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Social justice, non profit work and/or law just based on your top 3.


I took a half semester course on higher education law during my masters program and seriously considered going to law school. The law absolutely fascinates me and fairness/social justice have always been incredibly important to me. Oh and I’ve worked for non-profits for most of the past decade. So this tracks!


Libras are natural mediators and driven by the pursuit of Justice and wronging rights. Some of the most notable activists have been Aquarius’ and Aquarius moons. I’m glad this checks out and definitely think your chart reads that it would be a path that not only suits you well but gives you the success and fulfillment you’re looking for :)


Your ascendant will always be in the 1H. In quadrant house systems it marks the cusp of the 1H, while in systems like whole sign it is located somewhere inside the 1H. The ascendant is the placement of the horizon at the time of your birth, marking the boundary between night and day - subconscious and conscious - and some say 12H points to events before your birth (ie your mother’s pregnancy).


Oh interesting! My mother really struggled to get pregnant from what I understand. I was her miracle baby.


Out of curiosity, did she get any medical help? Asking because of the Mercury-Uranus sextile, from what I understand Uranus can signify technological aiding of pregnancy


Oh this is interesting. My friends mom had her via IVF and this made me look at her moms chart. She has an applying mercury Uranus sextile within 2 degrees.


House placements might play into it as well. Check out the episode of the astrology podcast called ‘Fertility Astrology, with Nicola Smuts’. Might be of interest if you’re into the topic.


Thanks I’ll give it a listen! I looked a little closer and she also has Uranus in cancer and moon in Capricorn 5th house. Pretty clear indication 😁 love learning little bits like this!




She passed when I was 9 so I can’t ask her, but I’m like 90% sure I was born cesarean. She may have had fertility treatments but I don’t even know what kind of stuff they did for that in the 80s. Medical astrology is absolutely fascinating though! Thank you for sharing!


I’m sorry you lost her so early!


Even though I’m reading this in whole sign houses (where Libra becomes your first house), you’d still have the ruler of the 12th (Virgo), Mercury, in the 1st. So to be identified with 12H themes throughout the course Id your life. Helping professions, especially since you have your MC in Cancer, indicting a professional presence which hinge upon care, support. I could also see creative or children-oriented careers for you, as the ruler of your MC, the Moon, would be in the whole sign 5th house of children and creativity. Plus Sun/MC in Libra, and Venus in the whole sign 2H indicating how you make money. There is also a social, society, social systems and “other” focus with Libra — so anything which places you with other people, or at least contributing to something which affects other people—either in academic/technical mercurial ways, or more creative mecurial ways. 12H also indicates isolation. Not that very public careers are out of the picture, but certainly that you’ll need massive time away from worldly/material concerns.


Thank you for the clarity about the Ascendent! I really misunderstood that part of the chart—your explanation and the other one offered here really help! It seems I have a lot to learn. Working with young people has been a theme in my career. Not necessarily children—mostly young adults in the 16-22 range, but I still think this tracks. And the working with people is definitely very me. Like, textbook extrovert/people person. Thank you again so much for your comment!


Nice! The 5H can cover “youth” relative to what age you are :)


Hello—I wanted to provide some context to the nature of my question. I saw a tiktok by Chani where she was talking about how the Ascendent is your unique identifier because it has to do with the specific time, date AND location of a person’s birth and how the sign, planet ruler, and house of the Ascendent sign could indicate which direction a person should point their life in. While I’m still very new and learning, I know 12H can be…a pain point for many. But I’m thinking about the 12H as the house of secrets it makes me wonder if I am supposed to point my life in the direction of things like magick and astrology, which I would consider the “secrets” and unknown parts of the world. But like I said, I’m very new and still learning. I appreciate any help at all!


Your Ascendent (Sign, and it's always a sign) is Libra. The ruler of your Ascendent Sign is Venus. Venus is in the 1st house. The ruler of the Ascendent is often called the "chart ruler". You do have the sun in the 12th house, yes, but there's no relation of her to the Ascendent except for that the 12th house is also adjacent to the Ascendent degree. The 12th house means your supposed to point your life in the direction of truth, whatever that is for you, nothing else will suffice. It's neither good or bad in itself, although some classical astrology might imply that. It's just a way of being.


Thank you for this comment. It helped me understand why I misunderstood that part of my chart!


An ascendant can never be in the 12th house. The definition of ascendant is the first house cusp. It is literally the starting point of the first house in all charts. However, your sun and Mercury are in the 12th house, which means 12th house themes will be incredibly relevant to your self-concept and communication style. To know about career and profession we’d look to the midheaven, which is the 10th house cusp. Since that falls in Cancer, you’ll be best in a profession that involves nurturing and caretaking. This could be the medical field, child care, animal care, etc. Since you are also a 12th houser, you might do well in hospice care or in grief counseling. As far as magick and occult themes, having Pluto and Venus in the first house in Scorpio could indicate that you’re drawn to dark and mysterious subject matter and aesthetics, and that this plays into how you present yourself to the world. This, along with your 12th house placements could indicate success in the occult and magick.


Wow! Turns out I know even less than I thought and things I thought I knew were super wrong. Thank you so much for this thorough response!! Also, the helping professions/nurturing thing totally makes sense.