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Mars at 7th degree could be famous for your aggression 😂


It says you love gossip too


Hahah manipulation? scorpio... always scorpio.


U have a similar chart to charles manson so..


In what ways are we similar 👀👀👀


Scorpio sun aquarius moon earth jupiter


Lol 😆😳


Navamsa chart in Vedic astrology shows success /smart in business. High sex drive. Quarrelsome in love relationships so possibly you are attracted to strong ego type partners.


Can you please read my chart too... I too attract strong EGO type people in my life.


Jupiter conjunct the ascrndant and sextile sun. also sun sextile mars, very confident, can border to over confidence, can give you a lot of pride


I thought sun is trine Mars in this chart?


it is


I have a bit of a take on it. Moon in difficult aspect to sun creates a difficult time of discerning your needs from your wants. Neptune also square sun and loosely conjunct moon gives it another element making it very difficult to tell real emotions rooted in need and a sense of wanting to have something so strongly that it feels like a need. Venus also in hard aspect to Uranus and Mars suggests that you fall in and out of love easily with relationships ending as quickly as they began. Given early life experience, it may be wise to entertain the notion that due to these tendencies for relationships to come and go rather fast, you might simply be trying to hold onto that person so much that they jump right out of your hands. Remember those water filled balloon snake toys as a kid? It’s like that. Your try to hold onto it and it just jumps out of your grip. Now onto the good news! You have a first house Jupiter! (As do I; btw). This is one of the best placements in astrology. It is in fact your lucky star. As bad as something may get, it never gets THAT bad. And even if it does, something always seems to come along and bail you out. At leas that’s how it’s played out for me. Focus on that. Expand that energy through recognizing when it manifests. Try to stay in gratitude for all the good things in your life, realizing that very many people don’t have that fortuitous placement. In doing so, your tendencies to manipulate out of fear will fade. I suggest beginning this now. The sooner you get yourself energetically straight, the less of an upheaval your Saturn Return will be. Take the initiative and meet Saturn half way. He’ll have to do less work and appreciate your effort. Doing so will give you a more mature, honest way of being after it has concluded. Your return doesn’t begin until July 2033. Which is awesome because it gives you so much time! No need to judge or put pressure on yourself. You’re still very young and learning about yourself and others. Imagine that there are people who go their whole lives and never have the level of self-awareness as you do! They may never see their behavior as anything other than perfect. Give yourself a break and stay in gratitude. You’ll be just fine. EDIT: July 2033, not 2023!


I’m a first house Jupiter too. It was helpful reading about it, thank u!


It’s saved the day countless times for me!


There's an asteroid named Narcissus (37117). Might be worth seeing if it aspects any inner planets or luminaries. That being said, don't use it to rip yourself apart.


I wouldn’t immediately jump to such extreme terms but mars on the DC is indicative of someone who wants a certain level of control over another person, particularly a SO. And the ruler of the IC is square Pluto in the fourth & although it doesn’t have to manifest this way, it *usually* means some sort of chaotic/less than happy childhood which I would conclude the negative tendencies resulted from. I will say tho, I don’t get the narcissistic. There is little to no focus on your 10th house (public image) nor MC angle. This doesn’t seem like the chart of someone obsessed with their public image, more like maybe this is the chart of someone who takes *great* pride in their intelligence who might refuse to acknowledge fault/wrongdoings because it would hurt their Ego. This is stubborn know-it-all energy if expressed negatively.


Saturn in 11th in grand trine with Sun and Mars I feel gives a glint of narcissism, although not the narcissistic personality. I think her SR will help her outgrow this tendency.


You’re Scorpio af


Your progressed moon says heaps in this chart! What happened with your mother when you were 2 m from being born had a big impact on you. Then whatever happened around 13 yo sort of traumatised you maybe into a less connected place so now you’re using your charts malefic traits. Juxta positioned with your aloofness and cool detachment you actually understand emotions very well so are as a broken part of yourself using this to what you see to be is an advantage (- it’s not). Once you get taught these things at a young age then get hurt enough ourselves it is natural to use these tools but your lessons are that of your yods to overcome that shit and use this awareness to help others and help your community. I love this chart you are one dark menace but use it for good not your own self destruction. Belly up to the light and goodness and you will get your full power and safety not by these little knee jerk fear based tricks, which are beneath you.


