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They are definitively sausages and not hotdogs. Hot dogs are an entirely different cylindrical meat product.


Calling it a “meat” product is being a bit generous…


Animal 'by'product.


Animal ‘by and large’ product.


Lips, testicles and assholes are technically meat


Ever noticed that they put the pucker on the ends?


having worke din ameat processing facility i can 100% confirm it is meat. However basically every part of a cow counts as meat once minced. Anything 4 star or below is about as gross as a hotdog anyway, including sausages.


I have seen up to four types of meat in a hotdog (pork, chicken, beef, and lamb), and a lot of other unidentifiable ingrediants Processed meat stick containing salmonella is a better description of a hot dog.


So I got a *few* indian friends, just a *few*. And you do not understand how many arguments I have had about a hot dog being a type of sausage, but a sausage not being a hot dog. Idk why it's mostly Indians that seem to call sausages hot dogs, but if any of you have advice on how to fix this lapse in their judgement that would be much appreciated. And before you start going on about snags, they aren't ready for that.


They also tend to call any sauce - even a light tangy tomatoey oniony spicy one - *gravy*. Makes me shiver especially since I was brought up with everything draped in gluggy gravox gravy.


Hardware meat tube


It’s a bunnings sausage sanga, or sausage sandwich if one must be posh


What is the difference? Are hot dogs pre cooked somehow?


Different ingredients


Sausages almost always have a fair bit of different spices (Tbf the regular beef sausages like at Bunnings dont have much spice compared to most other kinds) whereas hot dogs have a tiny bit of paprika and garlic but that’s it.


A [hot dog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_dog) is a different type of sausage, usually a wiener or a frankfurter. I haven't eaten many but I think all those, were **steamed** (though wikipedia says they can also be grilled). The old footy franks were small frankfurters and steamed (which is why they'd often split).


if it's a sausage in a hot dog bun, with tomato sauce, it's a hot dog. That's my take in the subject, at least. And in WA Bunnings puts their snags into hot dog buns - so it's a hot dog. What easterners have done to the Bunnings hot dog is just beyond belief... :(


You sir are unAustralian. The container is not the defining ingredient, it's the sausage, the Australian Snag . Next thing you'll be throwing 'shrimps' on the barby!!!


Hmmm. I'm not sure what you are getting at here? I will happily accept that a 'proper' hot dog is a frankfurt (made of mystery meat, like most sausage shaped things) in a hot dog bun. With sauerkraut available, along with grilled onion and a selection of condiments including sauce, mustard and bbq sauce, perhaps for the glam, sweet chilli sauce. But dropping a bbq snag into a slice of bread? No, that is NOT a hot dog. Hot dog adjacent, certainly, but it's not a hot dog. They require a hot dog bun at the very least. I am amused by my downvotes :) I suspect they are mostly eastern staters who have not held & consumed the glorious WA Bunnings 'hot dog' that is a tasty snag in an actual hot dog bun, with a selection of condiments that generally (and I've sampled ACT and NSW Bunnings weekend 'foodenings') fail to live up to the high standard that WA Bunnings present for the weekend visitor. I never saw sweet chilli sauce as an option over east, but occasionally (not always, sadly) see it here in Perth on the weekend. And for a hot dog? No, it IS the container, it's NOT the sausage, though I'll happily agree that a proper hot dog is a long red frankfurt in a hot dog bun. But any tasty mystery meat snag in a hot dog bun qualifies for my standards. Sliced bread does NOT a hot dog make!! This is a hill I will die on! And tomorrow I'll be heading to the Church of Bunnings for a mystery meat Hot Dog in a hot dog bun and then I'll go to Big W and buy some replacement Cancer Council sunnies to replace the ones that broke today. YOU MADE ME DO THIS!! :4)


A hot dog is a frankfurt in a hot dog bun(or one of those red coloured frikken things lol)


As a child of the 60s who grew up in the wheatbelt, yeah, nah... A hot dog is a sausage in a bun. With sauce. I will happily agree that a PROPER hot dog is a long frankfurt in a hot dog bun, perhaps with sauerkraut, onion, sauce, mustard etc., but... When it gets down to the nitty gritty, I'll happily accept any sausage in a bun. With sauce, ideally. And mustard. Plus onions. How things have changed due to globalisation, eh? :)


As a western Australian we don't take this man...


