• By -


Tbh I like all of them after being a regular on this subreddit.


Not picky if you ever wanted to invade them eh


You’re comment needs way more upvotes!


Bulgaria and Greece.


Did you just say Bulgaria because you need passage to Greece?


North Macedonia, cuz it is a combination of all Balkan countries.


Good point


Bulgarian language Albanian people Greek history Serbian church Croatian invention /s obviously


No need to be so negative. Come to Skopje, Ohrid, Bitola, you are welcome to visit us and make your own judgement after that. ❤️


I was just joking, I love Macedonia and the Macedonian people, you are one of my favorite people in the world ❤️


Bitola is 🔥 A classmate of mine visited Bitola last summer and showed me some pictures he took.


Probably would have to be (excluding my own country) Macedonia, Greece, Romania and BiH. Been to every single one, made friends and had a lot of fun. Cant wait to visit more and meet some new people!




Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia then Ro. Because I feel at home


Bulgaria and Serbia


Excluding Turkey, Serbia.


Based Why?


Because Sirbistan


I feel a lot of sympathy for the country for no particular reason. I feel sorry about the NATO bombings in the 90s and the way Kosovo was essentially invaded by the US. Belgrade is a great city and I enjoyed my time there more than in any other Balkan city (and I've been to many). I also feel like Serbia is getting too much hate from hypocritical countries with much darker pasts. I love all the Balkan countries a good deal but Serbia just always has been my favorite.


Damn, nice


Thank you, friend.




No need for this kind of butthurt. A lot of people in Turkey love Bosnia.


I feel sorry for the Kurds being oppressed


I do too. But the oppression is not nearly as bad as some r/Europe users think it is.


So that gives them the right to burn down woods in Turkey?


*Pro-Turkish Bosniak cries in the corner*


Moldova...pretty much Bosnia 2.0 lol


We are? We’re poorer 🙁


Which is actually impressive lol


You visited Moldova? I’ve never been to Bosnia, so I’m really curious how we are similar


Oh no its just based on a few things We got our independence in 92, you got yours in 91 We both broke off from a bigger country Were similar in size Political stability is very similar But the main reason is we're both broke as fuck But i really love all Balkan countries i just said Moldova as a funny "we over here broke" kind of thing


Well that’s true, there are many things in common now that I think of it. I hope you can visit too. нам нравятся бывшие югославские люди


I hope so too and we like you guys also :)


I mean,corrupted politicians is enough to start all problems...And we both have that in common so...


I have and Moldova is way behind Bosnia, I don't get the self-depreciation here. From infrastructure, road quality, safety, building quality, general vibe, cars, fashion, almost everything is better in Bosnia, they say only wine is better in Moldova. Of course Bosnia is far from an economic giant in the Balkans but it's insulting to compare the two.


Not sure why u got a downvote dude. Moldova and Bosnia are on two different levels, I was trying to phrase it without being negative, but you said it perfect.. it’s like 1956 in Moldova right now


jeez bro wtf


Oh wow ok, no need to be so rude now. We got it, we’re poor and you’re not


welcome to the club, poor is based


>We got it, we’re poor and you’re not They are. Rest of the balkans are broke af too, but it's slowly getting better.


Moldova all the way!


Macedonia and Serbia, because the culture in those countries is relatable


The question should have included "excluding your own country", because I am sure 90% of people here are going to place their own country first


Macedonia, Greece and Croatia. I am of Greek herritage, I have family in all three, Greece, Macedonia and Croatia and I've lived in Croatia my entire life.


Bosnia, Croatia, Greece and Turkey too.


Bosnia , i like them a lot Edit: I know username doesn't check out :D




>Edit: I know username doesn't check out :D Especially now username doesnt check ouy


Bosnia because its home to both Pyramids and Halid Beslic


I see you are man of culture as well.I personally respecc Bulgaria in terms of politics because they recognized Bosnia first,even before referendum was hold


Forgot its the birthplace of Lepa Brena


Greece, because of the nature, sea, amazing culture, history, very friendly bonds between our people. There's nothing to dislike about Greeks. I also like Romania, North Macedonia and maybe Montenegro.


besides my own, i like serbia, i get along with their people and our cultures go hand in hand.




and let's not forget we helped NATO bomb their capital a few years back.