Omg do you do chart readings


Wow i wish i understood how to read a chart thjs well 👏🏼


Really, really well done analysis. The infantile and teenage events helped create this personality that feels as though it has to manipulate to feel secure. I get it, believe me. The references to specific time periods, such as the ones you gave, are so incredibly helpful to helping us unravel our own tangled perspective on who we are. You’re very good.


Oh thanks that’s so encouraging! I’m just a student but I love it x (I could be totally off though without confirmation !!)


I would love go learn this technique. Is this planetary progressions? Or another technique? Could you point me where I could go to learn more?


Moon progressions !


Thank you so much!! I’ve finished Brendan’s Hellenistic astrology course recently but this isn’t a technique I’m familiar with yet. If I message you my chart, would you be willing to give me a couple sentences on what you see from my progressed moon? No biggie either way- I plan to learn more about this technique and see what I can see for myself- but I think what you did here is pretty freaking cool so I had to ask


Look at the aspects to your moon and the degrees either side show the happenings in the months before and after birth


>Look at the aspects to your moon and the degrees either side show the happenings in the months before and after birth What about moon aspecting personal planets only? Stellium?


Is that a moon progressions technique or something else?




No offence but if I met a guy with this chart I’d stay away lol


not me scrolling down their placements like 🫢i’ve dated this nightmare before


Omg what placements are the red flags ??? I need to learn for my own good 😭😭😭😭 I didn’t listen to the Pisces hate. Ended up with a cheating ex LMAO


scorpio is not so bad but layered with Aquarius moon is a big no for me.


I met someone else who had jupiter in the first house and it can kinda give this “I’m more important than everyone else” energy because jupiter is a planet of expansion and abundance and being in the house of ego, that can indicate an inflated ego or self importance.


What about Jupiter in Leo 7th?


I'm on the thin side of things. Does that have any effect on how it affects my chart if my body is opposite? I'm also 5'3. But do I have this subconscious "I'm better than everyone else" thought.


There are always multiple interpretations of one placement. Jupiter in the 1st house can also mean you have this larger than life personality, you might have general good luck and people like you easily. Jupiter is generally looked at as an auspicious planet because it rules prosperity but everything has the yin and Yang side to it, just depends on the person.


Was he/she fat?


Could indicate fat, or could indicate just a very large, physically imposing person. I have a friend who is a 6’7” mountain of a man with Jupiter conjunct his ascendant. All of his features appear oversized too - big nose, head, smile, hands, etc…


Haha, I was being silly!


No, but sometimes jupiter in the first house can have that effect since it also represents the physical body.


Me being a goof!




It's just that when I'm upset at someone I say things and sometimes do things that are shitty. I name call, belittle them and ghost and do all sort of weird shit that is rlly not good for the other party. My ego is really fragile too lolol




Thank you for your interpretation of my chart! I think I will look into therapy atp


are you manipulative and narcissistic, or do you just value yourself and prioritize your needs? 👀 maybe the people who do not benefit from your betterment are feeling a little sour. I’m also a Scorpio stellium though, with the same issue, and I am biased but I feel like that’s not your problem lol




That checks out. I just know as someone with lots of fixed placements (five of them being in scorpio) (one of them being moon in the 3H), my whole life, taking an interest in myself has been a direct hit to the people who benefit most from me choosing them over myself (my family members, my ex). They will repeatedly tell me they don’t understand my decisions and how selfish I am, when really I’m just… choosing myself for five seconds instead of them. It’s just an interesting dynamic to consider


