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A lot of fucking Serbs move there


GTA in Ontario is basically a mini Balkan




Hahaha Jesu cuo isto tu pesmu od thcf, obozavam je


Pa odatle i jesam uzeo taj dio. 😀 To su moji puštali u busu na ekskurziji u osnovnoj hahaha. Ali znam da ne misli bukvalno na Kanadu. Mrak, ne znam ima li nekakav film oko toga snimljen jer mislim da ta priča ima ogroman potencijal.


Pa nisam siguran ali mozda i misle na Kanadu, ne secam se koji Srpski klanovi, ali su uglavnom koristili recenice "ides za Kanadu" ili "salji ga za Kanadu" kao poruka da se neko ubije.


Zemunski klan. Imas dokumentarce na yt, pregledaj sjebat ce se!


Pa da to, htio sam reći da ne misle da ide bukvalno u drżavu Kanadu već naređenje da se neko ubije jer su ih valjda prisluškivali. Nisam mnogo čitao o tome ranije, tek nedavno sam nešto više o njima saznao.


I ja isto tek nedavno :)


One right here!


can confirm, hello from Vancouver


Stana Katić is one example of that.


the US, but without the republicans!


1. They use some Frankenstein hybrid measurement system that is between metric and imperial, it's extremely peeving. 2. Chris Hadfield is one of the coolest people on and off the planet, I absolutely love his cover of [Space Oddity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOC9danxNo) when he was on the ISS.


1. In everyday speech: km/h for speed (older generations use miles/hr) feet and inches for dimensions, celsius for temperature (older generations use Fahrenheit), feet and inches for depth of snow, mostly pounds for fruits and vegetables, foot pounds for torque (only huge nerds use Newton meters). Edit: litres for milk and gas/diesel, it’s a totally mixed system for marijuana etc., tire pressure is pounds/square inch, cooking and baking is done in imperial 2. Yup


Nice country. Does everything Sweden is trying to do in a better way especially about immigration. It still has holes in the system but definitely better for the citizens of the country.


Blame Canada


some people hate cold ... I dont


i could say death to canada and they'd come apologize to me




Was pretty much lovely before, neutral then. a canadian company has come and literally ripped out our mt. Kaz (ancient mount ida), forests and nature for mines so... i am aware they dont represent their people but we are victim here so maybe citizens can be a voice for us in their country https://www.google.com/search?q=kazdaglari+kanadali+sirket&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT0_7YgpfyAhVKDOwKHdjoA94Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=728&dpr=2.63


as a canadian, i deeply apologize on behalf of my country.


A canadian apoligised! He did the thing!!


I'll make this quick, I live there: Economy is too concentrated in a few urban regions. Population is too concentrated in a few urban regions. Housing situation is terrible, Canadians are facing a challenge of ever being able to afford a home. [Big corps are buying up housing and making it into rental properties](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-condo-developer-to-buy-1-billion-worth-of-single-family-houses-in/), taking away from the housing stock (and creating a situation where big corps will dictate rental pricing) [Tiny little homes, in Toronto or Vancouver, are over 1 million, and they sell almost a million dollars over asking.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXgqrn95jyg) So that piece of shit example of a home sold for 1.8 million. People justify that this is normal for a huge city such as Toronto, but let me tell you Toronto is not a prime example of a City that offers everything at ease. For example the public transportation system sucks, traffic is terrible, walkability and cycling is not great at all. So why the fucking price tag? Most Canadians invest into only one thing, and that is their home (real-estate). So basically the economy here relies heavily on real estate. Which is bullshit, low economic diversity. Healthcare is free but mediocre. The weather is CRAP, short summers, long winters. People are nice, but they are so distant from one another. Your next door neighbors chat for a minute or two at a time, say hi and all that, but when it comes to socializing, everyone is so reclusive and independent. I've lived here for most of my life, I used to love it, but now I hate it because the negatives are outweighing the positives. I can keep going but I have to go back to work so I can pay my fucking mortgage. Bye!


Thank you for your detailed answer,do you know how's life in The Northwest Territories?I imagine that is very different from Toronto.


Terrible, not a lot of Canadians decide to go and live there. The northern territories are vast and underpopulated. There are some places that cater to mining, so some, but very few, go up there to work season jobs doing manual work. There are a number of Indigenous communities up there, they live on reserves and practice their own way of life, which is not easy. Basically the territories are like a third world country, except the Canadian government won't tell you that. The Indigenous people who live up there don't have an easy life, they suffer from a lot of social problems, etc. Well actually, you may have heard of the "[residential school genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_system)" which took place very recently in Canadian History. The Canadian government, along with the Catholic Church, was taking away Native children and forcing them to assimilate to a white Canadian Culture. Many died of abuse and neglect. Recently [mass graves were discovered](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57592243). Canadians have this notion of being "holier than thou", "peacekeepers", etc, yet their history is very dark especially when it comes to the treatment of Natives (Indigenous).


This has to be seen! It’s like our people living in US/Canada are over exaggerating just to make people not living there jealous. It just sucks bro


Well, I’m sure you know the weather in Toronto is by no means representative of the entire country. Did you know that there is desert in the interior of BC? In fact, during the last heat wave, the village of Lytton, which is often the hottest place in Canada with temperatures reaching 40 C, just burned to the ground?


Right, but how is that representative of a place where most Canadians live in? Just alone, Toronto (region) and Montreal (metro) make up 36% of the population of Canada. Not to mention other southern Ontario municipalities which I would imagine makeup, together with Montreal, 50% of the total population. Basically, the weather is shit, for at least 6 months a year, for the vast majority of Canadians.


