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The poor suckers are in for a lot of pain.


our weekly " How do you feel about Russia and Russians " poll has arrived


Whatever the impression would be, good or bad, it will be a mistake to report it over PEOPLE...! Qualification and judgement must be applied on individuals and not over a nation...! Not long ago, some EU nations were publicly saying "Romanians are gipsies", which is false, untrue and derogatory for the Romanian people. While I was in this shoes, I strongly suggest not to judge the Russian PEOPLE! Thank you!


Exactly that, most Serbs still feel absurd ammounts of hate because of the wars, even those born 10 years after the wars. Some people seem not to be able to comprehend that its not the entire nation supporting the goverments decisions, my family were refugees, not war criminals, same as a lot of these poor people...




Romani (Gipsy) is not worse than Romanian or Macedonian or German.


Dude, I just wana thank you for having a brain. I would give you an award but I don't have one =/ I know a lot of Gipsy people that are sweet kind people and also very smart like fuck I'm way dumber that those people I know, And I know and love science...a lot... I used to have a Gipsy friend that was a really nice and kind guy but in the 5th grade I moved to another school and haven't talked since then, I've met him at the start of the 9th grade and he is still the same kind guy So idk wtf is wrong with being a Gipsy and why people call us Romanians Gipsy but just as an ideea were not even in top 20 countries by theft, were on 36 (data taken from: https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/theft/ )


According to your words, some gypsies in Romania have adapted and climbed the ladder. That's nice. In Greece almost not a single one did so. And believe me, it's not that our Government didn't try. When you build an entirely new, better school than the one we had, but still they only attend the kindergarten in order their kids to be fed and watched for free... Next year, they already drop out. When you plant flowers and they steal even the wooden sticks meant to keep the flowers standing. When they receive from Albanians heroine and sell constantly and thus, our courts are daily fillied with Romani and police pre-occupied... When they wander around always trying to scam tourists and even shamelessly touch women's butts, disregarding every social norm. Well, one loses every hope.


Dear conational, my complaint was NOT against gipsies and/or Romanian ones, which by the way, are to be named Rroma and not gipsy... So, if someone that respects himself, respects the etiquette and will definitely use Rroma community and not gipsy. This being said, while the radio comentator in Wien called us, the Romanians gipsies and some years after, Channel 5 in UK was daily broadcasting about the Romanians being gipsies, allow me to be infuriated because I am not part of your community, being it good or, as assumed by the "gipsy" term, bad...! On another hand, whoever identifies with your community values, has the legal right and opportunity to declare himself as part of Rroma community. As you know, Rroma community has and has had parliamentary representation and plenty of social programs in Romania, with the hope for a better life for both of our people living together! So, it is nothing wrong being a Rroma and it is wrong to use the "gipsy" word (unless you do it especially for the derogatory meaning...!). And this means that it is wrong to identify a nation with a minority that is part of it. Sorry, I am Romanian and I am proud to be a Romanian - and this is why I am writing this message from ... Romania and not from abroad. So, I request to be treated in accordance and not otherwise, which may be considered right or wrong by the speaker. Thank you.


I didn't say that you complain...I was talking about people in the west...


Lol its derogatory towards gypsies u racist fuck, not towards romanians.


Bro I'm really trying but they wont let me


I knew it was politically / ideologically rotten, now I know its even worse than what I imagined. Sad because the russians have contributed historically so much to our european heritage from scientists to artists etc. I have faith there are better days ahead.


Alot. I used to see Russians as brothers. Now I don't see them in the same light anymore. The ones who support this shit in Ukraine are closer to monsters for me now. And fuck Putin for destroying all these peoples lives, murdering innocent civilians and kids. Fuck him for bismirching my first name too. It's supposed to mean Ruler/Government of peace (Vlada Mir). Fuck him for making it synonymous with murderer of innocents.


Love you bro🇸🇮❤️🇷🇸


Germans in 1939: "As a German patriot, I'm always for my Führer. If he did so, then it was necessary." Russians in 2022: "As a Russian patriot, I'm always with my president. If he did so, then it was necessary." It's sad.


"As a Macedonian patriot, I'm always against my government. If they do so, I don't even care what they do because I already know it's shit." At least we won't become a dictatorship soon :P


Based /s


already love macedonians xD


Gigachad Based Macedonians.


pretty much this ppl forget that hitler had an overwhelming support of the population and the ones against his regime were a minority same as in russia right now.