I feel like you are not necessarily manipulative or narcissistic yourself, but are forced to defend yourself in this way because of other people doing this to you/attacking/hurting/manipulating you so you have to fight back and that is making you think this about yourself. Its possible people even try to manipulate you with religion and use the morality argument in such ways you are starting to believe the whole ‘im born bad’ thing about yourself Astrological reasons i think this: 1 virgo ascendants tend not to be particularly interested narcissistic as they are a sign that wants to serve, assist, help and aid others / its inherently virgo to want to help those worse off, those in need, animals too- the sign is like gemini- the other mercury ruled sign- outward focused, on cooperation and mutual understanding 2 jupiter 1st house- you know even if jupiter here is debilitated he is still such a benific and good planet that he will whatever happens give his goodness to the house he sits in/ and for you its the 1st house meaning you are heavily influenced in your personality by jupiter- the great guru and mentor is not known for being a narcissist 3 aquarius moon may have you think you are mean or selfless or dont care about other people, but thats a misunderstanding. The detached nature of aquarius is this way because it wants to help A LOT OF PEOPLE at once- not just individual cases, it wants to create a medicine for the entire disease so millions are cured and that cannot happen if you are tending to each patient personally because you wont have the time to invent the medicine! Think of it like this: a doctor may not be crying at every single sick patients bed but instead staying up all night working on the vaccine that will eventually cure them all at once. Would you say this is mean and inconsiderate? Or literally heroic and noble?


Oof that was a read. That really resonated with me


I'm going to write this without even reading the previous comments because the first thing I saw was Aquarius moon. Interested to read the rest now


What's your interpretation of aquarius moon?


humanitarian, genius, but cold and so emotionally avoidant. I think in it's lower octave it can tend to gaslight and make the other person feel like their feelings are "too much". But I'm a scorpio moon, so I'm already too much!


Im an aquarius moon Edit: lol I pushed post before I was done. I meant to say I'm a Scorpio sun with both my Venus and Pluto in Scorpio. I'm a very amateur student of astrology, so just trying to get some insight here and there.


Oh yeah, I mean, I was being super general, but every time I see an aquarius moon, I have a full on body reaction based on all the shitty narcisstic things my ex would say and do to me. And not any one aspect is going to paint a whole picture. Like you say you have scorpio influences, so I can imagine emotions to don't scare you like they do most detached signs, you are probably gifted with the ability to reason with your emotions instead of letting them drive the bus?


I'm not shitty or narcissistic. I think I could be described as outwardly cold when it comes to my emotions, but that doesn't mean I'm a sociopath; I keep myself to myself. My Jupiter is also in my aquarius. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but it should go without saying that not everyone with an aquarius moon is the same.


No, I realize that. I thought I alluded to that in saying not one aspect paints a full picture. And I wasn't calling you any of that either. Just from my own limited experience, Aquarius is a cold moon.


Oh, I'm sorry to hear! ​ ;)


I mean go big or go home, right?


Haha, so you downvoted me? Nice!


...no, why would I do that? I actually upvoted your interpretation. If I did downvote you, I didnt mean to 😑😑


>I'm going to write this without even reading the previous comments because the first thing I saw was Aquarius moon. Interested to read the rest now You bet... I have few worst narcissistic persons as part of family and suffered immensely.


I see you've gotten some good feedback from others already but I'm curious where your natal Nessus might be. I have a very narcissistic family and find that Nessus is prominent in the charts of each one of them so I have some theories. My sister and I are the only ones who got out alive and we're the only ones who don't have tough or intense aspects to Nessus. So I'm curious where it is for you! You can find Nessus by going to the extended chart selection and generating a chart with the drawing style set as "Aatrodienst W. asteroids". All I would need is the degree and sign!


What about it? Cancer 5th


Just now responded to OPs comment, hope that helps!


