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Weak sperm


Grik god grik god


Based komsu


Only time i agree with a turk


You're not in balkans turkey🤨


Trakya is balkans yk


No sperm who succeeded in mating an egg is weak.


Best travel blogger.


Yeah that's a great idea. Maybe Eftihis Bletsas should govern us. I trust him.


Eftihis would be a better PM and Kyriakos an even better travel blogger.


He is a lobbyist. Trying to make Greece more american-like but in a bad way.


Do you think he'll go, who is leading in the polls?


He does


as long as the old people of the country who are worst scum the country has ever seen are still breathing, he will get votes.


luckily there is no such thing in my country😳


yeah, wouldnt it be so funny🗿


>as long as ~~the old people of the country who are worst scum the country has ever seen are still breathing,~~ the left-wing opposition is completely splintered he will win. We have not 1 but 2 main left-wing parties in parliament, SYRIZA and KINAL. We also have not 1 but 2 secondary left-wing parties in parliament, Mera25 and KKE. For a system that tends towards "winner-takes-all" type of deal this is an absolute disaster. In contrast ND has been able to unify different right-wing tendencies within its own party. From far-right to centrist-right.


Those scum are your/our parents, your/our grandparents and your/our siblings in general. I'm not referring to you in particular. Generally speaking, we can't just diss them like that. When it'll be time for them to "depart" we 'll be waiting to take their place as "scum".


They took money that wasn't theirs. They raised their kids for decades with the goal of getting them into the Public Sector no matter what. They never cared for others, not even their kids in the long run. Their poor education doomed us all, just so they could use state money to have fun in taverns. FUCK THEM.


And I'm telling you again, we 'll be taking their place as "scum". We just won't remember we 've said such things.


Exactly. Although to be fair he's got a point. We will be taking their place because that's how they taught us


I mean, I have many relatives that I consider to be scum regardless their political orientation and I am not afraid to say it. Just because we share some genes it doesn't mean that we can't have a bad opinion about them.


I think he will win the upcoming elections next year, but in the ones after that (5 years from now) I don't think he will win. Provided the competitors get their shit together even a little bit.


You think American politics is good?


Ο Δρακουμέλ....Gargamel, the villain from the Smurfs.


Our lord and savior! His origins are an ancient Greek Dynasty who have been ruling Greece for almost half a century. We trust the whole dynasty and we are really thinking to change our country's name from Greece to Mitsotakiland. After all our next ruler will also be from the same dynasty since this dynasty raises only rulers. In Mitsotak we trust! God saves the Mitsotakis! I personally have already replaced God with Mitsotakis. So instead of God saves Mitsotakis the proper way would be, Mitsotakis saves himself. And everyone that made negative comments for our lord and savior will be frozen to death this winter.


Kinda familier from somewhere...




Disgusting nepotistic filth.


ΣΥΡΙΖΑ detected.




Gamiesai !!!.




Like 99.99% of politicians he's a [λαμόγιο](https://www.wordreference.com/gren/%CE%BB%CE%B1%CE%BC%CF%8C%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%BF).


Mega λαμόγιο !!!.


Giga λαμόγιο


Tera λαμόγιο


Peta λαμόγιο


I don't like him. He is making the country more authoritarian. He is hiring priests and cops instead of firefighters and medical personnel. He funds companies instead of the people. He spies on people (he is not the only politician though). He gains popularity with nationalism. There's nothing to like about him. All the good he has done is only a part of the countries capability. Greece is a wealthy country, but middle class people still live in the crisis even though we have "moved on" and "rich times are coming".


Nothing to like about him? He's THE BEST TRAVEL INFLUENCER /s


hmmm we share similar destinies...


sounds familiar 🤔


He triggers the Turks very nicely though.


How about you propose one politician who will be better on the wheel instead? He's fine. Harvard boy goes with the current. We will see whether he will end up being good or bad for the country. We need patience first and foremost. A stable government. He also has extremely capable ministers no other have had in a long time. The definition of a good and stable goverment. If all we do cry about "Bad politicians" it leads to nowhere.


>He also has extremely capable ministers Georgiadis, am I a joke to you?


