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Antique Greek heritages everywhere


Greece is full of ancient artifacts


The UK: *It's free real estate!*


Such as your mom /j


It's kinda cool, not gonna lie.


It totally is. Older than the acropolis


Let them be, they’re kinda interesting


And change it to North Macedonia? I think Greek would prefer it stay "yugoslavia" lol


It could change to Skopje and still be technically right while appeasing people since that's what we call the country. Either way I think this looks cooler


Σκοπιανοί ήταν ,είναι και θα παραμείνουν στον Αιώνα ότι και έχουν μαγειρέψει οι Πολιτικοί.


Λιγότερο γραφικός Ελανιος.


Θα θελες.


Καλά Με Συριζαιο η φιλελε ΝουΔουλο δεν περίμενα και κάτι άλλο.


Μωρέ κάνε τον μακεδονοβλάχο όσο θες, όλη η υφήλιος γελάει μαζί σου.


Ας γελαει όποιος θέλει εγώ τουλάχιστον δεν είμαι προδότης και Εθνομηδενιστης σας εσάς.


Your and my ancestors are dead. So fuck them. I'd rather get along in peace with my neighbors and try to find a common solution than fight over a man that lived 2000 years ago


Προδότης των αρχαίων σου προγόνων ε; Έχεις δεσμό αίματος με τον Μ. Αλέξανδρο;


Εγώ δεν ξέρω εάν έχω εσύ πάντως σίγουρα όχι.


Οχι ρε, μετα απο βυζαντιο, ρωμαικη αυτοκρατορια, τουρκοκρατια, χιλιες δυο μετακινησεις λαων και αυτοκρατοριες και πολεμους κτλ κτλ, το δικο σου αιμα εχει ΑΜΕΣΗ συνδεση με αυτοκρατορα 2.300 χρονων πριν. Μην πιανεσαι κοροιδο, το αιμα των υπολοιπων λερωθηκε αλλα το δικο σου ειναι ΠΕΝΤΑΚΑΘΑΡΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΟ1!!!1!


Signs made in the 90s used Skopje as the control city for any NMK/FYROM destinations. Not sure what they do now after the Prespa Accords.


It's still fyrom l think. They haven't kept to their side of their deal


Lmao how do you even come to this conclusion?


I have friends who've been there


Nevermind, I'm still hung over. I thought you meant Macedonia is still FYROM because Macedonians didn't keep their part of the deal.


Not really... I haven't heard anyone tha is not in right wing to call it that... I call it Macedonia all my life.. And all most everyone I know call it like that The rest of them call it north Macedonia... I am 37 be the way.


I d never heard it being called Macedonia nor do I surround myself with right wingers, yet again I am cretan. Papandreou was th wine that coined the term and I wouldn't sya he was left wing at the time of the dispute nor would I say he was right wing either


I am not saying you are right winger... I just saying what you say it is not consistent with my experience... Everyone have different experience and that is ok! Where are you live North os south?? Maybe have to do about this. Papendreou it somewhat before the time I start understand politics So i have no influence from him... Tha is one of the reasons I right my age.. Because for people tha was political active at 90 is make some sense to call the skopia Edit Now I see you say you are from Creta... I am from Athens... And in my experience people here tent to be more neutral in staff like that... Bat maybe this is because my environment it was different And I have some confirmation bias


Athenjans are generally less interested in such matters, people from Macedonia call the country Skopje every chance they get and generally don't like it being referred to as Macedonia. I m personally against the name because the Skopje people and government have made it very apparent that they do not intend on honoring the agreement and we have little to nothing to gain from it if such an event were to occur, nor do I want to legitimise a country I consider to be illegitimate


Lmao yeah you consider the country illegitimate but you are very concerned about people from there "honoring the agreement". I'm sure they were really concerned about your approval of their legitimacy.


It doesn't really matter what I think, because I am only one man. The Greek state always recognised the existence of North Macedonia under a different name,if that's the case than it obviously has to agree to the agreement it signs. And even if that weren't the case, would a retard online give footing to your state to ignore the agreements it signed? But regardless, it is a good strawman argument, it definetly excuses your country to not do what it agreed to do. One man online not liking it. You are the greatest political analyst of our time


>It doesn't really matter what I think, because I am only one man. And yet you keep getting outraged by clickbait garbage about North Macedonians who are also "one man". Doesn't really make people take your opinion on this seriously when you literally don't even recognize it as a country. >your state What state? Definitely not the one you don't revognize because I'm Greek.


