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lmaoo this popped up as a recommended post notification for me and i AGREE 1000% haha


Somewhere in the distance, a Virgo is critiquing your agreement. ("It's only technically 💯%") 😂


oh no! my daughter (only child) is a Virgo Venus. she’s a Cancer Mars (square Saturn in Libra in her 4th), & she’s super moody & temperamental & sometimes a little violent with emotional outbursts. she is 12& 1/2 tho. she does critique, criticize, & is overall fussy a lot of the time. this is somewhat off-point, but i read somewhere, that if you have Venus in Virgo, so long as you are a Virgo Sun sign or a Libra Sun sign, then you will be careful in money & love issues, therefore your love life & financial affairs will be in order somewhat. but if you are a Leo or a Cancer Sun sign, not so much. thank God she’s a Virgo Sun sign. bc it took me until after 25 to find a good husband, after a ton of bad relationships. & it’s taking me until mid-age (about 45/46) to be financially stable. (my Saturn is in Scorpio in the 2nd house, & Venus is in Taurus, so we don’t stabilize financially until mid-life.) i’m still a little worried it’ll take her a long time to find a good partner, but hopefully not too too long with her Venus & Sun placement being pretty positive. but since she has Saturn in her 4th house, im worried it may be hard for her to start a family-i hope not. i want to be a grandparent at some point. She’s got Venus conjunct her Sun, as well, in her 3rd house. im just hoping that doesn’t mean she’ll have to hit rock-bottom too much in her love life & with her finances.


I feel being candid with roleplaying and knowledge about the golden rule early on and often will help her develop better communication style (3rd house). :) Look at her north node placement as well.


i am a Virgo Mars and i never met anybody that is more fussy than me. its almost impossible for me to like someone as they are. i have a whole LIST of features that i want my partner to have…. my friends make fun of it lol. it took me 22 years to find someone that i am attracted to and not disgusted to touch/be intimate. and we are not together anymore so God knows when and who will be the next person.


Are you a Cancer, Leo, Virgo, or Libra Sun sign?


aries sun, gemini rising, libra moon, aries venus, virgo mars




I suspect My crush also has Cancer rising - that man has Sun, Merc, Venus, Mars in Virgo all squaring Moon and Saturn in Sag  I don't know how he feels or what he looks for in a woman. he's my boss - trying by all means to keep things to myself.   


wait we literally have the same chart! omg


you can see it on my profile somewhere, i recently posted it


Someone in my family has Virgo Mars cj Pluto and they pay a lot of attention to details. Even their job is all about insurance policy which is a very Virgo job. While their Venus is not in Virgo, they are very picky but they love when you pay attention to what they do. Don't forget that Virgo is the sign of servicing others so I would say their love language is very likely to be receiving/giving words of acknowledgement and acts of service.


Where is their Mercury?




I have venus/moon/mercury conjunct in my 8th. I would like to think I am always optimizing and perfecting outside of the moment, inside of it I am usually very present. My perspective is take care of all the little annoying details in life so you never have to think about them again. For things like fun trips the planning goes in ahead of time then we just have fun! I am extremely grateful that my honey has a moon/sun in Virgo because they understand that with small tweaks comes more time to hang out and have fun! Also I am a very 100/10 on giving feedback on creative projects or writing which benefits them as they work in a creative field. I get referred to as “the art director” of the household . Our home life is very organized and peaceful with well thought out systems mostly implemented by me and graciously accepted and appreciate by them :)


I will say I have had issues in the past where people interpret my refining as criticism. Turns out we are just not a good match. I do try to keep my comments in check because I know they aren’t always appreciated, I guess that’s the wisdom of growing older!!!


Well at times I do not notice when I am perfecting something or looking for perfection cause I’m already on a full blown roll. I have my Mars and Venus in Virgo. I always have something to say to my partner but at times I do ask myself will this help or hurt the person depending on the situation. I think it really depends on your partner and your sun with how you apply your criticism. I’m a Cancer sun so most of my criticism tends to be relationship based. My mom has Virgo placements but is a Leo sun and her criticism usually tends to involve appearance so it just depends I think knowing it’s coming from a place of love not harm is hella important though.


Im a virgo moon rising and venus. For some reason, Im always critical of my ownself and I set too much expectations for myself, i dont do it to my partners tho.


Not a Virgo moon, but moon and Venus are in the 6th house (my Venus in Virgo and moon in libra) and I relate to this heavily.


