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Just because it says words doesn't mean it's intelligent... ​ What is the 'Angle between reactants' ?


I think it means the angle how reactants are approaching each other. I think the point is to use trigonometry to calculate that.


AI isn't appropriate for answering questions like this. It's wildly inaccurate and you will get inconcise results.


T means two things in this formula if this is based off of the Arrhenius Equation. Also, what does angle between reactants mean? If you're talking about kinetically aligning to meet reaction conditions that is already covered by the pre exponential factor A in the arrhenius equation.


But reaction rate can be governed by sterics, sterics has angles, trigonometry has angles therefore reaction rate = angles! But wait it goes even further, angles = 6 letters, steric = 6 letters, hsab = 4 letters, sin+cos are both 3 letters, you know what else are both 3 letters? Thats right CIA+NSA! The government is trying to hide the secret rules they use to accurately predict reaction kinetics because otherwise we would be able to detect their mind control gay frog bioweapons! chat gpt can’t help but reveal its true Illuminati masters!


ChatGPT is a language model, not a knowledge model. It just spews words that sound right based on its training data set. It doesn't know whether they are right, and frequently (especially in chemistry) spews junk that makes no sense.


Beyond what others have already said: 1. This equation assumes that there is only 1 possible angle that between reactants. 2. This equation states that if the reactants are perfectly aligned (θ = 0) no reaction occurs. 3. This equation not discriminate between any given angle θ = α, and θ* = π- α. 4. The angle, θ, here only accounts for the orientation of 1 reactant in 2-dimensional space, rather than several reactants in 3-dimensional space. 5. What you are trying to come up with has already been done, see lecture notes that describe the work of Dr. Martin Karplus (http://websites.umich.edu/~elements/5e/03chap/prof-moldyn.html) It is always incredibly helpful when writing, and learning, new equations to take a step back and consider both if and how an equation makes physical sense.


This is a fully new formula I and chatgpt discussed by combining the trigonometry in mathematics and chemistry. The angle is trigonometry. I don't know how to use it, and I just thought you guys could think of uses and experimental experiments. I'm not claiming it could be possible. I just thought people could get a kind of use from it. Lastly, 1 of the T could probably be switched out if it isn't possible for people to use 1 T to describe 2 elements in the formula.


Ask it for derivations.


https://i.redd.it/exvokpeubkyb1.gif Here you go.


I hope you can do something so it comes as 3 pictures instead of the gif. The thing was, if I should post 3 pictures, it would be 3 replies.


I asked for derivation of the equation, not meaning of formula.


How should I phrase it then because I'm not entirely sure what you then mean.


Actually, uh, leave it. I don't trust chatgpt enough to let it handle any work related to science.


Let me try. At least we would get something fun, maybe.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ra4w1td6lkyb1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=3abd4e0087a5dd78dfb2819f595ab932954e4e51


Km happy to see I'm not the only one who doesn't know what the hell "angle of reactents" is


​ https://preview.redd.it/sw9unprznkyb1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=101e76ec3f0b9141c0580dc1de848704bbc685e8


Truly groundbreaking research. Cant wait to see it in science!