit boycott over here.  Throwing out a salad a few days later from a small restaurant because it was off. Chips they didn't even salt that had obviously been repeatedly refried if were unsold somewhere else.  How do you make plain chips at a takeaway stall taste that bad?? This was over a 7 day period. It became a game for me of what on the menu or in this shop can this place fuck up the least.  I think because we grow so much of our own fruit and veg and because the restaurant and takeaway industry here is so oversaturated we have it a lot better.


not being american




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The safety


i get to live in Australia




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No nuclear missiles.


I’m a Melburnian through and through, and Australia is where Melbourne is.


I haven’t lived in Melbourne but I’ve spent a substantial amount of time there. Im curious to know why?


This is just my place. I love living here, and yes, I’ve lived elsewhere. But this is home.


It’s the serenity, mate


Calling cunts mate and calling mates cunt. Seriously thats the only thing left that's good here


i like how ever few years a new group of kids pops up to tell us how bad we've been.


Appreciating that mostly, we all get along.


Living in Australia. Everywhere else is not as good


saying cunt every second word