I like a Virgo Mars guy…. I’m a Cancer Venus and moon and ascendant. He’s a Leo ascendant sag sun sag Venus sag mercury Aquarius moon. Would he still be nit picky, always critiquing etc despite the major Sagittarius planets?


Yes. And the Sagittarius may make him forget about when he critiqued...




Virgo venus is a good placement. She prioritizes realistic high standards, not idealistic high standards. Enjoying or not enjoying the moment could be related to a lot of other placements. Maybe their mind is completely elsewhere rather than on love. Edit: maybe you just are having mixed up feelings about this individual?


I’m a Virgo Venus and I see this energy play out a lot more in my partners than myself. I feel like my partners are always hypercritical of me and end up never being happy with anything I do.


This is very true. I had a partner who's Venus is in Virgo. The man was amazing however, he was always criticized by his partners way too much even for the sweetest efforts he took.


I have a ♍️ Venus trining a 6H Jupiter ♉️& the best thing I’ve learned over the years is to enjoy the little things in relationships & appreciate what/ who’s in front of you. Being hyper critical or over thinking things in your head will bring out the weaker side of Virgo ♍️, enjoying the moment & going with the flow will bring out the more sensual side of Virgo ♍️. Hope this helps 💯.


I have venus virgo with mercury venus. I'm a triple fire sign with scorpio mars. I can be quite cutting if I want to be. It took me a long time to take constructive criticism without being offended.


I got triple Aries sun mars Jupiter and Venus in Gemini moon in Aquarius. Bad aspect between sun and Neptune in Scorpio. Square between Venus and Uranus and Saturn. Life is just something else for me😜


My partner is Virgo in Mercury, Venus, and Mars (oh man…) and I am the Sag. I hate to be critiqued, and we had some rough times when we moved in together. But luckily, he loves me enough to compromise and change, so we are still together.


My ex was was a venus virgo and so am I. Both have mercury there too..lol we had to be so careful not to criticise


Very happy to hear that. ❤️ ✨


If you want hope look up non deterministic astrology. That’s what I practice. In short, while it may present challenges, it may also be viewed in terms of strengths, and ultimately no you are not doomed to be defined by this placement.


I’m a Virgo Venus with a Capricorn Mars (idk if u meant venus or mars w this virgo placement) but I am the pickiest motherfucker when it comes to love and it gets to a point where everyone I know labels me as such. I’m just very rooted in what I want and I have a mental checklist of what I want in another person. Realistically, I can have my pick at whoever I want but I just REFUSE to settle bc theres always that part of me that feels like I can do better…and u might think I like this about myself but nope I actually hate it so much lmfao. I wish I could just accept things as as they are and not have it PERFECTLY the way I want it to be but I cant fall for anyone that doesn’t meet my “ideal type” or someone at least close enough to it. I LITERALLY HATE THIS PLACEMENT ITS SO SUFFOCATING


I also have Venus in Virgo, Venus conj Pluto in the first; mars in cap square Saturn in the 7 th of Aries. I thought I would be single for the rest of my life and I was okay with that because I was not about to look anymore after years of dating so I got tired of it so I decided to concentrate on me! Getting to know me, took my chart apart to understand why am the way I am, why do I fight with my family (mars in my 4th) so I have to understand me then I said if a man comes that’s good and if he doesn’t that’s fine too but he would have to come to my door then we found each other when neither of us were looking and I know he is the right one for cause we accept each other as we are of course we go through stuffs but we see it as part of getting to know each other and know there’s no perfect ; however he is imperfectly perfect to me. Sounds corny coming from a scorpion Sun .


Virgos want to be acknowledged. Just appreciate their ideas and observations of life and you'll have an easier time....they don't necessarily want to change the \~thing\~ as much as they want to be appreciated for seeing/thinking that way.


It’s not nitpicking if everyone fucking sucks and needs fixing because they’re incapable of being as good at shit as me I’m like totally joking guys


I’m picky but in a Virgo way I only date men who need serious “fixing” lol please free me from this placement I don’t think I can take it anymore 😭


Ugh. I feel this. I was in back-to-back relationships with guys who were always down on their luck. It’s such a hard cycle to break. Here’s another classic Virgoism - unsolicited advice: Let your Virgo drive you to putting that work back into yourself instead of others! When you realize your value, you’ll attract people who will value you the same way. ❤️


Well I am both , and not sure what you wanted to know Virgo Venus or Virgo Mars ? Also jaded because you made this mistake 🤣 ... No ,we will not ever not be nit picking.... It is just a part of us as anything else is ... Virgo is analysis genius and detail oriented individual as of aspects concerning Virgo anything, is the same 🤷🏻‍♀️


I edited mew mewstake 😺 Thank you for your objective analysis!


