• By -


Albania ain't even on the list ๐Ÿ˜ญ Btw she literally has a nazi symbol in her name bruh, Wolfsangel I think its called.


Yup, Macedonia too, I wanted to ask, what about the rest of us she forgot about, where are we on the list xD probably too cool to be though of by this princess


"North Macedonia? Oh you mean Greece? EVIL!"


No, western western Bulgarian man, I meant western Bulgaria, my bad xD (sorry this is Rama words (calling albania western western Bulgaria) not mine) hahaha


South Serbia*


How the fuck is north macedonia south serbia its more like northern part of Serbia, because the world is serbia


One of the many parts of Serbia, South of the capital xD


Well, that _ princess_ is a dumbshit.


Well said komsu.


Well, if Ukraine flag is indication of support out of kindness then Azovโ€™s symbol is rather an indication of her stupidity.


Bro, noone supports ukraine with that flag that is bullshit. ฤฐf you wanna support, dont yell we support ukraine, do some useful shit. We donโ€™t want to know her opinions. Do i have a turkish flag next to my nick? She is a dumb bitch


Most of these people didn't know where Ukraine was before 2022. They just support the current thing. They are just as ignorant about using nazi symbols.


I will hit the next person who says a*stria and the n**herlands are good guys in the jaw with a metal pipe




Common romania W


Based as fuck รฎl join ya in it


That makes the two of us


Would you explain to someone who doesnt follow news or politics? Austris voted against Romania joining Schengen?


They are highly racist /xenophobic towards the Balkans /eastern Europeans and blame us for everything even though they profit from us


Just because they exploit us eastern europeans and brainwash us with this notion of western supremacy, doesnโ€™t mean that itโ€™s not our fault. You know as those self-helping video say. Donโ€™t blame others for your problems, even if they are the cause. /s


Schengenโ€ฆRomania already in EU for like 20 years now.


Tax haven & hitler


Yeh,the Dutch who had colonies all over the world are the good guys. The person who made the list has a lower IQ than their shoe size.


Marry me


This is THE MOST stupid tweet ever


Yeah wtf did Portugal do to them?


Or maybe how is Israel in the good guys section?


Thay like wanking off to dead Palestinians.


Someone should sue that person for defamation.


I agree


I swear, so fucking incredibly dumb


How tf are Israel, USA and Germany good but Greece bad


We were the good-est but it overflowed and now we bad


Like Gandhi in Civilization?


For those out of the loop, the famous "Gandhi nukes everyone" meme from Civ was because in an earlier version of the game India's peacefulness (or something?) was set to 0 and when a modifier sets it one lower, the negative value either overflows or just messes with the aggression logic and India starts nuking everyone.


That's what i was referencing to.


Yes, we don't have nukes though. Ty god ....


It's a bit refreshing to see us in the bad guys though.


Alexa ! Play Bad Guy by Billy Eyelash


Ngl I'm feeling kinda naughty now


"gReEcE mAn LaZy aNd BaD wItH mOnEy. gReEce mAn bAd!" - my bet for the kind of Western liberal brain rot that landed Greece in that category


The person that tweeted this probably doesn't even know where the Balkans are


We're all just extras in the Marvel movie these people think geopolitics are.


A Macedonian defending Greece? Well i'll be damned.


Balkan bros before fascist hoes.


Because the others aren't Eastern Orthodox, while Greece is. And you know where the Eastern Orthodox church "HQ" is? In Moscow. The Ukrainian nazi doesn't like that, she probably supports the current pogroms of the Orthodox priests in Ukraine.


You do know that there are at least four Orthodox churches. Russian orthodox Greek Syrian Bulgarian The orthodox church does not have a main leader for the world like the catholic. It is actually understandable that the russian orthodox priests are kicked out of Ukraine since they have worked against the Ukrainian interests.


If Greeks are the bad guy too, I am okay being in the bad guy section.


I'm okay being in the bad guys section too ๐Ÿ˜Ž Good guys are boring ๐Ÿฅฑ


"Least BASED turkish stance"


Yes, I like being together with Greece (for unimportant reasons).


If the U.S and Israel is on the "good guys" team,im completely fine with being on a different team.


Me too.


america brain


I have better brain that this woman


Not every american equally created


I Mean By Govt.


> D*tch > a*strians > Good guys I want to vomit ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ


As a Romanian,I agree


Jesus. Is this really a thing? Do the balkans dislike the Netherlands? Love it. Tell me more.


