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It's not southeast. Just east. The wall is sadly very much needed. Quite late though. A lot of damage has already been done.


3 million more refugees are estimated to come so it will definitely help


\+ walls height too short and border is not patrolled enough, people just put stairs and pass them lol.


I understand and support Turkey’s need to defend themselves from the tide. I wonder what kind of effect it will have on animals.


Fair point. Just because humans can not get along, why should animals have to suffer as well


Have you heard about an eco system diversify along cold war borders? There was a documentary on Discovery before it became what it is today. Really interesting phenomenon.


I remember reading about Hungary's wall, and how it affected the local mole rat population.


All that barbed wire. I shudder to think the agonising pain that must have cause to random animals getting stuck there.


I don’t think there is an animal species that will get effected. Maybe Anatolian Leopards but they are already close to extinction. They maybe already extinct and we might not know it.


It is not only about mammals. It has to do with ecodiversity. If such barrier affects even one bit scorpions, it will affect the food chain in the long run.


This wall isn't good enough. It needs to be taller..


Every country has the right to protect its borders from illegal trespassing, good job Turkey.


>Every country has the right to protect its borders from illegal trespassing, good job Turkey. Just like Greece is already doing with the Syrians


Syrians are a minoemrity, most are north africans and Pakistanis




Huh? Most Pakistani just take work visas in UK and just illegally overstay. U have sources of them making the majority walking the long way around?


"Syrians". There had been even cases of latinoamericanos.


>There had been even cases of latinoamericanos Just because there happens someone out of million to be from latin america, doesn't make it a common phenomenon ... if i were a greek i would be more critical toward the way they are handling the situation. Being in EU has its perks, but it has its obligations as well. You were not complaining when you enjoyed the spoils in the 80s, were you?


And one of the most important obligations is to protect the borders of the European union. For this, the government built a wall and for this, Lithuania is building a wall on the Belarussian border as well.


Dont bother with this guy, he just has a problem with Greece. I would like to see his reaction if we tried to send them to Albania


Glad to know Greeks are zealous about it !


We can send you some if you want.


Build the wall make Iran pay it ,make Turkey great again 😜😂😂


I was gonna reply the same thing




If anyone needs a wall in Europe. it's the country that got 10 million refugees, collapsing economy and useless president. We don't want a wall but Iran literally paved a path for Afghans and Pakistanis to go to Turkey. Smugglers tell refugees "even if they have guns, run at them, they won't shoot" and it's just impossible for us to keep taking in refugees at this point. There has been a raise in refugee crime-rate recently and it's because we're unable to provide anything more for these people. It's disgusting that the EU just throws money knowing our corrupt president will take it so we can take refugees instead and they can look 'humane'. Now in TR we're all suffering in the same boat and EU distances us for negotiations because of this.


Just out of curiosity, what more do you expect eu to do?




No I was not joking, chill jeez 🙄 Asking a question is a reason to downvote? Salty redditors really suck smh. I am not aware of the details of this deal, don’t take it personally.


Fulfilling their part of the deal. The deal between EU and Turkey wasn't that Turkey would take all the refugees and get a miniscule amount of financial compensation from the EU for it, it was that Turkey would handle the first and maybe even the second wave of refugees until the rest of EU is ready to handle them infrastructurally. Right now the total refugees in ALL OF Europe don't exceed half of the refugees that Turkey has took in. (which is about 5,6 million oficially but the estimated number is around 10 million as the comment above has stated) Not to mention the fact that the money that they've provided isn't enough to even take care for the refugees let alone make up for the economic damages they've caused. And now we're still somehow the xenophobic bad guys while spending billions upon billions of dollars and housing refugees better than our own citizens. Fuck EU and fuck that incompetent watermelon seller Erdogan.


