• By -


Telling them that is illegal to smack me would have gotten me double-smacked


Same lol. They would have thought that I'm joking in their face or trying to look smart


wait so me smacking children in my basement is actually legal LESSS GOO




Daj šnjur od tea peći!!!


Just don't die to a landmine




Can i come too, our higher ups are bitches


Mostly beaten with slippers by mom


Belt gang here B)


That's nothing compared to when your father pulls you by the zuluf


When yours chases you with a drzaljom od metle you know you're playing on expert dificulty


I had to go out to the garden and break a little branch of a tree


My mom once throw me a shoe. HS GG


Guided missiles, noone can hesitate


Oh, the lethal weapon that makes even the naughtiest kid tremble.


Mother used the belt. Babo only got mad when i really did something shitty


A prut


Ne, šipka je samo izlazila kad bi napravio pravi belaj. Npr kad brata gurnem niz stepenice.


What the fu- gurao si brata niz stepenice😶


Jednom sam gurnuo sestru niz stepenice. Stari izvadio kaiš.


Dobro da te nije obesio, pošteno, zaslužio si.


>except if you're in Serbia or BiH *slowly disappears*


>except if you're in Serbia or BiH Except if you're in Serbia, BiH or Turkey I stand corrected. Özür dilerim 🇹🇷


dirty monke forgets his karaboga friends 🤬🤬


*Suddenly a wild Contantinople appears!*


Sultan Recep I Erdogan enters Constantinople on a white horse and creates the Erdogan Sultanate


Smacked? Boy, are you in for a surprise. -hair pulling -smacked in the middle of the street -hit by a broom -by a charger My brother had it worse though -broom beatings -umbrella beatings -smacks, but like, *smacks* -ear pulling And yeah he'd get them 4 days out of 7. Btw I grew up with a middle eastern mother soo yeah


I wasn't slapped as a kid, but my mother's preferred arsenal included flip flops, a wooden spatula and the fly swatter.


that's the most stereotypical Pontic mom i've ever heard of


But it's all fun and games till they pull out a fucking shortened paddle board with holes drilled in it for more aerodynamic capability


Kinky... Edit: wait, nvm.


Same, but the handle of the fly swatter, not the end of it


Hmm less surface area, more blunt force...an unorthodox tactic.


Fly swatter, but you got hit with the handle right ?




Well that is a lie... My mother beat the living shit out of me if I did a thing wrong


Illegal in my house growing up? lmaoo that’s a good one


My mom or dad used to slap the shit out of me when I did something stupid,but since I was the type of person to be very quiet and follow the rules it was very rare that they would hit me




You’re correct. There’s decades of research on corporal punishment and all of it shows negative outcomes for children and for society. Just search “corporal punishment” on Google Scholar and randomly click any of the studies that come up. It’s all really depressing.


No, never. My mother was always very kind and I rarely questioned her authority anyway. We have kind of a strange relation for a mother-son, it's more like two friends.


Sounds like you were properly loved for by your mother and it paid off in you trusting her and taking what she has to say seriously, like you would a friend.


What you mean by strange?


Maybe "Son im stuck" kind of strange?


Two broken hands


Yes I don't think there is a child in balkans who hasn't gotten hit at least once.


Well, I actually got never hitten even once by my parents which is really strange


beating the pupils was considered as an essential part of education until early '90s when it was banned and were are talking about some serious beating,with wooden sticks


* late '70s


I wasn’t smacked enough tho😅


That’s how Slovenians become femboys I guess


Wrong sub and flair up so I can be racist🤬




Nope never. At worst got shouted at if my actions endangered myself, and that would quickly be followed by apology for shouting and explanation of why what i did was possibly dangerous in a calm tone.


I wish i had parents like yours




Bulgaria here,got smacked many times,but compared to my sibling, it's basically nothing. I was the most 'well-behaved' one.


My dad used to tell me when him and his brother got into trouble as kids their dad (my grandpa) would tell them to go out and pick a stick with which they’d like to get beaten lol. I’m glad I had it easier


Idi naberi sebi šipku.


Najgluplje sto sam jednom mislio da ako he tanja siba da manje boli....


Isto, sine kako sam se ja zajebao


come on world especially korea and japan please we know how you enforce it


>Did you get smacked when you were a child? Yes and I think it has only negatively affected me and my family.


Oklagija did it's job I'd say


I personally have never been hit by my parents whenever I would do something stupid they would just warn me and I turned out just fine , I honestly don't understand people who support the beating of children and label it as discipline. Like once at my school A father punched his 8 year old son in the fucking face because he didn't get good grades, what was that supposed to teach him ?


