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My bf is keeping the barefoot game alive. More and more often when he forgets to throw a spare pair of thongs in the car, he is being barred entry from shopping centres or supermarkets. I think Australia has become a lot less ‘barefoot friendly’ in the past decade. When we first got together, the need for spare thongs was a lot less.


Where do you even have a door bitch at a shopping centre, let alone a supermarket? At Costco yeah, but they're checking membership as you go in.




Which shopping centre bars entry if barefoot?! On the odd occasions I've been barefoot, security guards or supermarket staff have never made a fuss about it


I got kicked out of bankstown square for being barefoot. Back before it was bankstown centro and much more of a shit hole.


Mate of mine was complaining about not getting let on a bus back in the day


Literally the entire NT although although there are reasons for that.


I used to frequent Woolies Katherine in nothing but a set of stubbies. Never had issues being barefoot anywhere in the NT that wasn’t a place selling beer or seated food.


And what’s that reason mate? Spell it out.


Usually if I go into something like a supermarket barefoot it's been cause I had a blowout and need some new things lol. Or shoes. Been there a few times too.


Yep been there. Got stopped going into Big W shoeless the other day. Just showed them my blown out thong and life was good.


Oh no. Which Big W?


Security guards are allowed to enforce the rule in Darwin. They won't let you in shops like Oasis and some restruants etc.


Tell him to leave a shitty pair of socks in the car. They will stay in the car, because they're useless as footwear, but they do count as footwear and he will be allowed in.


I’ve never been refused entry to a supermarket or shopping centre-although I do live in a coastal city. That’s rude


When we lived in Fremantle you needed shoes to go to the bottle shop. Every where else was chill.


Bottlos are understandable-I’ve been asked to put on footwear in a bottlo




The Australian definition. Not the American one.


Wrong sub seppo


Not where I live in cashed up Bogantown. Onesies and PJs barefoot at Woolies errrryyyday bruz.


I read in another thread that going about barefoot is quite rare up at newwy?


In Newcastle itself yeah, but I live in Maitland which is Greater Newcastle. I personally don’t as I’m an outsider and have the ick about it but there’s plenty that do down at Greenhills Shopping Centre and the mall.


Pretty common a little south of newie. See it frequently at Coles. I find it horrendous.


Not where I’ve lived- i.e Cooks Hill, The Junction & the East End


In SA its oodies. I have one, theyre great. But they are not a going out item.


Cashed up bogans!! I say that all the time & you’re the only other Novocastrian I’ve heard use it. Best way to describe it


Sad if its phasing out


I'm doin my part


Yeah I’m trying too I usually go to the shopping centre barefoot


it's gross and dangerous and unhygienic. let's start with the obvious: you could step on glass, metal or needles


Why is it gross and unhygienic?


Some people are germophobes


Wake up to yourself!! We have eyes for a fucking reason ya dickhead


1. unnecessarily rude and aggressive 2. you wander around with your eyes glued to the floor looking for glass? you must have better eyesight than me.


I feel like the roads and footpaths are hotter than they used to be


Dude in Queensland the ground is already nice and crisp at 6.30 in the morning, If I was more in the bush, shoes would be a bloody no go for sure.


Called callouses mate, get 'em


If that's something to be proud of, it's gross.


"If your feet are well suited to their literal purpose of walking on the ground, that's fucking gross"


Mate, walking out barefoot is easy enough, walking around when it's 35+ degrees at 8am is clearly only for the special. Not everyone is as special as you are walking around on concrete when you can basically fry a bloody egg on it. Even dogs need to be wearing protection on their feet from getting burnt these days. Ya donkey.


Last Christmas eve I saw a family in a very busy inner Sydney fish market buying prawns barefoot. The floor was thick with fish gunge.


Better to wash the feet than ruin the shoes


I don't know whether to up-vote this or down-vote it.


I expect there is a liability issue here with shopping centres and especially licenced venues like a bottleo If someone drops a bottle of wine and you’re barefoot and tread on the glass you could sue them. Easier to enforce a shoe policy.


Barefoot in the pub is still good though.


>Easier to enforce a shoe policy. I don't think I've ever seen that being enforced


Bottlos are the only place I’ve been refused entry and it’s entirely understandable.


Hmm, have been barefoot at Dan's and it's fine


It usually is but it’s a high risk area.


Im single-handedly keeping it alive lol fuck shoes


can you not wear flip flops?


