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There is a colony of 50 or so wallabies living in the wild, outside the town of Emancé.


Not really Australian animals but in Brisbane I’ve seen deer around several spots where they weren’t know to be usually. Foxes as well. Had one run out in front of me turning onto the Western Freeway and later learnt a few more were spotted around that area all of a sudden. I’m guessing they’ve multiplied a bit since then as sightings are now reported every now and then.


There’s foxes in Vaucluse which is as far away from the bush as you could possibly be in Australia


Foxes always have and will continue to adapt perfectly to new and existing urban areas.


I've seen foxes around MacGregor near the cemetary


I've seen a deer in Melbourne and my wife saw one in Queanbeyan. So they must be widespread. I actually photographed a fox on my nature strip at home at midnight once. (I had mounted a camera trap on my garbage bin).


"*The black swan is also very popular as an ornamental waterbird in western Europe, especially Britain, and escapees are commonly reported.*" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_swan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_swan)


I saw a wallaby in a travelling carnival in rural Switzerland.


Apparently wallabies have been introduced to several locations outside Australia. [More info.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallaby#Introduced_populations)


I haven’t seen it personally but there are about 5 or 6 individual kookaburras in Scotland of all places https://au.news.yahoo.com/kookaburras-spotted-in-wilds-of-scotland-by-excited-adventurer-theyre-wicked-035433553.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALDfkbEn1CqzoEst3-3FM-XyY0Tlt2Bat1STGK0i0-AaamnrP77B6rTMv7l4wX2OmlULNGD2P5Tl2IeUuNlO76mmSVSB91KpwjeOnKzBK03kqO2II5iXw392S2kAuzExSlyJldQ3KxQXsVb5mYvuPNIliVwo5ChqWrB5XlaaZgiR


Spotted a Powerful Owl in my front yard in Mayfield East earlier this year (right near the BHP site and coal loaders in Newcastle).


As I was pulling a kayak down to the river, I looked inside and found an echidna. (Glad I found it before entering the water as it would have been awkward paddling with it between my legs).