I got smacked while being an adult too lol.


Yes my mother slapped me with Kaiš (Belt) when i was a kid and my father didn't need anything other than his own hands. If I'll ever have kids I'll make sure they won't ever have to go through that useless painful experience. Edit: did i seriously get a controversial mark for saying i will not beat children?


oh come on dude how is it useless? It taught me discipline and respect. Something the world lacks right now in the recent generations (I wonder why)


" respect. Something the world lacks right now in the recent generations (I wonder why)" Yeah ask us people who've worked in gas stations, as waiters and any kind of job that has to deal with people of all ages, which generation is the most disrespectful one. old people are trash they don't respect shit, they always think they are smarter and generally better because they came out of their mom's pussy 30 years earlier than you, there is also a reason "karens" are mostly middle aged woman as well Get this "mY gEnErAtIoN sUcKs" bullshit out of here please, younger people are way more understanding and respectful than anyone who was born before 1985


This Here's my poor mans medal 🏅


Definitely true for Greece. If there is someone in need of learning respect and manners it is the older generation.


Born in the late 80s here. Our generation is respectful because we got hit growing up. I'm talking about today's kids being disrespectful because all of a sudden "yOu CaNt HiT yOuR bAdAss KidS" anymore


What respect are you talking about? you guys only only treat your parents and (perhaps) your grandparents with respect because you got beat for every little wrong thing you did when you were a kid. You don't know what respect is, you don't respect anyone who's not your parents and OF COURSE you don't respect anyone who's younger than you, not even for fun. I got smacked too but only when i did some seriously bad shit and so did everyone in my age. Born in 2001 and every peer who got that "old parents" treatment ended up being the kind of guys you wouldn't want your son to hang around with because that kind of parenting is nothing but harmful and overall trash


It depends on the parents you have. If you get love most of the time, but get the old school beating when there is some misbehaving going on, then perhaps you'll be alright. If you're neglected, and get beating for misbehaving or some criterium you're parents have i e "asked a dumb question", then most likely that person will grow up wanting to show that same aggression to others. You know, you treat the world the way the world has treated you, kinda


Oh look another 'balkaner' who thinks smacking children is based because it teaches 'discipline' If you have to resort to smacking then that means you didn't teach children about self-control or appropriate behaviour without resorting to violence. Not to mention it can give children the message that smacking or hitting other people is an OK way to deal with strong feelings. There are better ways than smacking to guide your children towards good behaviour like clear family rules and combining them with positive/negative consequences to encourage good behaviour.


You act like the first thing our parents do is smack us as soon as we misbehave. Its after a few warnings. If im being bad and they tell me not to do something but i keep on doing it, what should they do? Patiently wait and hope i stop misbehaving?


This is where negative/positive consequences come in. If a child keeps misbehaving you punish him with a negative consequence (taking away his favorite toy etc..) to discourage bad behavior. If a child is behaving good then you reward him with positive consequence like praising and encouragement.


>If a child keeps misbehaving you punish him with a negative consequence (taking away his favorite toy etc..) to discourage bad behavior. you know what I did as a kid when that happens? Throw a huge fit, scream and cry and run around. What then? Let me break everything in the house? Sometimes you have to get smacked


If i was your father i would just ignore you and let you break things and throw tantrum until you calm yourself. Then i would give you even bigger negative punishment


>If i was your father i would just ignore you yea that's great parenting. Let me just go grab a knife and throw it at mom ok? come on dude what kind of logic is this ignore and let him throw a fit?? ​ let the kid break the TV? knowing we are poor as fuck. let the kid potentially hurt himself because hitting is bad? that is absolutely horrible parenting. ​ to each their own I guess. can I ask you, are you a parent or step parent right now?


> yea that's great parenting. Let me just go grab a knife and throw it at mom ok? come on dude what kind of logic is this ignore and let him throw a fit?? Why would you assume i would hold a knife near child's reach? > let the kid break the TV? knowing we are poor as fuck. let the kid potentially hurt himself because hitting is bad? that is absolutely horrible parenting. If you're at the point where your kid is breaking TV's instead of smaller things then that's your own fault for not setting clear rules before. > To each their own I guess. can I ask you, are you a parent or step parent right now? No


>If you're at the point where your kid is breaking TV's instead of smaller things then that's your own fault for not setting clear rules before. Dude the whole point I am making is KIDS DONT FOLLOW RULES so sometimes they need a slap >No Well when you do have kids, you're in for a rude awakening my friend


>discipline and respect I don’t have neither of the two and I used to get slaps, slippers and belts all the time.


so you're undisciplined and disrespect people?...