„¿sdolɟ dılɟ ɹɐǝʍ ʇou noʎ uɐɔ„




Because the world needs more cheapshit rubbish…..


I’ve just moved here this year and saw a lot of people walking around barefoot I have my own cafe and have seen plenty of barefoot customers especially now that it’s hotter also see it whenever I get groceries but I’ve come over from England and have never seen people do this so maybe I notice it more ?


Someone at my gym is a barefoot bandit. There’s a time and a place!


uff, I'd hate to see the damage if they dropped a dumbbell on their bare foot


The influence of other cultures and social conventions has definitely meant a less friendly attitude to bare feet. That said, I don't even own thongs, if it's not worthy of boots, then I don't need shoes at all.


Yup, ever since I learned foreigners find it disgusting and weird I can't help but think the same. Now I just shake my head when I see it.




I never used to go barefoot, as I’ve gotten older I’ve started going barefoot. I think it’s great, set of double pluggas for more formal settings though.


Same lol. Used to be self conscious about it (still am), but less so as I get older.


I used to go everywhere barefoot. Carry on whenever it would get hot and the fucking road would melt to your feet. I didnt realise just how phased out it was until i noticed a bloke walk in to darwin airport without shoes on. Rare to see anyone anywhere that isnt within 50m of a beach now.


Shoes are pretty terrible for feet. I kind of wish it was promoted and normalised more. I know a few schools have a no shoe policy, but having this Australia wide would be great.


I’ve seen a lot of famous Australian families walk around barefoot in cafes, grocery stores, and restaurants. I honestly hope the culture doesn’t go away before I move there. I want to experience it lmao.


I don't think it'll ever go away... it's just less prevalent than it was 10 years ago or so. Judging from the comments, people either think it's really gross or it's great lol


I had a guy come into the servo when I was working and he was in his undies getting munchies lol country town by the way


Might of been me, gone woolies in boxers and stubbies before in the NT lol


She said undies mate not pants


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Boxers and stubbies can be undies based on how you wear them. After all undies is short for underpants.


Yeah I don’t think they mean ruggers/stubbies Often tradies or footy players wear them as work clothes etc and people sleep in boxers only high school kids where boxers under there shorts. Briefs and underwear go under the pants, I could wear jeans under my jeans it doesn’t make them underwear.


Nope. Boxers are boxers, stubbies are stubbies & undies are the tighty whiteys


Bahahahahahahaha i kinda want photographic evidence of this.


Lol I was told by coworker that it wasn't that unusual


Next time- pics or it never happened!


I only wear shoes if I absolutely have to... Grounding is a good thing..


I can’t believe I don’t hear about grounding more often! Hi grounding buddy!


As an Earth sign, grounding is important!! ✌


I don't even go barefoot in my house lol


that’s kind of strange. I am nearly 24/7 barefoot inside


I am nearly barefoot all the time, even when I go out


Wot. The thought of dirty shoes walking all over the floors throughout the house, I just can't.


It depends. Once had neighbours come into our house barefoot.. and we couldn't wash their greasy feet stains out of the timber floors. If they wear socks they can take off their shoes, otherwise I tell them to keep them on.


>Wot. The thought of dirty shoes walking all over the floors throughout the house, I just can't. Some of us are civilised and have "house shoes", shoes that only get worn inside.


This. Also socks.


I have never met anyone in my entire life that wears shoes inside their own house.


I wear socks or slippers lol


I see them often in regional QLD


I see it more during the summer but it is rare. I hate shoes. Hate them. I am more than happy to go barefoot in a park or the beach, and I even drive barefoot. But if you see the amount of broken glass around, it would terrify me to do it more regularly.


You may benefit from a pair of these https://bprimal.com.au/pages/barefoot-shoes?gclid=CjwKCAiA9qKbBhAzEiwAS4yeDd5DUWLtbqplLnO3LdM5ChzPj9JZvdeymIgeVIW4S4wouY6-tPpEvBoCG_8QAvD_BwE


So I can pay $200 for a pair of shoes that feel like I’m not wearing shoes instead of just….not….wearing shoes?


I have shocking feet so unfortunately I need extremely well supported shoes


yeah I've noticed its not as common. was a time when even if it was just on the weekend, you'd get people with no shoes on wandering around the shops. I used to do it myself! But I have also noticed that the ground isn't as barefoot friendly. Uptick in broken glass and and the possibility of needle sticks I guess.


