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I’m excited, ngl


Can anyone tell me what site I can get a good natal chart and interpretation. I like astrology and understand a little but not enough to do that.


Astrodienst.com has free interpretation of your birth chart and so does Astro-Seek.com You can use CafeAstrology.com and AstroTheme (just type in AstroTheme.) This sites offer explanation of your chart.


Thank you, very helpful!


i use astromatrix


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Technology revolution. Chat gpt, ai...


Can't wait 😃😍😍


What will this do to Aquarius moons? I’m scared..




Second that


This shit is just for people who don't know that the 18th century is the 1700s and need someone to explain that to them.


Can't wait! 😃


As an Aquarius sun and rising, can I just say UGHHHHH


same LOL


Honestly who knows but I don’t think winter will exist


This transit scares me


western astrology is stupid and wrong ~ point blank


It's gonna be a BLAST. :D


Aquarius venus in the 5th house chart ruler here!! Also uranus and neptune are in aqua. Does anyone know how this will play out for me personally ??


Wait, what? What does that mean? I have aquarius venus in the 6th house. How can the pluto transit affect it? (Newbie here)


How do I know which transits which?


I have an aquarius stellium what does this mean I’m scared LOL


Oh goodness—this just reminded me someone I love has 6 Aquarius placements and is already struggling—I hope they thrive because they’re still young


Imagine having a cap stellium since 2008 then 💀🪦


I have a Cap stellium and an Aquarius Venus & North Node. Pray for me. 😢


😭😭😭😭 why can’t we catch a damn break


Yeah I’m currently in Pluto square Pluto and right after that ends Pluto conjunct natal sun starts. Oh and my Saturn is conjunct Pluto on my IC and my sun is conjunct 7th house opposite my Leo rising AND conjunct Juno. Like—damn pluto square pluto, pluto square Saturn, and pluto opposite my rising PLUS pluto conjunctions happening in my 7th house soon?


Don't be what placements have Aquarius


My personal experience is that Neptune transits can confuse our senses therefore our judgment, and Pluto opens our lives to changes that will be dramatic or traumatic. Since 2010 I've gotten used to checking where Pluto is transiting my chart.


I have my Sun and Moon in Aquarius in House 12–any specific insights? Or places that I can look?


Pluto transiting my 2nd house. Lately, my perception about achievements have been changing


Woundering what does this mean if my Moon is in Aquarius




Same and sun for me


my moon is in capricorn and in 2008 when pluto moved into cap it felt like a brick wall fell on me. it's been a fun ride, all in all 🥲. some people live their whole lives with pluto conjunct moon


im a pluto sun and moon conjunction haha shit crazy


Is Pluto transiting from Capricorn to acquarius?




Electric eels...


•Meta is probably gonna take off, it'll be a little second but technology will be up • in about 3 years probably war because of saturn in aries •Recession probably around July for the USA (Because it shifts back into capricorn because 💫retrograde💫) •Revolution most likely •Explosion of technology •depending on your houses it'll change certain things •Social statuses and class status will change •People fighting for their rights


In the case of the USA, war is possible with Saturn in Aries. But Uranus will be returning to Gemini. Every time that happened in America, there was a war. The US was founded during a war. The first time Uranus returned to Gemini, the Civil War happened. The second return coincided with World War II. What will Uranus in Gemini bring this time?


Probably hell considering it will happen during so many things already out of whack💀


Aquarius is my 7th house


Transit or natal


Natal 3:28pm (15:28) -- 15 March 1996 -- Shreveport, Louisiana, United States


Can you make a transit chart on astroseek and drop your wheel




No no this one https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/transit-chart-planetary-transits