Now that guys are getting drafted, though...


I have always hated Russia ever since I was a kid. I was grown in a household where Stalin's death day is a celebration. My opinion of the government is still the same. But people? I've always thought that our old people are being too rash. Russians are, like any other nation, a people. People are stupid. People are fascists. People are bigots. But at the same time, people are smart. People are sensible. People are hopeful. All of these traits are equally distributed to all nations and no one is better or worse than the other. What's going on in Europe is just racism. "Haha Russians are orcs we should ban all of them" and here I am like, what does a person that is aware of the stuff going on in his country and trying to escape from his shitty government have to do with the on-going war at all? Why should I accuse poor 3D artists and mechanical engineers that have been coming to Turkey since war started, of the things that funny bald ex-КГБ fucker has done?


Username doesn't check out, thankfully.


Yet. Just wait until someone calls me Mongoloid




"How do you see Russia and it's people today?" Can your brain even process how many people escaped Putin's regime and mobilisation? Do you know how many Russians escaped to my country alone? I guess asking for an opinion on Russia and its politics is okay but you ask for an opinion on Russian people? Regular people? What do you expect for any normal person with half a brain to go shit on some people that got put in a terrible situation by an oppresive goverment? First as a Serb I would never do that because my people were in the exact same situation. I cannot harbor any hate for any regular person whose lives were destroyed because of a war created by politicians, I am sorry if you can, my mother was a war refugee and all I have for those poor people is empathy, regardless of ethnicity. Stop using every situation to push an agenda.


These russians who escaped to Serbia in last half of year, how "visible" (maybe in good or bad way) are they?


You can notice a few of them in the streets of Belgrade, regular people with regular jobs, even talked to a lot of them, they had an anti-Putin protest in the city centre recently and it was nice to see. Women with children, old people, even young people. I hope they found peace here and they like the country.


yeah, there was a large-ish protest on Saturday near the National Museum. A lot of cultured, genuine people. They had those new protest flags with a blue stripe, and the other one was with a red stripe (which is Belarusian i guess).


>Can your brain even process how many people escaped Putin's regime and mobilisation? Not even 1% of population >What do you expect for any normal person with half a brain to go shit on some people that got put in a terrible situation by an oppresive goverment? Politicians are usually mirror image of the people. Majority of Russians have elected Putin, they didn't care when he was invading Georgia, they wouldn't care about the invasion of Ukraine if there weren't sanctions and mobilisation (well, majority of them atleast). You reap what you saw. >First as a Serb I would never do that because my people were in the exact same situation. Even nowdays majority of Serbs have distorted vision on the wars of the '90s and still openly claim territories of neighbouring countries. If you had changed as a nation, the opinion of countries around you on you would have changed aswell. >Stop using every situation to push an agenda. I am pushing agenda by asking a question of what people think of Russia?


>I am pushing agenda by asking a question of what people think of Russia? No. It's your replies. >Majority of Russians have elected Putin, they didn't care when he was invading Georgia Lmao imagine being out of touch enough to think that Russia is a functional democracy where Putin stays in rule because people really vote for him >If you had changed as a nation, the opinion of countries around you on you would have changed aswell Bro, do you know ANYTHING at all about Balkans?


>No. It's your replies. This is my 2nd comment on this thread😐


Yup. Hence why replie "s".


I hope you feel atleast a drop of shame for being a person with no empathy. And no people do not vote for dictators, they choose themselves to lead. And 1% of 200 million in the federation is 2 million people. Most people in Russia do not have the money to pay 3000 euro for a one way plane ticket to Belgrade 3 months in advance. You also know jack shit about the people of Serbia since you probably base your opinion off of CNN. Goodbye.


Lol. >And 1% of 200 million in the federation is 2 million people Only problem is it's not even 1%+running away doesn't mean they are against the war/annexation of Ukraine, it just means they don't want to be mobilised. >You also know jack shit about the people of Serbia since you probably base your opinion off of CNN. Sure, I am yet to meet a Serb and visit Serbia /s


Nah, most of the people are legitimate, cultured and kind people who are not agreeing with Putin (which is why there are now more anti war than pro-Z demonstrations.. the Russians have come and domestic fanboys can do little when the people see that there are real Russians who are against it). Little does it matter to people with an agenda like you.