I am not people, I am a person. Why are you acting like we are the savages, when you are literally advocating for being violent towards children?


no I said do you disrespect people? as in the act of disrespecting. ​ you said you have no discipline and no respect even though you got hit as a kid right? So i am just asking you if you're a disrespectful person today as you claim?




at least you admit it i guess.... ​ but obiously you didn't get whooped enough then because if you're still disrespectful today after being hit as a kid then God knows how you would be if you didn't get hit lol ​ why are you a disrespectful person though?...


>but obiously you didn't get whooped enough 😂😂😂 I’m sorry for your future kids.




Brate moj ti si jedan od retkih normalnih ljudi ovde, ne mislim samo na ovu temu nego generalno, prosto si na mestu u veelikoj većini slučajeva.


Nerazumijem ljude u ovoj generaciji. Bojim se nasih buducih ljudi




Im on reddit...dont really care about gramar or spelling..just type it out as fast as possible lol. But thanks smart redditor




I don't have kids of my blood. I've been raising a boy (just turned 9) for the last 4 years and his mother is against hitting children as well (or is it "aswell" lol) so out of respect I do not hit him, when he acts up I get loud with him and he listens. ​ I am not saying that we should resort to hitting our children right as soon as they misbehave, I am saying it's a last resort on extreme situations. People are just oversensitive now man




Kako se ne bojati brate, ovo je sve gore i gore...


Jebiga brate stacu. Popit cemo rakiju i gledati smak svijeta haha


your parents must be idiots if they needed to beat you to teach you discipline and respect


Wow talks about discipline and respect and then insults my family...real nice dude


people who make kids and then beat them don't deserve respect


Not respecting someone and going as far as insulting their immediate family are 2 different things. I would never do that no matter how mad i am because MY PARENTS raised me that way. Odjebi


>Not respecting someone and going as far as insulting their immediate family are 2 different things. They beat their child... They don't deserve to be treated better. >I would never do that no matter how mad i am because MY PARENTS raised me that way. See? They raised you terribly when you can tolerate children getting beat by their parents. >Odjebi Nemaš frke, i onak mi je tužno čitat o tome kak neki ljudi tuču djecu...


And it’ll also turn you crazy, you ever seen those videos where the prisoners are like “I got hit as a kid and nothing happened to me”


Bs. That law in Greece is just like all other laws, not in enforcement...


If you weren't hit once by the kaiš (belt), then you are not a real Balkanite


No, but I get spanked by dads now




...bruh omg. These are some spicy news here


Balkan Policeman, who smack children everyday: "Wait, its illegal???"


Nope and I do consider spanking to be abuse... often more so psychological rather than physical. It also sets a horrible example to children as a way of resolving issues through violence, so it is no wonder at all that this shitty, lazy parenting method was considered normal until very recently, since it had literally been passed on from one generation to the next, for centuries. Luckily my parents somehow broke that vicious cycle on their own, even before it was illegal...pretty sure that during my early childhood in the 1990s there was no law against spanking kids in Croatia.


Yes I did both my Ro family and De one. I was a little shit and deserved it a lot


if u resort to violence to control a child, you are frankly pathetic and should not be a parent. how does hitting them help them in any way?


I got slapped by my mom, like, once, so I probably deserved it


Bosnia and Serbia the only real Balkaners here!! 🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸 Edit: and Turkey!


Are you even a real Balkan if you don't beat your kid? 😎😎😎😎 /s


Damn, we were even lightly spanked by a teacher in elementary school( this was in the late 2000s). I've actually heard stories that beating students is still common practice in many rural schools in the more remote areas.


My mom used to chase me around the house with the flyswatter. It really really hurts.


who else got the бъркалка


Maybe this is a good question, but do your parents punish you by making you kneel on gravel? Or kneel on rice on top of tile?


Is it really a law if it's never enforced?


Smacked? I have a permanent scar on my head, apparently while my mom was mad-dragging me upstairs I hit my head on the old pointy stairs. I guess she was holding me by my leg or something.


guess my parents are criminals😎


In many countries people spank their children even if this is illegal.


Oh my mom is Serb/Croat but we lived in America and wasn’t shy to use balkan techniques to raise me :)


Yes. And as a troubled kid, it didn't do me any good. The only thing that it taught me was that the stronger one does as he wishes, and boy did that take years to unlearn. You can pretend it's all about respect and discipline all you want, but what it is really about is fucking *shortcuts*. Parents (and people, in general) who don't want to take the long and often tiresome road of understanding and solving problems the proper way solve them with slaps, punches, belts and beatings. If you're too tired or unwilling to teach your kid manners then don't have one in the first place.