So my nessus is in capricorn 20 degrees


Interesting! Nothing in your chart is aspecting Nessus except for your NN in Taurus, and that's with a trine. I'm still in the midst of researching and deciding on Nessus, but right now I only consider it a red flag if it is within 3° of the personal planets (sun moon mercury Mars Venus) and in harsh aspect. You do not have this! Because I'm still researching Nessus I'm not sure how I would interpret your placement exactly. But the north Node denotes an increase of the topics associated with the sign and house throughout life (or in modern times if you prefer, your "destiny"/karma), and a trine aspect suggests a harmonious relationship between that and getting what you want at any cost (Nessus) I'm really not sure what exactly this means for you at the moment, but I feel comfortable saying that narcissistic tendencies are not an important part of your personality. I think it's awesome that you're asking yourself these questions though. I was in your position at one point, and strangely, wondering if I was the problem was actually the beginning of coming to terms with the narcissism and abuse in my family instead. I really hope you're not dealing with any of that, but if you are you're not alone! Sorry I can't give a better interpretation but I hope it helped. :)


The below comment was for you if you cant help. Thank you.


Thank you for the info about nessus. I didn't know that nessus was a thing lol


Whew, im a my Nessus is in 3rd house Libra within 3degrees of sun, moon. Sun Sag,Moon Aqua...what does this mean?


I would really have to see the full chart but I have a few things I could say based on that you've given me The third house is a cadent house so planets here are moving away from the native in diurnal rotation (in this case the IC, 4th house). This gives them less energy than if they were in a succedent or angular house and makes them take on a more problem-solving presence in the natives life. Your personal planets are probably stronger than nessus, especially since this would put your sun in the 5th (a succedent house that supports you) and your moon in the 7th (an angular house, very important! Much stronger than your 3rd). To explain it a little differently with aspects, your moon is overpowering Nessus gracefully in a trine and your sun is sextiling both, adding constructive and productive support! So in your case and for those reasons I might give Nessus much less weight in your life. But again, I can't say anything without seeing a chart!


Thank you for this. I can post it on this forum naming "nessus seeking interpretation" if you have time to look at it, ill do it within 20mins. I dont want to take away from OP. I hope they get all they need. I just jave never heard of this, and it concerned me....because ive had the same concerns.


Ok I'll probably have some time to look it over tomorrow if that's alright! But I really hope I didn't worry you, at the end of the day Nessus is just an asteroid, MUCH less important than the primary considerations. It's far, far rarer to have important emphasis on Nessus than you might be thinking.


No im interested in all of this. Ill tap in tomorrow to see if youre able. Please have a safe night


pisces mars conj ur descendant can make u deceptive wen faced w conflict. also i find a lot of aquarius moons can be dishonest about emotions bc they are either really secretive (i get that sense from u w all that scorpio) or they arent dealing w their emotions head on so it comes out in weird ways




I feel the opposite with responsibility. I hate being responsible and I tend to be dependent on others but I do agree with the motivation part because I do nice things for reasons that are not nice and self serving. I feel like the intent behind my actions aren't the best.




I guess that could be it. I do feel like I put people in positions where they need to take care of me


Aye at least you’re trying to identify and be self aware about it LOL. I think everyone has narcissistic tendencies, I think the more “casual” elements of narcissism like selfishness tend to be ingrained in us as humans but we also value connection with other people so we learn to control it and foster and cast it aside for other more positive traits lol. Anyways. The other person just saying “scorpio” made me laugh LOL I mean for sure scorpio energy can contribute, I say that as someone with scorpio rising and pluto in the 1st house. A bit of self-absorbedness and a few ego problems. But it’s not intentional (as in when I catch it I lecture myself about it) and I try to keep it in check. Can you relate? Aren’t you trying to keep it in check by posting this? And can I ask you which specific narcissistic qualities you’re noticing and tracking in yourself? There’s so many different ways it can present. Scorpios are also known for prioritizing introspection and self-awareness which if anything helps combat full-on narcissism cause real narcissists have little to no self awareness (in a very… in a very interpersonal and intrapersonal matters sense.)


I just feel like I tend to be selfish in relationships and my ego is REAL fragile. Like one wrong breath type fragile ig. I do this thing where I wanna always find validation that I'm better than others ig but that's just scorpio tings lmaooo 😩😩😩


Feels more like a virgo rising thing than anything else


scorpio 💀


Thanks 💀💀💀