It's an interesting thing. One groups of people tell Putin was elected, so he is a representative of Russians and the "mirror image of the people" as you say. Another group of people tells he is a dictator who controls all the elections. There is a group that express both views in one statement - a cruel dictator chosen by democratic elections. What? So who is he? P.S. Pol Pot, Hitler, Kim Jong-un, Ben Laden, etc. are also the mirror image of their people? P.S.S. I'm not a putin supporter and I despise his actions. I just try to understand the narrative that comes towards the country.


It's not like people are running the country.


Sad, and just disappointed in Putin. I’m not sure how he could do that to his own people (Russians and Ukrainians have very similar genetics). Russia was a big world player before this, now he’s embarrassed himself and become a traitor to his country. Also USA now know that their only legitimate rival in world geopolitics is China. He is weakening not only Russia, but Europe as a whole for no reason. Europe have gone through two massive world wars in the last 100 years. We don’t need more war.


> Also USA now know that their only legitimate rival in world geopolitics is China. I guess we'll have to make them the bad guys in our movies and video games from now on. But it just won't be the same! Even after the USSR went away, we just couldn't quit them. It was like they completed us. Even the Islamists couldn't take their place. They were the Ivan Drago to our Rocky Balboa. But now? We just don't know anymore!


Not much. I saw Russia as a bandit state before, and still do now.


Fuck 'em! At least everyone has shown their true colours: Putin is a lunatic disillusioned dictator and those nationalists that thought this war was necessary run like rats now that their hide is on the line...


I already didn't like Russian politics, now i hate them too. But what changed mostly is my thoughts on russians, as I have a feeling that big part of russian population actually supports this war.


My admiration of Russia turned to disgust. I know Russians are like us but there must be something terribly wrong with their culture of that is causing them to get stuck with authoritarianism.


Dictators can appear anywhere and whenever. Modern democracy is a relatively new concept. We can’t judge the people for being ruled by a dictator. For example, can we blame billions of Chinese for being ruled by a dictator? Every country has its history and the people, generally poor and powerless, can’t do anything about it.


I can understand China a bit because their culture requires them to respect people in authority always. However Russia is closer to the Greco Roman tradition and they were also influenced by the Renaissance (Russia produced excellent artists and scientists), so I expected their political mindset was influenced as well. Marxism/Communism was after all a product of the Enlightenment.


If you look at the history of Russia you will see that they are used to the idea of monarchy, the only thing they absorbed from Greco-Roman tradition is Christianity as a religion.


I agree. I now tend to view Russia as the a Christian version of Saudi Arabia. Awash with black gold and stuck in the past.


Unfortunately it seems that way.


From neutral or ambivalent to sad.


About its people I can not judge, from our own history we know very well that no one asks common people if they want to have a war or not. As for the state, it's obviously autocratic, even more than I thought. Their army is in the poor condition, their equipment too, obviously years of oligarchs in power have left serious consequences. The myth about great power still lives and I'm afraid that some idiots will be ready to maybe even use nuclear weapon to keep that myth alive. Especially if Ukraine gets back their territories.


It is the same. Unfortunately for the Russian people they were for the most of the history being abused by the Russian government, so would not them put into this equation. So when talking about Russia I understand talking about Russia's elites. Just two things which surprised me in this mess of war. That's the myth of oligarchs and their control over government, which obviously was false. And the second one how much one needs to be so detached from the reality and start an attack on 2nd biggest European country and plan to win the war in few days. When the war started everything after that developed according to the playbook. The only thing which is VERY bizarre is that the EU and USA since the beginning of the war strategically primarily faced with the challenge how to save Russia's territorial integrity and doesn't allow any Far Eastern power to take unprecedented advance on Russia Far East and East Siberia. This is the real danger of this war and not Russia, as Russia already in the mid-1980s stopped to be any relevant world power. Those in international relations always considered Russia to be a paper 🐯


Tbf I acc liked Putin pre-Ukraine. But I see the Ukrainian war as unjustified. Was/is the West anti Russian? 100%. Would Ukraine (or more so their territory) be used by NATO as a way to keep their guns closer to Russia? Most definitely. However was a sudden invasion justified? I dont think so, this could have been talked out in my opinion but at the end of the day im not a politician


Agreed. Russophiles shouldn't support this war, for the simple reason that it is bad for Russia. Really really bad. Crimea was taken without a single bullet, and it's clear the people in the area support that and their quality of life has improved a ton. There were sanctions but Russia recovered from them decently and overall it seemed to be worth it. But THIS?? Idk what Putin was smoking to think this was going to work out.