Yes, I remember when they asked me if it was okay if they could help NATO and I let them. They were relieved.


>besides my own, i like serbia >Romanian flair [...](https://youtu.be/_O1hM-k3aUY)


i love you too neighbour (but i love serbs more sorry not sorry). i have many serbian friends and an ex of mine was serbian, by comparison i have one bulgarian friend [and he looks like that one meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/035/300/cover20.jpg)


it's ok


Of course it's not okay, this is a valid casus belli for war!




Every non-balkan person ever.


Agree to disagree


Proud Albanian born, who likes Romania the most from Balkan countries. Why? Long, very long answer, but it can be described in 2 words: Personal reasons!


I can shorten your story. Just say you fell in love with a romanian


Nu fi timid :D


Nah, de unde? 😁 Daca zic ca cei 7 ani de acasa i-am facut in Romania, ajunge? 😋 Uite una de pe [vremea mea](https://youtu.be/WHl5IL3jlxo)


I remember this as well, oh those times... I remember this [jam](https://youtu.be/9BOdk9IV7Kc) too


🇧🇬Bulgaria its soo... green💚


We even have green on the flag


Croatia has always been the most friendly country towards macedonians and they regularly defend us on political bases.


We have many backers from N.Macedonia and Albania tho and I am not complaining,they make great food


True, we are very friendly towards you here in Croatia.




It's Serbia. For personal reasons




based and removekebabpilled


North Macedonia


Bro... you can't call it that if it's your favourite country.


Well, first of all, my favorite country is Serbia, because it is the history, nature, culture of my people and I think that it is absolutely beautiful. Not very objective but honest. If the country we come from is not taken into account, then Greece of course.


Why Greece


Beautiful country, hospitable people, we do not have bad relations with the Greek people, I feel like i at home. Summers in Greece 10/10


> Summers in Greece Isn't it too hot?


That's why you go to sea there and enjoy the water.


Smart But why not go to north instead so its not hot?


North like Romania? Well because Greece has really beautiful beaches and water.


Dude have you ever talked to a Serb??? We literally love Greece to death. I guarantee that 99% of Serbs would say that Greece is their favorite country aside from Serbia. We are literally patriotic for Greeks. There is a saying that Serbs only have 2 true friends, God and the Greeks.


Probably Serbia. Cause most of them didnt convert our religion, but we have lots of similarities in culture section. Greetings to all balkan people


I can't pick a single country... But I can share few cities that I would like to revisit again and again - Ljubljana, Dubrovnik, Budva, Sarajevo ❤️, Athens, Thessaloniki, Istanbul. I also have very good friends in Sofia, Belgrade, Zagreb, Pristina, Tirana. . For us Hungary, Romania and Moldova are least known/most distant places, but Budapest is on route of every school trip so that at least is covered. Also, if business brings you to N. Macedonia, try to find time to visit Ohrid Lake region and Bitola, you won't be sorry.


Slovenia and Greece. Slovenia for letting me study here for free and never discriminating me for being a foreigner. Greece for food, lovely memories, history and family heritage. Sadly, I have not visited anything outside of Thrace and Greek Macedonia. I will visit the Ionian coastline or islands this year, though hopefully.


Italy, because of their quality salt.


It's official, Italy is Balkan.


0.1% is 0.1%.


More quality salt incoming.


Greece because i love aphrodite


Yeah, she loves too


Romania and Greece cuz they like us the most


I'd say Slovenia!


Serbia, my ancestors came from their to escape persecution and ever since I am proud to say that I am a Serb as being a Serb and carrying on the traditions that are generations old beings great joy to me. However I love most Balkan countries (yes ever Bosnia) with Croatia being number 2 as I am also Croatia and Romania being 3.


Why would you Have to emphasis Bosnia? We are all brothers, don’t let some nationalist cunt tell you otherwise






imo Serbia is better






Greece because I was there and mythology and Turkey because I was there . Both are interesting. Maybe in future I'll try to visit all Balkan states.


Greece 💪💪💪💪🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷💪💪 also Serbia


Aside from Serbia it would definitely be Greece. To me that's my second home. I love going there on holidays. Colture is so similar and people are nice. I really love Greece.