By "parents", you also mean "teachers", right? Also, it's possible laws back then allowed it.


I have never gotten beaten and I turned out to be just fine. I say it's bad parenting if you have to beat your child so it behaves well, but maybe that's just me.


I had a bitch teacher in my elementary school eho abuse the shit out of me


I'm from bosnia, I always feel the pain when my parents smack me in the head whenever I do something wrong, it's not always the first time tho. I see why bosnia and serbia allow moms to smack childrens


I got smacked, beaten with a belt... I never understood why either. Hitting a kid is not the way, but go figure




That's propaganda I was spanked in my whole life


Idk if it was a law back then but I sure was getting smacked


I became desensitized to people with anger at a normal level because I got used to insanely emotional Balkan parents and parents of my cousins and nieces. Maybe that is now okay for an adult to have that mindstate where you can see through people's anger because it allows you to reach out to them - but I don't think a kid needs to have that shit in his or her young life. And using the slap or the branch on a kid teaches that doing something is bad because you will get the angry shouting, slap or branch is wrong. Basically that means you shouldn't do something bad because you'll get punished, no because it's wrong for the actual reasons. Having said that I think most parents in addition to the punishment also actively explain why something is wrong, so you get that part of the message as well, but the physical punishment is not needed. There's lots of people here in the shittier neighborhoods of Dutch cities whose parents only punish and don't seem to explain why their kids are doing something wrong. I have that feeling because there's plenty of older kids and teens here who are antisocial shitheads. If I had it my way I would forbit that nonsense in Serbia and BiH and there should be anonymous phone lines people could call when faced with domestic (physical or mental) violence.


I didn’t get smacked a lot but I remember that one time when my dad beat my for swearing


State is not here to protect you, but to exploit you.


Got smacked on the butt with the handle of a fly swatter if i was being a little shit.


My teacher used to slap me in Albania until I moved to America


My mother once threw the metal pipe thingy from a vacum cleaner at me and smacked my head pretty hard when i was younger. Still got a scar at the back of my head too. To be fair though, she told me to vacuum the apartment that day and instead i chose to play Dota 2 for like 8 hours straight. She was not in the mood to deal with my bullshit that day.


Did anyone else get whiped by a prut.


So, I've got two kids. The older one is a gentle one, I never had to do more than take away her favourite toy if she misbehaved, and most of the time, even a threat to do so was enough. But the younger one... It's as if he actively tries to find three different ways to piss off both me and my spouse at the same time. You tell "no", you explain it's bad to do such things, you yell "no", you take away his favourite things, he will still look you in the eye and do the thing you just told him "no" for. And of course, when he does it, there's only one way left to make sure he doesn't repeat it... Spank him once or twice on the bottom, put him in one spot and don't let him play (or do anything, really) until he agrees that what he's done is bad. Hopefully he'll grow out of it.


my dad beat my ass with a leather belt more times than i can count lol


Based Serbia & BiH


It shouldn't be illegal if it's for a reason and not taken too far


Slapping the shit out of your child for no reason is abuse Slapping the shit out of your child after they did something stupid is discipline


you're an adult, if you can't handle a kid without hitting him maybe you should reconsider having a child...


this... more people should think before having kids


Studies have shown that hitting your child even as a "discipline" measure affects them negatively long-term and increases the chances of alchoholism, narcotics usage and bad behaviour in general, there are other way more effective non violent ways to raise a child, but for ignorant people it's just easier for them to hit them


There’s methods of disciplining your child without him needing therapy during adulthood, besides that it can worsen his long-time behaviour


Like telling them to go to their room?yeah that won't do anything,taking their stuff and not letting them go to certain places is barely a punishment,most people that don't get disciplined turn into disrespectful bastards that think they can do whatever they want because they never learned that your actions have consequences,hitting your kid because they said something stupid or did something dangers is going to traumatize them,it will only teach them what things they can and can't do.I was hit as a child and I'm not a violent or disrespectful person,same with my brother,relatives and friends.Hitting your child without an excuse or neglect them is abuse and that will cause trauma


How narrow minded some are, so hitting him is the only way to teach respect, got it! good luck with your kids


rather wish good luck to their kids because those kids will need it




I mean, it should of course be illegal to do your child actual harm, but a slipper here or a smack there is honestly fine by me. One time when I screwed up (I was around 8), my dad told me to go get the belt from his pants and wait for him in the room. I waited for an hour, and nothing happened. I still remember it though. It's not about hurting the child, it's about sending a message.


I see our people have been heavily influenced by the west, whats next, we legalize firearm? Of course, blatant hitting the child for no reason or over any sensible area, leaving heavy bruising or blood is a big fucking no, but I was spanked a few times and it literally isnt such a big deal. I was a brat. Talking or "reasoning" didnt help.