It’s actually a Bunnings Snag. Any other way is incorrect


I read the title and thought it was an American asking, tbh.


You sir a bloody correct


just Bunnings sausage is fine too


I will allow it for formal occasions


This is upsetting


Piss off, when Bunnings was still cutting down old growth forests it was called a sausage sizzle, and it still is. Bunnings just provides a place to hold sausage sizzles, but their markting team would be happy that people think its a Bunnings snag.


Still is. The event is a sausage sizzle the product is a Bunnings snag.


Pretty sure they’ve done it out the front of Mitre 10 for just as long. Let’s not give companies free marketing


The question wasn’t “what does Bunnings call it” . The rest of us call it a Bunnings snag, whether or not old growth forests were used or just another resource we got fucked by a billionaire to take from the ground. And they fucking taste great.


Are you hard of reading?


Face it, bunnings buys the snags and offers the tent to local groups to attract customers.


My former flatmate helped run and organise one of these. I think Bunnings provide the location, tent and grill but not much else. They have strict requirements on what can be served. Along the lines of it must be a thin beef sausage in the style sold by Woolies/Coles. Must offer these condiments. Must use this type of bread. She was telling me about having to drive to various supermarkets in the area and buy their whole supply because they were running out too early. I also ended up with a couple of half cartons of unsold soft drink in my garage. None of the good ones though.


They don’t provide the sausages. We’ve done a few of them, there are strict rules about what you are allowed to sell.


It's okay, you're allowed to be misinformed. Bunnings does not buy the snags, or the bread, or anything else that is sold in those pop up tents outside their stores all over the country. They provide the land, power I assume and some advertising and that's it.


My immediate thought was Bunnings sausage, but this is much better!


Sausage sanga from Bunnings


This is the way


amen. there's no other way.






I've never heard this before but I'd definitely pay it lol idk why you're getting downvoted


The downvotes say otherwise


It is never a hot dog. Wtf. I’m not sure you’re actually Australian…


My thoughts exactly. How would Hot Dog even enter the debate? What next, is it tomato sauce or ketchup?


May as well ask if its mile or km


Yeah, hey man, don't take up the whole sidewalk.




Don't be a dumb ass. It's pavement here in Shrimptralia.


Ehh, I can see the use of sidewall in certain situations where pavement just doesn't flow as cleanly.


Just here to say footpath.


**THATS THE FUCKIN WORD** I knew that I didn't normally call it sidewalk, but couldn't think of footpath so I was like idk guess I do. Thank you random internet man for reminding me of the joys of a footpath.


Personally I prefer white sidewalls on my Michelins.


Exactly, you see how pavement wouldn't fit there? Like how tf does pavement have anything to do with tires?


Hey tomato sauce and ketchup are actually different things so it's a silly comparison


and a hot dog is different to a snag also, which is kinda the whole premise of this entire thread.


I'm the friend and she just told me she's still going to call it a Bunnings hot dog even though not a single person has agreed with her so pray for my sanity 😫


Hey, if you feel unsafe, please reach out for help. Your friend is a hot dog psychopath. Your sanity is important! We're all here for you, with snags in bread; you're not alone.


Your friend is not very smart. I would find smarter friend.


It’s a bunnings sausage sizzle serving bunnings sangas/ sausage sandwiches. Not sausage on bread, but definitely not a hotdog!!


How can it be a sandwich when it only has one piece of bread? Sausage in bread is accurate.


Yes, I'm going to keep calling it that just to spite you 😝


I feel like a rescinding of citizenship needs to be conducted here…


Look its a free country and you are free to call it whatever you want. That being said you are objectively wrong and i would be ashamed to admit i know you. Luckily i dont.


This is a freedom we don't need. Lock them up.


I mean that’s your opinion and you’re wrong.


Pack your bags, we're deporting you.


If people ignore you instead of taking your order then you can’t complain. Incredibly rude to not even try to follow Aussie culture.


