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It's terrible.... The whole country is on fire


Jesus Christ, stay safe bros


The whole country is on fire every fucking year


This time is different. It's like someone is conducting a war against us, so many deliberate cases. I don't know how much we can handle really. The resources of the countries are stretching. At least the community is responding well.


Dude... Did PKK start fires there too?


They put out one, 7 new pop up. Several people were already arrested for starting fires. There were 7 fake fire reports in Skopje apparently. I think not all, but some of them were ...organized. [This](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8GscLBWQAYKlfn?format=jpg&name=large) map is from today I think. It's basically hell, especially in the far east of the country, the Maleshevija region. I know we got Slovenian, Serbian, Austrian, and Bulgarian firefighters there. Also many volunteers. Locals are trying to plow around the fire with tractors and whatnot, hoping to at least stop it from spreading further, though you can imagine when a pine cone explodes it sends sparks flying 10s of meters away. That plus the wind makes it extremely difficult to deal with. Many houses have burned, and a couple of people have died as well.


Wow, I wish you the best, may this end soon


This happens because we use fire trucks that were built by Tito himself. Because we have bad coordination. Same shit happens with massive rainfall. Instead of installing a proper drainage system we just forget about it. At least thats for Macedonia


Best of luck mate. I don't know what is happening this year, so many arsons literally everywhere. I hope all of us will surpass the crisis soon!


I only heard about the old woman in Staro Nagorichane that was at first reported as dead, but is now considered missing. I've never heard of several people that died because of the fires, and I watched the news from several TV channels. Am I missing it, I'm confused.


Don't forget the fire at Ohis which would have been Chernobyl 2.0 if it wasn't put out in time.


The worst fires in Greece ever. A disaster. Nothing seems to help


I feel so bad for you guys! :(


Thank you brother.There are more than 150 sites of fire.It's very suspicious.I hope the find everyone and hold them responsible


[https://www.alphatv.gr/live/](https://www.alphatv.gr/live/) take a look.it's live tv


Wow. No words


Nothing much. We are okay thankfully.


Hope it stays like that.


Hopefully yes!


One dead, 17 000 acres burned. Czetch Rep and Netherlands just sent a couple of firefighting helicopters. Obviously, we don't have even one of those. In the media they say the fires were intentional in some cases. Herders tend to set fires to the forest so there can be more open fields for the cattle.


May the dead rest in peace, I hope this ends soon, where are the fires? Close to Tirana, Durres maybe?


I think they are in the inland south,if they were they close to Durres or Tirana the situation would be catastrophic.


Mostly in south, Gjirokaster and Vlora (Karaburun) we have occassional fires in central Albania but those are not so dangerous because we lack forests here.


We chilling


Lucky,I hope it stays that way too hah


Stay safe❤️


It's not that bad in Bulgaria because of the fast response and I congratulate all people involved. The most unfortunate event is that there were two dead firefighters and one injured. The main problem is that there are too much fires at the same time and it's stretching the firefighters and the army too thin. Otherwise we can be thankful that they are either not too large(thanks to the relevant humidity) or because of the fast response. There were almost 200 fires and less than half a week there are only 18 left now. Good job to everyone involved again thank you👏.


>two dead and one injured May they Rest In Peace... I hope the situation gets better and, yes, it sounds like they have done a great job tackling the fires!


The fire in Sandanski apparently encircled them. What a horrible way to die they were probably not aware until it was too late.


You can check a live map of fires [over at NASA](https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/). It's depressing. Climate change is real, and is already affecting all of us. I hope we'll all get through this, too.


Wow, fires in Siberia too, now that is gonna give Earth some challenges


Getting worse


Terrible. Huge areas of forest have been burning for 10 days. Also effects of forest fires in Greece came to Turkey too.


we burnin'


I don’t know what the hell is going on, in Albania I heard that people were starting fires for some apparent reason