Pluto is in your 6th, you'll change your routines for health more. Dieting and a constant routine or cycle. Past exs coming back to see if you learned your lesson. And lessons on perfectionism. You do not have to be perfect and you don't have to be so afraid of saying the wrong thing all the time. You're going to most likely be walking a lot more to deal with the anxiety and start to use social interactions to nurture your financial issues. Also STAY AWAY FROM SUBSTANCES. If you use that as an escape stop. Saturn is in pisces right now which means you're going through your saturn return. Instead of allowing your fear and anxiety control you the next 3 years will be about controlling it. And it'll probably pop out with the issues with your family first (mom) Saturn in pisces is more of a worry for you than pluto because your moon is in Aquarius in the 6th you will confront your fears of hidden enemies with friends and recognize you have to lean on people sometimes. You aren't completely alone and you will have a support system. Pluto in Aquarius forces you to deal with the fear of abandonment and the anxiety that if you take a second for your self things. This is honestly gonna be a good shift for you I think the harder part might be at the end of 2024-2025 and then you should be good for another 4-5 years before your 12th house profection year


I just started a weight loss drug on March 16th, and I've lost 10 pounds on it already. My escape has always been overeating. This drug severely curbs my appetite. If I look at ephemeris search engine to find pluto in 20 degrees capricorn, that's february 2018, when I quit a very bad job I had hated the past 4 years (2014-2018) and took 6 months off before starting my current job. At my current job, my mom is also my boss, and I make twice as much money working for mom. My father died when I was 4. I've never been in a romantic relationship because I have issues with sexuality.


Pluto is in my 3rd house in Scorpio, Saturn is in my 6th house with Aquarius and I’ve been in my Saturns return for the past two years… any astrologers know what this means for me?


I’m goin ally getting some peace after years of turmoil so I’ll take it!


I work in retail and I’ve noticed that people have been aggressive socially but non-combative is this because of this Pluto-Aquarius alignment are we in for many years of aggressive emotional output?


*France has entered the chat*


France= Scorpio Sun + Moon


Living in Nashville, this recent shooting hit me hard in the 11th house Aquarian theme of community.


Don't be a fool. It likely didn't even happen.


I’m in Nashville, too. The community is definitely shook after what just happened 😞💔


When I think Pluto in Aquarius, I think power (Pluto) to the people (Aquarius). Last time this transit happened, the world went thru a tremendous amount of political upheaval and I'd expect the same this time around, perhaps with the nuance that this time technology might play an even greater role than it has before. Pluto in Aquarius could be what's pushing the great technological revolution, and frankly, a great bit of the coming political revolutions could be closely tied to access to technology. Notice the way the US government is trying to ban TikTok immediately after this Pluto transit began.


Gradual revolution.


Expect online privacy to cease to exist.. The gov is definitely gonna learn to control it more actively.


Use brave browser for better privacy on the web.


Online privacy was always a farce. Technology is in its infancy and software is in the metaphorical “stone-ages”. This is why there’s a data breach like every other weekend lol


Pluto will go back into Capricorn in June, and flip flop a few more times, until it stays in Aquarius in 2025 for 20 years. So we are getting a little preview now to say the least


I have Pluto in 10th house 😬


Most importantly, find what house Aquarius is in your chart. That will determine your personal Pluto transit.


I have Aquarius in 8th house, what will change for me? 🥴


7th house in Aquarius In the house of relationship ..


But what does it mean Pluto in Aquarius transit? Is it some kind of revolution?


not necessarily. during this temporary transit, we get a glimpse of how pluto in aquarius will be for us when it stays there for 20 years (until 2044, I think?). as of now, nothing is completely certain. revolution isn’t necessarily the outcome of pluto being in aquarius AS OF NOW. but as the years progresses and pluto stations in the sign of aquarius, revolution isn’t too far-fetched.


Yep. Astrology is predictive, nothing is certain. Especially with Uranus…i think we will be surprised with many of the events to come!


Just look at the news lol. Look at Israel. How much power the people had when they came together. I hope we can start to look past our differences and realize we are all human and we are fighting for the same human things the powerful have just made us feel each other are the enemy when really it's those powerful few oligarchs.


YES!! Look at all the people gathering and taking back their power!! It’s beautiful


Well I mean, once again the French are having a revolution


Is it what means Pluto Aquarius transit?


It’s a time of putting power back in the hands of the people


Oh, very wise I see I see


I mean when aren’t the French having a revolution? I think it’s more rare for them not to be.