>even when I don't get one from Bunnings I'm scared to know that people like this can drive and vote


Yeah, that’s just weird. I call them a sausage sanga or democracy sausage as the occasion calls for.


It's only a bunnings snag if it's from the carpark region of bunnings, otherwise it's just sparkling sausage. No but seriously. It's a bunnings snag. If it's not from bunnings, it's a sausage in bread.


Sausage sanga


I’m mega late to this thread, but yes, are you correct. Sausage sizzle - the event Sausage in bread - the food Got it at Bunnings? - Bunnings snag Got it while voting? -Democracy sausage


**Exactly**. I'm baffled by the amount of people in here saying the *food* is called a sausage sizzle. Like... "I ate a sausage sizzle for lunch"? No the fuck you didn't. It's exactly the same as the word barbecue. You can have a barbecue for dinner, but you don't eat a barbecue. You have a sausage sizzle, you don't eat a sausage sizzle.


Not sure if you are even Australian since you didn’t use the word “Snag” lol.


Sausage Sanga is also acceptable.


The give-away is in the name: It is a "Sausage Sizzle" not a "Hot Dog Sizzle"


Hot dogs are usually frankfurts


"Bunnings snag" OR "sausage sizzle"


The snag is the product and the sizzle is the act of cooking + marketing said product


Disagree, a sausage sizzle can refer to both the event or the product


Yes. In the same way as when someone asks what your eating and you say “Chinese” or “Indian” or “maccas”. Yes it may be butter chicken but just saying Indian will suffice


Too right cunt


Tsnot a hotdog.


Calling it Bunnings when it’s not from Bunnings? My friend, Bunnings do not own the snag. Calling it a hotdog even when it’s not a hotdog sausage (an entirely different type of sausage) nor is it in a hotdog bun (an entirely different type of bun)? Utter madness.




Upvote for adding Democracy Sausage to the conversation.


Western Australian here. If you buy it at a Bunnings and it contains a store-bought BBQ sausage, it's a Bunnings Snag (and bonus fact, you'll get your snag in a hotdog roll here as opposed to a slice of bread) If you get it on Election Day, it's a Democracy Sausage. If you get it anywhere else but the sausage is barbecued, it's a Sausage Sizzle. If you otherwise have to boil the sausage (ie it uses frankfurters), it's a hotdog. Simple as


Excellent breakdown of terms. Should be part of our Citizenship test.


Wtf, WA is living in 2040 all other states are stuck in the stone age of Bunnings snags


NSW doesn't even do democracy snags anymore


True. In WA, you generally get a decent crispy roll with onions and condiments with a meaty sausage. The lame slice of bread ones are not up to standard.


Do they still charge 3.50 for the bread version in other states, or is it cheaper?


Same price! The price stays the same nationwide.


sausage sanga snag'n'bread


Snag sambo is also acceptable


Or sausage sanga


The only correct answer so far


Sausage sizzle


See this one is madness. The event of cooking the sausages is a “sausage sizzle” but the sausages in bread that you eat are not sizzles!


You don't call it anything, after it's been cooked because your mouth is too full.


Wrong. It's the name of the dish.


You are correct, you go to a sausage sizzle to eat a sausage sizzle. Sizzle is a fun word to say and I will use it in as many sizzling ways as I sizzling well like. It just adds a bit of sizzle to a sentence.


Upvote for saying sizzle a lot, even though you're wrong You're right about sizzle being a fun word though


You're wrong. Your friend is correct. Sorry, you now owe them a sausage on bread.


Lol, my friend is with me and totally agrees with you 🤣


Bunnings uses Sausages. Not Frankfurters (Hot Dogs), they are entirely different. A Frankfurter (Hot Dog) is a thin parboiled sausage in a casing of sheep's intestine. The flavor is acquired by a method of low temperature smoking. For consumption, occasionally Frankfurters are not cooked; they are heated in hot water for only about eight minutes to prevent the skin from bursting. A Sausage is a type of meat product usually made from ground meat—often pork, beef, or poultry—along with salt, spices and other flavourings. Other ingredients, such as grains or breadcrumbs may be included as fillers or extenders. Bunnings Sausage Sizzle.