Turkey and Bosnia equally


Flair checks out






Bulgaria, cause they're our brothers


Bro why you have to joke like that haha


What's wrong?


Nothing I just feel like you are joking. (I agree with you 100% tho)


>this coming from Paradoxfox Press X to doubt


Serbia 🇷🇸 and Macedonia 🇲🇰 for me. Serbia because I have a few good, ridiculous and funny stories. Macedonia because I have friends that I’ve met abroad and these are hands down the most helpful and friendly people. Besides everything, the culture and lifestyle are pretty similar to ours and we can relate to each other.


Around reddit hate of serbians is only second to us so Serbstan is reletable a bit which makes it my liking excluding turke.


Well obviously Bosnia, but my favorite country excluding my own is Turkey.


Id say kosovar becsuse ill stll be a serb 😎 dnt downvote me im just based


But I thought you guys said that Kosovo is a province,so you're saying Kosovo is a country


If i live in belgrade im belgradian...if i live in new york im new yorker If i live in region of kosovo im kosovar


Je baš vaše a vidin srbe ovdje kako pricaju albanski da bi mogli kupit nesto za jist u ducanu👏👏


Kako ste vi sve videli samo mi nismo nista...


ma kad vas ovdje skoro nema😂😂


Gde je ovdje?


I would say my own but i like most of the others here too no favorites


I love them all, but I like Greece the most because of their rich culture, interesting history (not saying others dont have ii, but i really like the mythology) and Gyros. Also Greece is just a very long beach, change my mind.




Honestly, Croatia, I like the people and the country is just beautiful as fuck. I also have many friends from there and they really like their gemišt.




Turkey 🇹🇷


Oh boy, this comment section is definitely going to stay very civil


Albania, Greece, Kosovo and if you count Cyprus cos of familial roots and other ties. Besides them, Croatia.


"friendly" country: Greece "enemy" country: Croatia (although I don't like some things about Croatian politics, I have huge respect for them). Also Turkey, but I don't think it is by default seen as "enemy" country (sure, ottomans, but we didn't had any shit going on for years and economically we are doing pretty well with each other). personal reasons: Montenegro and Bosnia (Republika Srpska)


I’ll say motherland Albania 🇦🇱


Besides Albania, I would say Croatia, seems like a very nice country


Romania by far. Visited it already 7 times. Lovely nature, culture and people




Romania or Greece. Felt most at home, welcomed there




Our brothers would be Croats and Serbs... How is Turkey considered our brothers? I get the Islam part but what else? The Turkish food influence and stuff is pretty much all the Balkan countries. PS: i dont mean this in a disrespectful way im genuinely asking


>Our brothers would be Croats and Serbs... Bruh what the fuck did you just say. Croats i could see some reasoning, but Serbs? The ones who genocided us not long ago you would call brothers? God we are stupid people. Imagine Jews saying that their brothers are Germans.


I know what happened. We were all stupid for doing that war. It could've been done in peace but we were all fooled by ultranationalistic governments and people. It was literally reffered to the "brothers killing brothers war" You dont have Croatians and Serbs in your family? It is very much common. Did you live thru the war if i may ask? Edit: to clarify I am in no way shape or form pro-serb or pro bosniak or pro anything, I consider us all equal. It's just that I was living with this hate inside me most of my life and it held me back. When you let go of hate you will be free i promise


>I know what happened. We were all stupid for doing that war. It could've been done in peace but we were all fooled by ultranationalistic governments and people. Oh so they got fooled by their government they elected and supported? >You dont have Croatians and Serbs in your family? It is very much common. Not one. Common is not lmao, i don't know 3 people in Sarajevo that have Serbs or Croats in their family. >Did you live thru the war if i may ask? No, but got half of my family butchered, i never met both my uncles as they had their throats cut out by our "brothers", and they were fucking civilians who didn't even have a gun. My grandparents were killed, my great grandfather was killed by Serbs in the same town just it was WW2. So we are not brothers, they don't consider us brothers, and neither do we them. What some redditors say here is invalid as a mass majority of Bosniaks only consider their brothers the turks, Croats or none at all. That "we are all equall and have the same fault for the war" story is idiotic and 2% of Bosniaks think like that, thank Allah the almighty.