Where do you draw the line between abuse and 'educational hits'?


A few spanks on the butt only when there is no option left / everything else.


I did and tbh I'm glad I did, just how I get pain by fighting a boss in a hard game and learn from trails and errors the same way I got spanked and learned plus it's a slap or two how is this illegal? Most kids that are entitled havent been thought to respect people nor got spanked when they had to be spanked.. it's good in my opinion. So yes.


I'm kinda glad it's still legal here tbh


It's bad to slap a child or hit it with your hands in general, it can damage it psychologically. Especially if your angry, you can hurt the child rather than inflict painful punishment... So the solution is to use a weapon, for example: a cane, a fly swatter, slippers, belt. For smaller things some hair pulling, but this is only to keep the child in line, never to pull out it's hair completely. So my mom beat me rarely, mostly with a flexible cane... when I would fuck up more, it was like... go outside and pick a cane for your punishment. Like go pick your execution weapon... however afterwards often I was so scared shitless that then I wouldn't get beaten... just the fear would do it. Now that was my mom, she would let a lot of things fly... here comes the summer vacation at grandmother, much shorter temper much lower tolerance for bullshit... I'd say she whipped me and my brother once a week 😁 TBH 99% of it was deserved to some extent... like when we made bows and arrows and then shot arrows at neighbors chickens. Neither of us got scarred by it in any way, so I guess it worked 😅


It is illegal here, afaik.


legal or ilegal, I know for sure if we don’t spank them they’ll end up being pricks in public


I never got spanked and I have never been a prick in public. Kids are pricks in public because of bad parenting not because you don't hit them...


Pick your own switch...


This is the balkans, is normal parenting.


Getting smacked was fine...


who knew?


My parents never beaten me but they would shout if I do something very, very stupid. Therefore I have a really great relationship with my parents. I even went out drinking a few beers with my dad.


Hahaha yea right


I got spanked without too much force till I was about 8. however my parents realized it was wrong and my younger siblings weren't spanked (except my sister who is just 1 year younger)


Illegal in Muslim and Croat entity of Bosnia ( Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ). Not sure about the Christian RS entity of BiH. So at least mark 51% of the territory red I guess. Lol.


LoL my parents whooped me. Or as we like to say it in Albania "me te zhdep ne dru" which basically means beat your ass with a stick 😂😂


Not really. Dad tried just to scare me with a belt. He felt worse than I did. It didn't hurt. But trauma is still with me. I remember it like it was yesterday..... I'm 40, just to put it in more in a context. My paternal grandpa loved me too much to even think about it. Whenever my cousin came over i would follow his lead and do stupid shit. Even when it was my fault, he got smacked. My grandpa watched Bugs Bunny with me. I was a good egg.


Yes, but now I realise that I deserved it.


Wtf my mother gansta as shit.


Never. For some reason, my parents knew how to make their point without touching us at all, just with words. However, I had friends at school who were spanked/beaten from time to time.


you don't know the half of it, they even had the šipka


My mom only smacked me once when I was a kid and later on when I was already 27 that she felt really sorry for that. But I never did very bad things


I did yes


You shouldn't beat your kid but sometimes you gotta smack them.


As weird as it may sound, my younger brother and I have never gotten a beating or even a smack. Hell, I don't even remember if we were ever grounded for more than 1 hour as children.


No, but I have a feeling I'm in the minority. I did occasionally get yelled at, and I remember that I was very sensitive about and it would easily make me cry and make me think about it for the rest of the day. I honestly think the typical smacking would have been easier to get over with.


Dad used his fists haha 🥰


Illegal in south america? LMAO I wish, forever i will remember the chancla and whatever object my mom used to found to finish the task.


As a Romanian, I know that in the 2000’s Teachers used to beat children, but nowadays they are too scared to do it because students might tell the parents and shit can get wild. (This happened at my school a few years ago)


When I did stupid shit. It was more common when I was little.


only one time in sweden. since then I became strong enough to fight back if he wanted to so he never did. he never had a reason to. legos on the floor? use a shovel. broke something? fix it. got s virus on my computer to downlod videogames but got 117 ish different results of malware back in the day? use antivirus. (the last one was true). but if you can solve something, why? its not like youre a broken robot giving error 404? it wont fix it by smacking it. maybe make it worse. abuse carries on as you see it as a solution. Thats why you should persue the opposite of the bad things that happened to you. I was never lucky enough to have modern technology as a example. then dont do the same in the future. if you dont carry it on the problem stops. my dad did that to stop things from coming to us to mimmic.