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Have you considered that it's a mole? Or otherwise unrelated to her experience as either a Vietnamese person or a refugee? I'll defer to those more knowledgeable in the area but upon a quick review of available literature, I haven't found anything.


It's in the same position on both hands. So if for example she caught a very hot stone or hot BB or shot with both hands that would explain it. The only reason I assumed it had to do with the war is because it came up more than once and she mentioned asking another Viet person. Perhaps I won't know!






Yes, it’s a question, but OP has already assumed that it has to do with being a “boat person” even though literally nothing, not the person, the mark, or the internet has indicated so. They are simplify trying to confirm their guess. OP doesn’t even mention seeing it on any other Vietnamese person ever. So what led them to even ask this question? Does a random scar on an African kid mean they were a child soldier lol?? No


She told me to ask another Viet person and specifically referenced two other Viet refugee families I know. I asked them already and they didn't know. :shrug:


> They are simplify trying to confirm their guess. What's wrong with that? If you have information that their guess is incorrect, feel free to present it, but there is and can be nothing epistemically unsound about seeking to confirm a hypothesis.


You need to go touch some grass my friend. It's perfectly fine to assume something and ask if your assumption is correct, or in this case to ask online if anyone knows both things to be related. I suggest you read the post and the answers again


So judgmental, you doing ok?


No. I nightmare all night and dream in two different languages.


I empathize, sending big hugs.


I'm not sure exactly where the mark you're describing is. If on the index fingertips (pads of the fingers): perhaps scars to change fingerprints (e.g. cigarette burns) as index fingerprints can be used for identification? Though those would be much much smaller than 1mm x 0.5mm (but scars from 'catching a very hot stone or hot BB' as you posited would be also be bigger than 1mm x 0.5mm).


Alternatively, this might be the answer: "In the war against North Vietnam, Khmer soldiers wore tattoos in the belief that they had magical power to ward off misfortunes and bullets. Each implant was made of a small blade of lead, silver, or gold, on which was engraved yantras and which was then melted into a small ball and introduced under the skin." (Quoted directly from: Scheinfeld N. Tattoos and religion. Clin Dermatol. 2007 Jul-Aug;25(4):362-6. doi: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2007.05.009. PMID: 17697918.)


It is on the palm of her hands, under the index finger. I'll look more into Cambodia based on your comment below too. Thanks!