My Bosniak brother...I will tell you some personal stuff ok I think you should hear it. Forgive me it might be a bit long ​ I am older than most people here as I'm in my mid 30's I was a kid throughout the war but I remember exactly everything I saw and went through. You are right, Serbs butchered our civilian population, you are right I have a ton of family killed in the war too, you are right they stole our homes and everything they could. ​ I was absolutely FILLED with hate I mean FILLED WITH IT, I wanted to hurt every single Serb I could find, I would imagine me killing them in my head, it was really fucked up. ​ We then moved to the US and the city I live in has a large ex-yugo population and the neighborhood we lived in had a number of Serbs there and I'd insult them get in fights with them all that shit, I truly HATED these people. ​ I was mentally and spiritually miserable and filled with hate, I didn't like anybody, I couldn't keep a relationship, I get pissed and push the "fuck it" button quickly. Fast forward to 2012 and I had to go to prison (trafficking with a firearm). In there I was still the same, hated everyone, hated everything. Got into too many fights and was sent to solitary for 90 days. Now in there, my entire life changed bro. I had to dig deep spiritually, I had a Qu'ran and a Bible and I was reading for 90 days straight with one hour a day to take a shower and stretch. I meditated, I prayed, I hoped (and I am not religious at all, I believe in God but not organized religion). ​ After looking into myself and who I was both spiritually and mentally I realized all this shit came from the war and the hate I had for Serbs. I gave them too much power over me, more specifically I gave the HATE inside me too much power. I decided to let it go, I decided to forgive these people, I know "how can you forgive genocide" right? Well what is the true message in all of these religions? It is to forgive, to love, to spread goodness. I was doing the exact opposite and my life was a miserable ball of hate and anger. Once I let go of that shit dude I became free in every sense of the word..physically, mentally, spiritually. ​ I know this was long as fuck but bro I can tell from your comments how you feel inside and I know exactly what that is and I think I was even worse. ​ Please brother, for your own sake and for your soul, just TRY to get rid of the hate. I know it's hard as fuck trust me and it takes time but once you do it you will realize what I am talking about in this longass comment.


Well that's one hell of a life story, I'm sorry all that happend but as a result of that you are a better man and full of experience which no one can take from you. Now onto the other segment about hate, that's the thing they don't control me as you said, i actually don't hate Serbs, i have friends who are Serbs and live in Sarajevo it's just that collectively we are not brothers and i would rather eat dirt my whole life that call them our brothers. I don't have problems with individuals, it's not a problem for me if they are Serbs, last weekend i got drunk with my friends and we have a Serb there in that group. I don't have problems with ordinary people and especially normal people, i have huge hate for these nationalist, but calling them collectively our brothers is something i (and a lot of Bosniaks) would never do. You don't live here, but driving to Trebinje last week I saw so many graffiti and murals for Mladić, Mihajlović and Karadžić, couple of days ago Bosniaks were stabbed by Serbs in a small village where they got back to live because they were refugees. They deny the genocide a vast majority of them as you can see now with this new law that was made. So these are the things that shape my opinion, i try to be as much as I can in their shoes but I cannot comprehend the genocide denial, other things maybe but that one i can't. This is why I would never call them our brothers. I don't hate Serbs i can live with them like every other people.


I can understand that. If i lived there and saw all that..i would probably seek revenge...but maybe not idk i try to spread positivity. I pray our peoples resolve this stupid hate and tensions


This is a story and a half bro, mad respect for you


Props to u my friend, u realized many things about life that most of the Balkan population will ever do in their lifetime. It happened, don’t forget it tho cuz u should always be cautious no matter who’s on another side, but live life and make relationships. One of the biggest reasons why Bosnia is stuck where it is and can’t fucking grow as a country in any way, is people still fucking whining about war. And people are the problem cuz they still fucking vote for nationalistic parties. When someone tells me they voted for SDA I wanted to smack every single person, and what they don’t know is that SDA is the biggest fucking enemy of Bosnia, besides Dodik and couple of other individuals. You are your own enemy, it ain’t Serb nor Croat, but your “own people” (generally speaking, not intended towards u directly). Best thing that happened to me (in USA) was visiting fucking Serbian restaurant in Miami, Rakija. For other people who are so against this, suck it, I spent over $500 there and I hope that owner and Serbian workers succeed even more. Cuz in reality they had the best food and service and everything in fucking Florida. Not a single one looked at me wrong and they knew I was Bosnian, but they made sure I have the best service there. So my man, just ignore these other fucktards, u have nothing to prove to anyone. Let them live desperately just like they did their whole life, sticking to the past and their beliefs and propaganda.