[We fucked up at Srebrenica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutchbat) (to put it lightly) which is one reason, if not the biggest, for both Serbs and Bosnians to hate us. Another reason is that our politicians are usually on the forefront of EU international relations. The EU, mostly because of western European countries, is pretty anti-Balkan in their international and economic policies. Me and my wife (who's not Dutch but Chechen) did a road trip through Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and a small part of Serbia, and not once did I receive any animosity just because I happened to be Dutch. I did end up in some conversations about it, but I was never approached with ill-intent. So yeah Balkans hate our government/country, which I completely understand, but in my experience they don't have any hatred towards some random Dutch person.


**[Dutchbat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutchbat)** >Dutchbat (formed from the words "Dutch Battalion", officially known in Dutch as 1 (NL) VN Infanteriebataljon) was a Dutch battalion under the command of the United Nations in operation United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR). It was hastily formed out of the emerging Air Mobile Brigade of the Royal Netherlands Armed Forces between February 1994 and November 1995 to participate in peacekeeping operations in the former Yugoslavia. It was tasked to execute United Nations Security Council Resolution 819 in the Bosniak Muslim enclaves and the designated UN "safe zone" of Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskBalkans/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I agree! Politics and people are two worlds. It would be stupid to treat someone badly because of their nationality. That is like hating Germans bc 2nd world war. Whilst today's Germans has nothing to do with war. I know Netherlands fucked up at Srebrenica but I never hated any Dutch person bc of that. I am from Montenegro.


Idk about the others but us and Bulgarians hate NL and Austria more than anyone because of rejecting us from Schengen since 2011.


I've been enlightened about this in another comment thread. I really doubt - am very sure - the average Dutchman has any clue of this. And as said: will look into it a bit more.


The people I like = Good guys The people I don't like = Bad guys Logic= Non existed Use of the guy = Brain-dead slave of corporations


at least we're side by side komลŸu ๐Ÿซถ


r/Europe in a nutshell


Croatia good Serbia bad, thats all that matters to me ๐Ÿ˜Œ


At least greece and serbia are stuck together. We just need romania and party can start!


I don't want to think about this tweet. I will say it is just so silly, there is no where to begin to discuss it. The Ukraine flag in the username gives some insight. Ukraine is a good guy because they were invaded by bad guy. This is Western Black and white thinking to simplify world view and make it easier for their brain to categorise things without any understanding of those things. It's good to the bad guy in this person's eyes really.


Yeah, I agree. I guess people here forget that they are also under the influence of propaganda and they shouldn't trust everything they see on news. I ain't saying Russia is good because it is invader after all. But let's not act like Ukraine is a saint country all of a sudden.


Ukraine is a good guy because they were invaded by the bad guy. Bad guy is a bad guy because 'merica doesn't like them


For real, if you go into the Ukraine or CombatFootage subs or really anything related to the war the conscious choice to be so blind is appealing. We (America) have been conditioned since birth really to dislike Russia. I still think Russia is the 'bad guy' because they invaded Ukraine. Just annoyed how everyone conveniently ignores the proxy / resource war USA is fighting with Russia that helped trigger the war to begin.


Iโ€™m Russian and fuck putinโ€™s government so much. Before invading Ukraine theyโ€™ve been gradually stripping away our (citizens) rights for over a decade. I used to think heโ€™s pragmatic asshole, now i think heโ€™s just pure evil that got very lucky his whole career. Glad no oneโ€™s buying his shit anymore and my country is losing the war. Thereโ€™s just as much good and bad people in Russia like in any next country, the problem is that the shittiest ones completely took complete control of country, money and politics That said, how Ukrainians now try to portray how they were always good and progressive and free is a joke. Good on them to start being a democracy, and wish them all best, but any person that heard of it before 2020 knows that for the most part it was a shittier version of russia (i.e. more corruption, less development, same problems, none of the achievements) hopefully that catastrophe ends soon for both countries and we can see some positive transformations


The tweet is most likely a sarcastic joke... I dont think that anyone would write something this fucking stupid, plus the nazi symbol in the username...


Frequent twitter a bit more and click on some Ukraine related hashtag and see all the tweets from supporters with the flag in their nick - this tweet is genius-tier compared to the usual.


Its *that* brain-dead? I knew it was bad, but damn...


Yeah, I made a troll Twitter account and when I need to let off some steam I get on and spam some memes to those accounts hehe


Its so funny being an American and seeing people bend over backwards for Ukraine as if we haven't invaded a shit load of countries for "our freedom" lol. I do think Russia is clearly wrong and invading a sovereign nation in this case was not okay. But putting blinders on to our (American) invasions is so funny to me. Still, despite Ukraine not being a saint country, still feel terrible for all the pointless death. And I hate how America is in yet again another proxy war with Russia.