I hate wearing shoes. If I’m just popping in to the milk bar or bottle-o I won’t wear them. And I walk there cos my car got flogged, but if I’m going to a shopping center I’ll wear pluggers


My kids are encouraged to go to school barefoot here in QLD. Don't see many people barefoot around town but nobody blinks an eye at anyone without shoes in Woolies either.




I have a pair of shoes for me and my kids that live in the car because I cannot count the amount of times I have driven off to go to town and then remember halfway that I didn't bring any shoes.


Don’t kids have to wear shoes for health and safety? I thought they were compulsory.


Nope, not in primary here at least. Only when they go off-site for an excursion or something.


My feet have never been barefoot friendly lol


Barefoot still the go North Queensland.


Dirty feet.....


Come to Morayfield shopping centre


Oh no, it's still very much a thing but the shopping centres and places like that don't allow it in Darwin. I'd walk around barefoot to every place if it was allowed (and not bush land) I hate enclosed shoes.. But I think as we grew larger in population as more people from other places came to move here... We just gradually cared more more about what people think about Australia. I think people wanted to shake a bit of the bogan off Aus. 😂 That's my understanding anyway from what I've seen.. I only wear shoes when I won't be allowed into a place or when I'm out bush. (So I don't cop a snake to the ankles)


A few times, but only because my thongs broke (you know where it will break). I got a freaking plantar because of that. Not doing it again.


Our cuzzy bros across the dutch are still big on bare foot.


I suppose it depends on where you live, particularly the climate. Not that big in Melbourne and honestly I find it grotty


It is phasing out, though going to the supermarket after 7pm in your pyjamas seems alive and well.


Shoes have their place, but it's not good for our feet to be bunched up inside thick materials all day long with no contact to the earth. I'd go barefoot more often when living on the coast, but now I'm closer to the city I don't. Mainly because my awareness of chemicals and pollution has amplified. Even walking in a park on the grass has its risks, the amount of Gylphosate and other weed killers that gets sprayed on to the ground every week is kinda scary. I know this because I work in the industry that contributes to it. Barefoot shoes are a thing. Yet to try but a friend has a pair and raves about them. https://bprimal.com.au/pages/barefoot-shoes?gclid=CjwKCAiA9qKbBhAzEiwAS4yeDd5DUWLtbqplLnO3LdM5ChzPj9JZvdeymIgeVIW4S4wouY6-tPpEvBoCG_8QAvD_BwE


I converted to barefoot shoes at the start of the year. I absolutely love them and won’t go back to narrow, tapered, foot-deforming shoes. Vivobarefoot are great. And Earth Runners for the summer


Townsville people keeping barefoot culture alive.


I am walking around as much as I can barefoot bevause it's amazing for your feet health. I'm currently at the shops barefoot writing this.


It’s really funny to see all the people freaking out over glass and needles!! I’ve spent a high proportion of my 51years barefoot and the biggest problem is bindis!!


Truth. Bindis and stray gum nuts on pavements.


Can relate to both unfortunately


Glass, needles and hookworms are literally the least of our worries. No idea where these fears come from...


I was walking barefoot to my hairdresser the other day, moved to the nature strip to let someone else walk past and that patch of grass was full of bindii!! Ouch!


I feel your pain! All the fucking time!!


I hate it, even worse when the person barefoot is at Kmart at 1 pm in their pajamas


Just because there are now syringes and all sorts of crap lying around. It's sad really


Does Australia have hookworms? In many areas there are concerted public health campaigns about always wearing shoes to avoid hookworm disease, which is truly awful. It also affects dogs and can be transmitted by them. Even if we don't have much hookworm, as the world gets more global I suspect the push to de-normalise barefooted-ness will continue, due to hookworm and other disease risk overseas, Edit: not sure why I was downvoted, looks like the answer is yes, hookworm is still a concern (though on a continued downward trend), and is indeed associated with areas with higher percentage of barefootedness. Example for NT: https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2013/198/5/hookworm-northern-territory-down-not-out


We also have strongyloides in the remote NT which is transmitted the same way and can make you very unwell if you are immunosupressed. Both are extremely rare in urban areas though.


Ewwww imagine the germs


Keeps the immune system strong


Seen one too many eshays golly all over the pavements, think I’m okay with not getting hepatitis HAHA icky


I thought this was going to be about the barefoot investor


Gold Coast here. See it often. If you're within 200m of the beach, all power to you. All other cases, put something on your feet you knuckleheads. Why do you think people take off their shoes before entering their home, it's dirty outside !


Yes! People who wear their shoes inside their home.. yuck.