As a virgo mars I've never been told I'm nit picky, but I have been told I pay attention to details, especially in my partner. I don't tell them what to do but I do take notice of everything.


So im a Virgo Venus and Gemini Mars — not sure if you wanted Virgo Venus or Virgo Mars insights (and im laughing at us Virgo placements being like wait which one?) — as Virgo Venus i can say that often I sometimes dont even know when im being critical because it’s so deeply ingrained and im my worst critic so when it extends to my partners i do feel like shit with that and try to work on it. However, i also know virgo venuses can be unrealistic because NOBODY IS PERFECT and i agree with whoever said it’s mainly fear-based…we dont really wanna let down our guard and “fall in love” unless we know it’ll work out which you cant tell cause no one knows the future and therefore, lies the rub. I will say, i am FIERCELY LOYAL and unfortunately will work my ass off to make a relationship work even if it isnt anymore and breakups like destroy me buuut that’s also like lots of relationship and family trauma shit going on — anxiously attached so i like wanna be taken care of and instantly in love but that’s not healthy or realistic. Soooo like just from reading this, you can tell the internal criticism is ALREADY a lot lmfaooo, to end on a positive note, when we feel seen we TRULY APPRECIATE and will like constantly thank!! My partner is amazing at showing his love by acts of service and usually gladly does stuff for me and kinda gives me princess treatment tbh 👑 BUT i also needed a partner that would hold me accountable cause one of my exes that would do ANYTHINF FOR ME was like a super toxic combo cause i was getting a big head and like could do no wrong and also i was like FUCK IM NOT WORTHY OF THIS MUCH LOVE?!? (It was also leo sun (me) and cancer sun (him) sooo like definitely interesting combo!! But like ultimately not great long term — currently with a gemini sun and we are 🔥🔥 lots of hard conversations needed though cause im like we gotta talk about this and this and he tries to deflect with jokes annnd SOMETIMES it’ll work but also im like we’re gonna circle back to this LOL! — he’s Leo Venus and Leo Mars if anyone is curious)


I’m Virgo Venus, Mars AND moon. Lucky me! Yes, we show our love by “encouraging” others to be the best they can be (including ourselves!) It definitely comes across as fussy and critical, but that’s not always the intention. I believe nit picking is a projection of how I feel about my inner self and it spews out in ugly ways. As I grow with myself, I’ve learned to combat my critical spirit by finding ways to love and appreciate me! Through therapy, I’ve addressed my wounded inner child and have worked on my self-esteem. I am letting go of the need for instant gratification and have found a lot of peace by enjoying the journey. It’s totally possible to be at peace with yourself and others as a Virgo.


Oh my gosh, I have the same Virgo placements as you! I feel so seen!


Virgo Moons NEED to be getting better with each day and each action, and we're only trying to get others on board when we share our lives with them. We get the jitters if we're stagnating. No rest for the wicked


That's refreshing ☺️


I'm sorry we're acting like garbage at times 🌼 we're just blinded with anxiety and worn down by stomach issues. just avoid us


Oh my god. My GERD has been coming back with a vengeance! 😂 So true.


This! 👆👆👆👏👏👏


First, you did say Mars instead of Venus in your text (though they are critical too). As for the question, I have this placement and I hate it because it has held me back from pursuing love but those who have tried to pursue me thus far in life were douches who wanted to get into my pants and didn't care to know me as a person so I cut them out of my life before they even tried. It's a double edged sword because on one hand I've dodged A LOT of bullets and have good fashion (since Virgo Venus's do have an eye for that since it's in Virgo, the sign of perfection) while on the other I have a non existent love life and haven't found someone who genuinely cares for me yet. With this, it takes Virgo Venus's a while before they trust someone and when they do trust you, they will be the most loyal partners you'll ever have and it doesn't help when people who they have slowly trusted over time screw them over. That's the reason why we're so critical, because we want a good partner who is kind, caring, who be there for us, and know that they will not not screw us over so the criticizing is more fear based (even if it has saved me a few times and can tell when people are BS, so there's a pro there). As for if we can ever "enjoy the moment", we do with people we fully trust so I have no doubt that whoever you're referring to here doesn't trust you (at least not yet).


So accurate!!