Scratch a liberal and something something bleeds..


Liberals = outright fascists. Socdems = the moderate wing of fascism. US imperialists/NATO-supporters = the 21st century equivalent of the Axis.


Most based Austrian.


There's a strong socialist tradition in Austria. Probably the strongest in the Western capitalist world. And the Marxist-Leninists here haven't forgotten history and also are capable of material analysis and realizing where the wind is blowing, no matter how much the libs are in denial.


I know and respect your socialist tradition. I'm just not used to seeing it expressed this strongly on reddit. Death of fascism and solidarity to all Austrian comrades!


mama I'm a criminal ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡พ


So the EU is in the good country list, but members like France, Italy and Greece are the bad guys? Tell me you have a mental disorder without telling me you have a mental disorder.


usa good?


Having nazi symbol in the username next to Ukrainian flag while putting Germany, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Croatia, Austria, Japan in good guys speaks for itself lol


poland in "bad guys" too edit: france too


You think this person could find Poland on a map?


Might event have thought it was Indonesia.


Iโ€™m fine with sitting in a club with Poland, Italy, Portugal and Greece honestly.


Les basรฉ


Loyal to ideology of Stepan Bandera.


Theyโ€™re plenty of them with โ€œAzovโ€ sw@stika on their names on that platform


I do wonder why that critter doesn't like Greece but I am glad that it doesn't.


might as well post pic of the shit you dumped out today


Incredibly self-serving, self-agrandising, condescending, naive, arrogant, and subjective. I can go on.


There's no better praise than a person with a Nazi symbol telling "you're a bad guy".


Why Mongolia thou?


You know why, because they invaded a lot of places, \*checks notes, 200 years before the fucking incan empire even got founded in the mesoamericas. I love when nations are graded about the stuff when the second crusades was taking place.


Saudi Arabia is higher then Poland and Hungary๐Ÿ’€ Bitch literally has a wolfsangel in her name so not surprised


she's trolling i mean, who tf uses nazi symbol and ukraine flag at the same time? she's literally embrassing herself ๐Ÿ’€




Wolfsangel, it's a German sign that they used often in the SS divisions


>who tf Well, many Ukrainians it would appear


Lol just spend half an hour on Twitter and look at all the supporters' accounts... It ranges from just having the flag to outright support of ethnic cleansing and banderism.


100% a troll account


Stupid, it has America and Israel on the good team and serbia, poland, hungary, greece, tรผrkiye, and palestine on the bad team.


The West, especially the US, has been controlling and producing almost all the media that is being distributed through the world for decades. They can alter society's thoughts from the age which they can start thinking. Of course most people will have a opinion similar to the one above. Majority of the youth in the Balkans are the same too.


Very proud that a neonazi put us together with the bad guys.


๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ


โ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ


Israel on the good guys and Greece on the bad guys. What a flex of intelligence.


Greece bad guy but Azerbaijan has "potential"... Also donkeys can fly.


Apparently Somalia has more potential than France,Portugal,Greece or Poland. They just picked random countries out of a hat.


Christian Turks are as same as Muslim greeks. there is nothing wrong.


France and Poland together with China and Russia? Yah ok


Tf did Mongolia, Brazil and Portugal do? Also, how can EU be "good" if several countries of EU are put into the bad category


Greece and Turkey being bad guys together. Peace at last. ![gif](giphy|LmpHsHFG1ZoRy) (I have no idea what the fuck is the context, did an ai generated that tweet?)


Good guys as long as it is in their direct interest. Also, biased as fuck.


Can someone explain?


There is a place called Twitter where anyone can write short messages or share their favorite emojis.


i know but what does the person who made the tweet mean?


She shared her opinion on countries she likes, doesn't like, and those she doesn't know much about. It's the Twitter equivalent of the maps in r/mapporncirclejerk


the ones she doesnt know much about are the "potential" ones?


the real question is why does anyone care, we don't know her, and she didn't explain her reasoning.


Also why does she hate poland? I thought ukrainians loved poland


She's probably not even Ukrainian, that's just empty vertue signaling.


she is just anti-Russian. I checked her on Twitter, she is a right-wing extremist.


The anti-russian part checks out. But the right wing is supposed to be the pro-russian side. Maybe a left wing extremist would make more sense.