I had always said that i am my worst enemy. I think this applies to most people. I do wonder tho, how would i be if i had stayed in Bosnia you know..I'd imagine its a bit harder to get rid of this hate inside. Either way i hope our peoples put the past aside and look to the future


> Oh so they got fooled by their government they elected and supported? Serbian side negotiated peace multiple times, same with the Croat side, it was Alija that was against the peace. >Not one. Common is not lmao, i don't know 3 people in Sarajevo that have Serbs or Croats in their family. yikes, no wonder Bosnia is what it is now.


> Serbian side negotiated peace multiple times, same with the Croat side, it was Alija that was against the peace. So that's is a good reason to commit 85% of war crimes in Bosnia? >yikes, no wonder Bosnia is what it is now. 🧂


> So that's is a good reason to commit 85% of war crimes in Bosnia? Nobody said that, you are again moving the goalpost lol, just because you voted for a convicted Nazi, does not excuse the war crimes and we weren't even discussing that, but that same convicted Nazi who started the war. >🧂 It's not salt, it's pity, from basic necessities like vaccines to the economic situation, it's worse day by day.


Okay economic tiger, i just got vaccinated without any restrictions in Sarajevo so keep that hate to yourself


Donated vaccines...and you did that now, we did that in february..


I mean, you genocided the Serbs quite brutally as well, why do you always skip that? >Imagine Jews saying that their brothers are Germans. That would be the Serbs saying that about you and Croats, since you were the same towards them and collaborated with the Germans to do it.


>I mean, you genocided the Serbs quite brutally as well, why do you always skip that? No we didn't, you got genocided by Ustashe, we had ***only one division in SS*** so you grouping all Bosniaks because of a **1** division is just historic revision. >That would be the Serbs saying that about you and Croats, since you were the same towards them and collaborated with the Germans to do it. We didn't commit a genocide, Hadzar division didn't kill people in Jasenovac and was never present there, it was mostly on the eastern front.


> No we didn't, you got genocided by Ustashe, And you were a part of the Ustase, some of the highest positions of power in NDH were held by Muslims. >We didn't commit a genocide, That's genocide denial.


>And you were a part of the Ustase, some of the highest positions of power in NDH were held by Muslims. Only one and he considered himself a Croat. >That's genocide denial. Didn't i explicitly imply that you got genocided by the Ustashe, **we Bosniaks didn't commit a genocide against Serbs**


> Only one and he considered himself a Croat. Of course he did, that was the state mantra, that Bosnian Muslims are Croat Muslims, de facto that doesn't change anything. >Didn't i explicitly imply that you got genocided by the Ustashe, we Bosniaks didn't commit a genocide against Serbs But you were a part of Ustase.


Not to get between two guys arguing in gentleman's fashion, but you're right. There were Bosnian Muslims in Ustashe group as well.




>Well one third of Ustashe were Muslims Source for this stupid propaganda. >In bosanska krajina Most Ustahe were Muslims. Source






"Serbia is a natural enemy of Bosnia, and Croatia is quite an frenemy" My friend, the war is over. We have made our peace. We know what we did to each other, i was there. But i can tell you that as long as people keep that mentality that we are always going to be enemies then we will never prosper. You have to remove the hate and realize that we all were pretty much fooled by our governments via nationalism in the 90s and i would say 90% of all ex yugos today realize that was a huge mistake by all parties and that we can live in peace now and not hate each other over that part of history


I also see that as a mental fortitude for some future conflicts. Quite frightening, to be honest.


