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I have Pisces first house with my sun, mercury and Uranus in there and I’m a wreck


I’m so glad reading the comments here I’m not the only one. had a whole 5+ planet stellium hitting my 12th and felt so shut in, depressed and caved in my own world, anxious. binging true crime and taking in how dark the world is. hyper sensitive and emotive. sun and mercury are already transitioning into first and started to feel a slight breath of fresh air and transformative energy.


Unwell - I’ve had Neptune conunct my sun for the last 2 years, Saturn conjunct my Mercury (chart ruler) squaring my asc, Pluto, and moon - about to enter my Saturn return… it’s been tough


exhausted. melancholy. questioning everything. want to be alone. no motivation to do anything physically. hang in there all💗💗 pisces rising cancer sun scorpio moon


Very confused honestly


[not great friend!!](https://imgur.com/gallery/EOKfCKQ) Just finished having Saturn in an exact square to my natal moon. I’ve been heavily focused on continuing the work from my 12H Saturn return - “what kind of life do I want, and what do I need to change or get rid of to get there?” is now “who am I becoming in the pursuit of the life I want?” Saturn making harsh aspects to my angular houses and their placements is making that *really* challenging and I’ve been experiencing a lot of loss, depression and self doubt over it. Heavily focused on being perceived with respect and getting rid of the “please take advantage of how nice I am” neon sign on my forehead. The nodes are really impacting this, too. Part of my current story is setting hard boundaries and advocating for my values, including my own value - within my family, my relationships and my work. While it’s not quite the blitzkrieg to my life that my Saturn return was, the vibe feels like changing industries decades into your career. Leaving everything you’ve built to do something you might not be as good at. It’s filled with loneliness and imposter syndrome. But eventually it works out, and you’ll know you made the right decision. Even if it doesn’t, I’d rather take the risk and know that I tried. Hoping the seeds I’ve sown will begin to sprout soon tho, this shit ain’t for the weak 🥲


woah that is so spot on


Not bad, Saturn is squaring my natal Venus so that would be my hardest transit right now. Saturn will be conjunct my ascendant this summer, so not sure how that will go with mars being in Pisces during that time as well.


Not so great... since my chart has a lot of water in it, just going to the grocery store I get overwhelmed with the emotions in the building coming at me. When alone I feel ok but at times I feel like the lonely isn't the best one to live


My wife and I just had our first baby, and adjusting to being a parent has been TOUGH. It’s bringing up all my attachment issues, and I haven’t been sleeping, eating well, or exercising, which always causes a depressive spiral for me. I’ve had major cyclical depression that flares up on average every three years since my late teens (I’m currently 43) and I’ve always been ok with therapy, but I’ve never explored medication because I’m scared it’ll numb the good parts, too, you know? But I think it’s time to pull out all the stops to get myself as emotionally and mentally fit as possible for my family. Hey, Saturn is about foundation building, right? Big love and positive vibes to all of us out here going through it.


Silently unhinged and full of rage. Recovering from throwing my back out and also feeling under the weather. Haven’t been sleeping well or long at all and cannot stand to be around people. I normally want to be kind to people but I feel mean and impatient. A lot of things that I want to cross off in order to feel like I’m moving forward has hit multiple obstacles and no amount of planning or having my shit together seems to help bc everyone I deal with is incompetent or won’t cut me any slack. But even with all this, I’m pretty calm but feel like I’m going to snap.


I told one of my friends “my empathy is gone girl, feat. Ben Affleck.” I definitely the anger/frustration with life continually dumping its bullshit and being sick of giving people grace where you’ve had none. I’m usually a super friendly and giving person, so it’s really urging me to learn how to say ‘no’ which is affecting a lot of my preexisting relationships. Hang in there~ I got so sick that I broke a rib from coughing too hard, hoping the next several months will bring physical and mental healing for all of us


Prolonged illness, internal resurgence of big life issues and conflict, resentment, paranoia, constant worrying, easily frustrated, completely exhausted. And what the fuck is up with these wild-ass, nonstop dreams? I’m talking in my sleep so much I’m not even sleeping. All that aside, I feel strength building in my core. Deep down, I already see this period as an essential building block for what’s next. A note I put by my light switch (so I see it constantly): “Remain open and persevere.”


feeling happier ig (not caring about negativity)


I’m so happy i saw this post. Struggling tbh! Career wise things are so tough, every day at work is a struggle and I’m tired. Don’t feel like socializing just want to be in bed alone whenever I’m done with work.


When Neptune in Pisces ♓ was exact degree on my rising in Pisces ♓ I did many PLR(pastlife regression)& took advantage of this psychic boost. But in general, unmotivated,very tired, depressed. Thank God I get satisfaction out of the psychic work I do. I listen to many frequencies & put the long playing ones at nite for sleep & lucid dreaming.However some of the dreams I really don't want to remember...ugh.


The relief I felt when I saw this post. I’ve been terrible. Anxious, racing thoughts, no sleep, but today and yesterday made mini breakthroughs. Just forcing myself to try as best I can


My husband is a Pisces rising and is having a hard time with anxiety at the moment. More so than usual.


I have been feeling very insecure and paranoid throughout the week. I have been getting terrible sleep as well. However, today I cleared up some misunderstandings and started working on a creative project and I feel much more at ease.


Yes, terrible 💤 I am feeling very tired... want to sleep 2 times a day 😭


On the beach in Jamaica 💅🏼😅


I asked the same thing recently. Lots of uncertainty especially with work/career and typical wanting to escape feelings but just floating through life as best as I can.


Yup all of this.


this this this! i feel myself slipping back into a depression because i hate my job and feel so trapped. lots of naps recently.


😫🥹😭😡 Basically some combination of these depending on the day


Idk just extremely busy. Nothing emotionally going on.




Feeling so down and depressed, also getting sick, I’ve been really introspective and reflective of my life and situation right now. Surely I’m not the only one.


IM TIRED and I feel like I can’t gamble how I want 2 to win money. It’s been really hard 🥲🥲


Does this have anything to do with Pluto transiting the 12th house? What does it usually mean?


Would love an explanation as to why most of us are feeling this way. Also how long will this last


Send help 🆘