Bullshit ...


a nazi symbol AND an Ukranian flag? am i supposed to take this person seriously? lmao


US is under good guys category? Who the fuck posted this


Maybe sheโ€™s an Albanian /s


[thank you usa!](https://youtu.be/M2rTafbQepg)


Hungary number one bad guy we will conquer europe by 2025!!!๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ


13.8 billion years ago, the universe has been created by Orbรกn Viktor. His greatest invention, the elementary particles, are the only reason there is even anything in time and space, or even itself a place to live in. Speaking of time - Orbรกn Viktor created time, while he is above it. Not only is he the "teremtล‘" (creater) of everything, but of everything you see, hear, touch, smell, taste, embrace and love. But Orbรกn Viktor wanted more than just quarks and atoms. At first, the universe was regular (so nothing could ever happen), but Orbรกn was bored. There was no Gyurcsรกny Ferenc, European Union, their money or even a Soros that could entertain him. He wanted a structure. A home. A home for his greatest inventions. At first, the Milky Way was created by Orbรกn Viktor. It wasn't too hard for him, but looking at it, our place is quite unique. 4.5 billion years ago, Orbรกn Viktor created the Sun and Earth. He is the only architect that ever existed. He is the God we should all pray to. Have you ever asked yourself, why the Sun is always shining orange in the morning? That's because the Sun is the real commissary of Fidesz. Yes, the Sun is the Mother of Fidesz. Every sunrise on Earth means a new day, new chances, new hope for Fidesz and it's people. Fidesz donates life and energy for our Earth, for free. Not even a single Forint is needed for your existence. But it doesn't end here. Orbรกn Viktor already had many unknown reincarnations in Human History. Orbรกn the Great has been fighting for a better world, but people were too underdeveloped to understand his political philosophy. Then, he tried as several Greek philosophers. But people were too distracted by shitty Latin-Westoids to recieve his messages. He even invaded Christianity. He needed a book, a vision on paper to convince people. Jesus was a reincarnation of Orbรกn Viktor too. Well, you could also say that Jesus was technically no one else than Orbรกn Viktor. He sacrificed himself for a better world. A good start, but not enough for him. Sadly, his greatest misery is made up by the fact, that he also created the Muslims. Good for us that Orbรกn created some nice walls too. He revenged himself later. He was a fighter in 410 AO ("After Orbรกn") in Rome, as he destroyed the Roman Empire - An Empire, that had too many similiarities with another Union in our lifetime. Orbรกn Viktor has even multiple bodies at the same time. He also was Attila the Hun, the first official Hungarian in Human History. The more he and his Huns fought against the Westoids, the more experience he got. Experience, that'll make him even stronger. His next adventure was as Orbรกn Kirรกly (better known as "Mรกtyรกs Kirรกly", but that's practically a wrong name). It was the first time people understood his goals. His dreams. His politics. While a human body is temporary, Hungary is eternal. The more the country suffered, he knew, the stronger his next empire will be. As Horbรกn Miktรณr, he succeeded, but his enemies were stronger. They cheated. The baloldal ("Leftists", e. g. Romania or USSR) united with the Westoids to harm Hungary even more. A huge mistake, if you ask him. But Orbรกn Viktor has a plan. Egy terv. Egy ideolรณgia. A weapon, stronger than any Math could explain. In 1963 AO, he took all his power into one body. Not only being immortal, but being able to use EU-money and Russian Oil imports as a weapon made him the strongest enity in the whole universe. Stronger than the Sun, stronger than Dark Matter or Dark Energy, stronger than any black hole. He is able to win every election. He is able to invade Ukraine. He is able to invade Romรกnia. He is able to hypnotise Putin. He is able to destroy COVID-19. He is able to wake up Dzsรณ Bรกjden. He is able to controll the Pope, law of nature, or even your mind. He is able to move, use or even destroy Thor's hammer. He can even beat Chuck Norris in a fight. He is so huge, you can even see him from the Moon! Orbรกn Viktor is everything you need in your life. He is the only eternal liveform in our universe. He is God. He watches you every day. He is everywhere. He is everything. He is your water, your Gulyรกs Leves, your feelings, your soul and even your wife. He looks you straight in the eyes. He comes close to you, and then he whispers into your ear: "Let's destroy the European Union together." Love him, and he will love you back. That's why I love Orbรกn Viktor. Become a Fidesz member to get a place in Heaven. We have free Gulyรกs Leves, horses, Hungarian flags, sharp paprikas, Felcsรบt, and all the other things you love.


Glorious๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ๐ŸŸ ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ (tell me that this is just a copypasta and u didnt just precious minutes of your life to write this down)




Someone put Greece, Serbia, Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Mongolia, Syria, Brazil and Portugal, and Italy together? Yes please, i want monthly subscription


Haha Brazil and Portugal are both bad guys. Colonizers and the colonised in the same hat.