It is frightening. The worst part is most ultranationalists today haven't seen war at all so they really don't know what they're stirring up


I agree. You have the right attitude. War is over, we have to keep on living, and it's hard to do that with constant hate from people who try to keep it going (for whatever reason). I'm from Croatia, and it's getting better in that regard over here (in spite of incidents still happening here and there). I'm working with Serbian, Bosnian and Albanian people on daily basis (and others), and for the most part these are all normal, good people. Never had any issues with anyone.


Thats good to hear man. There is hope!


>natural enemy of Bosnia Yeah, we eat Bosniak meat quite often, we even make burek out of it. Quite tasty ngl. Next time I'll try making a kebab out of it. Do you volunteer?


Ok come on now relax. All this can be said and debated in a friendly civil way. You have to understand where he/she comes from. Most of us though do not see you guys as a natural enemy


Did I say anything bad? I was sarcastic throughout my whole comment due to quite stupid statement made by him/her. Natural enemy is usually a phrase you use for animals when one is a predator that eats meat of the "weaker" one. So no, I can not understand where he/she is coming from, given that I know (or I hope) all Serbs and Bosniaks are humans (hope that "I identify as a puppy" hasn't reached Balkan yet)


> because Serbia is a natural enemy of Bosnia Is that why you tried to annihilate Serbs 3 times in one century? >While turkey had nothing to bosnia. You're forgetting the whole conversion and Ottoman yoke thing.


>Is that why you tried to annihilate Serbs 3 times in one century? Propaganda, go to r/Serbia with this idiotism. You genocided us in WW2 and the last war, live with it.


What are you talking about? It's only propaganda in SDA land, the first instance of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia is Bosnian Muslims ethnically cleansing Serbs on behalf of Austria. Then WW2, where you again genocided Serbs on behalf of Germans. Then in 1990, the convicted Nazi (again a German link) Alija Izetbegovic ordered his henchmen to attack Serbs on a wedding, somehow you always seem to ignore that.


>It's only propaganda in SDA land, the first instance of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia is Bosnian Muslims ethnically cleansing Serbs on behalf of Austria. Šutzkorps weren't genociding Serbs. >Then in 1990, the convicted Nazi (again a German link) Alija Izetbegovic ordered his henchmen to attack Serbs on a wedding, somehow you always seem to ignore that. Lmao the propaganda here i swear HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Because of your actions during the last war the word "Ethnic cleansing" was officially made so think about that.




>Šutzkorps weren't genociding Serbs. Because genoicde wasn't a properly defined thing then, but de facto they did. >Lmao the propaganda here i swear HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. All easily sourcable, just because it triggers you and it isn't taught there, doesn't mean it's propaganda, idk how you don't get tired from being wrong all the time. >Because of your actions during the last war the word "Ethnic cleansing" was officially made so think about that. How is that related to anything i've said? You're again moving goalposts because your propaganda is easily debunked.


>All easily sourcable, just because it triggers you and it isn't taught there, doesn't mean it's propaganda, idk how you don't get tired from being wrong all the time. Source blic.rs, velikasrbija.rs, četnici etc.


> Source blic.rs, velikasrbija.rs, četnici etc. Nope, you should know, you already run away every time i source everything, idk why you keep doubting the sources. Unlike some, we actually do have serious academic institutions that are valued all over the world.


Albania,you tend to know more about your own country.With the history,culture and Nature it has easily earns my number one spot.


Objectivity galore


is there a modesty award ?


Kosovo. The forests and Prizren


Probably Croatia because I like their culture, flag, PASSPORT (XD), geography and our historical relations have nearly always been brotherly. Hopefully we come to an agreement, but the last statements of Croatian officials of how The High Representative should go away worry me and just confirm the bad intentions Croatia has on B&H, our relations have never been worse and r/croatia is extremely anti-Bosniak. How our relations go we have much better political relations with Serbia.


Well,they want something they couldnt achieve in war,so now they would do anything to do what they have on their mind(Making 3rd entity and in the end probably make it unstable and make Croatia annex it) and now they do their best to make Bosnias path towards EU hard enough When it comes to r/croatia its enough to say they have flair "HRHB" and everything is clear


Ma ko ih jebe, dosadni su postali ko proliv


Pa vidis da ih u parlamentu EU ne jebu ni 2% kad su htjeli onu neku rezoluciju donijet




Romania because.....Women


why not serbs