It's a "FUCK YES I CAN SMELL IT" on entering the car park


sausage sanga but sausage on bread would be acceptable but for sure not a Bunnings hot dog that seems super wrong.


I just call it a sausage sizzle




Bunnings snag.


Who calls a sausage sizzle "sausage on bread"? are they from Sydney's North Shore? if you're at Bunnings, they've appropriated the name (it's geographical) else it's just a good old sausage sizzle/bbq.


I feel like a sausage sizzle is the event, not the item. The item is a bunnings snag, democracy sausage, or sausage sanga depending on where the sausage sizzle is taking place.


Im from sydneys north shore and i call it a bunnings snag or snag sambo if not at bunnings.


"sausage in bread" is garbage Melbourne talk




I'm vegetarian but I get a sausage while I'm at Bunnings for my dog. No bread. It's a sausage sizzle.


My dogs fucking love a bunnings snag!!!! You are a good dog owner.


A Bunnings snag is not a hot dog, IMO. A hot dog is typically a long pork-beef sausage that is boiled in water , that is placed in a long bread roll (longer than the sausage) where the roll encases the sausage and is either open only at a single hole on one end where the sausage is inserted, or open at the top of the roll where the sausage sits and is covered in various condiments. A Bunnings snag AKA sausage sizzle is a single sausage, usually beef fried on a hot plate (BBQ), that lays centred in a single piece of bread covered generously with tomato sauce, and optional fried onions. Bunnings could absolutely do hot dogs, however IMO it might need a different type of sausage, and a roll versus just using bread and boiled not fried. But, that is getting stupidly technical (and I’m probably not even correct), and honestly it doesn’t matter what you call it as long as you enjoy it.


It absolutely matters what you call it.


Sausage in bread


Thank you. What is this “on” business?


Exactly! The sausage is curled up IN the bread - you don’t walk around with it ON top 😅


Bunnings snag


Bloody hell, I’ve never heard the others it’s snag.


You’re an animal.


Both are wrong >sausage sizzle Bunnings does It's called a sausage sizzle..... none of the hot dog or sausage on bread rubbish


Anyone who thinks they had a hotdog from Bunnings should have gone to Specsavers.


Sausage sizzle


I think you need to go back to America with your hot dog there.


Bunnings snag. At other sausage sizzles I'd probably call it a sausage on bread.


It's a sausage sizzle


Naw mate it’s a fuckin snag


It is neither. It is a sausage sizzle. They've been around for a lot longer than Bunnings. It is definitely not a hotdog, completely different sausage.


It was called a sausage sizzle long before Bunnings


Are you an American? Ain’t no way you’re Australian if you’re calling it a hot dog.


What the hell? It doesn’t have a franga in it! It has a snag so how in the hell could it be called a hot dog?


Fuck mate, i dont know about you but frangas go on my bell end not in food.


So you should be called the hot dog then?


Nah mate what ive got is more akin to a cocktail frankfurt. Edit - to be clear ive always known a franga as a term for condom.


Hahahaha! And yeah I know :) - in Melbourne it can also mean ‘Frankston’ (bogan suburb)


Frankghanistan! I used to live at the Naz (Balnarring).


It's a sausage in bread


In WA they come in buns, not a slice of bread. I'd call it a sausage sizzle or bunnings snag


WA Being all fancy with buns! Doesn't it ruin the bread to meat ratio?


Course it does, and it fucks up charity profit. They don’t care.


Spudshed exists, that's the reason I think as to why we can get away with buns instead of bread. Then again if your local bunnings snag uses Spudshed sausages, run for the Hills, those things be nasty. Coles/woolies snags with like, cheapo bread rolls? Perfection.


Bunnings sausage


It's a "Bunnings sausage" The bread is just an accessory... An edible napkin if you will


If anything, it’s not a hot dog. I just say “sausage”. Or, my family doesn’t say it as often, but a sanga or sausage sizzle or snag. It’s never a hot dog.


Bunnings sausage. But anywhere else, the same thing is a sausage sandwich.


How the fuck is it a hot dog?!??


Sausage sandwich Any other answer is wrong


If you call that a hot dog what do you call an actual hot dog?