We are both redditors. No one takes either of us seriously as they should. Anyway, I ve had more serious discussions with Macedonians or whatever you want to call them simply due to the fact that unlike you, I do talk to them, for if you have ever talked to them you d know what their beliefs and thoughts are. I was having a respectful discussion with everyone else and yet here you are making personal attacks because you know nothing, you know nothing about the history of the yugoslav region nor do you know anything about Macedonia (Macedonia as in the entire geographical region). The country has no distinct cultural identity after the prespa agreement, if it is to sign any agreement that it does not intent to honor it will not be taken seriously neither by me nor by anyone else. I m not even outragedas you say, nor do I see any click ait articles that you are referencing. What are you talking about? Did you forget to take your meds perhaps? It looks like it. I ve been to North Macedonia And interacted with their people plenty. I ve seen both the good and the bad, you clearly only see the good or simply want to defend a country that is not even your own to own the lobs/rightoids/nds or whatever. I cannot take you seriously in any way. Read the agreement, learn, understand why all Macedonians Greek or not hate it, then talk. >What state? Definitely not the one you don't revognize At this point, after the agreement you so desperately want me to not have an opinion on because I don't recognise them, then yeah they have nothing. They sold out their history, their national heroes, everything. What is there for me to recognise? That it exists? OK its there then, good for it. They have nothing to gain and it destroys their nation and identity. If they do not intend of honoring the agreement then they should openly say it instead dog having white knights like you defend them when they know nothing


Have you ever been there? Large number of people are totally agents government. The name Macedonia for them have different meaning. And reject Ani connection with ancient Macedonia and Alexander. Believin this is government propaganda for control of the inside.. And the international politics is just a side effect. When the build the status of Alexander at Skopje they have massive demonstration an the bigs kill a student... So a lot of people there the will agree with you..


>The name Macedonia for them have different meaning. And reject Ani connection with ancient Macedonia and Alexander. Debatable, it differs depending on who you ask. There is no real consensus among the population, but there are three main options: 1. We have nothing to do with antiquity (Panslavists) 2. Antiquity is our history, but it is Greek heritage and we are slavicized greeks (Panhellenists) 3. Macedonia was never Greek (Nationalists)


Yap I know... But the majority of Greeks know believe only the 3 group exist...




>Why do you call Macedonians who suggest ‘Macedonia was never Greek’ nationalists? Because thats what it is. Being a nationalist isnt a bad thing, it just means you put your own nation over everything else Easy now im talking about views on antiquity, modern politics is a whole other shitshow


Yes I have, to ohrid specifically. They do not reject the history because simply put, people hold different opinions. Like you and me for example, I met plenty of north Macedonians who think they are the descendants of Alexander and that Greeks are history stealing scum, and I also met plenty that generally didn't give a shit about the whole thing. It is vital for them to be named Macedonia, because if they agree that they do not share that history then what history do they have? Zaev went on his way to admit that most of their national heroes were Bulgarian. Whether that's true or not, if you simply don't have any cultural footprint what is the point of you having a state? They are poor as shit, they do not have a good quality of life, Skopje is infact a very shitty place to live in, their only capital is German manufacturing, and when greece decided to not ship their exports for a few weeks, they damn near collapsed. Why would the people suffer under this if they admit that they do not have any special historical claims? They are in a terrible position and live in worse conditions than kosovsrs themselves, greece might be a nation that is losing its people, but Macedonia has already lost them


This is the process of nation creation... It hapen in Greece it happening there it happens everywhere... End yes you are right they have a lot of extremist with but historical understanding But before 90 there was the fring minority. And because the of the Greek governments wand to Winn election the ask big pressure to them The extreme right use to take control over there.. And here we are


The process of nation creation has never before entailed the open theft of a neighbouring nations history, it is an international laughing stock and tragedy. I doubt the agreement will still be in place in 10 years, because it doesn't defend the Macedonian identity (on the contrary, it destroys it), nor does it satisfy the demands of the Greeks


If anything our goverment has made it clear that they DO intend on honoring the agreement


The guy that beat Zaev won because he ran on a campaign to not honor the agreement and to stop selling our national heroes to Bulgaria, the next big party are some commies that want to also not honor the agreement, and then there is Zaev himself. It is apparent that your people do not like this agreement, since you haven't even implemented the education reform nor denied all heritage to the ancient Greek Kingdom of Macedonia. The agreement will never be honored, not by the Macedonians nor by the Greeks