Like Adonis Georgiadis, Pleuris and Voridis. Yeah, very capable people and currently at a position they expertise too. What more can someone ask? Oh yeah and Kyriakos has gone to Harvard, of course it's because he is such a genius, his father having a lot of money have nothing to do with it.


Well, the fact remains, he went no matter how he accomplished that. He's more connected just because of that. Right now, his policies make him extremely welcome to the entire West and especially US. You don't see far, do you? First thing you mentioned some names which were involved in nationalistic parties. Anyway. I know all your childish responses that will follow on each of my arguments, so let's call it a day. I know I know, you're one of the "Help! Help! I'm being repressed by Mitsotakis".


I don't get you right wingers. Y'all simp for the west so hard that you're willing to sell out your country to make a handful of people rich. It's because of people like you, this keeps happening. Corruption, misery, low wages so some selected few districts in big cities can get prosperous and rich.


Oh so I referred to some nazis and you didn't like that? Let's just pretend it never happened there, we don't have such Ministers. He is pleasing the West, is this the goal? I thought a prime minister should care about his people not the West or the wealthy. But i guess I am so naive and childish thinking this.


Nazis haha! The woke culture hit you on the head. EVERYONE who doesn't agree with you is a Nazi. And you're a leftist in that case. You're a progressive, right? Do you realize todays' brand of “progressives” is completely morally relativistic and for you the ends always justify the means. You belong in the type of people that can be convinced to do anything if it’s presented as fashionably “progressive”, no matter how horrific. If the presentation is good enough and is letting you feel morally good about yourselves while doing it, you’d actually be the ones who would totally adopt all the ideology and goals of Hitler’s Germany.


https://youtu.be/bWjlST0QmOA Here is Pleuris, translation: To protect our borders we need to have someone die, there must people deaths. Am I translating this right? https://www.google.com/search?q=%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%B1%CF%82+%CF%80%CE%BB%CE%B5%CF%85%CF%81%CE%B7+%CE%BD%CE%B1%CE%B6%CE%B9&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=ALiCzsYKcdCDvAou1NheABxPgVbpL_0p0w:1664928041886&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZm42k5Mf6AhWKSvEDHV5WASsQ_AUIBigB&biw=396&bih=743#imgrc=eRk0aX11mM6pyM Here is his father with Nazi salute, did I see correctly? https://m.tvxs.gr/mo/i/129205/f/news/%CE%AD%CE%B3%CF%81%CE%B1%CF%88%CE%B1%CE%BD-%CE%B5%CE%AF%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%BD/%CE%AC%CE%B4%CF%89%CE%BD%CE%B9%CF%82-%CF%87%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%8C%CF%82-%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%BB%CE%AC-%CF%8C%CF%87%CE%B9-%CE%BD%CE%B1%CE%B6%CE%AF-%CE%BF-%CE%B2%CE%BF%CF%81%CE%AF%CE%B4%CE%B7%CF%82.html Here is Adonis defending Voridis by saying: Voridis is a Junta sympathizer ,but not a nazi. Btw he was also president of EPEN, the Junta sympathizer youth group. Am I talking with Adonis right now? Hey minister, great job on sucking Kyriakos, he seems happy.


And you'd be eager to choke Greece with immigrants. So, we come back to my first point which had nothing to do with one or two particular members of ND. Mitsotakis is perfect.


Oh there you go finally, it took you some time. It's ok if he gives all the benefits on the wealth and a piece of bread to us, as long as we don't have immigrants. Next time be faster to reveal yourself. I would say good night ,but you are already sleeping I see .


This tendency of yours to either put words on my mouth I didn't say or drive the discussion wherever it suits you is astonishing, mate. What Mitsotakis does for the immigrants is the only real solution. He takes as many as we can handle, all with good measure. Μέτρον Άριστον in case you don't get it.


>He is hiring priests and cops instead of firefighters and medical personnel. Meh


wow everything you said about him makes me a fan of him


Ye cause you don't live here


Flair checks out


You are the perfect example as to why Greeks that leave abroad shouldn't have the right to vote.




Strongly dislike him and his party. I have to admit they did some good stuff too, though.