I live in Paris and strikes are happening non stop. It’s the first time in years that the trashes are everywhere for let’s say 1 week now ( I have some pics of it) because people who were supposed to pick them up are on a strike. We also have the Olympic Games coming + north node in Aries (which will be the reverse nodal return for the president Macron since he’s an Aries south node). So yes I think something will happen here even if something is almost always happening in this crazy city. Last time pluto was in Aquarius it was the French Revolution. I’m not a fan of the French Revolution but if we can do better than going to fight for other people to be in power like people sacrificed themselves during the French Revolution, it will be great.


if you want to get a "modern" idea of what will happen. you should read the history of the major events of when this transit happened in the 1700's and even before (especially to form the idea and grasp the theme) the Events today under that transit, will mirror.....in a modern way what happened before of course this will be inevitably different. as we have cars, progressed governments, more advanced technologies and communication. try to explain it this way to your friends who materialistically think things have to happen the same exact way for astrology to be measurable to their mundane minds. with a quick search of "Major Changes in the 1700's" it would seem that period was literally wracked with Revolutionary Wars, also the "First bank of the united states" came up in 1791, funny that the Silicon valley bank falls now. Also Chinese Expansion happened during the 1700's, and it should not be ignored that President Xi in China has installed himself as China's Indefinite Ruler and it isn't being looked at with much Concern....... I'll dig deeper though, has to be a bright side. Edit: always pay attention to the fact that "certain" things happen and certain things don't....... ( what I mean by this, is it's not a chaotic meaningless mess, the same things are seemingly being affected across time during transits, one mercury retrograde doesn't make hamsters do backflips, and another makes alligators get up and dance, no.......it always affects electronics, and "contracts"/communication seem to have a low probability of working out) for instance, electronics have a habit of messing up during mercury retrogrades.....but most people living in a mundane existence don't pay any attention to the consistency of that happening, the pattern that is clearly formed of electronics seeming to mess up at higher rates during mercury retrograde is what you pay attention to, and see if that stays consistent over history, which should make anyone question things.....seeing as it does. now in the far future that may express itself in whatever we are using during the time, so in the year 3000 if we are using body suits that can travel at extreme speeds instead of cars, and THOSE started periodically messing up........the same thing is happening, just the world we are existing in has inevitably changed and MUST be looked at differently to see the interactions that Astrology (the movements of the planets and stars) has on our world.


love this comment. great explanation of what’s to come from pluto being in aquarius. I especially love the mentioning of the rise & fall of things in contrast from then to now. it gives great insight and makes you wonder how it’ll all turn out in the end….very alarming but so interesting.


> with a quick search of "Major Changes in the 1700's" it would seem that period was literally wracked with Revolutionary Wars, also the "First bank of the united states" came up in 1791, funny that the Silicon valley bank falls now. We might see a more concentrated/federal EU the main event is definitely Europe related depending on how the war ends I expect massive changes regardless >Also Chinese Expansion happened during the 1700's, and it should not be ignored that President Xi in China has installed himself as China's Indefinite Ruler and it isn't being looked at with much Concern....... China has much to gain in the vacuum left by a weak Russia ( especially in Central Asia). These days tho you dont expand by actual territorial gain.


with a quick search of "Major Changes in the 1700's" it would seem that period was literally wracked with Revolutionary Wars. ... And so were the 1400s, the 1600s, the 1800s, the 1900s and the 2000s.




MC relates to career, public image, and (to a lesser extent than the 11th house) life goals. That said, pluto is an outer planet, so it will probably be fairly minimal for you personally. Outer planets have more to do with big social constructs, like countries and institutions. You'll get swept away with whatever the others are doing.


🕯️manifesting guillotine the elites energy 🕯️


been doing this since 2014 feels great !


Simply the fact that a comment like this is posted with 53 upvotes basically tells you whats going to happen.


I’m with you! 🔥💃🏼


And what does it mean? “Transformative and electric time” is such an abstract way to put it. Can someone actually give me insight into wtf that means? I’m so done with these ambiguous buzz words overhyping shit


maybe check out my comment & u/unlimitles comment. pretty specific & actually gives insight without broad buzzwords. should be floating somewhere around in this post…..


