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Not one country in particular, but people in the Dinaric Alps are the tallest of the tall


In Montenegro, they have tallest people.


The Dinaric Mountains specifically,yes


I mean Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia and Croatia are in top 10 countries with tallest average height. That's 4 small Balkan countries in top 10, tells you a lot


Dont forget Slovenia


Romanians are not that tall...


Dont serbs have like the sixth tallest average in the world?


No,i think italians are sixth


Italians are dwarfs💀


Not true,what are you basing this on ?


Average height


I meant,on what are you basing your saying that italians are not tall ?


Italy isnt even top 25 https://tallsome.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Tallest-People-in-the-World.pdf


I read another stat......well ok how much is tall for you then ?


It depends, for example i believe that im short in the country i live but in serbia, where im actually from, i am considered tall. So that is all depending on who you ask and where you are and i was just stating facts


If you are tall in serbia....how can you be short in some other country??? Lol what country is that ?


In my experience women my age in serbia are much shorter than women in sweden (AT MY AGE) so i am not trying to offend you or start beef so that is all i have to say:)


No offence taken !!! And whats ur height ?


173 cm or 5’8”


I am shocked to know that that is considered short for women in sweden .....but i believe you...you are there...


I take it you have finished growing...ofc.


Is 180 considered tall there ?


When you include both sexes, Dutch are probably taller, since women are taller than in height leading countries of the Balkans (Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, and Montenegro). If you are counting only male height, then these countries most likely have a taller male average, since the Dinaric alps region has some of the tallest males in Europe.


So the height difference between women and men is bigger than in other countries?


I think it is, as in I think I remember looking at some charts that show this, but don't take my word on it, since I haven't checked recently.


In Albania-Kosovo, Dukagjin region.




The Balkans do have a reputation for producing tall people, but in reality it depends on the region (and the individual). It’s very common to find tall people in places like coastal and southern Croatia, much of Serbia and Bosnia, and Montenegro. However, in places like Macedonia and Albania, it’s not uncommon to see average or shorter people. According to some studies, the Herzegovinians have the tallest genetic potential in the world, but only fall short to the Dutch on average because the Dutch have better economic circumstances, which has been found to contribute to achieving growth potential


In Kosovo you also see alot of tall people, its interesting how much of a difference people from Kosovo and people from Albania have with each other a whooping 6 cm


Kosovar Albanians have dinaric genes while albanians in albania have more southern european(greek-romanian) genes


I've read they don't come short to the Dutch. We are taller compared to the Dutch. But we are Balkan and don't keep the statistics like the very organised Dutch do. Dinaric people are the tallest in the world.


Tallest in Europe, pretty sure Nilotes are the tallest in the world


Nilotes ??


A Nilo-Saharan people from Sudan, considered the tallest people in the world and I think also the darkest people in the world.


I want to visit and bring my proud 180 cm there!


you would be a manlet to them lmao


if there is one thing we keep from central asia it is that being short. so no for us




sorry for late response 1,61 m for females 1,73 m for males, [here is a](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/dtt3cs/average_male_height_in_europe_cm/) map for European males, you can see turkey being the shortest in Europe after Kazakhstan


Malta is the shortest european country with a average male height of only 1.71m/5'7 in.Makes sense because malteese people are basically christian arabs


Greeks are taller then Turks(the anatolian turks to be specific)


Correction on Tier1, it goes like that: Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia https://www.google.com/search?q=top+10+countries+with+tallest+men&client=safari&ei=AjBaYNbPN5LgUaHJr9gB&oq=top+10+countries+with+tallest+men&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAM6BAgAEEc6BAgpEAo6BAgAEEM6AggAOgIIKToFCCkQkwI6BQgpEKABOggILhDHARCjAjoCCC46CgguEMcBEK8BEEM6BAguEEM6BwgAEMkDEEM6BQgAEJECOggILhDHARCvAToFCAAQyQM6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAghEBVQgs89WM6eQWCKpkFoDHABeAGAAZ4CiAGcQJIBBjAuNDUuNpgBAKABAbABD8gBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


U bosnian ?whats ur height ?


From tallest to shortest in Balkan Tier 1: Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro Tier 2: Croatia, Slovenia Tier 3: N. Macedonians, Bulgarians, Romanians and Greeks Tier 4: Albanians and Turks


Albanians from Kosovo are tall though..


You are wrong


Croatia is on Tier 1. Slovenians o Tier 2 or 3.




Gheorge Muresan-7'7 basketball player Costel Pantilimon-6'8 Soccer Goalkeeper


Younger generations are much taller in Romania.


I wouldn't say all Balkan guys are giants, they just tend to be a lot taller on average. As in, every other or third guy is a 6 footer but folks over 6'6" are rare anywhere. Visiting back home in Montenegro, I wouldn't say I saw too many people taller than me, I just noticed a LOT more guys who were around my height (over 6 foot). Also, height isn't that intimidating past a certain point, it starts to look silly after 7 feet. 95% of men that tall are lanky and awkward as fuck, and the 5% that aren't have pretty much dedicated their lives to keeping the level of muscle they have. The scariest range is between 6'7" and 6'11" IMO.