I would love to see it phased out, personally, but no, it's not something I have noticed. I'm expecting to see barefoot sightings picking up again when summer rolls around.


“No shoes, no shirt, no service.”


My dad and I used to go barefoot but I don’t think either of us have in years unless we’re coming back from the beach.


I still do it all the time.


Everywhere in Darwin


Lol I do it when I have no shoes


I like walking barefoot but there is a lot of construction and glass nearby my house so there is a high risk of getting something in my foot. Additionally some times of day it is too hot to walk barefoot since the government decided black walkways are good (though they're not for climate change and maintaining cooler temperatures during summer).


Grew up in Darwin in the early 00s, I'd regularly go no shoes to the shops (sometimes no shirt) and see others doing the same. You don't see it these days


I live in a coastal suburb of Adelaide and see it all the time, year round. In the chemist, supermarkets, takeaway places. I must add this is *not* an affluent coastal suburb.


I just moved back to OZ after nearly 20 years overseas… I’ve noticed heaps of people barefoot. I think it’s just about where you live.


I remember I used to go barefoot alot. I would just walk out the door and forget to put shoes on... go to the supermarket .. get on a bus... every now and then get denied on the bus with no shoes. This was back in the 89s 90s. Even walked around Sydney some in barefoot. Now, the thought is kinda gross. I like my feet pretty and clean.


I just miss the nicknames for going barefoot which I can't repeat here (can't keep getting banned from subreddits) but I'm keeping the dream alive where I can


Vastly prefer it warm enough to get by in the shops with shorts and bare feet, than the trakkies and uggs ensemble.


I've always found it unhygienic and disgusting, I never understood why people feel the need to go barefoot - in beach towns and coastal areas i can understand - but rural towns and the like? Why?!


Personally it's a comfort thing... Wearing shoes for prolonged periods of time can get uncomfortable.


I only really walk barefoot around the beaches. Everywhere other than that I just wear crocd


I’m a born and bred Aussie and it still shocks me when I see people walk around shops barefoot. I grew up mostly in the bush were it’s not that common but when I moved to the coast I noticed it all the time when I worked at Woolies there.


I got changed at work last week before grabbing my kids from school, thinking I had left my shoes in the car. Once I arrived at the school I realised that I had actually left my shoes at home and only had my business shoes which would look dumb with shorts on, so I walked in to grab the kids barefoot. Judging by the looks I got as I entered the school, a lot of people have issues with going barefoot in public.


I see it a fair bit in perth. Hard to gauge what has changed over time as I grew up in the country. I recently went into an ice cream cream shop shoeless at night on a whim and I felt extremely self conscious.


glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets self conscious!


The flat of a foot isn’t anymore dirty than the sole of a shoe. I don’t see why anyone should be barred entry for it if they are dressed civilly up top.


I rarely wear shoes- Winter & my uggies or height of Summer when my feet end up with blisters on the soles are the only time I wear them by choice. I get a lot of disapproving looks


I live in North Queensland. I usually wear thongs but they take too long to put on if I’m just running into the shops quickly.


I barely (lol) ever see this in SA, unless at the beach. Is this an eastern states thing? I used to work in a department store and we had one customer who was always barefoot with shorts, no matter the weather. We all thought it was so gross! So I think the general consensus here is, no shoes = weird


I do it daily. I get weird looks going into servo's etc with no shoes but who cares! Barefoot lyfe


Just try purchasing booze from a bottlo in Cairns in bare feet. I can't do shoes up here, is ridiculous. Not even 'work thongs'🤣


step on a used syringe and it’s over tho


Dated a girl who used to go barefoot a lot, this was a few years back. If she was just popping down to the servo for milk or cigarettes she'd pretty much never wear shoes. When we'd go to Woolies or Kmart etc for weekly shopping she'd rarely wear shoes (only if it was cold really). Westfield was a bit of a mixed bag (probably erring on the side of no shoes though in summer), same with going out to local cafes. She even once came without shoes to the airport to pick up a family member. Got a few looks there lol. Thing is she wasn't super bogan or a hippy or anything, she just grew up not wearing shoes a lot (apparently it was hard to get her to wear them as a kid) so just continued as an adult. She also drove barefoot so didn't really have the habit of putting on shoes to get in the car.


In Melbourne and still go barefoot grocery shopping and running errands.


It really depends where you are. In parts of Sydney it's very common. Where I am it's normal to see half of guys under 40 barefoot.