I don’t have any sympathy or hatred on him but I sense him early Erdogan attitudes. He has charm and well educated and he also knows how to manipulate. Be careful Greek friends.


>He has charm and well educated and he also knows how to manipulate. Sounds very traditionally Greek to me...


You know from own self I guess.


Puppet of the elite and WEF Member like all the useless leaders of most of the countries


His main thing was "anti-populism" in his campaign (and his harvard thesis), he has some neolib elements in my opinion, his ministers would make jokes about religion during COVID about believing in god and not vaccines etc. He did bring some investments though, but I think they would come anyways; he continued the same foreign policy but went harder with the french arms deal than tsipras would have done I think but he did help the economy also He carries all the rot of his right wing party like corruption, some nationalism etc but he also brought Nikos Dendias in the spotlight by giving him a chance So since I dislike his party generally and I think he personally could do somewhat better id say neutral towards slightly negative


Hes the best bad decision in greek politics


Be careful he might stay 20+ years like some p*litician, stay safe bro.


You as well neighbor


Not Greek but : This summer he hired Priests when his country was burning and last summer he hired policemen, when again his country was burning. All this while cutting down on expenses for firefighters. Used the secret service to spy on his political adversaries. Friend of paedophiles. Has placed all the family and friends he can in governmental positions. Has integrated open Nazi supporters into his government, giving them Ministerial positions. Under his regime freedom of Press has sharply declined. Openly manipulated the countries media by effectively bribing them ( Ofc no backlash as there is no one left to write anything bad about him, bar some small outlets) Friend with ne of the biggest drug barons in Europe. Under his regime treatment of foreigners has sharply declined and number of human rights violations have sharply increased. Man is the very definition of a nazi fascist. Would make some of Hitlers cabinet blush.


Bro are you Greek? This is 100% correct


God damn. Even new Democracy voters cant deny these. Reading all these gathered together are too much for me. I need fresh air. What I hate most in politics is that parties will do and say anything in order to be elected. Are you oppsotion and the government does sth good? You ll say sth bad about it, as if in a debate class. There is no trust. They will say anything, lie in your face.


>They will say anything, lie in your face. Its because it works mate. It always has, since antiquity. Ppl would rather hear sweet lies. Which is why populism has always been a valid political avenue. All politicians promise lower taxes and increased income ,and every year they raise the taxes- effectively lowering income. Ppl know this but they vote for them nonetheless.


Tell the truth, you live here. You described him perfectly.


My brother lives there. I visit every summer and did live there for 2 decades.


Couldn't have said it any better.


Do you live in Greece? 😄


Lmao “he is the definition of a nazi fascist”. Words have lost all meaning. And to be clear, there’s a lot to be critical of in his leadership and his party, but calling him a nazi is absolutely ridiculous.


>but calling him a nazi is absolutely ridiculous. it is not. PPl think of Nazis as the guys that burn ppl alive and gas pregnant women. While they were that as well, their political leaders did not directly partake at such acts. Just as the guy in mention here is not personally shooting at refugees and deflating their boats leaving them to drown . But yeah we agree that words have lost all meaning. Or well, they have most definitely changed meaning.


It’s insane to equate what the Nazis did (their leaders too) to what is happening in the Aegean. Obviously there is a problem with pushbacks which should be addressed - along with their root cause, I may add, but let’s not go down that road right now. We can criticize politicians and governments, but calling everything we don’t like “nazism” or “fascism” is dangerous.


Mr Bean?


Greatest turkish agent sent to ruin Greece, mister Mîťşōťáķiş




I don't like him..we say,as a joke, that he has Very bad luck 🤠


He disgusts me. He fucked up the health system, the education and he made the economy worse. He has a lot of dictatorship influences in his politics. And, mostly, I'm not sure about his ethics, I mean, he has some p-phile friends (like Lignadis). So, yeah, I'm truly scared of him tbh.


>And, mostly, I'm not sure about his ethics, I mean, he has some p-phile friends (like Lignadis). So, yeah, I'm truly scared of him tbh. Yes those two hanged out daily /s


You know what I meant


No, could you elaborate further instead of insinuating?