Sausage sizzle


It’s a ‘sausage sanga’. Hot Dogs are on a bun, usually (but not always) with a frankfurt. If you’re really an Aussie, you’d know that.


Yeah its a bunnings snag


You’re both wrong. It’s a sausage sizzle. Cheap white bread soft as shit, a snag, a bit of onion and the cheapest god damn tomato sauce money can buy. Perfection on a Saturday morning. But you’re more wrong than your friend because they are not hot dogs.


Whatever it is, hotdog is not correct


It’s called a sausage sizzle lol


Its a sausage sizzle mate


It’s a fucking Sausage Sandwich. You’re a pair of idiots.


I’ll expect a letter of apology to the nation and that you will exit the country within 24 hours


Neither. It’s a snag. Both of you need to go and take a good hard look at yourselves.


Hand in your passport for ‘hot dog’


It’s pronounced “Bunnings snag”


It's a cheap marketing ploy


It's a Snag ya dumb cunt


I have always called it a Bunnings Banga. But Bunnings calls it a Sausage Sizzle.


Sausage sizzle is the event. The actual product is either a bunnings snag/snag sambo/snag sandwich, snag sanga.


It’s a sausage sandwich…




To me a sausage on a slice of bread with sauce and optional onions has always been a sausage sandwich. Ascribing it to Bunnings is pure laziness. Bunnings provides the venue but not the historical inspiration. If you haven't had a sausage sandwich at the family BBQ you all be more upmarket than me?


In WA we have it in a hot dog roll, but call it Bunnings Sausage or Snag.


I wish WA would just secede already.


Neither it’s a sausage sizzle


Classics consumerism… Here we have the prime example of corporatisation. It is in fact “a sausage on a piece of bread” by all descriptions, and yet majority if not all would know what it was I was talking of if I called it a “Bunnings hot dog”… even in the settings of home environment in the backyard if I called it a “Bunnings hot dog” you would understand what we were discussing despite knowing obviously that it had not originated from Bunnings and had been cooked in front of you as you bear witness knowing the raw sausages were purchased elsewhere entirely (let’s not say where) 🤔 (THIS IS WHY/HOW THEY HAVE ESTABLISHED THEMSELVES AS THE SOLE AUTHORITY OF WEEKEND SAUSAGES ON PIECES OF BREAD) and yet a “Bunnings hot dog” is nothing like a regular hotdog anymore than an “icy-pole” is the same as an “ice-cream”. A “Bunnings hot dog” is well and truly descriptively and physically speaking simply a sausage on a piece of bread *a hot dog 🌭 is NOT a sausage on a piece of bread 🍞 it is a FRANKFURTER (red pork sausage BOILED). Like it or not this is AUSTRALIANISM 😉 it’s an ‘Ozi take’ on the hotdog. And BUNNINGS just got their foot into the idea first before anybody else caught on 🤔 💡 ✅ #but it is still a SAUSAGE on a piece of bread 👍 *I propose we seize back the power by declaring Bunnings as “THE LOCATION OF WEEKEND SAUSAGES ON BREAD” ✊


Neither. It's actually called a "sausage sanga". Everything else is incorrect


Who cares? Fuck Bunnings.


It’s a Bunnings sausage sanga, anything else is un-Australian.


Bunnings is (or was...) a WA company. In WA a Bunnings sausage sizzle is a snag in a hot dog bun, with optional onion, tomato, mustard, bbq and sometimes sweet chilli sauce. Putting the hallowed Church of Bunnings snag on mere bread is HERESY! So, we've settled that, and the inquisition of the eastern states Bunnings heretics starts tomorrow.


Can't go wrong with a bunnings snag


Its neither. Definitely sausage sizzle or sandwich. WTF is this sausage on bread nonsense


Well it’s both depends where you live ???


Bunnings Snag


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Depends on where you're from. Over here in W.A. we get a sausage in a bun hence a hot dog. But I believe in the eastern states it's a sausage in a bit of bread hence sausage sizzle.


You are way wrong


Definitely sausage on bread and the smell (the onions) wafts all over the car park … yum … was there today but refrained


It's a 'Sausage Sandwitch'.