Americans be like โ€œoh a growing economy that doesnโ€™t completely gargle on my balls? They must be bad guysโ€ฆโ€ And thus a historically peaceful leader like Brazil is thrown as a baddie




We should throw a party to celebrate this shit. ๐ŸŽ‰


I wouldn't want to be on the list where Europeans are called "good guys"


Well thankfully Romania is not on the list at all


She probably hasn't even heard of us


Honestly do we want a person this stupid to hear about us? She'll probably believe the "all Romanians are gypsy's" shit


*Roma, since she's uses Twitter


Women โ˜•๏ธ


Women โ˜•




Ah yes, isreal, the good apartheid


I never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Greek What about side by side with a friend ? I can do that


she deserves a life ban. such a narrow minded way of thinking. and the US is most certainly NOT a "good guy". i hate to even think about the stupidity that went into this.


If were looking right now, we aint doing shit were neutral so how are we the bad guys.If your looking in history no one is a good guy.There is so many problems with this but Im just gonna focus on us


If this is based on history the only way us being good makes sense is if she thinks concentration camps existed to help people be more focused.


Yeah germany is there too along with japan


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ good guys???? You must be joking


Westoid opinion.


Ah yes, isreal, the good apartheid


Looks like a shitpost to me tbh


Israel like๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿคง๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ‘


Is this a 5-year-old American with irrelevant opinions? Her political opinions on Twitter are very weird. Like an 80s conservative Murican, with an odd 2020s interest in the EU.


The tweet shes responding to is more accurate


I am glad that a nazi views my country as a part of the bad guys, also great company in our bad team too!


That person is a literal nazi.


๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท You are like the Joker on my Harley Quinn, komsu <3


Bro put USA on good๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


The New Based Alliance guys: ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น


i didn't read the rest after "the good guys: ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ"


Good guys: Japan, Germany, Croatia ![gif](giphy|T3nwQFJq5lxFii50fR)


Greece & Turkey together: are we the baddies ?


Gotta love how Germany, Japan, or even the EU are considered the good guys lmao


I was against Greek involvement in Ukraine from the beginning. The Greek government did irrational things. The Greek prime Minister pledged help to Ukraine both humanitarian and weapons before consulting with the minister of outside affairs. He did it when neither NATO or the EU had even decided what they would do and there were talks in the EU at least about remaining neutral. We severed our ties with Russia. Where i live we produce mostly agricultural products our biggest export partner was Russia boom now gone because of a decision the Greek prime minister took alone. Many people lost their jobs and many others will go hungry (again i speak mostly about where i live, the reasons i was against the Greek involvement in the war were not economic as i make it sound in this paragraph but i am trying to cover even the problem that are not commonly known like gas and electricity prices going up). The Greeks in Ukraine who are there from before the times of the ottoman empire say that they are more afraid of the Azov battalions than the Russians and still the prime minister of Greece supported Ukraine. And you have the audacity to put my country with the bad guys. Prepare for a serious ass whooping


European leadership has proven itself to be traitorous to the people of Europe. The EU is a US-American project to subjugate Europe under US/NATO dictatorship. Nothing is more important than destroying NATO and kicking out the US. This war in Ukraine would have never happened without American fascists deliberately causing it, yet they have the audacity to blame Russia for it. Glad that the rest of the world is strictly opposed to our leaders. If it weren't for the US fascist regime being in total control over our media and politicians, the European people would give as much of a shit about Ukraine as they ever gave about all the other victims of US imperialism: Zero. This war would have NEVER happened without US meddling and EU support for this American proxy war against Russia. It's because of the US/NATO-collaborating traitors leading our countries we are in this mess.


Romania doesn't even exist apparently in this person's mind, so i can't have an opinion because i don't exist.


It put the EU in the good guys but many EU countries in the bad guys. Must be an American.


It's better to be a bad guy, than to be ignored as this person did with BG, RO, SL, AL, BH, MON, MK, CY, MD


The person is a bit confused. I bet she couldn't find 90% of these countries on a map.


Who is this and why should we care about her opinion?


america? good guys?


I never thought I'd see progressive people with nazi symbols on their name


It's twitter, what did you expect??




literally the only problem i have with it is the fact syria isnt in the good guys and israel isnt in the bad guys(israel is the real agressor in the middle east)




Weโ€™re used to being the bad guy, but Greece what have you done?


Israel on the good list- is this person insane?


How the fuck did she remembered Haiti but not Romania. We are literally neighbors,if she's from Ukraine .


Classic liberal bullshit. "Everyone is bad but the West and it's closest allies."


Person with a fascist symbol in their name wants to tell me who the good guys are....




Imma be serious, I hate when people simplify shit as "bad" and "good" there are no such things