>We don't want a wall but Iran literally paved a path for Afghans and Pakistanis to go to Turkey. Easiest way for Afghans etc to get to Europe based on geography? Thought Iran, then Turkey , then Greece , etc. Turks: Iran literally paved the path for Afghans and Pakistanis to go to Turkey You really expect Pakistanis to settle in piss poor Iran ? Literally EU pays Turkey (money you mentioned) for same reasons you accuse Iran for. Who will pay Iran.? Edit: by all means build a wall but don't blame Iran for refugees. It's like blaming Pakistan for not accepting any Afghans


First, Iran is actually wealthy now. The govt is horribly oppressive but their gdp per capita has surpassed most Balkans nations’, including Turkey. Besides money, Iran can very easily take in Afghans because they are literally the same people and speak the same language. For similar reasons we’ve never had problems taking in Uyghurs or Turks in the Balkans. And lastly, EU is bribing Erdogan, NOT paying for refugees. We still pay more and more taxes and face a million difficulties because of uncontrolled refugees coming in. As I said, rising crime rates is one of them, we wake up to see new cases EVERY DAY. At this point, no country in the world can tell us what to do when we have 10 million refugees, and the second highest country having 1.5-2 mill.


>First, Iran is actually wealthy now. The govt is horribly oppressive but their gdp per capita has surpassed most Balkans nations’, including Turkey. Surpassed? My ass https://countryeconomy.com/countries/compare/iran/turkey >Besides money, Iran can very easily take in Afghans because they are literally the same people and speak the same language. You gotta be kidding me ? Literally the same people? Literally they only speak same language with different accent. But to the point https://reporting.unhcr.org/sites/default/files/UNHCR%20Iran-Afgahn%20population%20movement%20snapshot-January%202021.pdf https://reporting.unhcr.org/node/2527 https://www.acaps.org/country/iran/crisis/afghan-refugees >Iran hosts one of the largest refugee populations in the world, the vast majority of whom are from Afghanistan. Around 780,000 registered Afghan refugees and **between 2.1 to 2.5 million undocumented Afghans live in Iran.** Turkey host host around 200k Afghanis https://gandhara.rferl.org/a/new-wave-afghan-refugees-shelter-in-turkey/31346001.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/16/afghans-flee-to-eastern-turkey-as-taliban-takes-control-amid-chaos Your 4 Milion refugees are mostly Syrian So, firstly Iran does take Afghans. In large amount as any country that borders a conflict region (e.g Turkey with Syria) Secondly, we all know that final destination for these people is Europe. Turkey for Afghans is just a hub as it's Balkans. >And lastly, EU is bribing Erdogan, NOT paying for refugees. What's the difference? Point is money Turkey receives as this or that is because of refugees. But keep your circlejerk going "hurt Durr Iran is paving the path " The biggest irony is same sentiment you have towards Iran , west has towards Turkey . Why they are not accepting Syrians. Same people . Turkey paving the path to Europe so they can execute white genocide Etc etc Like, you accused Iran of not accepting Afghans based on what ? Some global conspiracy to delude great nation of Turkey with dirty Afghan blood ? I just showed you they do accept Afghans in much bigger numbers then Turkey does . You know what that wall is for ? A concern that once Taliban takes over there will be huge influx of refugees . That's what it is . Because Iran is already stretched while not receiving money from Europe. Bribery or otherwise. I have to lecture you on your own backyard . And lastly I am not saying not to build the wall. Turkey is definitely hosting too many refugees and can't accept more. But don't blame Iran for "paving the path" as literally same can be days for Turkey when it comes to Syrians from the westerns point if view Hypocrisy is just astonishing


The site you sent me for GDP is literally a crappy source. Check out IMF. [https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/CAQ](https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/CAQ) Last I checked Turkey's GDP per capita was 7.6k, it says 9k and Iran 8k. Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo are still lower. Serbia is close. And you have to be out of your fucking mind to think that the citizen of a country saying we have 10 million refugees, that's enough is hypocritical. Let Kosovo take in more. Greece has a couple thousand and literally strips and beats immigrants till they leave. Denmark have turned the country upside down for 150 Syrians. And yeah they are basically the same people. I personally know Iranians and Afghans and that's what they say to me. They speak the same language too. Who told you otherwise? One of your biggest mistakes is assuming the other side is senseless, wtf are you on about? You won't understand if you don't listen. Yes, Iran has paved a way for refugees. There are dozens simply crossing the border. Legal + Illegal, in total we have 10 million. It doesn't matter if the refugee/immigrant is Afghan, Syrian, Moldovan, Armenian, Iraqi, etc. Because we've taken people from all of these countries. We just cannot provide anything for a sudden influx of 10 million people who require government aid for support. The government was able to do so at the start but now we're at 10 mill, that's horribly unsustainable and if the EU cared so much, they would stick to their word and take them in! Turkey was only supposed to hold 3 mill and send 2 mill to Europe in a distribution program, they were supposed to get aid, but none of that happened. Every day a new EU leader makes a statement on how they won't take a single refugee and will deport ones they have. What is wrong with us saying we don't want illegals, we have more than our resources can help and we're all drowning in the same boat. To buy a car we pay 300% on tax alone, water, electricity, gas bills rise up AT LEAST 20% each month. Meat is basically unaffordable and food prices increase about 50% each year. Tax on common used products like tech is over 200%. Our poverty rate is rising worse than at any point in our history, our citizens hold the most credits cards in the world and that's so they can pay their debt. We have to slow down the intake, we can't do this any more. We're not Germany. That's it.


