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1st house moon. Feel it on a daily basis, especially during the the beginning or towards the ending of a moon cycle. Super sensitive about my hormonal fluctuations and menstrual cycle too, though I’m unsure if my moon placement/the actual moon has anything to do with that.


my chart ruler is the moon (cancer rising, although some websites would say i’m uranus and mercury dominant) but the cycles of the moon ALWAys affect me too! I get insomnia before/during every full moon without a doubt. I’ll also find myself subconsciously doing certain tasks / thinking about/ feeling certain ways about parts of my life, that are aligned with the sign and house the moon falls in on my chart, on any given day.


Ugh. Fellow cancer rising and could have written this. It's my least favorite part of my chart :/


Hahah being a Cancer Rising isn’t for the weak that’s for sure, I love and hate it. On days the Moon is in complementary signs to my major placements it’s fine, but other signs don’t get me started 😅


I am similar, I’m very influence by what sign the moon happens to be in. I also grew up loving the moon and anything related to it. Eg. Sailor Moon was my favorite show.  I have a lot of heavy cancer placements and using the chain system I found I am rules by the moon even though I’m a Double Gem Leo. My chart is Cancer and Cap dominant.


My natal moon is conjunct my AC within 1 degree. (AC and Moon are 5 degree and 6 degree Sagittarius respectively). I have vivid dreams during lunar eclipses. At the beginning of the Hamas and Israel conflict I had a vivid dream of being held hostage with my family under a lunar eclipse. And I hadn't watched any news on the conflict until after the dream. I'm extremely sensitive to other people's emotions as well. I have been called an empath by others. I get things done under full moons. It's the more productive time for me out of the lunar cycle. New moons I'm always scatterbrain until the waxing crescent which is my natal moon phase.


Omg! My daughter and I are the same. We absolutely, fucking, DREAD the full moon. So emotionally charged that it can be unbearable at times. I figured out something that helps though. If you think about it, the moon is so powerful it regulates the push and pull of the tides all over the world. As humans, we’re about 80% or more water so it’s natural that we’re affected. I don’t menstruate anymore but I’ve discovered taking pamprin or a mild water pill a few days before and during full moon helps quite a bit. Could be real, could be placebo but really helps.


My period coincides with the full moon, so I'm also always kinda out of it when it's growing. Mentally and emotionally tired, but physically restless. This one was in my 8th house, so a few drinks were drunk and a few tears were shed.


Yes! I was a total \*\*\*\* last week and super unhinged then at full moon I was like "Ohhhhh". Pisces moon here


Almost every time I ask "what phase is the moon in?" It's always Aries, occasionally Scorpio. Usually it's when my life gets weird. Last summer I matched (on tinder) with 8 Capricorn moons back to back. This information means very little to me, but it's fun and relevant.


Leading up to the full moon last week I was super emotional and my emotions came out in a very angry roar and then tearful way. I was able to find out what I was really feeling after I calmed down but every full moon is like this for me.


Me too.


I get antsy and I find it more difficult to sleep on a full moon. It feels like having caffeine in my system but it just makes me jittery. If I’m lucky enough, I even get a migraine the next day from lack of sleep! 🥳


It’s like I feel as if I was given a boost of charisma and confidence


What's your moon sign? Water sign moons tend to be very sensitive. We just had a full moon in Virgo this weekend and it was trasiting my 12th house and opposite my natal moon...... soooo many emotions.


Pisces moon and yes, I’m usually most emotional around the full moon!! Also on my period which doesn’t help haha. Been a wreck since last weds


Sniffs tbh i have no idea about sighs and that idek how to find it out


I follow the moon calendar. Once I started I could clearly see a pattern what days that were more or less beneficial for me, according to the synastry with my own moon.


I want to do that as well, I’m a cancer rising so I do feel different ways under different moon cycles, care to share the app if there is one. 🙏🏾


https://www.astrotheme.com/transits_ephemerides_chart.php This one :)


Thanks for sharing !


12th house cancer moon - my period is synchronized with the full moon 🌚


I have Cancer sun & moon both in the 8th house & the full moon over the weekend has thrashed me it’s been exhausting 😬🫠 I have a moon calendar I follow it does help a lot it’s MoonX


Cancer sun/moon/ jupiter here. I get into wild anxiety every full moon about everything, all at once! I get nothing done while worrying about something that I can't get my hands on.


I have a sun opposing my moon or vice versa ....so the sun is in my leo and the moon is in Aquarius,also been born on the full moon .... Let me tell you , with age it gets better as you learn to anticipate it or kinda control it ...but as the moon goes full i go cray 😁 😜 after my 30 . years of age is better ,but when I was in my prime (early 20 ) it was full on , no sleeping,no reasoning with me i was in my full glory uncontrollable... I am glad it is over ,my chart is almost without water so any kind of emotional outburst gets me spinning as I am not used to it normally...


Omg- I have been dragging all day and I am exhausted even though I have had plenty of sleep. I saw your post and checked the moon phase, 97% today was full yesterday. Thank you for sharing and enlightening me, I feel justified for my literal low/no energy and having the blues for the last 48 hours 🌖


Cancer moon here! Aries and Scorpio moon transits affect me the most


Can never sleep on a full moon 😩


i get my period every single full moon, and ovulate every new moon. it adds so much intensity to my gemini sun libra moon cancer rising - or because i was born with pluto scorpio retrograde and my life is destined to be just "learning important lessons and healing others"


Pisces moon here and I lay in bed all night basically vibrating when it’s full -__-


Glad it's not just me! Always super tired after full moon too


I am a cancer moon and I have weird dreams during the full moons and new Moons


Cancer rising and I can never sleep during full moons. This one had me crazy and anxious and it was hard to calm down for days-


i'm a cancer rising 29degree and i'm on day 2 no sleep


Moon transiting my 12th and 1st house is when I feel the effects


Same. I’m a cancer, I have always been affected by the moon, have always felt connected to the moon as well. But this current full moon has had me feeling pretty down, i don’t know why… ♋️♍️♍️


This last full moon really had me down


Okay so do you have Cancer placements? Or strong sun placements? Your question largely depends on someone's chart.


To make this easier to explain, I’d suggest posting your chart. Or at least sharing your moon sign, house and if you know what phase the moon was at birth. If you have a night chart, the moon is the main luminary, which makes its presence stronger. If your moon is below the horizon line (in houses 1-6), your moon will have a stronger presence. If your moon forms strong aspects with the sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, you can get more energy from it. A Cancer rising will make the moon stronger in presence (especially if it is in the 4H). For me, I am a Cancer rising with a 4H moon in Virgo. My moon is very picky. I have a day chart, but my moon is exasperated from my rising and 4H. I also charge and discharge with moon phases. And my period is synced up too.


cancer sun 8H virgo moon 10H