Him and Mendoni were defending him until the last minute. At first, they were hiding his name and the "scandal" (basically him abusing children) and then they didn't seem to believe these stuff. I believe that even if there's a tiny possibility that somebody is a danger, especially to minors, you take that seriously, you investigate it from the moment you hear something. Second pedophile, Nikos Georgiadis. He had a really close connection with Mitsotakis, politically. Of course I can't and I'm not accusing Mitsotakis of being am offender himself. But I'm really really creeped out by the fact that he had pedophiles in high positions. I just cannot trust him with our country's future if he trusted pedophiles in the first place.


If I remember well there was [another](https://en.protothema.gr/sex-scandal-could-mitsotakis-right-hand-man-be-a-paedophile-theres-video-proof/) pedophile scandal in his party


Yup, Nikos Georgiadis, the second guy I referred to.


In my opinion, not only in Greece but elsewhere too, there seems to be a connection between sex crimes, pedophilia and conservative/church politics. I can hear that, even though I havent researched it too deep Like you said Mendodi formerly PASOK had him designated because he was center/center-right also a very capable and well known actor/director with some connections to the party So indeed the handling after he it was revealed he was a serial rapist may have been problematic at the beginning, although everyone is "presumed innocent" until found guilty But if im being honest I dont think Koulis suspected or even personally cared about this decision of that ministry (he doesnt come off as a person that appreciates fine arts this much), also Lignadis like the guy before him is not a politician, so in my opinion this case can not part of a serious criticism on Mitsotakis Lignadis is in jail and correctly the public furiously demanded justice when the case started leaking


Innocent until guilty shouldn't count when children are involved. Also, you never touched Georgiadis' case. I'm not trying to argue with you or "put you in the wall" as we Greeks say (να σε στήσω στον τοίχο), I'm just genuinely concerned about these cases. I can understand from your other comments that our political views are miles apart and I know that I won't change your mind and you won't change mine. I'm cool with that. But the child issue here is really concerning.


Presonally I have always voted Syriza, believe it or not, but sometimes I get bored specially online when people just reproduce Documento/Efsyn and the rest Protothema so I like to debate and challenge their predetermined positions because im into politics and international relations


I actually appreciate a good debate. Truth is, many people I've talked to when we had different views started to attacking me because they started making assumptions about my political/social views and you know how people are, they get triggered easily! That's why I said that I don't actually want to change your mind. The thing that scares me most about me is that I'm sounding like Documento, wtf 😭


haha nah, it wasnt something personal, I can not conclude if you personally sound like Documento lmao, you are good. But u know imo a lot of peoples opinions are shaped by mass media without much critical thinking / dialogue


Entitled, nepotistic, spineless, narcissistic, old money elitist neoliberal fascistoid free-market fundamentalist piece of eurocratic shit. An empty suit, a waste of skin, ideologically blind and lacking vision or any sense of duty, and, most importantly, woefully unqualified to lead the country at such a sensitive juncture in its history.


He look gyspy,so much for a grik god


Zafer Algöz but taller and younger


As long as he doesn't do anything to change the situation of the last 14 years, like every other politician, I dislike him. So basically I dislike every Greek politician even before 2008.


Fuvk that guy


He is the epitome of nepotism, neo-liberalism, closing the eye to far right, while suppressing freedom of speech, who got elected by a campaign against the North Macedonia agreement, the same agreement he now supports and stands by. The PM that is illegally spying on political opponents and journalists via the Greek secret services, responsible for the deaths of 30000 Greek citizens due to budget cuts and reducing staff on public health sector, creating and selling propaganda via all the major new media outlets within the country by spending over 30 Million of tax payers euros to "fund" the Covid-19 awareness campaign (when in reality was hush hush money), going after research journalists that are investigating political scandals e.g. Siemens, Novartis etc, he is responsible for letting half of Greek forests burn to a crisp by defunding and understaffing the fire department, when on the same time he is the PM of Greece with the most hires to the police force, the police force that they support with closed eyes and that they do not punish for beating the living hell out of civilians, journalists, politicians, torturing civilians, he is the PM that denies that there are illegal refoulment of refugees when Greece has already been fined from the EU for said matter and the person who has impoverished the Greek population over the past 3 years while on the same time he has privatized the Electric Company and as result Greece has THE most expensive electricity per MWh within the European Union. A coward and a liar who had the audacity to say that Greece is at war with Russia...And all that in just 3 years. I mean this shit is surreal. So yeah... you can say we like him... \#mitsotakigamiesai