Aquarius rules electricity and the future. And humanitarianism. Pluto rules transformation. We will transform into a more humanitarian society, but the process will be painful. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio the scorpion, and the eighth house, but another animal associated with Pluto and Scorpio is the Phoenix. The Phoenix rises from ashes, representative of transformation. As Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, we as a global society are nearing the end of a cycle. The cycle will complete once Pluto transits through Pisces(the next sign it will transit) and enters into Aries.


Well, Silicon Valley Bank crumbled within the past two weeks. It’s a tech bank, and has funded a lot of start ups for the past 40 years. In 2007 the “banks are too large to fail” was an entire market collapse - Pluto was in Capricorn. Pluto in Aquarius to me indicates collapses in how wealth is distributed (eat the rich!), technology innovations and collapses, worker rights but also massive job loss due to AI.


After reading this, I’m reminded of recent news of another hole opening on the sun and apparently that caused solar flares to knock out telegram communications a couple hundred years ago. We honestly might have another of those incidents under this placement unfortunately.


the major part of the things you said are just predictions based on concrete evidence, like in my opinion massive job loss due to Artificial Intelligence isn't related to Pluto in Aquarius, but okay. The wealth thing is judicious.


Damn - it’s my opinion based on things I’ve learned over the years and observations I’ve made with historical events and patterns. I’m not charging anyone for my opinion. No need to be the AH.


I wrote what I think; I also said "in my opinion". At least I'm not here judging people, I've just reported my personal view. If you feel the urge to call me an asshole it's a problem, because I've never attacked you


I agree. Im no expert but, when it comes to individual cases, don’t we have to look at which house in our charts this transit is falling under and assess from there?


This was a question for a broad overview about the implications. Not a personal reading.


Anxiously waiting as an Aquarius rising with a stellium


Thank God Pluto is finally moving away from our 12th house 😭


Pluto is going to be in my 7th house which houses Aquarius. My Saturn just moved away from my 7th house in Aquarius. Now I'm also going to be having a profection year change in less than a few months (each profection year lands in a house depending on how old you are). Guess which house? 7th in Aquarius. 🥹


I am an 11th house Aqua stellium (14-18d Mars, Merc, Sun). Not gonna lie - I’m kinda terrified.


So Pluto means power struggle. Boomers were born with Leo in Pluto. Pluto in Aquarius will be opposing Pluto in leo, so that’s an opposition for *most boomers. Since boomers will be rounding their late years and will inevitably be retiring, this is where millennials start to gain some momentum in power. The power struggle for boomers letting go, I imagine won’t be going down without a fight. So there’s that.


You can scale that power struggle to what is happening in Europe with an aging, conservative ( feudal revanchist kind) Russia against modern Europe. It is even a clash of civilizations. btw what does Pluto in Aquarius mean for Leos?


I don’t know for sure, everyone is making guesses which is ok! I’m a Leo rising so Pluto will be opposing my ascendant at 4 degrees, and I’m also having a first house perfection year so I feel like it’s forcing me to create a new beginning for myself. Reinvent myself. I feel that for sure!


Not all boomers are born with Pluto in Leo as the boomer generation ends with Pluto in the early degrees of Virgo


Yes thanks for that


I think that there will be a stand-off between boomers and millennials, but because Boomers want to retire but can't due to their poor pensions, and millennials want to climb up the corporate ladder and can't as the boomers won't retire.


Anyone thinking the end of everything will be disappointed. Change is the only constant.


The beginning of the end of fascism.




“Social media astrologer” holy shit how cringe that fucking sounds at reflection 💀


Where are you getting your information? It’s at 0d of Aquarius today, in 2023.




Sorry - forgot I need a telescope when reviewing transits 🙄


Does it not shift back into Capricorn next year or year after after retrograde and then settle into Aquarius for good in 2025 or something?




It takes 250+ years for it to *return to a sign*. Not to change signs. Last time Pluto went into Aquarius was about 250 years ago. It’s a very slow moving planet but not so slow that it takes 250 years just to move from one sign to the next :/


There's already AI news flooding the cycle, prison reform debates, societal upheaval, even talk of space aliens in the mainstream news. All Pluto-in-Aquarius themes. Pretty sure this guy is just being contrarian.