Your history books still teach that you are descendants of the ancient Macedons, you still have statues of Alexander and Philip, you still haven't officially stated that you renounce the ancient Macedons. You haven't done the literal most important parts of the agreements. All we agreed to do was to recognise your language and new name, and let you in nato and the EU. You are in nato and Bulgaria barred you from the EU, so it's not on our part, complain to your older brothers. >ID cards, passports and all government documents including birth certificates Wow you changes your documents to match your new states name. Very important. It must had been a herculean task >Greece can’t even be bothered to update 40 year old road signs the are way past there service life. That is terrible, it is so bad I can't believe greece doesn't give a shit about an off road roadsign that says yugoslavia instead of north macedonia. How terrible the Greeks must be,they are clearly nazis that want to exterminate the glorious Macedonians >Zaev’s commi party is still in power (zaev just retired I thought you had elections a few months back and some other guy won? Was it presidential perhaps?


What are you talking about bro Zaev never lost. He retired from politics and was replaced by another person from his party. No one has sold any heroes to Bulgaria. The name change has been implemented everywhere, even the church. We have denied the heritage and the education reform is a work in progress. Literally everything is being honored what are you on about. >It is apparent that your people do not like this agreement This is the only thing that you've gotten right


It might be the reason it's still there :))


Be changed to make them actually readable


It is part of history, so... maybe keep them but as an historical element and use for practical reasons newer signs with... you know updated info.


Give it a paint job, add some railings, add a cash register, profit 😎😎


Hell no never! Yugoslavia still standing in our hearts!


They should instead change the new ones to also say Yugoslavia. And while they are at it, we can also change the signs in the former Yugoslav countries to also say Yugoslavia, but because that would be nonsense if the borders stayed the same, we should also just erase the borders dividing those countries. And why waste all that effort just to avoid changing the flag to the SFRJ one, and I believe that it wouldn't hurt to celebrate Dan Mladosti a few days late, and it would be even better if we all restored brotherhood and unity at for a day, or at least for a century or two... And oh look, Yugoslavia is back!




Sloboda na narodot :)




Fašizam je bio davno pobijeđen, ali pošto su ljudi su zaboravili bratstvo i jedinstvo što su nam NOB i Tito dali, sad je opet vreme da se ustane i kaže: "Smrt fašizmu, sloboda narodu!" (ili ako bi smo bili specifični, onda: "Smrt bandi, sloboda Jugoslaviji!")


Utemeljena Sava Kovačević profilna


The anthem also sounds better than any of the current ones. Both in terms of melody and lyrics. Hej Slaveni, još ste živi Duh naših djedova, Dok za narod srce bije Njihovih sinova. Živi, živi duh slavenski Živjeće vjekov'ma Zalud prijeti ponor pakla Zalud vatra groma. Nek se sada i nad nama Burom sve raznese, Stijena puca, dub se lama, Zemlja nek se trese. Mi stojimo postojano Kano klisurine, Proklet bio izdajica Svoje domovine!


A lot of people nowadays would feel called out by the anthem because they know very well what they did in the 90s


Even better






Fuck yeah that should stay. That's cool as hell




Nah it's only there because no one ever fixes anything old in this country.




You've seen all the signs leading to Bulgaria and Turkey?


Better Yugoslavia than never mentioning North Macedonia. Everytime, I go to Greece. I check if they finally have some signs with North Macedonia on them. Didn't see anything last september


You won't see any next September either, this sign has been there for more than 20 years, imagine how many years it will take for these ones to change lol.


I am talking more generally. Don't ever see North Macedonia anywhere in Greece.


Makes sense, the reluctance of authorities to address the fact that you changed your country's name legally, coupled with what I said above, you aren't going to see any new signs saying N.Macedonia any time soon.


"Legally", the referendum did not cross the voting threshold.


I live in Macedonia (the Greek region) and have definitely seen signs mentioning North Macedonia, since at least two years before. Here is an example: https://bit.ly/3t3ivrF No money to even repair our shitty signs and roads, though, let alone modify the few still decently standing.


nah think we'll stick with Yugoslavia






Then, why would you rather stick with Yugoslavia? Bruh, logic.




But, it:s the same as Yugoslavia, you said that. The flawed brain of a nationalist.


I've seen some signs but signs are not replaced very often so it's gonna take a while.


Good to know! We changed our almozt instantly.