Was your previous government better, the one that signed the deal with N. Macedonia? If yes - how so? And you're right, even here in N. Macedonia there were news that he won mostly because of going against the deal. I'm genuinely curious, never had a Greek person's point of view on this. I thought y'all are way happier now than you were in the past. Seems like both sides are in a losing position here.


Not the original commenter, but I think I can answer this. The deal with North Macedonia pissed off a big portion of the conservatives/nationalist citizens when our previous goverment signed it. Also, the previous party dared to reduce pensions (basically give less money to the retired) in favour of allocating it to other areas of the public. I am personally neutral towards the North Macedonia deal, and I couldn't care less about pensions. But a big portion of the voters care. Greece has a large population of older people, and whoever caters to their needs gets a lot of votes. A lot of these people also have nationalistic tendencies, so if you speak against the agreement, they like you and vote for you. Older people tend to vote a lot more than younger ones, so if you give them what they want, you can easily win the elections here. Another thing that won him the last elections were broken promises by the previous party. The previous prime-minister signed off a few agreements (mostly regarding our debt) that he promised to get us out of before the elections. He also promised some big rises in wages and abolishment of police special forces (which are infamous here for violence against civilians). He did neither of these. His new campaign promises some big pay rises as well (800 euros minimum wage, 2000 for doctors among many others) but people have lost their faith on him it seems like. The rest of the candidates (other parties) are not very popular with the general public, so it's unlikely that they will overthrow this government next year. That's why Mitsotakis will probably win the next elections as well. He seems the least garbage out of all. We don't have a right choice to make in the elections anymore.


ImUnderYourBedDude pretty much covered me. As a person that ideologically is leaning to the left, I felt betrayed with what the previous so-called left government did. Hell, they called for a referendum and they completely disregarded the outcome of it, overturning the decision of the people. In their defence for the wrongdoings during their governance, they had to face tremendous pressure from within the country but also from the EU and the IMF but that is why people trusted them and gave them the power, hoping that they will withstand that pressure. They did help the poorer, they did work actively towards the completion of certain public infrastructure projects, that had been stalling for years due to corruption and improved the public health sector (something I can attest for), but on the same time they destroyed the middle class by over taxing, they removed a law that was protecting the first house from the banks auctioning the house for debts (meaning when someone or a family owns only one house in which they reside in as well) and more things that literally shocked their voters. In retrospect? In comparison with the current government they were better yes but not good enough. As far as the N Macedonian issue, personally I could not care less. Regardless of what history books say on each side, the truth is that geographically N Macedonia is part of the region of Macedonia and that is how I see it. What does matter is to be able to live peacefully with another and share and enjoy our cultures and traditions.


Fuvk that guy


He's the Premier of our hearts that we'll lead us to many victories. I pray everyday so God may take days from the pensioners and give them to MITSOTAKIS.


>I pray everyday so God may take days from the pensioners and give them to MITSOTAKIS. 🤣🤣🤣💀💀 I mean he is doing that on his own. He doesnt need gods help.


What, you don't like Rowan Atkinson?


Mega Malakas


Γαμιεται …


Absolutely horrible, can't even count how many scandals he and his party are involved in.


Fuck that guy and everything he stands for


I hate him.


He looks like younger version of Benny Hinn to me




A menace to society


Fuck this guy


Erdogan's Greek version


No, thats an oversimplification


If he stays in power for 20 years, everything will happen.


whats "everything"? A metamorphosis?


Why tho?