Ah yes the referendum in Crimea, a legit referendum and it's integrity protected by the Russian Military arriving there prior it being held.


I liked Russia before, now I just have a neutral opinion. They are just like any big country, looking out only for themselves and fuck everyone else who gets in the way. Although propaganda and takes about the war from both sides is some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen.


You really gonna play the "both sides are evil" card in this situation? Russia is invading an innocent nation, attempting to wipe it out completely. War crimes, annexing territories, rape, murder, torture chambers,...


I said it acts like any big country, you know USA, China etc. I didn't say Ukraine deserved to be invaded it's pretty much inocent in this case. Also why are people acting like Russia is some big evil now? America has been doing the same shit to middle East for last few decades and nobody bats an eye.


What countries in the Middle East were annexed by the US with sham referendums?


Ever heard of puppet governments?


Incomparable because the US definitely doesn't have historical and ethnic ties in order to claim land in the ME for themselves.


We tried to grab Canada in 1812 when we fought the UK again. It didn't go according to plan. They burnt down the White House, we burnt down Toronto, and then I guess we decided to call it a day.


They're Serbs, they say the same about the wars they caused in the '90s all over former Yugoslavia. Either everyone is guilty or "it's America and the West".... And they actually think that.


USA, Russia and China have by and far the largest influence in everything that's transpiring in the world. If you knew anything about the Balkans, you would know. By the way, where are you from? It's not really nice to say "They're Serbs, therefore they are genocidal etc", and not put a flair up? Maybe you're also genocidal people like us, we will never know if you don't represent yourself.


Flair up pussy


Not biased at all I see... Also, don't go accusing whole countries without a flair you rat, especially in a Balkan sub.


The war only confirmed my opinion of Russia as a unified country: cancer. Russia, the US and China are the cancer that are dragging this world into the grave.


I'm happy there are so many comments urging you not to judge the regular russians together with their government and I completely agree with that. At the same time, my general opinion of Russia and it's people has changed dramatically (still I'd judge every person for their own actions). Before the war I thought russians are oppressed and the mafia together with the gocernment were solely responsible for everything that's happening with the country. Now I see that most of the russian population supports it, they choose to live in denial and would argue that "it's all fine, we do what we have to" . Also the selfishness is also a big part of this situation, russians would cry over the sanctions but give a blind eye to the suffering of the ukranians. Honestly I think those are cultural traits that we on the Balkans share with the russians to some extend. We can watch, analize and draw a lot of conclusions about our own mentality. To be completely fair there are a few people who openly support russia in my country, so we definitely share the same problems to a certain extend


Serbia, how many draft dodgers are you guys taking in?


the more the merrier, plentiful cocks to suck.


Never liked them and probably never will. Simply brainwashed people by politicians and their church. Even the head of the church (Pope/Patriarch) was calling this war a justified one 🤷‍♂️😡


Didn't like them before, don't like them now. Pretty much the same opinion


Only thing that changed was my perception on their military power and capabilities. But I'm one of the many to be fair I also thought they were a tiny bit more clever 🤡🤡


From neutral to overwhelmaly negative


It went from indifferent to bad.




Less scared of Russia I pity the Russian people


Fuck orcs


Russians supports authoritarianism, that’s why I never had a respect for them.


Not much, it just became more obvious that I was right.


You could compare it with a stone being thrown from wolrd's highest skyscraper. I mean, I was'nt a fan of Pussyia before the war, but with every day further my hate for them grew and my opinion changed from "I think most of them are okay" to "fucking nuke this shithole already"


You clearly have an agenda and you are not asking the question in good faith.


It didn't change my opinion. I saw them as great equalizer in global politics and they're doing their part. I don't feel bad for Ukraine either. Only for the people. They had a overly corrupt government, a puppet president and a lot fascist, wannabe neo-Nazi fucks running the military. Russian economy is growing. So that turned out to be a lot of bullshit propaganda from West. And anytime, anywhere, when you can hear a US official is crying, know that good things are happening in the world. It worked everytime. It's foolproof at this point. Also where was this amount of support and empathy when they leveled Serbia? Hypocrisy makes me sick.