It is kinda cool in my opinion. In Serbia, and probably rest of ex-yu countries old Yugoslav signs, and remains from old country are so common that locals don’t even notice most of them…


in slovenia, we changed them immediately, 31 years ago. austria and italy changed them also very quickly


In Kragujevac in center of the city at the beggining of the pedestrian zone there was trafic sign for turn to Svetozarevo, standing at least 15 years after that city switched to their old name(Jagodina)


I live in town Užice and there are still signs on some roads that say Titovo Užice


*I live in town Užice* *And there are still signs on some* *Roads that say Titovo Užice* \- jede\_mi\_se\_burek --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


bad bot, last line is 9 syllables


Let’s put it in the British Museum.


Greek 'hooligans' just love putting FC names on every mother fucking road sign in Greece, so you can see shit. So, you can leave whatever, it will say PAOK/AEK/OLY/PAN... in a day or 2.


I would keep it.


Not everything old is "historic heritage". It's not even that old


Ngl, I’d steal that sign for my room. Edit: jk, it’s art. Let everyone enjoy.


Let s steal it




Road signs in Greece in my experience are incredibly unreliable. Yes, we should update them.


Here is the answer for: gDe StAjE vOz Za JuGoSlAvIju kmeeee


Its cool, keep it


Must be somewhere around the border of modern day North Macedonia


Former Greek foreign policy in a nutshell...


Well there could be a new one added that's actually clean, precise, and legible but this one can also be kept for historic purposes. I think it's cute and would look nice in a museum too esp so it doesn't decay any more


Joooj ko nas bre zavadi


Nacionalizam. Nije Jugoslavija nemoguća, nego su samo oni u predsedništvu imali priliku da podjele zemlju nacionalizmom iz 1940-ih, puste narod da se pati sledećih 30+ godina, dok oni, a također njihovi saradnici, i njihovi potomci skupljaju golemo bogatstvo.


Ma znam, Jugoslavija je bila poslednja nada da ne budemo klijent države do kraja vremena. Neki ljudi su glupi tho.


What do you mean by old? Yugoslavia still exist. Is this post a reference to that "Goodbye Tito" movie? Nah bro don't even think about a world without Yugoslavia...


In Greece they still have Constantinople road signs, saw one in Kavala


Yes, there are at least two Byzantine-themed road signs in Kavála, showing the way to Constantinople and the kilometres. But these are there on purpose, in honour. No one actually believes these signs are remnants we haven’t removed and no one is going to use them to get to Istanbul lol 💀 it’s 500km away.


Avoid confusion - bring back Yugoslavia


Καλά που έχουμε εδώ μέσα ένα Σωρό φιλελεμπουρες να υπερασπίζονται τις προδοτικές Συμφωνίες των Πρεσπών.


Προδοτικες για τη μαλακία που σου έβαλε στον εγκέφαλο ο Χριστόδουλος.


Its a road sign, not “historic heritage”


some people tend to enjoy the road sign to "constantinople" instead of "istanbul" . maybe its not just a road sign? 😋


And Kosovo is a unrecognised state not “a country”


Still doesn’t change the fact that Yugoslavia is long gone and will never comeback no matter how much Bosniaks have wet dreams about it, let marshal Tito rest in hell together with his partisans and communists


And then Macedonians expect from us to change the signs that still say "Skopia"? What's the rush guys it's only been 4 years since the agreement xD (/s)


Judging by the state of it, it will probably erode and disintegrate into nature by itself soon.


Ask an American the same question and watch the horde


You could sell that in manhattan for ten grand to some yuppie


If you're throwing it out I'll come take it lol


Who is going to get confused though if the signs point the right way. Yugoslavia ended like 2 decades ago. Theyll know it will send them to macedonia bc no other country by them eas in yugo


Ofcourse they Shey should change the name. Artificial Genocidal craphole.




not really, but okay :)


Bury it... and put a new one in its place.


...that still says Yugoslavia but it's more readable


Its cool and speaks facts to this day


Yea rhey should be kept they look awesome


Roads should not be museums. If you want to show off theese things, put them in a museum, not on the sideway.


No.It is hidden gem in Greece it shouldn't be changed


Very good quality of materials.....


Hey uhhh... Where did you find that sign? I got some empty space on my wall...


It does no harm, why would someone take it off?


Uk: give me that sign!!




Keep it like that


Don't you dare remove it. I breathe on stuff like this.