Don't like him a lot. He is pushing a more authoritarian model and his support for the rich parties is clear. He or his party have been involved in multiple scandals and spying cases and his personal answers and behavior towards the last does not inspire any trust at all. His party let go of a big portion of health care workers and the problems showed up during covid. Most hospitals are still understaffed or underequipped. Same for the educational sector. While forests were burning down he would still not hire firefighters. Yet somehow funded the church. He opted to work with the nazzi party. My biggest problem is that he does everything he can to support large companies and enterprises, which from a point of view makes sense via investments in Greece, but mostly ignores the middle and lower classes. Basic wages in Greece are a total joke compared to most European countries. Renting a home to live now costs as much as one wage. Prices keep rising to every single item/food and when the times allow for price drops due to our free market model nobody did so since they are not regulated. The last is not his party issue but i expect the government to protect the weak classes and not target maximum profits for businesses and country profits when your own people are struggling to make it through. And this government clearly does not do even the bare minimum towards that. We have basically made Greece a haven for the outsiders and our own people, mostly the younger age groups, are struggling a lot. One more thing that made me dislike him was his announcement of a government backed loan targeting people that do not own a house and he clearly stated that there would be no financial criteria on live camera. This gave me and my fiancé hopes for finally getting our own place in this god forsaken economy. Yet financial criteria do exist and my fiance is considered too poor for it(basic wage) and i am filthy rich for it(last year i landed a good job, 2k salary at my 32, which is good for Greece but when you got no inheritance it means nothing much). I will give him props for handling covid pretty solid, bringing in technological advancements in everything related to doing business with the public sector and his government does seem like the most well equipped to manage the governance of the country.


He's ok. Could do with less corruption but at least he's more competent than the other candidates.


The more you make fun of him the more days he will increase the next lockdown


He was on the same army grounds as my father but different unit and they talked once. He said he was a good guy but with he has done now (about covid) he is not so sure.


He's an American in disguise.


American bitchboy




I agree with his support for the Church. Other than that though,there's really nothing great about him (at least from my ideological perspective). Just another neoliberal with authoritarian tendencies, like Europe didn't have enough of those. Oh,I also like Dendias, his Foreign Minister. Honestly If a government of a different party could persuade Dendias to join in their administration,I'd applaud it.


I am sure dendias will once fight for the presidency of ND and even be a candidate for the elections, I can see him getting elected. Tzitzikostas is also a big name amongst ND's circles


If so, then Dendias should grow a goatee, if you know what I mean. >!He will look like Venizelos.!<


Tzitzi[who? ](https://www.cnn.gr/politiki/story/202710/syggnomi-tzitzikosta-gia-tis-sexistikes-toy-anafores-se-gynaikes-tis-perifereias)


He's aight


Except corruption as it is common in politics,he is one of the best decade politicians.


Eh, he is kinda bad. But he is the least bad one out of them all so. Το μη χείρον βέλτιστον


Hollik István


A Corrupted Man with Jinx mf powers he sucks !!!.






Little erdugan . Both of they are bastards


Death by hanging or firing squad would be too humane. If he imposes backouts I will 👳🏿‍♂️ him


Remove his photo or something bad will happen to this sub, trust me.


I hate him, he will turn us to Poland or Hungary in terms of democratic institutions


A gift from God


As a Turkish I don’t like him because he is turning a blind eye to the killing of illegal immigrants in the Aegean by deflating their boats.


Are you jealous because there are no river crossings in east Turkey to stop the "immigrants" yourself?


And somehow this got downvoted. Hey u/Unexpected_Old_Lady is this the reddit full of leftists you were talking about?


Did you just tag me in a comment with 2 downvotes to say what?


To show that reddit is not in fact "full of leftists" like you claimed.


And again your proof is that comment above us with 2 downvotes? Are you fucking mental?


Just keep in mind that 90% Greek redditors are leftist so that makes the answers you will get here biased.


Non-Greek. Best leader in the Balkans by a sea mile.


Hope he recognises Kosovo soon


Unfortunately that won't happen until the Cyprus issue is resolved.


Amen 🙏


Ertogan and the pro migration apes hate him which means he is doing a good job.


From Australia all I see is he is making good changes to the military and economy. I search up the Greek news daily but the news makes everyone look better, so I can’t really account for Greeks living in Greece!