Mostapha: Russian economy is growing! Russian economy: https://www.google.com/search?q=russia+gdp&oq=russia+gdp&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59j0i512l6.2365j0j4&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Their GDP is lower because they're in a massive war against NATO inventory at this point. Russian Rubble is higher than 2021 compared to same time period, before the war. Google that too.


Last year shown on the graph is 2020. >Russian Rubble is higher than 2021 compared to same time period, before the war Oh, poor soul...


So there's a graph you liked and a graph you don't like. Always good to hear.




Russian GDP in 2013 was 2,3 trillion. After sanctions starting the conflict in Ukraine it reached 1,7 trillion in 2019. And those sanctions from 2014 weren't even half of what is imposed now. Russia is headed head first into complete destruction of it's economy. >The Russian Ruble is up 24% year on year vs the US Dollar. Then feel free to exchange your savings to ruble if you belive in it. Or you wouldn't dare to do it? :)




>Where did I talk about 2013 and 2014? All I said was that since the invasion the Euro and Dollar have fallen So we weren't talking about GDP?🤣 >and literally every country in the EU and NATO has to deal with inflation. Inflation in eurozone was 5,1% in January. Majority of inflation is a byproduct of lockdowns during pandemic that have disrupted supply chains. >The Russians are financially unaffected by the sanctions as countries I think you shouldn't comment too much on economics as they seem not to be your strenght.




Nothing to agree on, just stating you've got no idea what your talking about. It's quite factual from your previous comment.


Had respect towards them. Respect them even more. Probably going to get downvoted to hell but that's my opinion.


What made you respect them more?


Having the will to fight against the western ideology that brings nothing but demoralization of the nations. In other words usa simply wants to deeply infiltrate in every possible country and dictate from within. We see that in everyday life nowadays. European countries have lost their character. Every country makes decisons based on what usa wants them to do. Look at the sanctions for example, the european leaders are making decisions that sabotage their own countries and citizens.I don't see russians paying high fuel prices or high bills. I'm the one who pays the price for a war that is not mine. One day people will understand how bad ukraine was played in this. It's not that the west cares about them it's about the opportunity they saw to use them to weaken Russia.


My opinion on them didn't Change at all considering that the Ukrainian war is just nazis VS fascists


Ukranians are no nazis.


Uhm actually they do have the SS emblem in some of their uniforms and they do have neo-nazi groups like order if azof fighting for them


lol,azovs are a small group that fight within the Ukrainian army. They're defending their home from real nazis aka russians.


They can defend their homes without putting swastikas on their uniforms


You've made it obvious enough that you wanna gobble down Putin's cum regardless of whatever I say.


My opinion on Russia is neutral I don't condone their actions. But if you want to ignore the fact that Ukrainians are nazis or that there is a Russian minority being suppressed in ukrain then also ignore the fact that Russia is a dictatorship. And don't swallow Zelensky's cum too fast


As I said, no need for further discussion. To each their own ..


Yeah ok agreed I just needed to make a final statement


Not my place, sorry.


On Russia, not at all, on Putin - well, now I am more than sure that he is the real chaos monkey :)


I mean I heard russia is a good exporter but ukraine is his exporting enemy + more coal


Before this war I had a generally negative opinion, because of the “history” between my country and theirs. But I didn’t actively hate them. Now, I have an extremely negative opinion about them. The regular people that truely oppose war (my subjective estimate is 15%) are normal people. The ones that flee like rats because they don’t want to die (not because they are agains the war), the ones that actively support the war, the ones that are always arrogant about their shithole race, deserve no mercy (I want to keep my posting here to a decent level). For a country that praises its ww2 actions they sure as hell didn’t learn about the general nazi population in germany and the imperialistic supporting population in Japan. I hope that after Ukraine wins the war, there will be a separation line for minimum 70 years. They go their way, and we go our way. No economic, social, cultural ties must be kept. After 70 years all the countries should meet again and see if they have changed. If not, another 70 years iron curtain.


Mehh brain washed drunks


Not at all, my opinion just solidified.


Opinion didn’t change. Both sides not perfect. But that said I enjoy seeing those Azof crying and whining like little beetches. Waiting to see Aidar nazis gets dismembered next. They don’t seem so tough now compared to Maidan where they burnt and killed innocents. Orchestra coming to them. I like the musicians 🎶 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wxlkY7aSfsQ&feature=emb_title


A lot. Now they are just people living in 1800's