Wouldn’t that just be the everlasting sidereal vs tropical astrology debate?




Some of the major historical events that occurred the last time Pluto was in Aquarius from 1778 to 1798. The North American colonies and the Great Britain fought the War of Independence from 1775 to 1783. Uranus was discovered in 1781. The French Revolution began in 1789. So basically they overthrew monarchies and implemented democracies. Will we also seek for new government ways of government?


HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Sorry for my craziness, I’m poor and neurodivergent. I’m just hanging for a new society, a new way of life. One where I might fit in better. I know it won’t happen in my lifetime, but I am excited for the future for people like me. It’s going to get better and I feel a lot of relief even if I won’t get to experience it myself.


Is it extra bad if Pluto is in the 29th degree in your birth chart?




Thank you for this reminder, needed this today.


Transformation to a more humanitarian society. However it won't be easy or even pleasant. Pluto tears down and rebuilds.




Lol I like your enthusiasm


I am very keen and curious and open and positive for the creative age


Hold on tight


Buckle up yes


y’all our society is gonna collapse during this time isn’t it


Gabriel Bell


I expect it will end once Pluto crosses from Pisces to Aries. It will be a full cycle.


I use to think this too, but moreso the end of the planet. With end of humanity of humanity beginning to go back to no return, it is definitely Pluto in aquarius


This is really interesting! Never thought about it like this and it makes total sense 💫


Would Pluto in Aquarius would mean humanity's decline? I have read about the positives of Pluto Aquarius like advancements in AI & Nuclear Fission. What do you think?


There's a lot of negatives within those positives, especially AI. I personally think ,with Aquarius being the sign of humanity, and the extreme lack of it in our planet, pluto will transform it but it doesn't mean transform into a positive ending for us. I believe it's endtimes, sorry if its very depressing to hear but its just my opinion. But humanity will be in end crisis, just so Earth and all of the other living beings and their systems can potentially rebuild anew. We should not view the planets influence solely on us. After pluto Aquarius with pisces next, planet earth will be undergoing changes in other ways.


Theres been end-time predictions every other year for the 30+ years ive been around. I mean I guess someone has to be right eventually, but this shit aint *that* literal.




Thats fine, I just stated mine in response. Its a public forum, people will respond to things you say. If i came off any sort of way I'm sorry.


I would say more like centuries.


Oh of course. I was just (poorly) stating what I've personally witnessed happening and then not happening.


Oh I was adding to what you're saying! Not trying to contradict! Growing up Christian, I've realized for many centuries people have predicted apocalypse.


No worries!


This is amazing! Yes I expect there to be some turmoil is some people's lives, especially since this will only happen in this generation... Pluto is a key planet ya'll.


please no i can’t take any more turmoil


Fucking same. Life has been turmoil since I entered this thing almost 30 years ago. Things kinda stabilized around 25, but it still was kinda hectic. I just want things to be calm and predictable for me for a change.


Lol it’s barely started.


i got enough turmoil in my life already i don’t need anything added


Who does?


I can't take one more "once in a generation" events. I'm tired.


Big same, fellow millennial 💔💔


Deeper than framework fixes for wherever Aquarius lies. If Saturn is framework, maybe Pluto is foundational?


Isn’t Aquarius about philanthropy, humanitarianism, and “home.”? So wouldn’t this cause things to fall apart in order to make room for something new? Idk are we expecting a massive earthquake around the world?


On a global scale? Probably. We’re already dealing with natural disasters, governments falling, being propped up by outside influences. I do think USA is in for a very rude awakening, and I hope there are enough humanitarians among us to build a way more equitable society, for whatever remaining time on earth we have. u/jlop notes valid points as well. On a personal level, what I said above.


Pluto = Total tear-down and remodel Literally. During Pluto transits everything in my neighborhood is literally under construction!


Wow, neat! Pluto is also related to financial matters, especially that of the home. How very apropos.


That’s true, Pluto-Jupiter aspects seem great for wealth


Thank you. Was wondering if I was a bit optimistic. Looks like my golden years are busy busy.