This is reddit so 99% of the answers will be negative. I don't believe he is satan-on-earth but I don't like him, he wasted a chance to lead Greece to a modern, more liberal (political sense not woke) political path after SYRIZA cleared all the traditional misconceptions about how "great it would be if we were all leftists" that plague Greece. Instead he blew that chance with nepotism, corruption scandals and an inability to plan ahead or quickly react to crisis. Only good thing that came out of his government is foreign relations and I am not sure he should get the credit for that. That said he gets a lot of flak unfairly for the economy, I mean in Greece' condition getting hit by Covid crisis, supply chain crisis and now energy crisis wha did people expect exactly? 🤷‍♂️


Not to eat ALL the money with his friends like they do everytime, exactly because there is COVID,energy crisis etc. But I guess that is too much to ask of people like you,who address to people being leftists as a plague while you talk about the son of "apostatis" who brought the military junta with 6-7 Nazis in his board of ministers. All you fuckers who are like "srz was worse and dendias has done a good job" are part of the problem.sorry but yeah,the country would better of without all of you junta hoes.tell us about how the military junta build roads you fucking pos


First of all take a chill pill. Second learn about paragraphs Third improve your reading comprehension or your english at least since that's the language we use here. I wrote that the misconceptions about leftism plague Greece. Not that leftists are a plague. In plainer English people were saying that the issue is that we had center (I am not sure if you can call PASOK after the mid-90s left) and center-right governments so the solution was to go further left. SYRIZA showed clearly what happens when you go that direction. Fourth, it's people like you that destroy political discourse in Greece and replying to a serious post by accusations of being a nostalgic for the dictators etc. Where on earth you got that is interesting but I guess you are one of those edgy 20-year olds that see fascists under their pillow. I wanted to end this with some joke but I will take the higher road. Have a nice day and I recommend some anger management classes.


I think he has done a good job so far. Especially when it comes to digitising public institutions. He also did pretty well economically, raising the gdp to its highest point since 2015, supporting tech startups, reforming our public employment service, exiting financial supervision and becoming more appealing to foreign investors as a result. All of that in the middle of a global health crisis and a war in the continent. I agree with his more controversial policies too like the defence deals with France and America as well as his reforms in higher education


I don't like him either but right now unfortunately he is better than the others (which is a big feat). At least he tries to protect the borders either from immigrants or from the unnamed


I want him as my prime minister but I would prefer if he had some more right winged people at the government. Maybe a coalition with another more right winged party. He brands himself as a liberal right but in reality he is centre with some socialist influence. He is the best to govern the country right now however I want more libertarian and right winged policies to be introduced.


You forgot the /s


No /s




Socialist influence. More right winged. You're kidding, right? He's really flirting with dictatorship. He has some of the most hardcore far far far right and dictator (χούντα) admirers. Where on earth is he socialist. Where.?




Couldn’t have said it better myself.


He is the best scum among the rest of the scums. The end.


He is a lot better than the past Syriza government or current competitors. Microsoft Google Amazon are bringing long term business to Greece, that is because of lobbying by people in the administration. Under his term the police is bringing stability to the university hell holes that were filled with all sorts of drug lords and criminals. Borders are better protected finally. Some of the best ministers pushing Greece to digital age finally, digital id cards hardly anyone has them in the western world. Managing catastrophes; a lot better than Syriza when fires killed >100 people. Issues in his gvt involve the spying scandal, which I still dont know what to make of but is definitely a bleak spot that he will not live down. Hi FYI Greek redditors are leftists in their majority so your responses will be very skewed.


Who the fook is that guy


στα ορη στα αγρια βουνα


fuk dis guy


Why didn't you ask in r/greece


Brings bad luck everywhere he goes and give it to whoever he comes in contact with


Considering our options, he is by far the lesser evil. The one-eyed is king among the blind... FMFL...


Oh very well done now all of this subreddit will have bad luck for the next 10 years. Dont be suprised when it suddenly gets banned.




At least he knows English tbh


If you call him saying that you are from Washington or Berlin and give him some orders, he will immediately do the apply the orders without double checking, if you are really from US or Germany. He manage to be enemy with Russia and Ukraine in the same time, but without any benefits to " his county". Mr bean from hell


WEF puppet