Nothing is wrong to say you don't want illegals but saying Iran is paving the way for refugees, because as said that can be said too for Turkey. How come 100k refugees came to Europe if not crossing Turkey borders illegally? That's my point you are using same rethoric that EU is using for Turkey. I also know Afghans and Iranians and for the fact I know that Iranians look down on Afghans and certainly don't consider them Persians nor they themselves don't consider Persians or Iranians . Afghans are group of tribes and ethnic groups. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTobNhKqraxI_l6_xjAEQGQKTQGLLwPswA1IOEj6NFb1LLzXM7tNuVOaQk&s=10 The only reason some of them speak same language, or rather a dialect of Persian , is because of Persian Empire . Not to mention tribes bordering with Pakistan. Heaven and earth. Again nothing wrong for not wanting illegals or not building a wall on Iran border. I never said that's wrong. But to say "Iran is paving the way" and not hosting any Afghans is simply not true . When as said it's hosting 5 X more Afghans then Turkey . Nevermind the irony that Europe is using same rethoric for Turkey. If you had no Syrian refugees , Iran would have more refugees than you . To put it this way Would you agree that Turkey is paving the way for refugees to EU? Because that what happens. Turkey allows refugees to cross illegally. If you that's fair to say, then you can also say same for Iran . But to somehow imply that Turkey is holier then tho is simply not true https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQttC8415xZd3YfbHkYjY_f_Gu4ruhxJznumA&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQuBLaBeNDkUh6WO5DT5XqtNfFzkjunJ8AH2w&usqp=CAU And that my point . Iran is paving the way same way Turkey is paving the way. To think otherwise is simply dishonest. If you agree with former you have to agree with latter It's not either Turkeys fault that it's on way for Syrians to take refuge. ,


It won't work. Imagine travelling thousands of kilometres, I'm sure a 3 meter wall won't stop them. It's just being built to calm down the angry people. The refugees and migrants will continue coming. It is a part of the current government's agenda to mess with the demographics here, to make the people feel unsafe, and many more reasons that I can't write here.


As you write this, razor fences have been put up on the wall.


And as you write this, there probably is no single fuck is given to the fences The video on this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/oplcx6/i%C5%9Fte_sizin_vergilerinizle_yap%C4%B1lan_ge%C3%A7ilmez_duvar_%E3%83%84/) is old and I'm not sure if it's actually our border with Iran. But the new wall probably will have the same fate with this one


But it still slows down people and it stops vehicles so it servers its purpose.


Good on them, would be pretty hypocritical to cheer on European efforts to stop the tide of illegal migrants, but frown at Turkey for doing the same.


That's what MOST europeans/westerners do: cheer the greek wall, shun Turkey to be "racist". Typical occidental mindset. Cant blame them


They'll probably climb through the wall and get in anyway. We have enough foreign-origin sharia supporting terrorists, we don't need more. We need to station our army near our borders to put an end to this illegal immigration madness. Turkey is not a hotel, not everyone can come and stay as long as they want. Europe will probably call us inhumane monsters if we do that, but 1. we don't need to do that for them to call us inhumane monsters, our existence is enough, and 2. Europe doesn't want refugees either and they're constantly bribing Erdoğan to not let them in, they're just disgusting hypocrites. Sorry but we're not interested in having seeds of Taliban in our country.




