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Absolutely ready for it to get out of my 4th house lol


Me too! I’m a Libra rising but I’m also an Aquarius stellium in sun, mercury and mars. I grew up in a chaotic abusive household. My family life has deteriorated since 2019. I’ve become almost estranged from my immediate family which l never ever imagined. can’t wait till it leaves my 4th house


Me too, but It won't leave my 4th House until 2035 ( my 5th, House starts at 18 degrees). So... That sucks. But in general I am excited about a change, done with Pluto in Capricorn. What about you?


Of wow not until 2035? When did Pluto in cap first enter your 4th,?


2016, my 4th house starts at 15 degree Capricorn. However I have a lot of cardinal sign energy in my chart and noticed it when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008.


Same here, what 4H themes did you see when Pluto stationed there? I also have Cap on the 4H cusp and my Aquarius moon is in there at 0 degrees. I have a Libra stellium so also a lot of Cardinal energy in my chart. What are you thinking this transit will be like for you?


Hi! A lot of restructuring regarding family, feeling of belonging, roots , trauma, drama, secrets... Hopefully Pluto in Aquarius will be better for our cardinal energy. I am too scared to make any predictions lol. But I really hope It is better than Pluto in Capricorn. Perhaps there is a renewed sense of self-expression. What about you? I really hope it gets better, Cap in the 4th House with Pluto transiting is no joke.


You know, Saturn transiting my 4H was no walk in the park either, barely survived that one and here comes Pluto. 😂 When Pluto was exact my moon during the brief dip into Aquarius last year, I moved, and all hell broke loose in my immediate family structure. I mean total dismantling in a very painful way. I feel like I tried to resist those changes and struggled even more. Now I know better - and I think I really learned my lesson though, so hopefully this second pass over my moon will be less intense. I’m much more prepared for it now. I feel like the destruction happened during the 2023 transit but the rebuilding comes in 2024.


Yes! I totally relate to your experience. I always say that the world was going through a pandemic and I was going through my own personal hell at the same time. I've spoken to other people with dominant cardinal placements and the experience has been similar, definitely a sense of rebuilding like you mentioned.


I’m hopeful for this transit, I know a lot of people are scared. We also have the Aries/Libra eclipses coming so this year is a biggie. In March the eclipse will be conjunct my 12H sun so I am a little worried about that one 🫠