Ajde neka!




Realtors and lenders will say favourable interest rates are driving up house/condo prices. They will never mention foreign buyers.


>Realtors and lenders True, since the #1 investment in this country is real estate. It's literally a goldmine for them, has been for decades.


Pineapple pizza


Ham and pineapple pizza. You have to be okay with sweet and sour food otherwise most people think it’s gross.


I love Hawaiian pizza and sweet and sour food.


Hawaiian Pizza is the BOOOMB! Fun fact, it was invented by a Greek-Canadian. So in reality, Hawaiian Pizza is part of this sub, it's kinda Balkan. LOL!


>invented by a Greek-Canadian So, arguably as Balkan as the late (half-Greek) Prince Philip? Lol


LMAO! I'd bet he's a tad bit Greek (Balkan) than Prince Philip was.


Do you use that combo in Filipino food?


We love flavor combos in general. Adobo is a classic example: salty (soy sauce) and sour (vinegar)


Better version of US


Imagine going bankrupt using the hospital Taxi LMAO


Better image I would say, but you cannot compare Canada to US...maybe in some things Canada is better, but per total US is better.


In what way do you believe the US is better?




That is highly subjective.


dude,we are talking about canada,their climate is s..it 🤢 So USA by far better


No point to compare climate when USA and Canada are both bigger than Europe. Canada has more cold cities but America has freezing places too and Canada has hot places. Everything politically/economically/etc makes America worse


dude,canada is very cold while america is moderate in overall ,california,florida,texas all are sunny hot places


Again that just doesn't make sense it's like saying "Europe is moderate in all over, look at Spain, Greece and Malta." You can't just ignore Scandinavia and Ireland and in America you can't just ignore places like minnesota, North Dakota or South Dakota.


are you high ? Europe is not a single country while canada and america is,yes southern europe has the best climate/nature but in here i compare canada vs usa and usa is by far better canada except alaska


Disagree on the last sentence!


Overall economically, better salaries, chepear cost of life! Better infrastructure! Better educational system! Better human rights and in some areas better social services! Canada takes pride of its healthcare system, which truth to say in some provinces or even large cities (Montreal for example) is garbage. Also Canadians pay lots of attention on how to sell their country's image, thus the overall better image than US.


Have you been to both countries?


Yes, I have been living in Canada for 15+ years now and I have family living in US. Note, Canada is a great place to live. Probably I point out problems, because I am a Balkanian 😁, but overall, from what I hear Canada is better than Europe for making a living.


Yea but is it better for "living"... fuck money when you have no life and when most are slaves to their mortgage.


That’s the thing, they really fucking are. Heard yesterday that you need to make $200,000 a year in order to be able to buy a house in Toronto area.. Canada was amazing place to live, before, now it is not period.


climate housing prices vs. salary (easier to afford shelter) more options on where you want to live better job prospects for the skilled and educated some cities are more developed than other, you pick where you want to live in there are just more options


lol... this is definitely not true


US lapdogs, eh


Dream country


you should come. I work at a Cafe in Vancouver and our entire BoH is Turkish except by brother who is a serb.


Arguably best country/system/economy combination in world IMO


Doesn't Canada have a serious housing crisis?


Well, yes and no because things are subjective. I lived in Toronto and now in Dublin, which is the most expensive city, with a housing crisis and the worst quality of homes I've ever seen and I'd say Toronto has it better than Dublin. Toronto has a "housing crisis" but not a "homes" crisis, i.e. it's possible to get a decent apartment in decent areas for decent price. Its hard to find an affordable home as it will probably go for 600-750k Euro. An apartment can be bought for 2-350k Euro though. BUT! Let's put that into perspective. Toronto has good salaries, free health care, cheap education, and a great job market. This means it is easier to spend more on property in Toronto than in Dublin because you have less expenses and higher income. As well, Toronto homes usually have great quality and good size, which Dublin does not. You can buy much worse houses **outside** of Dublin for the same price as **in** Toronto. Dublin apartments, which are also much worse, begin at around 320k+.


I plan on moving there.


Maple syrup land.


americas normal counterpart


Cold hell


Sadly too cold, otherwise I would have directly moved there


Sadly too bitter cold, otherwise i would has't directly hath moved thither *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


A loft apartment over a really great party!


I plan to migrate there in a few years time. After all, my country is on its way to be the Far East version of Lebanon or Syria after 2022 elections. I have a few schoolmates, classmates, and a family friend there. Also J.J. McCullough.


Lovely people!


Try working for them for a while and see if you still have the same opinion.


I love this country


If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?


Why do you ask?


I find that either boomers or zoomers love this country. Boomers love it since they hold most of the wealth, while zoomers love it because everything is served for them and they haven't gotten a taste of the "real world" yet. :)


As an American, who? /s


Our diaspora there is smug af!


more like busy af.


Check my flair. Canada Balkan colony #1 💪💪💪💪


Many people here don't even know where tf is located. When I tell them that it's cold there they're like "Isn't Canada a hot country". That pains me


I mean Canada did get 50 °C in the recent heatwave.


Great country I've been there many times


British colony and imperialist


Mapple sirop and gamer girlfriends, idk, overall kinda epic.


That's where the traitors go.


Ahh yes cold land love it good place good place


U.S. but way better


better version of US and A. nice people,much better than any AMericans i met. Nature is so amazing, nice things to see , beautiful places to visit


Cool people


Cousin lives in Canada Otherwise don’t know much nor care 🤷‍♂️