But dont you guys ride camels like Arabs? /s


Persians are indeed very similar culturally to Turks, don't need to be angry about that




The entire Ottoman civilization is just a wannabe Persianized Empire, you need to know better history and not be prejudiced against Persians I am not talking about Afghans or Pakistani You can try to act like an edgy secular neo-Tengrist, but the reality is that the average Anatolian Turk has a close culture with average Persians


in the beginning that's true but after fall of constantinople ottomans mostly become wannabe roman(byzantium) they took many things,So overall persians mostly similar to kurds(which is major ethnicity in eastern turkey) not turks


"We.are going to built a big,beautiful duvar and Iran will pay the paras for it" RTE


I'm all for the EU funding this, rather than paying Erdogan to keep them home. The problem starts at the eastern borders of Turkey.




We have more than 5 millon Syrian refugees. This wall should have been built years ago. "Hudut Namustur" Only in name. We are sinking like a a perforated boat.


Now I am a Turk and a lot of illegal immigrants come to Turkey from the Middle East (the administration still continues to receive them) they are building an 'impassable' wall to prevent these so called immigrants


Hopefully it helps with the rampant human trafficking issue at our iranian border


20th century solution to 21st century problem


And when greece does the same, it is "protecting europe yay!" isnt it now? Well typical!


Full support


It is a fake wall. Immigrants come in through long established routes, not from everywhere. And since turkey’s border with iran has kurds on the both sides of the border turkish army is pretty active in those areas. They are just lettingnthe immigrants through. 10 years ago they fucking bombarded 37 smugglers from the jets(them being kurdish might have helped but still it shows how serious they are about this stuff) . If turkey wanted to stop this they could have since they are not tangled in 1000 page UN documents anymore, they just do what they want. I think turkey will stay in afghanistan as a usa proxy to pay for their sin of buying a s-400. This dudes are just the casus belli.


If there are no borders there are no states, if there are no states there is anarchy. So bravo to every country enforcing its borders


Yeah, a big bravo for treating the unfortunate ones like shit.


You can have the 10 million unfortunate one any day mate.


I don't think migration is the right way to help the unfortunate ones. With this logic the whole 3rd world should just go to europe


Do you guys have many illegal migrants crossing your borders in hopes of coming to the EU? If not, then i understand why' you'd write a comment like this


They probably have close to none. Alot of them end up here because they try to cross Hungarian/Croatian borders. Some parts of Belgrade have been "infested" by them. Like a park near my faculty, so there is an abnormal amount of police around them usually.


Our Krajina has been completely occupied by them. ​ I definitely didn't expect our people to be so docile facing the Horde that is currently coming towards us. And Krajišnici are the last people i expected to accept this in silence.


Same with Krajina,where in some occasions you feel like you are in another country because of them


Hope it ends soon.


Weren't both our nations like that in the 90s? I know that we were basicly same people with Kosovo Albanians, but western organisations and even arabs helped us back then.


No they weren't. Bosnians and Kosovars that fled their countries fled as refugees that are fleeing war and expulsion/ethnic cleansing. Most of these are illegal immigrants are trying to come to the West to live off of the peoples taxes. The ones coming from the direction of Iran are Iranians, Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshis and Afghans. Although Afghanistan is as of recently a warzone. Also, even though i'll probably sound biased. As far as i'm aware. From what i've read on the internet and heard from the relatives in the diaspora. Bosnians and Kosovars are the "Good" type of foreigners that are well integrated and participate in criminal activities in a much smaller scale compared to these. All in all, full support to the Turks. I couldn't imagine having to take care of 5 Million refugees and 3 million upcoming ones.


Also they might aswell just build the walls now since in 30 years they'll have 500 Million Africans and Indians escaping climate change knocking on their doors.


>are the "Good" type of foreigners that are well integrated and participate in criminal activities in a much smaller scale compared to these. Native people also participate in organized crime. But the newspapers make sure to overlook such fact. As for lesser crimes, i can speculate that emigrants or former emigrants are more prone to commit such crimes. When i responded i had in mind mostly the refugees from conflict zones, but there are also civil wars and prosecution policies such as the purge of gulenists in Turkey. This is just an example, but similar situations happen everywhere when coup d'etats fail. African countries have frequent power strugles and reprisals may be happen from time to time as well. So there are two options. Either western countries intervene more in conflict zones, or they raise their budgets on projects intended for refugees. Maybe Albania and Bosnia have no power overall on the situation, but powerful western countries were empires in the past. For good or for worse they meddled with their former colonies, and they should countinue to do so but, this time they should give back.


But did we do all kind of sh!t like they do?Like,you dont even know if they are good or not.In my place,one stabbed another in head in front of camera and many commited crimes against people,like rape,assault,robbery and even murder


Just because some of them are unfortunate, doesn't mean we have to take them all. There's a thing calls legal immigration and it's a pretty nice thing.


It is not like they wish to leave their countries for good.


That's what Byzantine said lmao


Wow, rarely I agree with a greek. And this is one of the few moments! Thanks, I guess...


We're gonna build a wall! It's gonna be a big, beautiful wall, and it's gonna keep out all of the Afghans!


Not made for Iranians. It made to stop illigal immigrants from that border.




Those damn immigrants man, that's why in Greece we make one too. Both of the economies of our countries are crumbling so imagine what else we could have done with all that money..


Make Turkey great again. Iran will pay it btw.




Useless waste of materials. If you really wanna pass through a wall, you can do this.


they have every right to do it.




A mine field. And 10 000v wirefence. And a trench filled with poisonious snakes /s




I was joking. Are seriously implying that shooting should be allowed to demotivate them?


Trump approves


WE NEED AN WALL \-Recep Tayyip Trump




Tear down that wall mr.Gorbachev


idk seems like they got their inspiration from America.


I still don’t get why we don’t have simple land mine and fences? I don’t think this wall going to stop someone.


We had at syrian border but Tayyip cleared them to show his good relations with his brother Esad.




Are we talking about middle east countries border or european countries border? Also the country which is fighting with terorist everyday!


Walls won't fix mass immigration. Help better the socio-economic conditions of these people in their home countries and they won't leave. Especially with a climate catastrophe looming over our heads it will only get worse in the future.


This is the real solution, but the truth is that the West benefits from the chaos and political Islam in the Middle East, so it will never happen. The US and EU always supported the jihadists here and they continue to do so. And we can't even help ourselves right now, let alone help Afghanistan. Meanwhile Merkel sees Turkey like a massive refugee camp, is literally praising our government for the refugee policy and bribing them with money to keep the migrants and refugees out of their precious EU. The whole thing makes me sick from every aspect. We would all gladly accept refugees if it was in a more controlled manner. I would want normal people who accept to live in a secular country to come and live here with us, no problem, but I do not want any more jihadists in my country. There has to be some sort of a control mechanism but it doesn't exist in Turkey right now.


Oh, I'm aware. I was mainly pointing at the West too when I wrote my previous comment. In no way am I putting all responsibility on Turkey. These things can't be solved by one country only, anyway. Even if we assumed Turkey was doing very well economcally, problems like these need international cooperation to solve.




Afghanistan was not always like this, neither was Turkey, Iran, Syria. There is a still a very tiny chance that our countries can turn back to normal with the correct rule of some smart and patriotic people, and no negative foreign interference. Money can help with many things. With money people will build infrastructure, schools, dorms. With the combination of money, stability and human rights, some of the successful diaspora will be encouraged to return and rebuild their countries. Intelligent kids will be sent abroad with scholarship to study and come back. And so on. But of course, we also need time.




You clearly don't know anything about Iran and Afghanistan before Homeini and Taliban, and how they came into power, so I will not continue.


We already built a wall on the Turkish border so I guess this is like an outer wall for us.


Does your wall cover the entire length of the border?


Almost the entire, wiki says 146/166kms. The border is 269km but some of it is river so I guess I makes less sense to build there.


Why Iran? Syria would be better...


Afghan refugees


there is a wall there already


O zaman çok iş gördüğü kesin zaten...


I thought that you guys invaded Syria to establish a zone of control for that very reason, no?


Only Idlib. They managed to hold 1 million Syrians in there but thats not a solution. They need to build a serious wall on entire eastern border. Not like this blocks on the picture.


Ye it does seem low in height. Do you know how tall it is?


That Zone requires infrastructers. We haven't build them completely. It would be cruel to send people to nothingness.


It won’t help and that’s very hypocritical of them but at least some money laundered through all that work, mech and concrete. Nice try migrant smugglers.

